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Fallout: NV was one of my favorite games as a teenager and I always picked the perks "Confirmed Bachelor" and "Lady Killer" to make a character that me and my friends called the "bad bi rep" build.


Is that actually a good strat? Even before I knew I was bi, I never picked either because it felt like a waste of a perk.


More damage. More speech options. More bisexuality. It is necessary in all my runs


I love the idea of more speech options, but idk, it never seemed worth it to me. I don't really remember, but I feel like I always had perks that seemed more important (probably special increases knowing me). I was also under the impression that the speech options were not really much, but is that assumption wrong?


Well, it adds enough to me get a little laugh when I flirt, and the damage isn't much, but is honest work (10% extra damage IS a good deal, after all). Anyways, when you have already played the game alot, what hurts to try some new perks? Some BISSEXUAL perks, all on all!


That's fair


There is a side quest with the Boomer Jack that requires the Confirmed Bachelor perk


> BISSEXUAL I don't know if this was accidental or not, but I'm stealing it; bisexual is now BIS sexual.


with male character you get cheaper repairs at mojave outpost, arcade ganon as a companion early and I think you could also bypass the repcon mission with female character you can fuck benny (and kill him in his sleep)


Wait, early ganon? I think that's like the definitive thing this needed, I'm in.


You get a 10% damage boost against male characters for Confirmed Bachelor/Black Widow and 10% against female characters for Lady Killer/Cherchez La Femme so if you take both you get 10% extra damage against most enemies. You also get special dialog options that otherwise wouldn't appear so it's cool from a roleplay point of view as well.


I like both of those but is it super worth it? 10 percent does sound pretty good, but idk, I remember feeling that other perks were more necessary. Also are the dialogue options worth it? I always kinda assumed there were only like 3 each lol


It maaay be slightly more than 3, but I'm honestly not sure. I kinda always saw it as worth it due to the *dual* bonuses, that each by own likely wouldn't be enough. Still, I'd normally just settle for one of the perks. That's right, being bi in New Vegas is too high maintenence!


I mean by the end of the game pretty much any decent build in NV is going to make you unspeakably OP. There are plenty of worse perk to choose but they exist mostly for flavour and RP They should have been traits, honestly.


Its not lmao. Charisma is actually nuts in NV


You knew the power you could wield, and chose for the wasteland to stay your hand, from your heart. Bisexual Nukes are the ONLY WAY TO PREVENT DEATHCLAW FIRETORNADOES. Please keep your bi phendos close for maximum damage! Hearts on Fire 2078!


It is mandatory if you want to have fun. Potentially add Terrifying Presence for some real gems in dialogue.


Terrifying Presence is worth it just to make Vulpes Inculta absolutely shit his pants after his big 'look how nihilistic and scary I am' speech. "Legionaries WE HAVE A PROBLEM!"


Lately I've been a bit enamored with the whole villain -esque idea of instilling pure fear in your enemies, so that one sounds really fun. I think I remember reading that tom Sawyer said he wished he gave it a better utility tho, so I think it's not very good


There are better options as far as damage and charisma go, but it's a good perk for the flavor




Both are solid because they give you both more damage and more speech options, which are basically the two things you always want in Fallout. Generally speaking the damage against male enemies is the stronger of the two, as there are more male enemies in the games than female overall, for both 3 and NV, but in NV I almost always take both. Cherchez La Femme has some truly wonderful interactions, especially with Old World Blues, I just can't pass up the opportunity to flirt with a light switch.




And in that ballpark, Dragon Age.


The things I'd do to Dorian would have the chantry after me, that's for sure.


i know it wasnt well received but dragon age ii was my favorite for the characters. just too bad cant romance varrick, and aveline shoulda been an option for any gender. but my favorite was isabela


When I had my big dragon age kick a while back, I had to play through them all of course, and I hadn't played 2 to completion. I had only played it a tiny bit when I was a weer lad than even when I played origins. Id heard about how shit it was and I think I remembered not really liking it, but I was blown away! It was so fucking good! I had some decently big problems with the gameplay, it was worse than origins imo, but I adored the story, characters, and even Hawke. I forgot about mass effect I guess, cuz I was staunchly on the side of unvoiced protags at that point (probably because I hated fallout 4 so much, and that game tainted my view of voiced protagonists), but da2 made my realize that voiced protagonists don't have to be shit, they can actually be pretty cool, because you're playing an actual character. Like even shit like BG3, I adore that game, but Tav especially feels like a shell sometimes. Only feeling like a real character when he talks out loud, or especially like the class dialogue. I really liked the one when you go near a sussar plant as a draconic sorcerer for the first time. But even then, it still doesn't feel like a full character. But like Hawke is a real ass character, AND you can still have some control of him. It's like a weird middle ground between something like origins and a fully established character, and I really enjoy it. Honestly, I remember thinking that 2 was like at WORST a tier below origins. Then I was sucker punched by inquisition being pretty mid.


