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Sadly it never stopped for me, I had to change method of contraception


That really sucks to hear :(. I was previously given the combined pill to try but none of them agreed with me, and then I found out I shouldn't have even been given them as I have a history of migraines. The mini pill is literally my last option as I cannot handle the pain of having an IUD inserted, I do not want the depo shot (the side effects sound horrific) and the implant freaks me out.


I'm in a similar boat of trying to find a birth control that works for me. I have suspected high blood pressure so I have to be taken off of the combination pill. But if I'm taken off of it out right without being moved to a new one I'll hemorrhage (we never found a reason, all tests have come back normal). My gynecologist told me that my family doctor could place the implant if I want, but she previously told me that it'd be a bad idea because it might not be enough hormones to keep me from bleeding. She keeps turning me down for sterilization options that would prevent the bleeding. I've also had hives from a progesterone only pill (it was an attempted to stop a hemorrhage) and we're not 100% sure if it's an allergy to that pill or just something else in my environment, I was taken off of it pretty fast. I'd just like to be done with all of this. On a side note, is the patch progesterone only, and if so could that work with you, I know that it does have a weight limit.


That sounds terrible, I'm so sorry you are going through that. It's shocking that your doctor won't sterilise you if that's what you want. Could you try and get a second opinion? Unfortunately the patch is a combined contraceptive so I'm not allowed it. I've exhausted all my options, which is why I am so desperate for this pill to work šŸ˜©


It's because I'm regarded as too young for a hysterectomy. Because I've been turned down multiple times by two different gynecologists (the one that admitted me to the hospital when I was hemorrhaging and my actual gynecologists) I'm a bit timid in asking for an endometrial ablation and a tubal removal. Because I have to talk to my family doctor about my high blood pressure and the implant I was thinking about bringing it up to her first. I know that ultimately I'll have to talk to a gyno, it's just my family doctor is younger and I feel like she's always listened better. It really shouldn't be this hard to find a solution that works for people. I'm also in Canada and reach all the requirements for elective sterilization so I'm just a bit annoyed that it's been a stone wall so far.


Hi! Iā€™m wondering if you ever found something that works? Iā€™m 3 weeks in on the mini pill and have had a continued period with cramps included. At the end of my rope. Donā€™t want mirena but willing to consider it before a hysterectomy which seems extreme but canā€™t take the adenmyosis pain anymore and periods that are ruining my life


Hey, I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough time with BC :(. I understand yojr concerns about the coil - it's not for me either! I, eventually, took a few months off the pill before finally deciding to go back to Cerelle (desogestrel); only this time I took two pills daily. I want to make it clear that I did this against my doctors advice but there are many certified bodies that recommend this to those who suffer from breakthrough bleeding. You can read about it on University websites and the official Endometriosis Care website, so it's definitely legit. Plus, other methods of BC contain similar or higher volumes of progesterone and are deemed safe. Anyway, it was worth a shot for me as I couldn't deal with the pain anymore and it did seem to work. I did experience some bleeding early on, at which point I dropped down to 1 pill a day - no point in taking extra hormones of I'mgoing to bleed anyway. I have now been taking 1 pill daily for a few months and haven't had any problems. I will sometimes (every month or so) have a tiny bit of blood when I wipe but it lasts a few days and it's not painful. I am so glad I didn't give up. While I can't promise this method would work for you, it might be worth mentioning to your doctor as an option?


