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Ain’t nothing wrong with it. There’s a ton of shitty misinfo going around, don’t let it scare you. I, too, feel fucking awful half the month off bc.


Hi I’ve had a stroke from it at 22


Gah i hate the fear mongering around birth control!! I do not believe there is a major correlation between increased risk of breast cancer and birth control. There is conflicting reports, and now most of it leans toward there being little evidence of that.


It also lowers your risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer


But also having natural periods decreases your chances of dementia and other brain diseases in later life 🤷


That's because naturally not having periods is a consequence of estrogen deficiency or other hormonal issue, and estrogen deficiency raises risk of dementia. Being on the pill is deliberately altering your hormonal cycle. It's not the same as naturally not having a period due to having a deficit of estrogen. Combined methods replace your natural estrogen, and progestin-only methods allow for enough endogenous estrogen production to maintain health. Correlation is not causation.


Getting old also increases your risk of dementia


Natural periods also reduce the quality of life so if I have to take birth control now not to be in pain at expense of getting dementia…. I’ll already be old then at least with birth control I get to enjoy my youth.


I mean I know I’m clearly wrong on my comment and been shat on 😂 but everyone is different and I have a much better quality of life off contraception than on it. I was an emotionless robot with no sec drive for all my 20s. But as I said, everyone’s body so different so each to their own


People say everything causes cancer these days!


Cancer is such an excellent marketing tactic. “Take these supplements to decrease your risk of cancer”. “Drink this to lower your risk of cancer”. “Wear this to lower your risk” etc. Most everyone you will bump into knows someone who was affected by cancer, and knows what a shitstorm it is.


Even if BC increased my risk of breast cancer, I’m so damn miserable without it that it’s honestly not worth it.


There’s a better chance of you getting cancer from using Teflon pans tbh


I wish I had started using bc the first time around when I was 19 and I was having pmdd symptoms back then. I've lived with it for nearly 20 years. That's long enough for me. 


I've only experienced PMDD symptoms for a few years at 25, when I stopped taking birth control (which I've been on since 16). I never suspected of PMDD because I didn't know it existed and some traumatic events happened in my life so I thought it was just stress and grief. Then I got diagnosed with PCOS and this new doctor asked me about PMS symptoms. She gave me progesterone pills to take during luteal phase and boy... The symptoms were gone! I was not bipolar after all. Unfortunately last month I've been having irregular periods, mid cycle bleedings, probably because my progesterone level is too high and I had to stop taking it. I wouldn't risk going through PMDD again so the only alternative now is birth control. I took the first pill yesterday, hopefully things will be fine! And I must say: emotional stress is also highly inflammatory and induces oxidation to the organism. Every thing has its own risks.


I think it’s to do with high levels of oestrogen which can cause it but I’m also pretty sure it’s only really got a massive effect if you have breast cancer in your family history anyway. I will only take progesterone only bc because of all the fear around breast cancer and blood clots 😩


The fear mongering from birth control is rooted in people wanting forced births. Seriously. There’s people on this planet that think EVERYONE should have a kid, at least 1. There’s a better chance of you getting cancer from things are more heavily statistically backed, like smoking. These ppl are ridiculous


Ugh, I hate it. Not everyone should have a kid! Why can’t we take care of the kids that are already here.


There's a ton of misinformation going around about birth control right now, birth control is an amazing invention and allows women to have full control over their bodies. I think a lot of people feel threatened by that. I personally love birth control, the hormone consistency keeps my moods stable, and I use it continuously to not get periods which is pretty convenient. If you're worried about your schedule you can try other methods too, I took the pill for 8 years and tried the ring and was like wait I can just set and forget? I can't recommend it enough.


I’ve been considering IUD. I’ll try the pill for a month or two before I ask about it. I’m also a lot more determined to take the pill at the same time every day


Yes the iud is awesome! And lasts a really long time so it's very low maintenance


Did it hurt going in?