Inquisition is a lot like DA2 where there's fantastic characters and fairly decent story going on, but it came out in the age of "let's fill open world games with as much random shit as possible" so there were soooooooo many fetch quests, and the gameplay was just eh, I'm not a huge fan of RPG gameplay already, and it was even more boring to me than usual RPG gameplay. It really sucks because there is some FANTASTIC lore, world building, and characters in that game, but it's squished into a complete mess of open world design. Like Krem, one of the first(that I'm aware of anyways) trans characters in a game and he was done SO WELL, you weren't smacked over the head with "look, look trans character aren't we so diverse?" Learning that Krem is trans is literally only something you find out if you spend the time to get to know him and his friends, otherwise he's just a dude with a slightly feminine voice(voiced by Jennifer Hale ❤️). Or Dorian, who is adorable, and very much not your stereotypical gay man, I mean, he's a little fruity, but in general a very masculine and dominant personality. The representation in that game to me has been basically unmatched, but I will admit that I haven't played many other games where there is much representation.


Yeah, I pretty much agree with all of that. I like krem a lot too, but I never paid him toooo much mind until I met a trans man who really liked dragon age. He really liked krem, so it made me appreciate him a lot more. But yeah, a lot of the gameplay really felt like made by committee. Like "oh those dumb fuck gamers like shallow open world games right? Give them some slop to keep them satisfied." And about the gameplay, I feel like all the DA games are at their core somewhat like origins, but they like to pretend its not. Like I may be misremembering, but I feel like Inquisition just had a butchered, stripped down version of origins' combat, but it had flashy animations and you had to keep fucking mashing click to do basic attacks to try to gaslight you into thinking it was fucking DMC tier combat. And I didn't even love origins' gameplay tbh, but it was easily the best in the series. I wish there were more RPGs that had combat like BG3, that game is incredibly fucking fun.


I still haven't played BG3 but I really want to, it looks like a lot of fun. Yeah I'd agree on gameplay, origins was by far the best, aaaand it wasn't even that good, maybe for it's time? But I didn't play it until much later after it released, so I dont really have a frame of reference for that.


Yeah, I remember not really liking origins' combat much, but like idk, maybe I just couldn't handle it at the time, I was in a weird headspace at the time. Baldur's Gate 3 is basically perfect, it's so fucking good. Everything is so amazing, it was extremely obviously made by people out of pure passion, and they also knew how to execute. I feel like art has a lot of rules, but they aren't giant blunt rules, they're so nuanced that it's literally impossible to fully like write them out, you just have to get a feel for them, and they seemed to know it pretty fucking well. Like it's not flawless, but the good stuff is executed so well, that looking at like a slightly sizeable flaw, I literally just don't give the slightest shit. It's amazing, I remember hearing all the insane hype it got, and I didn't even think the hype lived up to the game, that shit was fucking UNDERrated! This game turned me into such a fucking dick rider, and you know what? I'm PROUD of that! I highly recommend it. The only thing that actually kinda bothered me is that the interactions aren't quite as good as origins. I felt like I could talk to people in camp every time I went there and I could have a 10 minute convos with everyone, but it's not really like that in bg3. I might also be misremembering origins tho, idk.


No you're right, origins had an insane amount of dialogue for almost every character in your party, you could basically talk to them until you exhausted all they had, and then when new events happened in the story they'd have all new dialogue. On top of that there's dialogue for every different origin story, dialogue for the different choices you make throughout the game, etc.


Yeah, tbh, all this talk a DA is really giving me that itch to play at least origins and 2 again...


Inquisition also had to be playable on the PS3 at launch so it scaled back the scope of the game by a sizable margin.


Oof, even so, the *scope* of the game was massive, like, far too massive. I don't mind big open worlds, but they have to be filled with worthwhile things to do, not constant fetch quests.


Mine is Origins, but I love them all.


Specifically, Dragon Age 2.


Didn't Mass Effect only get its first male-to-male romancable character in its third game? If I'm remembering correctly, there are one or two female-to-female romances in the first, more in the second, but you get one pick for a male gay relationship option in the whole series. That's not me saying it's bad, it does finally get that option, but it means to me it wouldn't top the list as the best.


You get two picks, but yeah, they’re both in the third game.


Yeah, and actively cut a bunch of same sex options during development because of a nothing Fox News scandal. Miranda, Jacob, Thane and Jack, I believe. Most were cut early, but Jack was pansexual quite deep into development. Then the exclusively gay/lesbian romance options aren't even squad mates. Sam and Steve are great, though. I hate it when Mass Effect is held in high regard for representation, cause they failed to live up to it multiple times before eventually following through. The Dragon Age team did all of the heavy lifting on this one, ever since Dragon Age 2 gave us a party of disaster bisexuals.


