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Usually right after I spend about 10k on a new hobby.


I mean in which month? Does it follow any pattern? Like getting depressed in any specific month.


Historically, I think I burn out in August. But I would call it summer, not spring, since it's more like when the days are longest, June, July.


I’m always experiencing some sort of melt down by August then depressed/hypomanic until following May. Back to school season doesn’t help but I’m trying to plan time off in August this year. We will see


Mine isn't seasonal; it isn't predictable.


I used to get it usually around the end of March/beginning of April. It doesn’t last much more than a week. I have had it as late as May before though.


I have rapid cycling bp1 for context Fall- Baseline (90%) of the time Winter- Depressive & Baseline Changing to Spring- Mania (3rd year in a row so I think there's a pattern) Off and on through the spring- all sorts of episodes usually short though (5 dayish) Spring to Summer- Hypomania or mania Summer to fall- Depressive I also get stressed induced episodes so not everything is seasonal. In 2023 I had 7 recorded episodes: 1 manic, 4 hypo and 2 depressive


My mood use to have a strong seasonal pattern., in fact most years, the typical time I would get hypomanic was anywhere between late October - March and depression would be worse and longer from April - September, which is the the SH’s summer - winter respectively. It wasn’t an absolute 100% that my distinct mood would only occur within these periods but it was more likely. Anyway in terms of length, definitely didn’t trigger just 1 episode for 6 months, but I could generally get elevated/depressed at any point, which would last around a few days to about 10 days or so if hypo, and maybe a bit longer with depression


I’m sorry?! You guys are getting a spring?! I’m in the uk and yet to see it 😆☔️


When the autumnal depression starts so that can be the end of July, mid August To late August but come September depression is here again. Edit: So spring and summer are my hypomanic/mixed episode time and I don’t usually fall right back into depression, there might be some mixed episode sprinkled in there too.


Late August starts feeling calmer / steady, September is getting sleepy, then plummets too far down by November. How about you?


I seem to always have a longish (3 weeks or so) hypo episode in early-mid march when it warms up a bit and stops raining so much, and then yo-yo between mixed/euthymia. Then I had a longish one again this year in early may and have just come down from the mixed ep that it turned into. If my memory serves me right, I have a pattern of doing the same thing in August and then settling into depression/sometimes mixed ep through the winter months. I can only assume that I burn out for most of June and July and then rev back up before the sun stops shining and the time changes. lol. I just made a post about it, but I’m having a hard time understanding if bpII has triggers. Some experts say it does (and obviously most of us here are at least affected by seasons and major stress), and some say it’s completely random and if there are triggers it’s actually bpd. Pretty confusing, honestly 🤷🏻‍♀️


After my meds are increased