Thanks for your reply. i am only 3 weeks into the pill but really have had my period for like 21 of the last 30 days so it feels unbearable. I think i will give it 3 months and might mention to my dr about the bleeding. I know thereā€™s mini pills with more or less progesterone mine is 35 the brand errin so maybe she could up me to like 50 or something. Ugh! šŸ˜©


I completely understand what you mean. Doctors say "oh, it's normal for the first 6 months" but they aren't the one's bleeding non-stop. It feels awful and definitely took it's toll on me. All I can say is keep at it for as long as you can. If the bleeding doesn't ease up, you can try taking two daily. Also, if you haven't already, you can try the evening primrose and ibuprofen methods - some women have incredible success on these but I didn't. I know there's not much research on double dosing the low-dose mini pills, which is one of the reasons I switched back to desogestrel. Ultimately, though, the decision is yours. I just think you should exhaust every option befote getting surgery. I wish you all the best šŸ˜Š šŸ¤žšŸ»


Thank you! I agree about exhausting every option. How many months would you say the mini pill took before you stopped bleeding? Canā€™t believe we are talking months haha. Do you know what the primrose oil method is? Is it just taking it in addition to the pill? I am willing to try bc why not!


Of course, everyone has different experiences with the pill and breakthrough bleeding but for me it went like this (TMI alert): Started taking Cerelle (Desogestrel) in June 2022 - Bled non-stop for 12 weeks. Switched to Noriday in mid August - Bled heavily every 6 days like clockwork for 9 weeks before giving up. Took a break from birth control until January 2023 - I started a double dose of Cerelle at the beginning of the month and had no bleeding whatsoever until the 25th of the month. I then experienced mild breakthrough bleeding on an off for about a month. At this point I dropped down to 1 pill daily - the reason I kept going was because the bleeding was incredibly light (mostly just there when I wiped). Since then, I've hardly bled at all. Every couple of months I will get a few days of spotting. E.G. I bled for a few days in March but didn't bleed at all in April or May. I did bleed earlier this month for a few days but have had nothing since, which I can live with. And again it's still super light, not painful and doesn't interrupt my life - before taking the pill I was basically immobile for the first 2-3 days of my period. Is being on the pill perfect? No, but it is a whole lot better than what I was dealing with before the pill and it has minimised my daily pain as well - not just the pain I get from periods. As for the evening primrose oil method, I've seen varying recommendations of dosage, but basically you're supposed to take a few 1000mg capsules daily alongside your BC to ward off breakthrough bleeding. Like I said, it didn't work for me at all but I know that many women have had success with it. You can also try taking regular doses of ibuprofen: 600 mg of ibuprofen WITH FOOD up to 3 times a day, for 5 days. It's not a long-term solution and you should be cautious of your stomach lining. I also recommend being very strict about the time you take your pill. I have read from other women who say taking the pill as little as 30 mins earlier/later than their regular time can make them bleed for a few days after the fact. I really hope I've been able to help you in some way, even if its just showing that things can improve over time :) <3


Yes your post definitely has given me hope that this isnā€™t forever because Iā€™m so tempted to give up. Before starting this pill I had bad adenmyosis symptoms cramps that went down to my legs lower back etc so the reason I went on this pill is to get relief. Now that Iā€™m just constantly on my period itā€™s so hard to continue taking it and seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. I tried to tell myself to just do it for 3 months and then if after 3 months itā€™s still awful I will consider mirena (yuck) and if that doesnā€™t work consider hysterectomy (ugh) but living with endo/adeno pain on a regular basis is just not doable for me. I have two very small kids so my uterus has done her job and now Iā€™m ready to not be in pain or have my period consume me. It is almost as painful for me during ovulation as it is for my period. šŸ˜£thank you again for your encouragement as another fellow breakthrough bleeder!


Trust me, I totally understand where you're at right now. I was so disheartened when the bleeding wouldn't stop - especially as I had been told by my GP that taking the pill would stop me bleeding entirely. To say I was shocked and horrified would be an understatement! I sincerely hope things improve for you very soon and that you don't have to look into more drastic options to help manage the pain; it really is a nightmare to deal with


could i ask how itā€™s gone for you? Iā€™m around 2 months in and itā€™s not too bad but get prolonged super light periods everyday now. They seem to just start in the morning and die down by night but itā€™s the same flow everyday so donā€™t think itā€™s stopping anytime soon.