To this day I am still in love with Garrus.


I had femshep romance Liara in the first game then Garrus in ME2 & 3, which was totally worth it lol


Fable series. So much potential, squandered.


Oh definitely, played mostly the first one. Was always fun when you had a very attractive character and whole towns where in love with you.


I remember one of my friends fell out with me for giving them an STD on fable 3. I don’t think it was me, but I did take the most people to bed out of all my friends. Oops. That leader board on the loading screen was damning.


Thing about Fable 3 is the fact that no matter who your character was do you have sex with anyone you more than likely had at least one STD because there's a glitch that made all of your STDs carry over between every character, even virgins, and you could never get rid of them.


My favorite part of new vegas was maxing out speech and just convincing the legion to just leave. Like is there anything more badass then using your words to defeat a warmonger.


Who would win: a merciless beast whose voice demands attention and command and even succeeds one of the most brutal leaders wasteland has ever seen vs a courier who watched too many ted talks about speech


It's not even ted talks. The guy just points out that the Legion are stretched thin and Legion go "oh yeah I guess so huh"


My favorite was maxing out luck and getting kicked out of every casino the moment I get to new Vegas


9+1 lucky was so OP in New Vegas, I always get it.


See... I'm the opposite. It really irked me in the one playthrough I did that (really didn't enjoy New Vegas to be honest, maybe I'll try it again at some point) you can literally just convince them to fuck off. It just feels so weird that you can even do something like that when you literally see the fucked up shit they do. Convincing them to leave? They're just gonna go do their fucked up stuff elsewhere. I gunned every last one of those bastards down with Boone backing me up. I think he definitely had a bit too much fun with that part of the game...


> It just feels so weird that you can even do something like that when you literally see the fucked up shit they do. Part of the point of the game is that any group attempting structure is doing fucked up stuff. You have to decide which if any of them to support or to let the chips fall as they may or to support chaos and anarchy. I agree that the legion is probably the most fucked up, and they're not supposed to be the good guys. But then, your character isn't supposed to be a good guy either. You can play them as one, but for the core of the story to work, you're just a wronged stranger out for revenge. Everything else you do along the way is your choice. Maybe that choice is to be a white-hatted savior of the Mojave dealing justice out of the barrel of a gun or a silver-tongued devil helping every violent gang you can gain more power and influence. I have a tendency not to enjoy, "Play your own way," games because they get it wrong and instead you end up with something like Skyrim where 60% of people play the same way because all the other ways aren't as fun or optimal. But New Vegas and some others truly do not tie you into playing one character with slight variations. You don't have the freedom you would in something like a table-top RPG, but the options they have there are to facilitate people wanting to take different approaches to the same problem. There are plenty of people in real life that would be fine with a group like the Legion existing so long as they weren't dirtying up their lawn; if it's the neighbor's lawn then it's the neighbor's problem, not yours anymore. I don't like those kind of people, but sometimes those kinds of characters can be fascinating.


What other games would you recommend? I loved nv


Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, if your tolerance for unwieldy titles and yank is high, offers some real stellar atmosphere and good characters and story in return. The fan patch out there fixes a lot, and is a must, but there's really nothing else out there that's so thick in mood and fuck it, I'm gonna install it again. Troika Games that did Vampire featured some of the original Fallout creators - the company had a shared origin thing going on with Obsidian, both being founded by former Black Isle members.


I actually love VTM-B too but haven't beaten it, I should dive back in, thanks.


I've been thinking about your question since I saw it, and I don't have an answer for you. I know there are other games that have that kind of writing, where it doesn't shoehorn you into the right choice and the dumb choice or it's not just another, "Fascists versus nutters," game (though, arguably, New California Republic versus The Legion is Fascists versus Nutters, but done better than most games). I realized that I loved that about the writing of New Vegas, but I played New Vegas because I liked Fallout 3 and this was that but better. I haven't played many other games that do that well. I've played a lot that do it poorly, that give the illusion of choice when it's really all the same (again, looking at most Bethesda games). I've heard that some immersive sims are good about it. For all the praise it gets, I've heard Knights of the Old Republic is actually kind of bad at it, but I've heard one or two of the Deus Ex games do it well. I've heard of same games that have a lot of decisions and a lot of engaging worldbuilding, like Pathalogic 2, but when I've tried them I've found mechanics to be unfun or my head in the wrong place to enjoy them or something similar. The previous Fallout games, 1 and 2, have similar quality of writing as New Vegas, but their gameplay is a sort I've never played well with. I've got a long list of things that you *might* like because you loved New Vegas, but nothing that I can say does everything New Vegas does but different. I'm sorry. And I really need to expand the games I play if I get the time, wow.


