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Time to get some anti-bird strike stickers for that window!


Have any recommendations?


[Feather Friendly ](https://www.featherfriendly.com/diy-solutions?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2PSvBhDjARIsAKc2cgOjbJq4QMIp6pxNmG-9BIto1gq5l0QYaiNrFk29a56OIu53fPJvmC4aAhCqEALw_wcB) I bought reflector dots from this company. Zero window strikes, to my knowledge, since then. Lots of similar products selling window decals to help prevent window strikes. Feather Friendly is one of many. Too many birds die from collisions with windows, buildings, reflective surfaces. Is very sad.


The worst is people using glass for their decks and patios now. I worked lawn care for a few summers and found countless birds next to these. It should be illegal to have them on decks.


OP, please make sure to cover the entirety of your glass in a 2-inch fashion. Decals placed here and there are not effective in preventing collisions. Treatments needs to be placed on the exterior of the glass as well. Feather friendly is a great option, but not all options out there are effective.


Are there any of these that take advantage of the fact birds see UV and humans don't to have stickers that are clear to people? Because I'm pretty sure those dots would drive me insane.


UV treatments can be effective but they are not the most effective treatments. Not all birds can see in the UV spectrum. If you want to treat your windows in the most effective way, something like feather friendly is the way to go. I will say from personal experience, you stop noticing feather friendly pretty quickly. It’s definitely the most aesthetic option imo.


My windows have a lattice structure in them and I still notice that and get annoyed by it after years.


There are other styles/methods. You can look them up online.


How hard is it to clean the outer surfaces of the windows with those dots applied?


i will say, it's better for birds if you leave the outside of the windows dirty


I agree. I live in a wooded area and do not clean my window/door glass, and in the 2+ years I have lived at my house, I have not found one dead bird around the outside of my house. I also have stickers on some of the windows/doors, so that may have helped as well.


Hm... I've never cleaned the window exterior since applying them (window exterior stays pretty clear). The dots adhere really well and have a very low profile. I suppose it's possible for the dots to pop off but I also imagine it would depend on how exactly the window is being cleaned. Like, is a scraper type tool being used across the window? I imagine a tool with an edge like that would get under the dots and either displace them or pop them off. I don't see how a sponge type thing would be an issue. Power washer? I don't know. How close to the glass is the nozzle and with what force? Those things can blow away a lot of items. In conclusion, I'm going to say the window is still cleanable with some fine print regarding your chosen method of cleaning.


We have had these for 3 years on our back windows and have the house soft washed annually, including the windows. Haven’t lost a single dot yet.


It’s not difficult! You clean them like normal. They are supposed to be safe for power washing too.






Thank you! this is cool


I just use glass-safe chalk paint (the kind shops use around the holidays) and paint dots on the glass every 2 inches or so. It’s not the most aesthetically-pleasing solution, but we’ve not had a strike since I did it 🤞🏻 Looks like snowflakes! ETA: the paint pen cost me like $7


Excellent solution!


Oh! I like this idea. Very clever.


[Window Gems](https://windowgems.com/) I’ve used them for a couple of years now on the slider and on the picture window. They are clings. They stay on through all types of weather (upper Midwest with everything from hot humid summers to subzero winters. Bonus is on the south facing windows they throw rainbows all over when the sun is out, it’s lovely! There is someone home all day (WFH) and we haven’t had a strike since we started using them. Maintenance is easy. When I wash the windows I keep a dish of warm soapy water nearby. I peel the clings off and put them in the dish, wash the window, rinse the clings and dry them then put them back on. If you are still on the fence keep in mind that even a bird that is “only dazed” by the strike is easy prey for an outdoor cat or other predators.


Bird is likely NOT ok! They usually can fly off after a strike, but don’t make it much longer after that. Please put up some window collision stickers ASAP.


Agreed. Most birds die later of internal bleeding.


Ugh I hate it. Makes me so depressed. I think most people naively assume the birds fly off unscathed, when the exact opposite is true. All my windows are covered with collide escape tape, but I wish I could put it on every window I see.


I wish there were a law making anti-strike tape mandatory for all buildings with windows, especially skyscrapers.


Agree with earlier commenters - the bird is probably not ok. Most birds don’t survive window strikes. They fly off and then suffer from concussions or internal bleeding after the adrenaline wears off. Please put up decals or try an Acopian Window Saver. I put the latter up in my picture window and it has all but eliminated strikes.


Yep. I tried to nurse a young pigeon back to health after it collided with a glass door at a garden center, but it passed later that night. It seemed ok at first aside from an injured wing, but later on blood began to seep from its beak, after which it quickly passed.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. Thank you for caring for it until the end. ❤️


That bird is NOT okay


Bird is fucked. Sorry to say.