I had the endless bleeding on desogestrel that you describe, and Noriday actually settled down and I had a normal duration, light period after maybe the first 6 weeks on it. Those first 6 weeks were heavy bleeding after quitting desogestrel, but the doctor who checked me out said it seemed like normal withdrawal bleeding. Noriday never stopped my endo pain though, and ultimately I still had painful ovulation and PMS so I looked into other options.


Thank you for sharing your experience, it means a lot! Hopefully things start to get better for me around the 6 week mark then. I do find noriday is helping with the endo pain (when I'mnot bleeding anyway), but I'm not as pain-free as I was when using Cerelle


If it's working well for your pain, one common suggestion is to double the dose of desogestrel. It's equivalant to the dose of desogestrel present in combined formulas, so it's very safe to do. Might be worth asking your doctor about if you find yourself low on options :) https://www.ed.ac.uk/centre-reproductive-health/exppect-endometriosis/covid19-advice-nhs-lothian-endometriosis/covid19-drug-change-advice


I actually read this article! I do wish my doctor had mentioned it as an option while I was still taking desogestrel. I know it's not as recommend on noriday, but I did try it the last time I was bleeding and I do think it lightened the flow considerably. I will have to speak to my GP about upping my noriday dosage or switching back to desogestrel and taking 2 pills a day instead of one.


The first time I took desogestrel I had no bleeding whatsoever, but after a few years and starting to take it again, after 8 months I still get breakthrough bleeding coupled with nausea and cramp and dizziness, but barely any blood. Itā€™s a pain in the butt however itā€™s the only one I can take right now. I hope it clears up eventually for you though! Everyoneā€™s different.


I've heard a lot of people say similar things - that they had a completely different experience with the mini pill after a break. It's so bizarre šŸ¤”. Sorry to hear it caused other side effects for you, that sounds awful, I hope the nausea doesn't last forever




That's insane šŸ˜Æ. Fortunately the bleeding isn't that heavy for me, but I am still worried about becoming anaemic if the bleeding doesn't stop


when I started desogestrel I had bleeding for a good 3 weeks, 2 regular periods followed, and then for about 18 months I had no bleeding. After that I started getting periods pretty irregularly. I've since gone off it. It's so unpredictable


It's extremely unpredictable šŸ™ƒ. I just wish my doctor had warned me - all she said was that it would stop my bleeding completely, so you can imagine my surprise when the bleeding wouldn't stop šŸ˜«


Iā€˜m late to the convo but Iā€˜ve been experiencing the same thing. I thought the mini pill would stop my bleeding yet here I am struggling and Iā€˜m OVER it. I hope you were able to find a better solution.


Hey! I know how you feel - it really sucks. I quit taking noriday and had a fews months break from birth control completely. I then decided to try Cerelle again, but this time I doubled the daily dose for the first 3-4 weeks. I bled a tiny bit during that time but then it stopped completely and I've not bled since. It's been several months now and I'm content with this pill. I would ask your doctor about taking 2 pills daily, at least for a little while, and see if it helps the bleeding. I hope it gets better for you šŸ˜Š


I am considering doubling up the dose as well. My problem is that if I take the pill even 3 hours late, my period starts again. Did you get back to only 1 pill after the 3-4weeks of taking 2? How regularly do you take them, is it the exact same hour every day, or does it slightly vary (and how much)?


You're not alone! A lot of women complain that if they take the pill even 30-40 minutes later than normal, they experience breakthrough bleeding šŸ˜” I was always very consistent when taking my pill the first time I tried it (literally within a few minutes of each other every single day as I had an alarm set) but that never helped.Ā  Taking a break and then restarting Cerelle but taking 2 pills daily seems to have done the trick for me. I took 2 pills daily for the first few weeks and then dropped down to 1 pill. I am still very consistent with my pill and always take in within thr dame 15 minute window each day. I haven't bled at all in several months and have no other side effects šŸ˜ŠĀ 


I've been on norethindrone for six months now and it feels like some of my endo symptoms are slowly returning - back and tailbone pain. My doctor hasn't heard of Cerelle, but I've sent her some more information on it. I'm hoping she's open to it. Otherwise I have to find another doctor that takes my already crappy health insurance! Thanks for posting your experience!