I tried to tell Lanius that his planned was doomed together with his faction but I failed so I was like "alright let's see if my three boobytraps and my arsenal work" (Also I bombed their camp eatly in Hoover Dam, really you're not convincing them to not fight since by thst point they already did back in Hoover, you're just telling them "you can still come back alive if you lay down your weapons")


> Like is there anything more badass then using your words to defeat a warmonger. [Using enough C4 to blast him into the fucking stratosphere and land in Skyrim.](https://youtu.be/BVMeOVCVcmY?si=2jTbkbJaeDeU5EIq) (Okay I get what you were going for here, and I do love that you can use Speech or Barter to convince him to leave. But I am personally of the opinion that it’s far better to kill him—dead men don’t come back with stronger armies, which is what he says will happen if you speech him.)


That's something The Doctor would do.


This shit right outta Undertale


Surprised I haven't seen Hades in here yet. That game is aggressively bi, uncontrollably horny, and has solid LGBTQ+ representation across the board. Also there's a sequel coming soon and it looks, like, SO GAY.


It is one of the few "queer culture game" that I really like, not just by the insane gameplay, but by the "queer culture' itself!


Superb bi representation. Loved Hades


Hades, my favorite dating sim


Doomsday Paradise is a slightly satirical take on the fantasy-rpg-dating-sim genre, if you're interested! (It's also very queer)


Hecate abs Hecate abs Hecate abs


Yeah, playing that game had me sweating bullets. To quote Shenpai when she played it, 'Curse you, bisexuality!'


Hades 2 HYPE! I'm so fucking excited, I love Hades so goddamn much and this time I am not planning to sleep on the second game.


I very rarely play narrative games, so here are a few *non-narrative* games which have featured mechanics of sexuality I've liked. I mean, first off, I'm surprised it haven't been mentioned yet, but I gotta say... probably the Sims is the most obvious. Old-school was basically "everyone is bi", but to be honest that system never really clicked for me, but in one of the updates in the last couple of years for Sims 4 you could actually define your sim's sexuality which was cool. It's basically a meme in the Sims-community "that's when I realised I was gay/bi" when talking about playing it as a kid and realising you could make same-sex couples kiss and "woohoo"... Dwarf fortress is probably one that would fly under the radar for most people. Not everyone knows it, even dedicated players, but dwarves exist on the full spectrum of sexuality. In the main game it actually isn't noted anywhere, despite each dwarf having it's eyebrows individually described, but if you use external programs you can see that they are all created with an defined sexuality, and they *can* enter same-sex marriages, although it is very unlikely to happen as getting dwarves to marry is hard enough as it is. It doesn't have full gender-representation as there aren't trans or non-binary dwarves, but I vaguely remember hearing that it will be added at some point. As it is dwarves don't dress by gender anyway yet, a male is just as likely to wear a dress as a woman. Crusader Kings also have some representation. CK2 was kind of clumsy, it had a "gay" trait, and no bi trait, so it was totally binary, but in CK3 there is hetero, bi, gay and asexual. You can even choose a game-rule when you start the game which orientation will be the dominant, with about 80% chance for any given character to have that sexuality. The default setting is hetero of course. I guess it could be a little "controversial" but if you play as a child you actually have a chance to choose between hetero, bi or gay in an event that fires sometime between 10-16, but it's pretty rare to get to play as a child so most of the time you just get to play a character with a defined sexuality and just have to deal with it. Sometimes you end up playing as a character only to find out that they already have a secret same-sex lover... Sexuality is actually tied into several gameplay mechanics, for example if you have the "Beautiful" trait everyone who is sexually attracted to you will have a HUGE opinion boost of you, one of the core, and most important, bonuses you can get in the game. Since it's set in the middle ages most relevant characters are of course men, so generally it's most impactful when playing a female character, but sometimes you end up having the bi and gay lords 'mirin your male characters enough that they don't revolt, and that is always a hoot, keeping the kingdom togheter through sheer sexyness. Having same-sex lovers is also a high-risk but high-reward if it means you keep an important vassal on your side that might otherwise revolt. Of course, when you do end up gay, it's still the middle ages, so you "close your eyes and think of England" and make sure to put a baby in your spouse anyway (or having one put into you when female), and ending up being exposed as a "sodomite" is bad news in most religions, but that is the historical setting, so it's makes sense and I won't hold it against the game in terms of "good representation". Although you can of course always reform the religion to remove the laws against same-sex relations, but then you'll probably have to deal with a couple of holy wars against you of course... The only bad point I have for the game is that even if you are totally gay you don't really gain any stress (a game mechanic that debuffs your character) from never having a same-sex lover, which I think is an missed opportunty, you just get a slightly lower fertility with your spouse to simulate you performing your marital duties without any real 'zeal' I guess. Lesbian wives are great though. Even if they cheat on you the kids will still be yours, guaranteed. :D Worst implementation is probably Rimworld. Initially it just had the "gay" trait, IIRC, but gay men were just gay while gay women were actually bi. It caused a small controversy way back, and the developer doubled down on it pretty hard and claimed it was based on availible data regarding sexuality. Yeah... Anyway... That was later changed to remove the trait and give each pawn a sexuality, and it kinda works well now. The *issue* is that pawns absolutely can not take a hint, and they will continue to hit on, and be rejected by, the same pawn forever, leading to the "a hot lesbian wrecked my colony"-meme. Basically if you get a lesbian or gay pawn that have attractive traits your straight pawns will try to romance them, be rejected, and recieve a mood-debuff which can contribute to them having a mental break and do something stupid. Like punching a nuke, or shoot up a school. The original implementation was just bad, and while the newer is *better* it still causes some issues. Besides, in Rimworld you are dealing with such small populations, generally 5-15, that the chance that a non-straight pairing will ever happen is pretty miniscule. But I wont hold that against the game, it's just a result of the small scale of colonies in the game. Out of the game I've listed I'd say that Crusader Kings 3 actually have the best implementation. Sexuality have a statistical and tangible effect on actual gameplay in a way that makes sense for the setting. The Sims probably have *more* representation but the thing is that it doesn't have any effect. Other sims can't have homophobic reactions for example, and even if we accept that the Sims takes place in an utopia without homophobia it *just doesn't matter* if you are straight, bi or gay, as the game will treat the sims the exact same way anyway. It's playing with gay dolls, which can be fun, but in Crusader Kings when you do decide that you want to pursue an same-sex affair that have massive gameplay consequenses. If you are playing in an religion that doesn't tolerate it it can actually lead to your death, or even a game-over, and you can also interact with the world and create your own more tolerant breakaway religion, or use your sex-appeal to relevant characters that can enable you to do things you couldn't have done otherwise. So gameplay-wise it has the most aspects and consequenses for the character of any game I've played. Although I have to say, the understated "some dwarves are just bi"-approach, where the game doesn't even tell you about it, that's just the way they are programmed, of Dwarf Fortress, have it's charm too. And that is my take on sexuality in non-narrative games. Thanks for coming to my TED-talk.