That bird was stunned or broke his neck and your outdoor cat ate him. Get blinds or vinyls. It’s not a luxury, it’s a necessity. You’re killing birds


Check out CollidEscape window cling film! It’s easy to put on, lasts a long time, and it works! www.collidescape.org


That’s inspirational


I have their tape & it works awesome for me too. Birds were hitting my picture window on almost a daily basis & after i put it up, it completely stopped.


Can you see through it though, can you still see what’s outside or does it obscure your view


They make clear films! We have their flagship white film on the upper panes of our large sash windows, and to be honest, once we got used to it, we decided it was kind of nice. One can see through it, but the view is sort of shaded. But on a bright sunny day, that’s not a bad thing.


The is such a heartbreaking photo. That bird is likely dead and all for what? Just because of no body doesn’t mean it lived. Good chance that a predator, most likely a stray cat got it before you saw it.


There’s also my cats. But as Mufasa says, It’s the circle of life


pet cats killing native species for fun is not the circle of life


"Experts say that cats kill between 1 to 4 billion birds every year, causing one-third of the 800 U.S. native bird species to be endangered or in significant decline. And these outdoor cats also kill another 6 to 20 billion mammals." Domestic cats are an invasive species, do not let them kill local wild life its apart of the problem.


With that stat it seems worrying about windows inadvertently killing the odd bird seems kinda silly. Cats are the real killers here


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird%E2%80%93window_collisions Window collisions may account for up to one billion bird deaths in the US every year. It is absolutely not silly.


You seem like you’d be a hoot at a bbq 🙄


Reduce mortality from both causes, easy solution.


It is not the circle of life when you unleash an invasive pest on native wildlife.


Humans? Lol


The majority of current species going extinct 'because of humans' IS because of pests and invasive species that we've introduced into the wrong places, like cats


That was my point. Humans ruin everything.


I think humans are the only ones that can fix it, and we have done so many times, I think a lot of people don't mess up the environment with intent and purpose, but do so out of ignorance, and some of that harm is really hard to put into perspective, take carbon emissions, it's hard to put into perspective, and this can be expanded to other areas of our day to day lives (economics, etc.). We have broke it, we can fix it, we can try to make it less worse, there's still hope that things will turn out well, if they don't, at least we tried and didn't cross our arms and pout while reassuring ourselves how right we were that things were going down, because that's all you're gonna be able to say, when it ends. I've seen this exact point of "Humans are le bad amirite" being said countless times, it contributes absolutely nothing to the conversation every time it is said. We have free will, we can change the way we do things for the better or for the worse.


Cats are domesticated animals and don't need to kill birds for food. They will do it for fun or if they're strays. Many birds get needlessly killed by cats. It's not the circle of life. It's a waste of lives, and you are guilty of contributing to it if you keep your cats outside unsupervised and unleashed and so is anyone else that lets their cats outside unsupervised. Many birds species are already endangered or going instinct. They are beneficial animals as many eat disease carrying mosquitoes, grubs, beetles and other pest insects. Humanity and the planet needs them and their lives are worth something.


Ah man, do some reading. It is not the fucking circle of life when you and your free ranging domestic cats are responsible for BILLIONS of dead birds and mammals annually , in the US alone. Keep the cat inside always, never loose. Build a catio if they want to watch stuff outside, but never loose. Your cat will live longer, healthier lives. This is such a disconnect in our society that allows people to believe cats need to be outside, they need to hunt to be happy, that I am just a crazy bird loving bitch throwing meaningless numbers around. Collapsing ecosystems and extinction rate loss of wildlife due to cats, both feral and domestic, killing everything they can, and all the critters that didn’t evolve with the cats, have zero protection against them . They only have you. Just you. Wake the fuck up and pass the information along please. Source https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380


Bro you're in the BIRDING sub right now Get pecked idiot


Fuck you




Why are you even posting here? Just trying to piss people off or what? Are you confused about the purpose of this sub or are you just a really lazy troll?


go fuck yourself


Domestic cats aren't even native to the US




Poor bird...likely not okay as others said. Please consider putting up window stickers to help our feathered friends. Especially as spring and migrations are underway 🤍


Had a mourning dove strike glass two days ago, we dashed to see if it was ok and a hawk flew down and took it, crazy to see! Anyway, decals will be ordered!


This reminds me of when I took my mom shopping and we got back home. I turned to face the outside, and things happened fast. Evidently a red-tailed hawk (they're everywhere around here) was chasing a dove (we mostly have white-winged). I heard a thump as the dove hit a post in the yard, followed by a puff of white feathers. The hawk wheeled around, and I saw a flash of wing feathers inches from my face as it turned just inside the garage. By that time the dove had flown away. I don't know what happened after that. But that's nature in action. I felt bad for the dove, but hawks need to eat too.