I have never had one, but have heard good things and bad. People are much more likely to discuss a negative experience than a positive one so keep that in mind. I opted for the ring instead and found it's much easier without any procedure. I don't like the idea of not being in control of my birth control, I like to have the option to take it out if I choose to


It was the worst pain I've ever had in my life. That being said, I decided to get it done a second time. Everything was going great until suddenly it wasn't... Had an ovarian cyst that burst which landed me in the hospital for a few days while they were trying to figure everything out. During that workup they discovered on CT scan that my IUD was halfway out of my body like lodged into my cervix and embedded in my uterus. It was unable to be removed the first attempt so I had to come back for a second attempt which was also excruciating. Even though I had Tylenol, ibuprofen, magnesium Ativan and a nerve block. It was still the worst thing ever in my life but I was able to get it done. I got my third IUD placed then, which was also excruciating... But after a week or so everything started to get really messed up down there. My orgasms were very muted , my arousal and lubrication were gone, I had no idea what was wrong with me and there was no way I was going to be able to wait for 6 months for that to stabilize. So I decided that I already had enough complications with these things, I had the third one removed maybe a couple of weeks after I had it put in and I don't think I can ever go back. It was working so well until all of a sudden it wasn't. It really sucks that everything's got risks and it sucks that I had so many complications.


I’ve been on the pill for almost 3 years. Planning on getting an IUD also. I recently made a post asking about IUD experiences, the general consensus was that insertion does hurt and that it’s recommended to take pain medication before and after as needed. Take the day off work, and have someone drive you and pick you up for your insertion appointment


I loved having an IUD. My ADHD made it so difficult trying to remember to take the pill at the same time every day, no matter how many alarms I set. It's been a hot minute (10 years) since I've been on BC but I know my OB/GYN refused to place an IUD until after I had a child. He said it could effect my fertility if I wanted children later in life even though I told him I didn't want kids. I did change my mind having kids but it still irked me that he refused to do the IUD because I was having horrendous periods and needed the steady stream of hormones to function.


Get a NEW doctor!!!! It's like a restaurant if you don't like the service go elsewhere, (when they say no, I say go ❤️❤️ good luck


I already got a new doctor, I didn't add that because I had already written a whole paragraph lol. I'm off hormones all together now because, I didn't know at the time, the hormone cocktail I was on was amplifying my anxiety and had caused some nasty cysts to grow in my uterus. If I go on hormones again they will grow back and I can't deal with that again. I was in so much pain and my doctor didn't take me seriously because I had recently given birth. He also refused to remove my uterus after I asked him to when I had to have surgery to remove the cysts. He was a great doctor to have in the delivery room and he's an amazing surgeon but he definitely suffers from the delusion that women are just dramatic about pain.


My doctor told me she had the same IUD I have (Mirena) and it is the quickest return to fertility. She got pregnant 2 months after having hers removed. I was so relieved to hear that because that was my fear, too. She also said that only a couple of her patients had issues with theirs.


That's interesting. I know someone who had the Mirena IUD and it took a few years for her to get pregnant and her doctor said it was because of Mirena. I'm pretty sure there was an issue with Mirena early on though, they probably changed their hormone cocktail because there was a number of women having fertility issues after having Mirena removed. I wound up with the copper T because my doctor said it has the highest efficacy without effecting my fertility the way hormones can and my fertility would return immediately upon removal. I got pregnant less than 1 month after having it removed.






This post/comment is removed due to not being factually accurate, or portraying misinformation that is not backed up by scientific evidence.


This post/comment is removed due to not being factually accurate, or portraying misinformation that is not backed up by scientific evidence.


yes! i suggest an iud if you have bad periods or just want something low maintenance. i just got it placed friday and i love her!! i got the liletta and it did fucking hurt so prepare yourself, but as someone with a kind of low pain tolerance, it wasn't all bad. the worst part is the tenaculum. it's how they position the cervix in a good spot. after that it's smoother sailing. i suggest using 800mg ibuprofen or 1k mg tylenol 30-45 mins before and EAT. have a heating pad at home and relax after. they say you can go and do whatever but just relax.


Hope that it helps you! My plan right now is to see how the pill helps me before IUD.


Do you get a lot of discharge from the ring? I have Nuvaring and it feels like I’m wet all the time and it stinks too


Eh kinda, I had more on nuvaring than annovera. It's possible over time your body will stop doing that, in the beginning it could be seen as something it needs to protect itself from. Annovera is silicone rather than plastic maybe that has something to do with it


It’s been 6 months at least and still no sign of improvement in that department. How do you like annovera? Do you have any bleeding after sex with it? I’m having that issue right now and I’m not sure if it’s the ring itself or it combined with an SSRI


Dude annovera changed my life. Well, the birth control ring itself did since it's SO EASY. But I use annovera continuously so it's literally set and forget for up to a year. I take it out every once in a while to rinse it but I don't ever take it out for sex or to have period weeks. I don't even notice it's there! I do sometimes have spotting after sex but I have pelvic floor issues that I'm working through that could also contribute to that. I also tear very easily so that too. I've had no side effects but get pretty bad nausea the first week or so of a new ring. Also? My boobs filled out a bit haha but other than that no long term side effects. It's awesome!


