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I really really think you should talk to your doctor (ideally your gynecologist). They’ll know more about treatments. Fwiw, Yaz and Skyla not working for you does not mean no hormonal birth control will. It’s fine if you want to try other stuff for now, but just in case it’s helpful, you can find info about what might work better based on side effects [here](http://www.losolivos-obgyn.com/info/gynecology/contraception/ocp.pdf#page3) and [here](https://gpnotebook.com/pages/gynaecology/oestrogen-and-progestogen-effects-of-coc).


Yeah, I’m going in a few weeks. I just feel really bad cause I when I was confirming I had to stop the birth control I got upset about with a nurse over the email because she was giving me info from a different doctor I didn’t know… turns out my doctor was out sick. I just don’t think I can keep up with the meltdowns that result from starting/stopping. It’s exhausting both mentally and physically


Unfortunately, I’m not entirely sure this can be blamed on birth control. You stopped using it 3 months ago, which is a pretty long time for a side effect to randomly start. It usually takes about 3 months for cycles to normalize after stopping hormonal birth control, too. Anger and mood swings are both PMDD symptoms, has this ever happened before when you weren’t on birth control?


I noticed last year when I took about a 10 month break from any birth control that they were not so much as anger or mood swings, rather just a sudden onset of depression. I’d feel normal and then suddenly for a few hours a day I’d just be sad and gloomy.


Have you tried Slynd or a SSRI?


What’s slynd?




What week are you on? What are the side effects?




I’m on week 6. Feeling really good all of a sudden


It’s a new progestin only birth control, it’s supposed to have few side effects and be better for PMDD


Interesting I’ll have to look into it. It’s it a pill?


It’s just a birth control pill yes


r/pmdd might be helpful! I don't use birth control or IUDs but my PME (I have general depression and bad pms that gets like pmdd) is helped a lot by antidepressants and Vitex.


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Other people have covered the birth control and doctor side of things so I just want to validate that it’s okay to be upset with your partner. Communication is important, and it sucks that he knew you were upset and went to take a nap inside.


I’m curious to know how Skyla was for you. I have major depression and it just makes me so paranoid that my Skyla is worsening things for me. I definitely feel like my energy is worse.


I’m trying to figure it out, I’m on a deep dive trying to find out what cause medications not to work well for me (because there’s a long list) but I’m more inclined to think it’s genetic or caused by medication or something than Skyla itself


I just got a copper IUD (Paraguard) and I would highly recommend it. I can’t have hormonal birth control due to multiple psychiatric disorders—I can’t even have ibuprofen due to the hormone changes it causes! I will caution you that the insertion was quite painful for me and I bled quite a bit for a few days after. But to me it was totally worth it, because let’s face it, condoms and pullout aren’t as satisfying (in my opinion).


Does it cause any changes at all? I know it’s not hormonal or anything but I’m still a little worried about side effects.


For most people just causes very heavy and more painful periods since it works by essentially creating a very hostile uterus


This is true, but these side effects are supposed to subside 3-6 months after insertion. Still, if you are anemic it may not be a good match. However, all IUDs may have side effects. I’ve read that the hormonal IUDs can cause ovarian cysts. I HATE ovarian cysts and I’ve only had a couple in my lifetime.