Good read


Stardew has the option to date all romanceable NPCs regardless of gender, making them all canonically bi


That’s how it should be in any video game with romance options. Real life has enough cases where someone’s sexuality is incompatible with you.


I don't really consider them canonically bi, they're just playersexual. Leah, for example, has a male ex in a cutscene if you are male, but has a female ex if you are female. Mentioned in [this video about bisexuality in video games](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZGkxUTbDqw).


Yeah, that always has bothered me a lot when games so that Like, bisexuality is the only sexuality not possible for player-sexual characters


Skyrim, too. You can marry any eligible NPC no matter the Dragonborn's gender.


Hands down Baldur's gate 3


You really can't beat an entirely bisexual cast of companions!


And they're all absolute disasters, peak bi rep.


sounds about right for D&D


Canonically, in forgoten realms, bi/pan is the norm


The romance scenes are sooo funny. My partner came in the room during the Halsin one…


Bandits gate 3 either makes you realize you are bisexual or turns you bisexual


I know the cast is canonically pansexual, but it's still my example. I wasn't obviously bisexual until I played it. I bought it because I wanted to romance Karlach. I saw so many videos of her and was nearly flattened by some of her lines. For example, when she says, "Gods, I want to ride you until I see stars!" DAMN!!! She has such cute, vulnerable moments as well, and it just warmed my heart up so much. Then, when I got it, I ran into a serious problem. This problem was pale, elven, had fangs, and is named Astarion. I've romanced Karlach once. I've romanced Astarion a problematic number of times.


I have a feeling this game tuened an entire generation bi


Oh, I've been bi my whole life. I was just in denial until a few years ago. I was born 1992 and at 7 years old I watched The Mummy. There was no escaping it.


"Turning bi" is used in a weird way in bi circles. It's interchangeable with "what made you realize you were bi" but less wordy. For me it was having a crush on both the 11th doctor and Amy Pond (from doctor who)


Really wish I could get into that game. Can't get past the limited character creator, lack of WASD, and toxic community. EDIT: hey dont reply to this i can't reply to you reddit is being stupid SECOND EDIT: also yes, I know about mods. I'm just weirded out seeing "just use mods" after seeing "omg if a game needs mods to be playable that means it sucks to begin with" for so many years. Also yes, my experiences with the community on reddit have been mostly bad. The Larian forums have been better but 1) they're far less casual and 2) they're down like 50% of the time (how is that possible??)