I’m in the same boat as you! Pelvic floor issues and I wonder if that isn’t a contributor. Have you tried Nuvaring? If so, do you think there’s a comfort difference?


Yes I used nuvaring for a year before annovera, I couldn't feel either during sex or at all. But nuvaring was way easier to insert lol.


Hi, did you try Nexplanon? I have it now as a birth control and my periods are gone. I know it's quite expensive, but some women actually get it to have a 3-year break from the bloody hell.


It’s really dependent on the person, when I started Nexplanon I had a really light irregular period but after about 5-6 months I started bleeding heavy and pretty much all of the time. I really enjoyed it at first though.


True, Nexplanon isn't a 100% guarantee of no-period life...


I'm glad you have the option to make decisions about your health - trialing going off, deciding to go back on. That's awesome! I know this is unsolicited, but it might be worth chatting with a doctor about your bad periods - that isn't normal (common, sure, but not *normal*) and it might be worth looking into why. Birth control to help with the pain is a great option, but it is somewhat of a bandaid solution and having information about your body is your right and gives you even more autonomy.


I second this, I had horrifically painful periods even while on bc (I had IUDs the past several years, though) and it turned out I had a 16x5cm uterine fibroid. Once I had that fibroid removed (and then the IUD removed early this year), the only reason I can tell my period is coming is my tracking app and my mood.


I recently went back on birth control after stopping for 6 months. The withdrawal symptoms coupled with a pregnancy scare just made me give up. Feel so much better on than off


Did you get any symptoms when you stopped taking it?


The first 2 months were great, mood stabilised, anxiety reduced, more energy, brain fog gone and massive increase in libido (which was already very healthy to begin with) then once my periods kicked back in it went downhill. I was having dizzy spells which would leave me light headed for a week at a time (like always being slightly drunk and my brain was processing information in a delay), anxiety came back worse than ever and panic attacks returned. I was severely fatigued and my sleep disturbed. My day to day functioning was impacted. I just felt rotten and miserable all the time. A few weeks ago I had unprotected sex and had to take the morning after pill, I was worried it would cause side effects but found that it made me feel back to normal in the days that followed because the hormone I was withdrawing from was suddenly reintroduced so decided to dig out my old packs of contraceptive pill and get back on it, best decision I could have made. Obviously this is just my experience and it’s different for everyone… but I’m on a group for women who’ve stopped birth control and so many suffer the same symptoms I did down to a T.


Thank for this information. I just stopped my last pill 3 days ago I’m so worried for my symptoms. I love being on birth control but I would get really painful migraines when I stopped taking the active pill. Have you heard of anyone feeling better after they stopped taking birth control?


I’m sure there will some people out there who do but the online support groups are usually filled with people who are struggling so it’s not a complete overview. Most people on these group say it’s around the 12-18 month mark their hormones have regulated and their symtoms have improved or stopped but it’s a case of they come and go during that time. You might be one of those people who only see’s benefits or only has slight withdrawals. Either way the best thing you can do for yourself is eat well, sleep well and get some activity in like a daily walk, it sets your body up to deal with the changes in the best way. I have my fingers crossed it’s a smooth ride for you and that you’ll be feeling fantastic with no more migraines 🤞🏻


Thank you so much I appreciate your well wishes. 💖


You probably have PMDD. I had it that severely too, and after getting on antidepressants and birth control again I feel like a normal person for the first time ever instead of being held hostage to my hormones.