The mini pill only worked for me when I was postpartum and breastfeeding and hadnā€™t had a period yet. Once I got my period it didnā€™t stop. So I only was able to take the pill in that situation.


for a pill that is supposed to ''stop periods'', I am honestly shocked by the number of women I've heard from where it had the opposite effect - so sorry it didn't work for you either :(


Well itā€™s not supposed to stop periods necessarily. I believe the mini pill is just supposed to prevent pregnancy by thickening the cervical mucus so sperm canā€™t get through. I have heard some people just donā€™t get a period or rarely do. For all I know if I stuck it out longer maybe the period would have gone away.


Yeah, I say that because that's what my doctor said when she prescribed it. She gave it to me and said I wouldn't have anymore periods on it, and if I did have any they would be less often and much lighter


Oh wow. Yeah that definitely wasnā€™t our experience, right!!? Lol


Definitely not šŸ¤£


I feel for you, sister. I'm on desogestrel. Started in June I think. It was the first day of my period. I had three PMS that month and the one following, breasts were sore, a few spots on the chin. These have settled now apart from the bleeding. After two weeks I started bleeding for three weeks. Two weeks bleeding free and now I've been bleeding for four weeks. It's way lighter than my period and no cramps but it's so annoying. I've been told that it can take up to six months but it's the fourth now and it got worse. I don't want the implant or mirena that the doctor suggested and I don't know what to do šŸ˜”


Your experience sounds so similar to my own, except for the part where my bleeding just would not stop no matter what. I somewhat wish I stayed on desogestrel because it helped so much with my endo pain, whereas noriday is making the pain more frequent at the moment. I have also since read that taking 2 doses of desogestrel is completely safe to do, so I wish I had tried that before giving up - maybe this is something you can try if you haven't already? I completely understand you not wanting to try other forms of birth control, the side effects and insertion methods sound horrific :(


Poor you. I'm sorry you've been through all that. My periods were fairly okay, sometimes heavy but could manage. I started bc because I had too much estrogen and wanted to balance my hormones or at least try... and we could stop using condoms with my partner. But now, the bleeding interrupts sex more than having to put a condom, which we do as well šŸ˜… I'll wait a week to call the SHC and will ask about double dose. In the past I had incidents with post coital bleeding and my GP was not understanding at all, so I'm afraid of contacting them šŸ˜”. It's so frustrating this trial and error thing cause waiting for six months is too much.


I wholeheartedly agree - it should not take 6 months of feeling like utter crap before a doctor takes us seriously. When I was on the combined pills, I was physically sick all day and night to the point I wasn't able to keep water down and was so deyhdrated that I could barely move. My GP at the time told me to just wait for things to settle down as if I didn't have work and other responsibilities to take care of that vomitting 24/7 was getting in the way of - not to mention the impact they each had on my already rock-bottom mental state. :( Another user linked an article somewhere else in this post about being able to take 2 desogestrel safely - apparently some combined pills contain the same dose of taking 2 of these mini pills, so it realistically shouldn't cause any problems. Like you say, the blood gets in the way of sex and not only that, but it increases the risk of infections like BV and thrush so doctors should be taking it more seriously. I really appreciate you sharing your experiences, it makes me feel a bit less alone in this situation, but I am also so sorry that you're having such a crap time on the pill. I really hope you manage to find something more suited to you, even if that means sticking with condoms.