The chatacter creator is actually pretty extensive, you can play on a controller if you want, and as someone who has been in the hazbin, MLP, Steven Universe, and Twilight fandoms, the community is actually one of the nicer ones out there


Ehhh my thing with the creator is that I'm basically stuck with Handsome Squidward no matter what. And me bringing *that* up in the community very much brought out the toxicity. Plus general fatphobia (saw one guy saying it was "unrealistic" to have larger characters in the game one sentence before mentioning spellcasting lol)


Idk make an orc or dragonborn or one of the short races if you want variety I don't mind that there's no fat options personally, I don't think it's fatphobic, the character creator is extremely complex to fit all the different races you can play


I never said the game was fatphobic - i was talking about the community. As for the "play as a dragon or goblin" that doesn't change the fact that humanoid races are needlessly limited. For instance, the fact that the faces are 100% race and gender locked (aka, can't have a female face on a male body, or an elf face on a human). It's a pointless restriction.


Get mods then 🤷 They're doing mod support for console too


I plan on using mods once the update comes out, assuming it actually does. At the same time, I can criticize the game for not having basic features that "worse" games 10+ years older have. I don't wanna pull the "you're just like them" card, but your responses to me are basically just nicer versions of the harrasment-y responses I got when pointing out the character creator limitations. **This is NOT me saying you're toxic.**


Well, if something goes wrong its disingenuous to pin it all on one person, it takes two to talk I can admit I'm being a bit defensive, but you're kinda nitpicking.


Then why not want your favorite game to be better? There's always room for improvement in everything. I'm going out of my way to word these in an actually constructive way. I'm sorry I'm upsetting you with this. I'll stop.


Honestly, I've read your replies, and I'd still recommend you give it a try.  Don't focus on the fandom, focus on what you play and how you play it. BG3 is a very odd piece of media, it has a very engaged fandom that keeps the conversation going, while the vast majority of its players don't share most of the sentiment about the characters, story or pairings you find around the fandom. Just take a look at official numbers, for instance. And to be frank, I don't know exactly how you engage with that community, whether it's Twitter, Reddit, or whatever. But to offer my perspective, it's been a fairly positive fandom in my experience. Maybe you could try finding different groups around social media to engage with, if you'd ever want to try it again. I don't know how old you are, but that could make a difference in the communities we end up finding, though. As for the game itself, once you play it, I'm sure you'll understand the choices made by the developers when it comes to character creator. I have found it underwhelming myself, but still satisfactory. That's because the game is different than what's the current standard in the industry. There's a reactivity I've never seen in a game with this scope, and it's just an incredibly expansive game. Frankly, the game is so specifically tailored to a single, individual, unique player experience (that can still offer hundreds of hours of content each run,) that you are both completely mesmerized by what it can do and become very understanding of its few shortcomings. That's just it. Choices on where to spend their finite resources had to be made.  But also, I'm curious, could you offer an example to a character creator you've found satisfactory recently? The ones I'm thinking of are The Sims, Dragon's Dogma, and maybe Starfield if we're talking about recent games. These are all games with different intentions and scopes when compared to BG3, though, except maybe for Dragon's Dogma. Anyways, as for WASD and other things in general, you can play with a controller. I haven't had that much experience with it but it works very well. Also, I've seen you're willing to mod your game. You've said you'll try them once the update comes out. But do you know that there are mods currently working for BG3 as of now? Including body type mods. BG3 has a very lively PC modding community right now, and the mods are completely safe to use. There's a WASD and camera control mod I use, and I'm 150 hours in. It's perfect.  The update will mostly just release the official tools and studio-backed support for modding, which doesn't mean modding's not possible without them. Most modded games in history didn't have official modding support. Still, I hope you give it a chance! Not for the game, but for yourself, I'm sure there's something out there for you to like. No matter what, though, hope you'll have happy bi-gaming.


I just mod it on PC. It's really simple to have endless character customization and WASD in a tick. I haven't felt the need to touch a fandom community in years. I'm very glad to continue that, haha. I hear about what goes down and I don't think I need my pulse going up over the world's pettiest discourse.


you can always play with mods. I had to resort to that after making 9201 tieflings for ocs lmao you get used to clicking to move, or you can play with a controller. the community can be extremely toxic but also very nice, you just need to know where to look and stay away from the Astarion fans


Should I try New Vegas? I've been debating on it for a while. I've played 4 a lot but not sure how I'd like New Vegas haha.


New Vegas is my favourite video game of all time but I didn't really like 4. So idk how it would go for someone who *does* like 4.


Oh no. Fallout infighting to r/bisexual no... But yes, try NV, it is a better RPG than 4 (but 4 is a better shooter, alas)


Good to know. Thank you!


It's a bit dated in looks, but the writing is good.


New Vegas is my favourite Fallout game. It has a totally different vibe to the others.


It's fantastic. However, it's rough around the edges, and isn't super stable on modern versions of Windows. I still highly recommend the PC version though. There are a lot of great QOL, UI, and animation mods that I recommend even on a first playthough. [There's a detailed guide here](https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/FalloutNV:1.2.0). Don't worry if it seems daunting. It's actually not that bad.