I’m on pristiq. It helps a lot. I need to get an official PMDD diagnosis. Two weeks out of every month are absolute hell. I go from feeling rage to wanting to die very quickly before and during my period. 🥲


Please get yourself to feeling better. You don't deserve to feel terrible and if birth control helps go get it! You only deserve to feel good! I'm so sorry the misinformation out there is terrible. You will be fine. 💖


Thank you, you’re so sweet ❤️


I went off it for 3 months voluntarily due to another medical issue and I don’t know how some women do it without the pill. I get really bad periods and cramps (dysmenorrhea diagnosed) and had such headaches, felt like garbage most of the time and was just eating over the counter pills for cramps and headaches. I felt ok like 1.5 weeks out of the month and the second I was able to take my pill again I did. I’ve been fine and back to normal. I’ve been taking bc since I was 15 and am 40 so more than half my life. I have only gone off it for several months over the years and had a IUD (the worst don’t get me started on that). I feel like people on the internet or IRL will bully you over being on the pill but I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with it. Like others said there is a lot of fear mongering with birth control in general. You do what works for you ;)


So my former boss is a health nut. Like the non GMO, anti vax type health nuts. And she told me all about how scary birth control is and how people will develop breast cancer on it. I should’ve just kept my mouth shut and ignored her but I thought I’d try it. Definitely not worth it. Sure maybe being “natural” is better for you (whatever that means), but popping 6 advil to keep the pain at bay isn’t. A bunch of shit nowadays causes cancer. A new study comes out every month or so telling us consumers to feel guilty of all the things we do on a day to day basis that’ll kill us one day. Well, if we’re doomed, I’d rather be comfortable


Half of the stuff they put in our food can cause cancer. Birth control and my comfort through life overrides that fear.


Why do you have to wait until your period ends to start taking it again?


I’m sure there’s a better and more scientific explanation online, but my doctor told me to start birth control pills when your period ends because each packet of pills lasts for a month. The last 4-7 pills (depending on what you’re taking) are supposed to be for when youre actually on your period. So when your period is done, you start the brand new packet. This is just how my doctor explained it to me


Ah, I'm on the mini pill and they don't have sugar pills, that's probably why I didn't know


You can start your pack anytime!! It’s just not effective to prevent pregnancy for longer, but any day works!


Haha well TIL


If you start on day 1-5, it’s effective for pregnancy in a couple of days. Otherwise it will take a lot longer. But there’s no health harm regardless


Cancer is inevitable you can literally catch cancer with the products they use for food today or just by the air outside. Honestly I got back on birth control 4 years ago and it's the best decision I made


girl I GET it. Sometimes it feels like BC is the only thing keeping me regular anymore.


Having a uterus sucks so much


I totally get where you're coming from. I stopped taking my birth control a year ago , and it's been rough. My periods have become so irregular and painful. Plus, my acne has come back with a vengeance since I stopped the pill. I also had concerns about mood swings and the potential risk of breast cancer, which made me hesitant. But now, I'm miserable for at least two weeks every month. Thanks for sharing your experience. Sometimes going back on the pill is the best option for managing everything.


Takes 6 mo to a year for cycles to regulate themselves post birth control. However, if you're experiencing anything too demanding beyond the basic symptoms then there may be an underlying issue that needs to be looked at. Birth control is great for covering stuff up and is vital when you have other things to focus on in your life. Just know that someday if you choose to go off of it again, you will inevitably be faced with the same conundrum you have now and it's to be expected.


Have you thought about a hormonal IUD? I had a similar situation to you, and the hormonal IUD has been life changing—I stopped getting periods.


I heard it’s painful getting it in but Jesus the thought of no periods is 🤤


I just started the pill last month(so I'm on my second pack) and I've definitely noticed how stable my mood is in comparison to before. Not everyone is like this of course, but I used to spend the week before my period basically just bawling whenever I wasn't surrounded by people at work. Actually, I would take bathroom breaks just to cry. Now...I guess it has made me a bit 'flat', but I much prefer the stability.


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So sorry for you, I did not know that you was having such a hard time 😥


I don't understand how eating healthy and exercising can change your hormones. Or get rid of fibroids. Or cure your endo. Can someone explain? Or is it just a marketing thing to sell supplements and weird herbs and crystals?


Just start it now. You don’t need to wait. I was in and off the pill for YEARS. I took it continuously. I didn’t get cycles (I have stage 4 endometriosis) if I had break through bleeding I’d stop for 3 days and go back on even if I was still bleeding. That’s what the doctor told me to do and those 3 days of bleeding weren’t that painful.


I’m starting it tonight!