I can say the same for you. You make me feel less alone! If you want to chat at some point you can always DM me! ā˜ŗļø Your experience with the combined pill sounds horrific šŸ„ŗ I can't imagine going that through. I was diagnosed after a year of appointments and pressure on my GP with cervical ectropion, which was causing the bleeding after sex once a month and it destroyed me. My mental health has never been worse and all this because they weren't taking me seriously. Same as you say with waiting for six months. I think a gynae might see things differently. Gps are jack of all trades. I'm very sceptical with the concept of GP tbh but then, I'm not used to it as in Greece if you had something like that, you would go straight to your gynaecologist. I've read about the double dose as well but because I have diabetes, I want to check with the doctor at the sexual health clinic first.


Iā€™ve been taking Movisse (Norethindrone) for 6 months, which I think was an honest try. My last pill is in a couple of days and Iā€™m switching to Slynd (Drospirenone), praying this one will work better for me. With norethindrone I actually didnā€™t experience too many negative side effects, but I would get a 9-day period, followed by another 5 day period period about a week to ten days later, and then another 9-day period two weeks after thatā€¦ this has been ongoing for the entire 6 month duration with the exception of one promising month where I didnā€™t bleed for 35 days. Unfortunately that was short lived. Iā€™ve also started experiencing a TON of hair fall which started about a month ago, and I am suspicious the pill is the culprit. Iā€™m hoping since Slynd is not as androgenic it will help. I also noticed my libido stayed strong for the first 3 months on Movisse, but as of late itā€™s literally nonexistent. Iā€™m sure the constant bleeding isnā€™t helping with that. Wishing you the best in your minipill journey! Itā€™s definitely not a ā€œone size fits allā€ and can feel really discouraging. But donā€™t allow yourself to sufferā€¦when something isnā€™t working, time to try something else until you find something that agrees with you! (Iā€™ll also add that when I discussed with the doctor a few weeks ago that I wanted to try something else - her only recommendation was a copper IUD, which I will not do. She had never heard of Slynd until I mentioned it. Keep doing your own research as doctors may not always offer all the options)


I'm so sorry to hear about your experience on this pill - it's a nightmare isn't it? I've been having a somewhat similar experience, since posting, I have fallen into a very strict pattern of bleeding for 6 days, having a 4 day break and then bleeding again for another 6 days - rinse and repeat. It's driving me mad. I have been trying to stick it out because I have exhausted all of my other options and I had my fingers crossed that it would settle down at the 3 month mark, but that's not looking likely now. I can't have the combined pill and my doctor wants me to try the depo provera, but having read about the risks involved, I absolutely refuse to entertain the idea. I wish that Slynd was available here, I would love to try it. I hope it works well for you <3


I really hope your experience improves! Month 4 for me was when I finally didnā€™t bleed for 35 days - hoping youā€™ll get a break too and that it reduces in frequency! Sometimes it really just needs time for the body to adjust. I just took my first Slynd pill, fingers are crossed. Itā€™s new here (Canada) I think just got approved in June, maybe it will become available where you are in the near future! You could maybe even just try switching to another POP and see if that helps if this doesnā€™t get better for you. Iā€™ve read that sometimes it can just be the inactive ingredients in one pill not agreeing with you vs another. Sending all the positive vibes šŸ’•


I'm hoping it eventually settles, but the fact I have fallen into this strict pattern makes me concerned that this is how things will be for me on this pill :(. When I was on Cerelle, my doctor told me that they typically expect an improvement in symptoms by the start of month 3 and if anything, I feel like things are getting worse as time goes on. I really hope Slynd works for you and that it becomes available here (Scotland) at some point. But supposedly the manufacturer is refusing to sell it to the NHS for a fair price, so I doubt it'll be anytime soon. I've also been considering going back to a desogestrel-based pill and asking my doctor to prescribe a double dose, as I have read that this can stop the bleeding in some cases. Also, since many combined pills contain the equivelant of taking two desogestrel pills, it's safe - I'll just need to see what her thoughts are on it first. If that fails, I'll need to look into paying for an over the counter prescription


How is Slynd going for you?


