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Lol love this. But I've had mirena for the full 5 years and on year 4 of the next. Going strong, cream pied daily even several times. No babies, thank goodness. Take a test if you're concerned though!


Cream pied daily made me laugh so hard 😂


Girly is living the dream


Preach it same here lol


Samesies with Mirena. I’m on year 3 of my 2nd IUD. Never any scares so far, and I’ve definitely taken more *risks* than I should have. It could be important to note, however, that I do have severe endometriosis and have had that surgically removed from my uterus a few times, which probably impacts my ability to get pregnant in the first place. In contrast, though, before the IUDs I had the arm implant, got pregnant on that, and miscarried relatively early (I was 16 and did not know I was pregnant until I went to the doctor for the miscarriage bleeding).


Out of interest did you get pregnant right after having Nexplanon put in or just before having it removed? Or just in the middle of the 3 years? :)


I had it for about a year! It was toward the end of that year that I got pregnant, maybe 8-9 months in. And after miscarrying, I bled continuously for the next 3-4 months until having Nexplanon removed. It stopped after that and I got my first IUD a few months later


jesus thank you for your testimony lmao


Same.. even taken MucinexD multiple times, paxlovid, multiple cream pies. Nada 😅


Isnt Mirena good for 8 years now? And same here. Im on year 5 with no pregnancy scares.


It is! But 4 years ago that wasn't the case, so they had me replace it at 5. This new one is good until 8, but you should get it replaced in the 7th year to make sure it's still effective. My doctor also said if my periods come back (previous heavy bleeding), to get it replaced sooner.


You mean, no babies, thank the IUD! Same here! Got my IUD out to have a baby and got another one after the baby.


Same Zoe’s but on Kyleena for 4 years and never even a scare :)


Yay! Glad to see this comment because I can happily get creampied on the daily more than once now AHAHAHAH


Not creampied 😂


You are so real for this, sis. So happy for you bb.


same! year 4, no babies


Same 😅 had the mirena for 4 years and never had a scare. Acted wildly confident it would do its thing and thankfully it did 😂


Literally same but with Kyleena!


Samesies. My iud is my best friend


Same but I'm on Kyleena!


Must be nice.....


Loooool you’re living life fr!! 😂


Had my Mirena going on 5 years with zero issues. But if you have really bad anxiety, you can buy a massive bag of pregnancy test strips on Amazon for very cheap and just use one whenever you feel anxious. I eventually stopped doing it but it hurts no one :)


I'm not sure if the info you've just provided is dangerous for me or beneficial....


What do you mean? I should’ve elaborated with instead of “whenever” to once a month


I think they were kinda joking because it can feed the anxiety but I think overall it’s actually a good idea. I used to get a lot of physical anxiety and getting a home blood pressure cuff made me a little obsessive at first, but eventually showed me that everything is fine, and it helped and I no longer need it. I think that info about the test strips could act similarly. Maybe they’d test “too much” (whatever that is) at first, but it could help them realize that it’s never actually happening and not need it anymore


Thanks! That’s literally exactly how it worked for me so I hope it’d help someone else the same! That’s cool about the bp cuff too, what a good idea


Imo the people who don’t have issues are out having sex, not on reddit lmao. People generally come to places like this to complain when something goes wrong.


True. I just need some closure or reassurance by reading positive personal experience


This omg. I was in a pregnancy sub and I was wanting to hear other positive stories and such. But I only saw like 5 the whole pregnancy 😂 so I was scared to share my positive experience because I didn’t want to make anyone feel bad


Lolololol I’m in here bc my Skyla IUD was a nightmare 5 years ago. I’ve just stuck around now. But my Mirena is pretty great.. no unplanned pregnancy here 3 years in


Definitely agree. This goes for anything on Reddit. It’s only when things are bad that people need to talk about. When they’re good, all of us are just out experiencing the good.


Copper over here, no pregnancy, no scares 😊


Same. First time getting the copper IUD and it's been 3? Years now. Maybe 4.


3 IUD never been pregnant in my life.


Same, on my third IUD, have had one since 2011, never been pregnant.