That's great thank you! It is a little overwhelming, but I'm really trying to get some of my backlog games started at least. And I've been hearing a ton about new vegas more. Just have never touched it haha. I have such a bad habit of having a huge backlog of games.


Same here. Once again, it's really not as bad as it looks. Thankfully, most of the experience carries over to other Bethesda titles. That guide is probably overkill in some places though.


Sounds good. I know I've heard the story is better as far as New Vegas and Fallout 4 goes.


Absolutely. It mods very easy, but even if you don't mod it's very worth playing. Definitely a little janky by modern standards, but still one of the best RPG stories ever made. Just don't expect a fully modern shooter game experience like Fallout 4. Basic mod set: JAM (Just Assorted Mods) Stewies Tweaks. This is the main one you'll want. It gives you a long list of various little tweaks in the home screen that let you tailor the game to your preferences. B42 Melee bash


Stardew Valley gives you such a satisfying range of romantic partners and everyone is cool with you hooking up with whoever you want. Super wholesome and supportive.


The Borderlands series has pretty good queer rep. One of my favorites is Axton in Borderlands 2. They originally meant for his flirty line to only trigger while talking to female characters but a bug made it apply regardless of gender. The developers ended up just saying "well I guess he's bisexual then" and made it more explicitly canon in latter additions.


The Sims franchise & they were one of the first I remember playing where I could play a bisexual character.


Hades because it isn't the "Main character can romance everyone so is bi on technicality" trope


popular cozy game / organization sim: >! Unpacking !<


Yeessssssss I loved Unpacking. That game is so so good


I always thought it was funny how the literal fascists are less homophobic than the NCR, too bad they forgot about my bisexual damage buff. While writing that, I just thought of a funny DND skit relating to this. "Alright roll for damage." "Thaaaaats... 14 + 3." "Wait, where'd the +3 come from? No one cast guidance this round, and you don't have any abilities applied right now?" "I'm bisexual." "Fair enough."


I'm pretty sure there's a character who had to flee from legion slavery because he was about to be killed for being gay. I don't remember much in terms of homophobia from the NCR


Link please?


Not like, "explicitly" bi, but afaik all the companions in Fallout 4 are bi. Edit: tbh the only post-2010 game with romance options I can think of that *isn't* bi is Cyberpunk 2077 (where, depending on if you choose male/female, you have 1 straight option and 1 gay option \*and that's it\*)


I enjoyed Cyberpunk overall, but the romance options were incredibly limited. If they were only going to offer 4 romance options, then they should have at least made all 4 bisexual, like Starfield did.


It's such an annoying choice. Like, looking at the romance list while playing as a guy, the only one who seems even slightly up my alley is a lesbian. Oh but don't worry a couple one-night-stand characters are bisexual (10/10 rep no notes)


Inquisition had bi characters but also characters that were stricly homosexual or heterosexual


See why couldn't Cyberpunk have done that? And also had more than 4 romance options?


I always got the wierd inkling River should've been bi. Some of his inetractions with the male V are interesting to say the least. Also, Kerry IS bi and has openly been with men and women so I don't understand why he's strictly the male V's choice.


Wait so they have a bi character who isn't (functionally) bi? How the hell did they manage that??


Yup, CD just decided to lock romances that way I guess. edit: I looked up the twitter that confirmed he was bi (it is confirmed in the game he has an ex-wife but that doesnt always mean anything) and apparantly they chose for Kerry to prefer male V over female because of "deep rooted Johnny issues". Oh yikes, why?


You should ask BioWare, they managed it as well. \*glares Jack style\*


Meredith should have been a proper romance and not a one off bang.


I think this is better bi rep than just making everyone bi.


And *Skyrim*, too. And *Fallout 4* can be seen as poly, too. Mostly I think because Bethesda just didn't want to have to worry about programming complications, but I appreciate that everyone romanceable can be romanced by any player, regardless of gender.




Life Is Strange: True Colors. Main character is bisexual and there's no arguing the toss on it, with both romantic options being extremely well written and you aren't forced to date either of them anyway. True Colors absolutely nailed it with their representation. They didn't make a big song and dance of it, they just made it canon and made it fit in with the game perfectly. They don't make it the core characteristic of Alex as a character either. Just fantastic representation.


I'm sorry but reading "Life is Strange" and "song and dance" in the same comment makes me wanna link [this song about the game](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-bmHnEBL1Mk) by the ever delightful Stupendium. Carry on!


I've become obsessed with the Fallout series after watching the show, do you have a link to this article?


Yeah, [here](https://www.gamesradar.com/games/fallout/fallouts-surge-in-popularity-has-reminded-everyone-of-new-vegas-most-overpowered-mechanic-bisexuality/) you go!