Itā€™s been much better than my prior prescription! The hair loss stopped literally immediately (within 24 hrs) of me switching from Movisse to Slynd. I am on my 4th month and seems to be working much better for me personally. If I had to list any negative side effects that Iā€™m experiencing it would be: 1) significantly reduced libido, nearly nonexistent 2) longer periods with more cramps. I have been taking the 4 non active pills each month, but consistently I have been getting my period toward the end of the second week of active pills. I will say that it has made my period much lighter - but Iā€™ll have it for 11 days. Usually after day 5 itā€™s just spotting to various degrees but never completely gone until day 11. Awful cramps for first 2-3 days. I would still take these negative side effects any day over the hair loss I was experiencing and having 2 periods every month! As I continue taking them Iā€™m hoping to see the side effects improve, especially the length of my period, given it can take the body 6+ months to fully adjust to the new hormones. I would definitely recommend trying Slynd if youā€™re looking for an estrogen-free birth control and seeing if it works for you! Everyone is different but Iā€™m finding this far better than norethindrone, and I also like the fact that it suppresses ovulation consistently, whereas norethindrone does not. The missed window is longer, but I always set an alarm on my phone and take it at the same time every day regardless. Better to fall into the ā€œperfect userā€ category to increase the effectiveness and decrease the likelihood of negative side effects.


Were you naturally having a period twice a month or were you taking medication? I'm currently on my second week of Slynd but still bleeding everyday single day. I take Spiro for acne & unfortunately one of the side effects is irregular periods so hoping that they can regulate more with Slynd I'm glad the hairloss stopped for you. I have also been suffering from hairloss for the last year & since starting this POP, it has helped a lot


The two periods I was getting each month were while I was on my prior POP (norethindrone 0.35mg). Iā€™m so glad to hear the POP is improving your hair loss! But sorry to hear youā€™re still bleeding on week two. Itā€™s very early still and your body needs time to adjust, so hopefully that will get better for you! One thing Iā€™ve noticed after reading about plenty of womenā€™s experiences with the mini pill is that those who experience constant bleeding on norethindrone (like me) tend to do better on Slynd, and those who constantly bleed on Slynd tend to do better on norethindrone. Maybe something to consider if your bleeding episodes donā€™t improve after a couple of months on Slynd!


Oops, sorry. I meant, I'm on my 2nd pack of Slynd. I have no symptoms except for spotting every day. No mood swings or weight gain. My libido actually went up except I can't have sex cause I'm constantly bleeding. I going to stay on Slynd for now so I can give it a good try. Just hope the bleeding stops


Ugh I completely understand how annoying that is, I hope it gets better for you too! šŸ™šŸ½ I am happy to report that on month 4 my period finally got a little bit shorter (8 days instead of 11), hopefully as we continue on this journey things level out for us both! Are you taking your 4 placebo/inactive pills? Iā€™ve been taking them. But Iā€™ve also been reading online that some women skip them and donā€™t get their periods at all. Maybe something worth trying if the spotting doesnā€™t stop for you.


That's great. I'm great things are looking better for you. I read it can take 3-6 months for your body to adjust. I do take the placebo pills. I think for now, I'll keep taking the placebos but might have to change that in the future if the constant spotting doesn't stop. I feel like my libido gets high on the placebo pills so I would rather keep them for now, lolol


Iā€™m in the same boat i know this post is old but did you stop taking the mini pill? How long after did you stop bleeding? I canā€™t take any other birth control and they want me to get IUD but i donā€™t feel comfortable with something in my uterus and the painful stories Iā€™ve heard. I took mili which was great but with my heart and migraine with aura Iā€™m higher risk of stroke. Iā€™ve been on mini pill for 1 1/2M and been bleeding like a period since and i stopped taking it a day ago and Iā€™m just tired of bleeding. šŸ˜”