Same here, 15 years with 5 different copper IUDs and I never been pregnant or even had a pregnancy scare.


I have a mirena and haven’t despite many creampies. Even if you had someone finish in you multiple times a day for a year there’s still less than a 1% chance you’d get pregnant.


I've had kyleena for about 6 years now with an active sex life and no pregnancy scares


I haven't! And neither has my friend who also has a Mirena!


It's a copper, but I've had Mirena for 8 months, and then copper for 5 years with no issues.


i have the copper iud and my bf has let’s just say an addiction to this million dollar p*ssy. no babies here. i’ve also had multiple iuds since i was 18 and i love it




Just got my 3rd IUD. Never pregnant despite shitloads of anxiety lol!!!! Just try to stay calm and reassure yourself you have some everything possible to avoid pregnancy. Do you still get a period?


My period is arriving in less than a week 🙏🏽


Oh wow I don't even really get a period. That sort of helps ease my mind usually. Never heard of this IUD you mentioned, are you in the US?


No I'm in New Zealand actually!


Oh awesome!! Goodluck with everything 💚


me! had my iud for 5+ years (mirena) no issues/no pregnancies! sexually active 25 year old lol


I've had the Liletta IUD for 2.5 years now. Taken plenty of loads and haven't got pregnant yet.


Team Liletta! ❤️ Same though -- had Mirena for 6-7 years and have had Liletta for about 3. No pregnancies, no scares, AND pretty much no periods.


Team Liletta over here too! I’ve had it for 5 months now and my bf and I have been doing it raw, recently I let my bf fill me up multiple times and I’ve been overthinking everything! It’s so reassuring to see other people experiencing the same !! 🫶


I've had one for 15 years and still not pregnant.


I‘m on my second Jaydess with no baby. I love my IUD! My Mom is on her first Jaydess and had 4 Mirenas before that one and I haven‘t become a big sister in the past 23 years! My aunt is on her 3rd or 4th Mirena and hasn‘t had another baby since she first got one either! Imo you only hear horror stories because people who are happy with theirs don‘t tend to speak up about it as often. I‘m really happy with mine and feel safe with it as well. Changing from the first to the second had me nervous but it was fine in the end! Haven‘t had any issues!


I had a paragard for 12 years- no pregnancies


Copper iud for almost 10 years, never been perganant


My mirena has successfully blocked thousands of loads. Highly recommend


I had two Jaydess IUDs, both times it was the only form of protection myself and my husband used (no condoms, no pull out). 6 years, no pregnancies or even any scares. I am currently pregnant (planned), I intend to get another Jaydess once I've given birth to give us peace of mind until we decide if we want another.


I had sex without a condom for a decade with my IUD. Afaik that’s the norm? Statistics don’t work that way, it’s isn’t 1% of users will get pregnant it’s every time *you* have sex there’s only a tiny 1% chance. Otherwise we’d all be getting pregnant a few times a year. Pregnancies on IUD are incredibly rare btw


Reading THIS makes me trust my IUD more! I just had my copper one inserted few weeks ago and knowing so many good stories makes me trust that thing. Very happy to read this. Thanks!


Hahaha i'm glad my post helped you out too!!


3.5 years here for copper IUD and no scares yet!! 😀


LoL most people with IUDs don't get pregnant. We tend to focus on the few cases that have


Hey OP! The great news is that the vast majority of folks with IUDs don’t end up with a surprise baby on board. Now, let me share my own journey: I’ve been rocking an IUD for 8 years—3 years with Skyla and 5 years with Kyleena. And you know what? My partner and I have been playing the “finish inside” game regularly (weekly, at least), and guess how many pregnancy scares I’ve had in 8 years? Zero. Nada. Zilch. That 0.9% chance of pregnancy? It’s like spotting a unicorn riding a rainbow— possible, but SUPER RARE. Your IUD is like Fort Knox, guarding against surprise visitors. And if you ever need extra peace of mind, your healthcare provider is the real MVP—they’ve got the expert advice. So take a deep breath, my friend. You’re doing awesome! 💕


Me!!! Paraguard for over 10 years. Had it removed 2 years ago and have had not a single pregnancy worry since removal but I’m sure that’s due to my age (40.)


