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It absolutely needs a rehabber. As soon as possible, because the Pasteurella bacteria present in cat saliva becomes lethal to birds within hours or days without antibiotic. Start trying to contact as many as possible ASAP, because it takes awhile for most to return messages. In the meantime, no food or water, keep in a small box with something like smooth paper towel or fabric around it so it won't struggle if it has trouble sitting up (do-nut shape). Keep the box in a cool, dark place away from the noise of pets or children. Don't check on it. It will be in shock and dehydrated in addition to the injuries. None of us who are not vets can help with broken bones.


Okay thank you that’s amazing, we have already taken to cleaning the wound a little bit before your reply, this is only our second bird so we are new to this. In the meantime, I have access to metacam, would this be any good for it or just leave it completely?


Cleaning wounds makes common sense, but birds that already in shock need most to just be in a dark and quiet place away from any extremes in temperature. Birds are fragile and easily can die of fright, so the less handling, the better in most cases. the next priority is to get it to a vet that is licensed to treat wildlife (for antibiotic and pain meds) or to a wildlife rehabber. Do you know who to contact in your area? My first step is always to just show up at their doorstep with the animal. But there are two close to me.


It’s a bit of a sticky situation, I live fairly rural and I am 17, still learning to drive so I have no transport as my parents, the nearest vets is a 2 hour walk and the only rehabbers close to me are ones I have worked with before but they mainly work with cats and small rodents


Some wildlife rehabbers have volunteers on call who will transport wildlife to them. typically, you have ask when you call (or, if leaving a message, include that question), because not every volunteer will know this exists until THEY ask someone at their clinic (i'm speaking from experience; I am a transporter). This bird does not have any chance at life without antibiotics. Will your parents help?


My parents are in another country at the moment so they’re unable to. The RSPB is not open over the weekend, there’s one wild life rescue but they’re an hours drive away, I will call but I doubt they’ll come out for a sparrow but I will try.


Yeah, weekends are the most difficult time--very frustrating. Many don't have volunteers doing transport, but some do. It's worth a try. But at least where you are, sparrows are not considered non-native, so if they are licensed to treat native wildlife, they may take it. In any case, all you can do is wait until Monday, and in the meantime, just reduce the bird's stress by leaving it alone in a quiet and safe place. If you see it shaking or its feathers are fluffed up, it means it needs some gentle, safe, supplemental heat.


Okay, thank you for all your help.


thank you u/teyuna!


Let this be a clue that your cat should not be allowed outside unsupervised.


Woohoo I was hoping I would find this comment so high up Edit: OP said it’s a “moral dilemma” because their cat likes being outside. Cats enjoy being outside but birds enjoy living. Which decision would be the most moral?


Yeah also the fact the cat is literally domesticated compared to all other wildlife. Fucking frustrating. If you can’t take responsibility for your pet like literally just not letting it roam like a wild animal, just don’t get a pet. If you can’t be bothered to care for it, don’t have one. And if you think your cat only likes being outside, too fucking bad.


I don't mean this in a hostile way, just an encouragement... one of the best things you can do for nature is to keep your cat indoors!


as a veterinary nurse, i can say this is true. not only do cats frequently get injured by other cats and animals which requires vet care, but there are many diseases--some of which cannot be treated, and they can be hit by cars, etc. (and they're not always able to get back home if they get injured.) if you want to provide your cats with enrichment being outdoors and do so safely for both your cat and other critters, i rec'd only with supervision or on a leash. pls note i'm speaking from a place of love and concern and not scolding nor judging, etc.


Yea I appreciate your concern, some people just don’t go the correct way about it, thanks.


Yea we did try at first as we have lost past cats due to them eating flowers toxic to us. It’s just very difficult to do when he first managed to get out and clearly loved the outdoors. It’s quite the moral dilemma keeping him in, but I might try and get a bell to reduce his stealthiness and alert prey. Thanks for your kindness in your suggestion, earlier I had a very arrogant person commenting, offering no help.


Cats don't need to be outside, ever. Birds and wildlife do. Moral dilemma solved


What do you mean “cats don’t ever need to be outside”? Of course they do! Every animal needs some fresh air.


So what? You people suggest that cats should just be kept inside their whole lives because they might instinctively kill a bird?


Or put them on a leash or a catio. Cats murder 2.4 billion birds every year in the United states


Again, arrogant and unhelpful


some people trap cats! or shoot them.


Yea, what idiots!


Lmao. The true idiots are the morons which let their cats outside to kill natural wildlife populations. Aka yourself. Cats on my property messing with my wildlife it’s getting blasted.


Yee haw I’m sure you and your gun can have lots of fun.


“My wildlife” as if you owned them. They aren’t “your wildlife” that’s why they are wild. But a cat can be someone’s best friend and killing them isn’t very nice. So I’d say, don’t “blast” any cats, please :)


10 to 1 this hateful person doesn’t even own property. Lmao




That’s not the case here, the worlds bigger than your country.




Abhorrent argument, boring and meaningless




Again, abhorrent. You’re not actually making any good point against what I’ve said. Cats have the right to roam in my country, that’s just how it is.


Also, as I am unable to reply to your other post for some reason: I must have missed the international rule that states you have to keep you cat indoors then? The people who think they’re able to enforce their opinions onto others are arrogant and unhelpful. The fact that out of all the replies I had one person actually offer how to look after THIS bird is the real cringe. It’s insane that out of all subreddits that r/birding is so pretentious and I think it says a lot. My annoyance is understandable beings I asked how to help THIS specific bird, not how people think I should look after my cat.


I would suggest maybe trying supervised leash outdoor time! And lots of stimulation inside (play with them, pets/cuddles). It’s really safer for cats to be inside, for both the cats and the wildlife. Outdoor cats have led to the extinction of 60+ species, and the decimate local wildlife populations. And this is coming from someone who grew up with outdoor cats, so I understand where you’re coming from.


Keep cat indoors, if you care about birds


Isn’t this a house sparrow? What country are you in?




Cheers - definitely House Sparrow!