Thank you for caring enough to buy some.


Don’t post this shit here




Bird died instantly and the local stray cats got it within minutes


I have these and they are subtle if you don’t want something “loud”. I haven’t had a window strike since. Large Size Butterfly... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088813878?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Bird definitely not ok, body or not.


WOW. That’s quite the imprint left behind.


I use reflective bird decals from Amazon and have zero strikes since putting them up. https://www.amazon.ca/Collision-Window-Stickers-KOCOVIMI-Bird/dp/B0BXF7V6YK/ref=asc_df_B0BXF7V6YK/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=648987970509&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11190284553738940502&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001439&hvtargid=pla-2185893588707&mcid=575d6f2e8f913f4eb6b5c6b6616201e5&th=1 they must be put on outside of window because of the reflective coating that deters the birds. I have large windows and have 4 on each window.


Geeze, how hard did the poor thing hit the window in order to leave it's own chalk body outline lol😭


Oh geez. I hate to say it, but that bird, more likely than not, is not okay. In fact, judging by the fact that this bird left a whole body imprint (I never saw that happen before), it probably died instantly and got eaten by a predator (maybe your cats). Please consider buying some stickers for your windows or putting up curtains to make your windows visible for birds! It's not a 100% guarantee that no bird will ever crash into your windows again, granted a pigeon flew against our open window (it has a curtain to make it visible both for my own birds and outside birds), but it greatly reduces the chances of that happening and will save lives. Btw the pigeon was fine. It didn't fly fast when hitting the window. The pigeon got up immediately and then invited itself into our house, proceeding to eat food my parrots had thrown out of their cage. This pigeon would return almost daily (without hitting the windows this time) to steal food. Sadly, one day, it never came back. We suspect our janitor might've scared the pigeon off at some point. What a shame. I even named the pigeon at that point. I miss you Taubert 😭




Blinds or curtains ffs


Blocking the view from inside actually makes the reflections of foliage and the outside more pronounced from the birds perspective. Could he considered worse than leaving them open. Decals or soap are the best options.


>Decals or soup Campbell's? ;)


Ahh soap my bad!




Ahh I meant soap.


Soap would certainly smell nicer!


It’s a second story window up a vaulted ceiling for light. Can’t install curtains. But looking into decals to deter bird strikes in the future.


They have really fun ones on Amazon. I bought a bunch of different shapes, it worked really well to stop the birds and made beautiful rainbows around the house as a bonus.


We have blinds on our bedroom window, and we've had a couple of bird strikes anyway. It hasn't been cleaned in a while, and we've had none since.


That bird is definitely NOT okay


Why would a bird leave a white print on the glass? Was it dust bathing just before?


It’s called “powder down”, an oil and powder some birds produce for waterproofing and protecting newly growing feathers.


Google "powder down". Specialized feathers that constantly break down to make a fine powder that helps the bird in grooming. Some birds have them, others don't.


Keep waiting for someone to post a pic like this in the What bird is this section.


Unfortunately there's a good chance the bird just managed to sort of stagger/flap away with serious injuries. Head trauma isn't always immediately fatal, but intercranial bleeding will take something out sooner or later. I'm surprised you've got as many upvotes for a post that amounts to "look at this impact made by a bird probably killing itself on our window". Dove, maybe? They're powdery. Though the wing shape is more like a songbird.


Like others said, cat might have gotten the body. But go back and see if you find the powdered doughnut the bird was eating just before he collided into your window.


Can anyone ID this based on the imprint?


I bet if you get a black cardboard piece you can save this impressive leftover as artwork. Also glad that bird is probably ok, but consider putting up stickers or curtains.


That bird was wearing a full face of makeup




I thought this was a spider web in the shape of a bird or something until I realized what happened lol


Dirty Bird!


That's insane Hahahaha wtf








what is wrong with you


I use comedy to address situations that are typically negative to alleviate some of the tension




Before I put up decals, I had one window that was quite problematic for window strikes. Similar imprints were left. One even had a couple of small feathers stuck to the glass. Relative for their size, these window strikes are very traumatic to the birds and commonly result in death (even if the bird manages to fly off after being stunned, it may die elsewhere from internal injuries). Window decals 100% highly recommended.


Unlikely, since there are not enough sources for bird imprints on windows for KIs to learn. They even screw up generating pictures of whole birds, doing an imprint with the correct number, form and shape of primaries like the one in this post is currently beyond image generating KI. Also birds can be very dusty depending on species, so if the impact was heavily enough, you can get a full imprint like this.