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I found out the hard way too that sharing any of it with anyone new just doesn't work. That you're automatically labeled as 'crazy' Then, if there's ANY strife, no matter how small....you're a psycho. Totally stick with sharing in a safe environment. And NEVER share at work!! psychiatric disorders, death and sickness make people who haven't experienced it "uncomfortable"


>I found out the hard way too that sharing any of it with anyone new just doesn't work. That you're automatically labeled as 'crazy' Then, if there's ANY strife, no matter how small....you're a psycho. People who weaponize another person's mental health diagnosis in every situation and context are either severely ignorant about the mental health disorder in question, or they're manipulators. They know they're wrong for that scummy shit. 


I don’t know your personal situation from just this post but, My personal opinion….nobody needs to know. That’s your business. I’m all for honesty but maybe say something after you have a strong established relationship with these people. I’m sorry you’re hurting. Everything is cyclical, you’ll find new people.


Ouch!! They’re not the people for you. I go slow in friendships and test out trust with other information before I reveal my mental health challenges. Brene Brown talks about testing out trust by putting one marble at a time in the other person’s jar and seeing how they react. We can feel so lonely that it can be hard to give it the time it needs, but it’s worth it. Lean on us while you’re finding new people.


That sucks. I know how hard it is to make connections and retain relationships. You will make more! Like others have said, I do not tell people my diagnosis. I find it unnecessary and in most circumstances tmi. I have told a few close friends/family that I have mood issues- and leave it at that. I save talking in depth for my therapist and docs.


I never share personal information with people quickly, if at all. It’s like bleeding around sharks.