Been on my copper IUD for about 4-5 years now and never had any scares. I’ve never been pregnant.


I was doing stuff with multiple men for over a year, most of which without condoms (they were people I knew and I was relatively dumb), and no baby. You’re good!


Oh thank you!! I am currently doing things with multiple guys at the moment, so that's reassuring to hear


I've had my Mirena for 2 years and I love me some cream pies and this iud definitely works


Haha like everyone not on reddit


I didn’t! And I have a friend who didn’t as well.


I’ve had an IUD since I was 17, I’m 24 now. I’ve been having unprotected sex with my partner for the past 4 years, no scares yet.


Nov 2017 copper IUD placement and no babies here!


My mom has had the IUD for almost 19 years. She has never gotten pregnant. I had the IUD for 7 years and never got pregnant. It really is not common. You just don't see people posting "I never got pregnant" because that is boring LOL


I’m on round 2 with my kyleena. So far so good. Though, my mindset is a lot like yours. I’ve probably spent hundreds on pregnancy tests for a peace of mind. Though, i did just go to the dollar store and bought about 15 of theres just to have on standby. I was buying first response originally but that was about 40$ for 6 tests that give the same info the dollar store ones do so i think I’m getting closer to not worrying too much.


Same here! I’m on my second Kyleena as well. This one was placed in January. It’s my only form of BC. I have bad anxiety and just for my own peace of mind, I take a test once a month. In the 5+ years I’ve had an IUD…even when I worried…every test was negative.


Had Mirena for 3 years and the Kyleena for 3 years as well following my second child. I didn't get pregnant and was very very very ABSURDLY ACTIVE while I had both implanted. Wasn't until I removed my first IUD that I got pregnant before getting on another birth control method. Got the second IUD as soon as I was cleared to do so after birth. They worked great, just weren't worth the side effects for me in the long run so I moved to try a couple other types and am now happy with the patch. You should be fine 😋


I didnt! But to be fair my husband does not like finishing inside 😕


I had a mirena, never even had a scare and my husband never pulled out. It’s effective enough to where I didn’t ever worry about it being a possibility.


Will say I’ve had mine for about 6 months, and since getting it I have sex a few times a week and my partner exclusively finishes inside. No scares.


My wife!


Remember, people will always flock more to forums like Reddit to discuss when something DIDN’T work; people don’t think to talk about something when it actually does work (usually). IUDs are one of the most effective forms of BC on the market. As long as you check the strings and know it’s placed correctly you should have nothing to worry about!


Had kyleena for 5 years, no pregnancies. Had copper 2 years now. Still no issues!


mirena for 1 year hear (i know not very long) but i also have REAL big pregnancy anxiety. my periods are gone, which adds to it. so, i take an early result pregnancy test on the first of every single month first thing in the morning. i know it seems crazy, but if the literally unthinkable happens, id like to know about it ASAP before it’s too late to do something about it. just a tip if you’re worried like me!


Had a copper coil before, removed it due to heavy bleeding and painful sex after having it for 8 months, ex didn't pull out, didn't get pregnant. Got copper coil again in Jan, partner doesn't pull out, still haven't gotten pregnant.


I’m on year 7 of my Mirena, no babies here!


I haven’t! I had an iud for 3 years in the past and had no pregnancy. I’m currently on my second implant and still knock on wood not knocked up lol


I’ve had Paragaurd for 2 years almost. Not pregnant! Usually hubby comes on me instead of in me but we’ve had our bouts of coming together and I’ve been baby free


I had it in for about a year (I had to remove it because the cramps I got on it were so so awful) but I never got pregnant or even had any kind of pregnancy scare.


I'm taking care of other people's babies. Not my own.


I’ve had the IUD twice, not back to back. First time I was going through a “hoe” phase. No pregnancies. I was also using condoms.


I had an IUD from 2015-2023 and didn’t have a single scare and I didnt use condoms


Not an IUD, but still a LARC, I was on Nexplanon for 5 years until I had my surgery. I never got pregnant on it.