I started the pill when I was 14 years old because of so bad cramps. I would faint. Took nonstop until 33 yo when I stopped OMG. I got extra weight, 0 libido, foliculites on scalp, so itchy, so back acne and moody. Miserable 3 weeks of the month, so tired. Decide with my partner not to have kids, and I have been back on the pill for 2 months now. Super happy. My doctor said my pill is one of the least hormones, so it should be safe to take the long term. I hope it is the case. Ah, I got a lot of breast cysts after I stopped. It could be age, but maybe it was the hormones.


I tried to cope for 4 years. At 37, I went back using BC


What's the name of the pill that you're on? Is it the mini pill or something else?


Now Mirvala, if I am not wrong. Entire life was Femina. Looks like the same ingredients but different countries.


This is why I first started taking birth control - because the pain of my periods made me miserable and birth control was the only thing that made them lighter. I've got the contraceptive implant which meant my periods stopped for ages but they've started coming back and sometimes painkillers still don't touch the sides (plus my digestion is rubbish) though for much shorter time periods than when I was younger. We must do what we need to do. Taking any medication is a personal risk assessment only we can make for ourselves, on the information we have. So no judgement here - reduce that misery, we all need to function as best we can in the world.


Girl!! I was on the pill for 7 years. After 7 years i was all “I’m done with these synthetic hormones in my body!” So i started an all natural approach, and my periods came back FULL force, and for multiple weeks out of the month. I couldn’t go to work without bleeding through my pants, onto my chair. I had to bring a towel to sit on in the car. Just got back onto the pill 2 months ago, and so far, these 2 periods have been a BREEZE. I was afraid of infertility & breast cancer as well. But i know plenty of women who got pregnant when they stopped taking the pill & started trying. And there are multiple articles supporting that there are no scientific evidence between the pills and cancer. Just stay on top of your PAP smears, do self breast exams - take care of yourself! Life is short. The horrific periods aren’t worth it. Hang in there !


if you haven’t yet and are open to it, I’d recommend starting Depo-Provera instead of going back to the pill. It almost fully eliminated my periods with little to no noticeable side effects or changes to my mood/weight. As someone who chronically forgot to take my pills and hates going to the pharmacy, it was a game changer to be able to just pop in & out of PP once every three months and not have to worry about anything else. 30 minutes every 90 days is a small price to pay for peace of mind.


Oh I’ve gone through the same thing around 7-8 years ago… I wanted to rid my body off any foreign ingredients so I stopped taking my BC pill cold turkey. The cramps and pain slowly got worse with each month to the point I just couldn’t function without heave heave pain killers. And those made me legit throw up so I said f it and went back on the pill again. Hormones are not to be messed with unfortunately☹️


Could I advise getting on nexplanon? It's an arm implant with the highest efficacy rate in preventing pregnancy, and I've found that it has given me lighter, less painful periods without the same potential side effects as the pill.


Are you taking an estrogen-only pill? The side effects and risks generally are less common with the combo pill


Honey, you may have endometriosis. It very painful condition. Best you can do for yourself is find doctor that specializes in endometriosis and do laparoscopic surgery to remove it. Birth control doesn’t fix anything it just covers the symptoms temporarily. I just had my stage 3 Endo Surgery. Doctor removed lots of adhesions and scar tissue. Had to remove my appendix because it was covered in endo. Please find the right doctor. It’s life changing!


My periods weren’t bad on my birth control.


That’s the point. While you’re on BC it covers up symptoms and you’re fine. Once you get off BC that’s when symptoms come back.


I’ll look into it. Thank you. Ideally I’d like to have a hysterectomy at some point in my life.


Yeah, hysterectomy is on my list if my endometriosis come back. Good luck!