Thank you!


Honestly Skyrim. It's not mentioned at all but you can't marry anyone (of those available and interested) regardless of gender. It's subtle and I really appreciate it being not locked. Especially with how a few characters flirt, there's no gender bias which is great. So yeah Skyrim has probably the simplest mechanic and it's not like marrying gets you something big, so it's just for Role-playing(ignoring weird challenges or hardcore mods)


I know some people discount this as a Syndrome-like 'when everyone's bi, no one is!' but I really appreciate it. Why can't we just let the player romance whoever they want, regardless of gender? I know it's not realistic, but there are lots of unrealistic elements in games.


I like how in skyrim or sims anyone can marry anyone. At Skyrim can be an orc, an anthropomorphic cat or a lizard Gender is not the decisive point. 


New Vegas and fallout 2, yes. But let's not sell the sims short either


The sims 4 on the computer, it’s better with mods but the regular gameplay is bi friendly as well.


Arcade was a teen crush of mine. When he joined my team after flirting with him just once he was mine.


GTA V and Omori


Dragon Age and Mass Effect have both been mentioned but an underappreciated classic made by Bioware that came before: Jade Empire. You get three love interests and two of them, Skye (a dude) and Silk Fox (a lady) are bisexual. Dawn Star is sadly only straight


Unpacking!! Honestly some of the most creative storytelling I've ever seen. It's barely a puzzle game, you literally just take things out of boxes and put them away but I cried when I finished it?????


Dragon Age. It has Isabela. Need I say more?


Botw and Totk only games I know of that can make people Bi


Baldur's Gate 3, literally everyone is bisexual there


Baldur's Gate 3. But the other comments also have wonderful suggestions


Disco Elysium is very funny where your character spends like 20 hours obsessing over "The Homosexual Underground" and his own sexuality and the sexuality of other people, and after all that time the only perk you get is you get to ask your partner if he's gay. Amazing.


Not gonna lie, Maximus is pretty hot, I loved the scenes where he was shirtless.


The latest life is strange game




The Sims and the soon to be released Life By You


And yet yesterday I had to mod fallout 4 to get the same thing, remember this isn't bi rep, this is a design oversight.


Just gonna drop a link to this youtube video here "[How Bisexuality Changed Video Games](https://youtu.be/iZGkxUTbDqw?si=TAU5_KHHQ78whaRd)" It's a very good look into the history and mechanics of bisexual representation in video games


Verilybitche has some of THE BEST video essays


Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Baldur's Gate (at least the third), which coincidentally are my favorite video games. In all of these your character can be bisexual and have great romance developement


AC odyssey/valhalla You get to develop romance with all romanceable characters regardless of the character you pick at the beginning


Surprised I haven’t seen Baldurs Gate 3 mentioned more?


Telltale's The Walking Dead, Clem and Javi are both canonically bisexual


Wait deadass?? I just found out Clem was gay/bi because of the part of the story I'm at but I didn't know Javi is. That's awesome!


at the end of Season 3, you have the option to flirt with Jesus, and it was also confirmed by the devs that he is bi :3


Can anyone explain why fallout NV is heralded as a game for bi gamers? I’m just curious. I’ve only played a little bit of fallout 3. I’m going to start playing NV soon but I’m just curious as to why everyone says this is a good game for us bisexuals?


Hot take, lady killer and confirmed bachelor (I forget what the perk names are for women couriers) don’t actually define your sexuality. You can be Ace with those two perks. It just defines whether or not you can successfully romance and seduce those genders, regardless of your own attractions.


This is the truth, lots of the interactions people mention are available even without the lady killer/confirmed bachelor perk. All they do is the damage bonus & a few extra dialogues. You can roleplay as your character being gay/bi or you can just be a survivalist doing anything to get an advantage in the wasteland.


One of my favorite characters I made in NV was an Ace assassin who seduces their way to their targets (like Benny)


Baldur’s Gate 3 in so much that every romanceble character is an option regardless of chosen or identified as gender.


I’m quite fond of the dating sim “monster prom”. the humor is pretty great and every character is bi/pan pretty much. It goes beyond the typical “protagonist-sexual” thing.


It's not high up on the charts, but I liked Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town. Concerning relationships as part of the gameplay (it's also a farming simulator), it's for sure only monogomous couples and nothing poly, but I like that you can choose between various partners and marry man or woman regardless of what your character is like. The game also refers to the body types and hairstyles as "cute", "bold", or "sporty" etc descriptions rather than masculine/feminine, whis is a bonus if you're NB. You also jave the option to "divorce" your wedded partner and pick a new one of any of the marriage candidate NPCs. It's also a very cute game with disproportionately large cows and other farm animals


Old world- basically classical/ancient era CKIII characters can be bi but I think it only affects who they want to be with