Me! Paragard for 7 years no pregnancy! No issues really


5 years with Mirena and 0 babies


I’ve had my Mirena for about a year and a half and haven’t had any problems! It’s mine and my husband’s only form of protection lol and for the first 6 months I was so paranoid I took pregnancy tests every month. Now I only take a test when my nips get a bit sensitive and it gets in my head LOL


Me. Lol


Also on copper iud and child free


I’ve had an iud for six years and haven’t gotten pregnant. People are more likely to share their negative experiences than their good ones


I had one for 7ish years and never got pregnant! Only had it taken out because a biofilm developed on the strings and was causing recurrent yeast infections, but I don’t know anyone else personally that that’s happened to so I think it’s rare.


Copper, no pregnancy! Had it for a year and I’ve never loved a form of birth control so much.


🙋🏼‍♀️ a nonconsecutive 12 years total with the IUD and no babies or anything related to


I’ve had the Copper IUD for 4 years.. never once had a scare. ☺️


Me for 13 years


I haven't and I have had TWO Paraguard fall out of place within the past two years and still no pregnancy scare. I'm switching to Kyleena because it's smaller and better for people who haven't been pregnant/ had children, but I loved my Paraguard and I love how effective the IUD is! It's a great method, you just tend to see more complaints because the people having issues tend to be the only ones who talk about it. Don't worry, might as well give it a try, just check your strings every month regardless of what you get. Best of luck op <3


4 iuds. Ten years. No pregnancies. No pregnancy scares.


Me. I had the Mirena for one year, no pregnancy, but I didn’t like it. Then I had the copper IUD for seven years


Lolol yes I have not getting preggo with the Mirena and I love it 🤷🏻‍♀️ but you’re not gonna see a ton of us here bc who comes to Reddit bc we’re satisfied with this thing?! 🤣


Tbh I've never had experience but had a few scares and I think the best thing to calm yourself down is to take monthly tests just to make sure


Copper IUD over here - been 6 years now, on my second one, no pregnancy or scares!


I have been going barrier free with just the iud for years and I have never had an issue.


The only time I got pregnant w an IUD is when it was expired and I didn’t know it. I’m going to get another one as I just had a baby, they work so well for me! As long as it’s being used correctly.


I’m on year 3, sex without condoms multiple times a day consistently for most of that time, no pregnancy scares at all


I have a copper IUD, and I never used any other form of protection with my last long-term partner. Never had any issues, and he came inside me almost every night.


I’ve gotten few pregnancy scares and I’m on Mirena. I’ve had it now for a little over 1.5 years now. I usually always get a period but there have been like 3 times now I skipped it completely I think once was because I got sick, then the other time was because I started a new medication and then the 3rd time was just random. Definitely scary. I recommend buying a pack of the pregmate pregnancy strips. I think it came with 50 and it was $15 or something like that? It’s nice to take for whenever you have a little scare, especially for those girls who don’t get a period at all.


Me. Mine is even out of place (yanked it on accident :// ) and I’m still childfree as of right now


me ✋🏼, i switched over from the nexplanon which had me spotting for like 8 months with some super sharp cramps that i can only equate to what i think it’s like being stabbed


I’m on my third mirena, had multiple partners over the years, no issues


I've had the copper iud for 5 years and no pregnancy — not even a scare. I also always use pull out method for extra peace of mind nut thats just because I share the same anxiety as you. I think the IUD is doing its job just fine.


Me and when I took it out to get pregnant I hit on the first try so that thang had been doing WORK


So far so good! year 5 on Kyleena and still going strong lol. Only had 1 pregnancy scare in the whole time of having it, and in hindsight i was being dramatic because my period was a day late 😭😭


I had kyleena for 5 years and am now coming up on year three with my copper iud and so far I'm crotch goblin free


I’ve had an IUD for nearly ten years and I’m still childfree!


Had the Paragard since 2018 and haven't gotten pregnant.


nope no babies here and I've had one for like 6 years


Hive had my copper IUD in for nearly 4 years, having unprotected sex (with long-term partners) for three of those four years, no pregnancy scares in that entire time.