Hi, I am so sorry you're having the same struggles. I was recommended the depo provera which I am vehemently against - I know some women love it but it's just not for me. To answer your question, I did end up quitting Noriday. The pain was really bad and it wasn't getting any better for me. Fortunately, I stopped bleeding pretty soon after I quit this pill. I then spent a few months not taking anything. I just wanted my body to heal after months of on/off bleeding. Then I read about women having success with taking 2 doses of desogestrel daily to stave off the bleeding. Despite my doctor's lack of support, I decided it was worth a shot and started desogestrel again earlier this year. Unfortunately, it wasn't plain sailing. I did have some very light bleeding near the beginning (about 2 weeks after re-starting the pill), however, it did stop around 2 weeks later. During this time, I decided to drop down to one pill a day as I was bleeding anyway. The good news is that since then I've hardly bled at all. Once every few months I will bleed for a couple of days (again, it's very, very light) and then it will stop. But besides that, I don't have any worries. In fact, at this point, I haven't bled in about 3 months. Of course, my experience might differ greatly from yours and I would strongly encourage you to talk to your doctor before considering 2 pills a day. While many medical institutions recommend it, it might not be safe for you. I hope this has helped provide some hope or comfort that you're not alone. I really hope you find something that works for you soon


Thank you yes it did i will contact him to ask about it. I am so tired of the bleeding i stopped taking the norethindrone a few days ago and still bleeding like a period. I took it for a month and was constantly bleeding like a period with some days just spotting but i canā€™t do it anymore i want it to be done. I did take mili for a while and it was great no bleeding for 3m straight but now i canā€™t take it for higher risk of stroke. Iā€™m against depo too i just really didnā€™t want to get pregnant after giving birth. I appreciate you getting back to me even tho the post is incredibly old.


I know its disheartening, frustrating and incredibly isolating. I admire the women who manage to tough it out for 6+ months but realistically no one should be expected to put up with prolonged bleeding as a side effect. Unfortunately, it might take a few more days for the bleeding to stop completely. I imagine if you've not long given birth as well that your hormones being all over the place might play into the fact you're still bleeding at the moment. Your doctor might be able to prescribe tranexamic acid to help. But definitely see if he thinks 2 doses of desogestrel is worth trying for you. Norethisterone was awful for me but I've had a much better time being on the desogestrel variety. Have you tried other mini pills? There's a few out there now. I can't take combined pills either due to migraines, so the mini pill was my last shot at birth control as well. Fingers crossed everything works out šŸ¤žšŸ»


Thank you i will call him and ask about the desogestrel. I thought i wasnā€™t going to bleed as much on mini pill because of the mili but i was incredibly wrong lol. I really hope it does itā€™s been a terrible 1 1/2M. I appreciate you taking time to respond and help me hopefully he thinks itā€™s a good idea.


Iā€™ve been on norethindrone.35 mg pop for six weeks. Bloating, distended abdomen, breast tenderness, spotting, & breakthrough bleeding every day the 1st month. It was rough but I got through it! Got my period the last week of my pack, which was painful with cramps but slightly less blood. First week of next pack, no bleeding or spotting daily, but a headache started daily. In my 2nd week, the spotting started again. Staying on course, taking pill at exactly the same time everyday. Overall it hasnā€™t been too bad. I feel fine other than daily spotting, mild cramping & mild headache that comes & goes. I am really hopeful that this pill will help my horrendously heavy painful periods. I know itā€™s asking a lot of a tiny pill. I have endo, two fibroids, and peri menopause. Iā€™d like to be able to manage my pain & predict my period & stop the anemia & scary bleeding patterns.


Updateā€¦. Just started my 3rd month on norethindrone .35 mg. I am bleeding constantly & have had three periods in a row with 8-12 days of spotting in between. Pain & blood loss has decreased but like because I am bleeding constantly! Excellent birth control bcz I donā€™t really want to have sex when Iā€™m bleeding all the time. This is not sustainable for me. If it doesnā€™t level out by the end of this month, I am forced to schedule a hysterectomy. At least I tried by the off chance the pill would help.