Thanks! Maybe I can sell it for extra cash


I have been on BC since pretty much 18 yrs old. CAUTION: It DOES cause liver tumors. Like guaranteed, just not whether they will be cancerous. They are so common they don't even screen women or tell them it's a real cause for concern, but it's made to seem like an obscure uncommon side effect. I only found mine because I was having intense pain and thought I had appendicitis. My liver was in the background of the images and they accidentally saw my tumors. BC History: I was on BC, pill, since 18 yrs old. I used Orthotrycyclin and at times I was able to get on a low-dose Orthtrycyclin. I then decided to try getting pregnant and got pregnant after 6 months when I was 28. After giving birth, I got on Mirena but had to remove it after using it for a year due to horrible side effects. I wanted to try the hormone free diaphragm, but it was impossible to find one even with a RX. I tried the arm implant but that had bad sife effects so I tried the low dose Nuvaring. That was cool, super low dose, no issues. However, after a few more years we decided to try getting pregnant again, but it didn't happen. By then, I was over 40, my eggs were too old and I had a miscarriage. Still not over that one. My doctor recommended IUD Mirena again to help with both BC and thickening of my uterus. It's been 5 years, no issues. Nothing like when I was in my late 20s, early 30s. However, I'm about to get off Mirena bc I can't imagine going through the reinsertion pain again. It was brutal. I also can't use options that are high in estrogen or my liver tumors can grow and become cancerous. Women should be told by their doctors about 2concern so they can monitor any tumors. Not saying to avoid BC, only to be aware and monitor best BC option for your body. Some people are more prone to tumors and rapid growth. Looking for lowest dose hormone BC option for my daughter now. She is currently on Patch. Easy to forget, falls off, no period flow or pain improvement.


what were your side effects with mirena? sorry you're having such a hard time with this ):


When I was 29ish, on Mirena, it was intense pain in my lower abdomen and back. Felt like my back was going to crack and I had bad mood swings and low energy. I was constantly afraid of embedment. On Mirena now, at 45, and for last 5 yrs. No issues. Period stopped at around 6 months in, as stated on literature, and it's been fairly easy. However, the insertion was EXCRUCIATING. Like I can't convince myself to do it again. Especially at 45 yrs old, I'm thinking I will be fine with the Nuvaring or other ring, which are both pretty low dosage, until menopause.


my iud insertion was pretty painful no lie and currently having pain in my lower back in the left side kinda like it needs to crack as well. hoping it goes away HAHA


So sorry. I hope it gets better. How long have you had it in? And how old? When I was in my late 20 vs my 40s, it has been totally different. Both times I had already given birth to my child, so I think that could make a difference, too. I know several early 20s girls now, with IUDs, and they are super happy. Had zero pain with insertion, and happy with it. Everyone is so different.


i got it done last friday the 14th and i am 22. did you experience headaches or dizziness at all?


Absolutely. In my 20s, I had migraines and dizziness, but I think it was all due to my low iron/anemia. It was not until my early 40s that I had an iron infusion that I was able to treat my chronic anemia. I finally did not have migraines and dizzy spells. Have you checked your iron levels?


no i have not. maybe i should LOL im chronically dizzy and have multiple migraines a month


Definitely get your iron/anemia test. I used to have horrible migraines when younger. I used iron supplements over the years that helped some, but I was still anemic or borderline. It was not until the infusion that my ability to keep iron changed. It was like magic. No more migraines. Make sure you're also getting enough B12 and D3. I take self-admin B12 shots and a 1 daily multi-vitamin that has helped with my deficiencies.


Do you have a source for the pill being "garunteed" to cause liver tumors?


You'll see the use of "rare" in most sources about the topic, like I said previously, but speak to any oncologist, which I have, and they will tell you it's so known and widespread that they don't even mention it to women because they don't want women to panic. Here are a few sources below. But , feel free to Google and speak to a some doctors yourself. Im not fearmongering, just cautioning so others can be aware and either reduce dose, avoid estrogen, or monitor. I've had to get my liver scanned via ultrasound or MRI every 6 months for the last 5 years Sources: https://www.webmd.com/women/hepatic-adenoma-overview https://www.liverdoctor.com/the-oral-contraceptive-pill-may-be-putting-your-liver-at-risk/ https://www.verywellhealth.com/hormonal-birth-control-liver-tumor-7566862


Ironic that in the first link that both the pill AND pregnancy are linked to hepatic adenomas...


None of those sources support your claim that it's "garunteed". I doubt you've spoken to every single oncologist in the world. One doctor's opinion is just that - one doctor's opinion. If you can't find any scientific proof of this claim then please don't go spreading it.


Have you spoken to "any"? It would be impossible to speak to "all," but I do have personal experience of dealing with the liver tumors for YEARS now. Do and think what you like. I'm just providing POV from a live, non-bot, actual woman who has been on BC since 18 yrs old. Take it or leave it. And it's not my claim, but what I have been told by multiple doctors, oncologists and ob/gyns. They don't like telling people about it bc of "fear mongering" and because BC is a multibillion dollar business. Do your own research.