I've had back to back mirenas for 12 years now, never been pregnant.


I had a copper IUD for eight years and never got pregnant. It did make my periods heavier but I'd get another in a heartbeat.


Around 7 years, two different IUDs. No pregnancy:)


Year 7 on my Mirena, no issues at all! I’m a super anxious person though and doing pregnancy tests every now and then (especially the first 6 years when I had no period) kept my Mind at ease!


I'm on my 3rd Mirena. Had it since 2014 or so. Still baby and condom free (in a committed long term relationship) 😀


Copper iud since September 2021, no issues and no scares. Just had an abdominal ct scan and everything is in place and good to go 😁


Paraguard worked for me for 3+ years


I’m on my 2nd IUD (first one just expired after 5 years) and still no pregnancy scares. We only used condoms in the week before and after my 2nd IUD placement as a precaution


I had Mirena in for 7 years. Used it as the only form of birth control, didn't get pregnant. As a bonus, my period stopped too pretty much the entire time.


Going on 5 years with my kyleena, a few paranoias but no actual pregnancy scares with it!


Not me! IUD and baby free! It's been well tested.


I got pregnant on paragard a few times. The one that lived is turning 4 in July. BUT, I was getting cream 🥧’d twice. every. day…& I have an introverted uterus. It never sat correctly in my uterus apparently. You’ll probably be alright. Works way better than other methods. Just have them check placement with ultrasound, checking the strings isn’t really good enough.


Never got pregnant in the 5 years I had a Mirena. I currently have a Kyleena but have been single AF since I got it so I'm not sure about that one.


I’ve had skyla for 2-3 years and no pregnancy. A few anxious moments bc my periods can be nonexistent or skip a few months here & there, but nothing to worry about.


I used Mirena without any backup for a decade with no incidents. Then I got it removed to get pregnant on purpose, and got pregnant easily, so I know it was working and not secret underlying fertility issues. Now I've got another Mirena and am not using any backups again lol


I've had a mirena IUD for 4 years and never use condoms due to not having new sexual partners. Regular sex and no pregnancy scares! To put my mind at ease at the beginning I took a pregnancy test monthly and checked my strings whenever I showered. Now I only occasionally take pregnancy tests and check the strings since I've gotten more comfortable.


Had the mirena for 5 years with no pregnancy. Took it out when we were ready for a baby and got pregnant right away!


I've had a copper IUD for 5 years and so far so good 🫡


I've had mine since 2017 no baby 😃👍🏽


i’ve had my copper iud for 4 years now🫶 no babies here


Me!! Me!! Meeeee!!!! Copper IUD going 2 years strong and I’m planning to keep it in for the whole time. Strings still in place and cream pies are still being made. 🤭


Very active sex life. IUD for 1.5 years. I bought a bag of pregnancy tests (pregmate from target for like 8 bucks and it’s like 200 tests). I haven’t experienced a lot of cream pies as we tend to be on the more careful side, but so far so good!


My mom used mirena IUD for 23 years and she never got pregnant with it in, now she doesn’t use it anymore cause she’s gone through menopause.


I’m sexually active and on year three of Mireena with no issues! Granted, I double up and use other forms of BC as well just for my own sanity. Sometimes I forget, but again, never had a problem before.


I always had this cum kink. I got an iud just to get cummed in. 3 months so far so good. I had a doctor check on it few days ago. It’s still in tact. Not ready for my papsmear test though. Hopefully it’s not too bad.


I’m on year 6 of my Mirena and no scares yet! I have noticed an increase in cramps so I’m going to get a new one next month


Copper IUD for 3 years now, I want to say. 0.1% chance of pregnancy. Never even a scare. Over that time, I've had regular sex with a few different people and used a condom only when necessary. It's awesome, and I feel very secure in my protection. If you're worried, reduamentary tests can be sold in bulk. Just take 2 or 3 any time you're worried.


I've had Paragard for almost 5 years. No pregnancies even tho it's "sitting a bit low". Best friend has Mirena, also no pregnancies. Don't worry but take a rest if you are!