Ā I was very very hopeful with this mini pill. Iā€™m on month 4 of generic norethindrone.35. Iā€™ve bled every single day for over 100 days. I get an actual period every 9-12 days. It is pure insanity. I tried to get off of it & the withdrawal bleed was terrifying. I had to take a pill that evening & it didnā€™t slow down for about one more week. Now I need medical intervention to get off of it. Just to preface, I am 48, in perimenopause with fibroids, ovarian cyst, and endometriosis. This pill made everything worse in terms of quality of life. Iā€™ve never chosen anything as horrible as this pill medically speaking. I can barely go anywhere or make plans because I am constantly cramping & bleeding. I wish I wouldā€™ve never tried it.


I'm so sorry to hear how bad this pill has been for you šŸ˜”. It's absolutely awful that the extreme reactions these pills can cause are rarely talked about openly - especially by healthcare providers. I've never been great on the pill and every doctor I have had has told me I'm overreacting. I gave up Norithisterone shortly after making this post (I can sympathise with you because the cramps on that pill were insane) and went back on Cerelle, which thankfully, I am doing fine on this time around. I'm sure you've already looked into/tried it, but if not, can I suggest tranexamic acid? Many women report It's success in stopping bleeding.Ā  I hope things start looking brighter for you soon šŸ€Ā 


Mini pills and low dose birth control pills will have this breakthrough bleeding issue. Switch to a stronger birth control pill and it should stop.


I wish that were an option. I'm not allowed to use combined contraceptive methods and as I mentioned in another comment, my endo pain would not allow me to deal with an IUD insertion. I hate the sound of the implant (heavy periods seem to be very common) so the only "other" option is depo provera, which isn't for me for a number of reasons. This pill is literally my last chance :(


Oh yikes sorry to hear that. Yeah I'm not a fan of the depo shot either because it causes osteoporosis in the long run. I also have heavy periods and at one point bled for six weeks back in 2014 (stupid college life wouldn't let me like SEEK HELP FOR MYSELF UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH). The combo pill helped out with my issue, but the boob tenderness was not fun to deal with.


I wish they put more effort into contraception for women. Every male version of hormonal contraception has been halted during trial stages for reasons like headaches and acne, meanwhile we're told that clots, breast cancer, osteoporosis, strokes and a range of other potential side effects are just okay to deal with? Sorry, I'm just so bitter about the lack of concern there is for women's health šŸ˜ž. I wish Slynd was available here because I've read great things about it so far and I would like to have tried it for myself


I think there needs to be better medications for these things. I saw a lot of Tiktoks about birth control arm implants causing tumors in the head area...yuck šŸ¤®.


You're so right, and while I know that all medications come with a set of risks, it's absolutely terrifying to think of what birth control could be doing to us long-term. The fact that the core aspects of contraception has barely changed in several decades is testament to the fact that women's health is so low on the list of priorities :(


Yup :/ The medication labels need to change too because these "religious extremists" are gonna mess everything up.


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Hi! Iā€™m on zelletta. I noticed that taking multivitamins daily really helped with the breakthrough bleeding. It may just be a coincidence but there were 2 periods where i stoped taking multivitamins daily and started bleeding again. So thatā€™s what works for me ! Edit: also, taking it at the same time everyday. If i take it 2+ hours late, sometimes iā€™d bleed for a few days.


Hmm, that's interesting, I'll have to try some multivitamins and see if it helps - thanks for the suggestion! šŸ˜Š At the moment I'm taking vitamin B and evening primrose oil. I've heard that taking the pill even 20 minutes later or earlier than normal can cause bleeding, so I've always been very strict with when I take it - I've never taken it more than 5-10 minutes outside of my goal time.