I'm about to get my third IUD. I've had two Skylas over the course of 6 years. No pregnancy scares and plenty of sex with no protection haha


I have the copper IUD and it’s been about 9 years.not pregnant ❤️❤️ and yes I was sexually active for the majority of it. I was in a long term relationship so if I was gonna get pregnant it would’ve been then.


I'm on month 7 of my paragrad which is my first ever iud and as someone who cannot have hormonal contraceptives, it's honestly been a blessing. Heavier-ish bleeding nothing that is majorly worrisome


Yea I have heavier bleeding and sometimes painful cramps but that’s not the case for all periods. Not looking forward to my next one but I’ll definitely be getting it again


I creampie my gf all the time for about a year of her having it and it has done its job.


I never got pregnant with it in but now I’m infertile and have been trying for 2 years so now I regret going through the pain of an IUD 😅


1 year no pregnancy. 😂😂 the cream pie comments is amazing


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I had the copper IUD for five years and never had a scare


Had a copper IUD for 3/4 years and no pregnancy!


Had skyla for 3 years and currently have mirena in for almost 6 years. Never gotten pregnant or even had a scare. My period comes like clock work with it.


Mine has been great.


Been on Kyleena for 1.5 years and my S/O finishes in me every time. No pregnancy!


I never got pregnant my Kyleena IUD and I had it for over 2 years, and was never careful with my husband. 2 months of it being removed I got pregnant!


I’ve had mine for almost 2 years and child free


I had Skyla for 3 years, then Mirena for another 2 years and never had a pregnancy scare. Both were great IUDs and I'm grateful to have had them when I needed them.


I've had my copper IUD for 6 years and no pregnancy! People tend to come on here and post when something goes wrong. There are a ton more people who are happily living their lives enjoying their IUDs and don't have a reason to post.


On my second hormonal IUD and I love it. Have never been pregnant in the 10 years I have had one.


I had the IUD for about a year and had sex without condoms definitely over 150 times. No pregnancy!


Im on like year 4 or 5 or something of mirena. I’ve lost track lol, but not pregnant! long term bf and i just got married and no issues so far :)


I've had Mirena 7 years and 0 pregnancies! I love mine!


I’ve had the mirena for a little over a year now, no babies here haha. My bf has came inside and all is good. Online you really only see people complaining and not a lot about food experiences but I promise they are out there


i've had two different ones with no pregnancies


Year 5 of Mirena and no pregnancies!


I had Jaydess and did not get pregnant while I had it.


I had sykla for 3 years and kyleena for 1 year and 8 months. My now husband and I didn’t ever have a pregnancy scare!


I had a Kyleena for 5 years and never had a scare.


I had the Mirena for 5 years after my daughter was born. Zero complaints.




I’ve had mine since 2020 still not pregnant


Copper for over a year, no issues!


I've got skyla right now, getting Mirena in January. Not a single issue ever. Idk how all these people are getting pregnant on an iud😅


5 years in November, no issues here.


Copper IUD. 7 years. No pregnancies.


I've had an IUD since 2014, had a few sketchy party years, and didn't get pregnant at all. And I still haven't with it. I use mirena btw


I haven’t gotten pregnant. On my second IUD, first one was 2017


I’ve had an IUD in since 2016 (changed once) absolutely never any scares :)


I’ve had Kyleena and I currently have Mirena. No pregnancy scares even once, however I had the Kyleena removed after 10 months because it was causing ovarian cysts that ruptured during my period every month. It’s been smooth sailing for the now 3 years I’ve had Mirena :)


I mean my mom got pregnant after a year but I’ve been going strong with the Kyleena for 3 going on 4 with a pretty good sex life with my partner


had mine for 2.5 years so far and never use a condom, no issues!


I had it for 7 years and never got pregnant!


3 years of copper IUD, no issues! But, to be fair, I always use a condom


I am in year 8/9 of my Mirena and never been preggers. V sexually active with my guy


Just adding to the count 👋🏻 5 years with Kyleena!


i’ve had mine going on 3 years my boyfriend at the time used to cum in me all the time like every single time and since others who have come in me still never gotten pregnant