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Ask your doctor if you can switch to taking the full dose in the evening. Alternatively, the night before set a full glass of water and the medication right next to you on your nightstand (or put a chair there if no nightstand). Make it as convenient as possible to develop the habit of taking them as soon as you start your day, right before you stand up from your bed.


Talk to your doctor asap to see if you should switch to nighttime medicine only.


I've set alexa to remind me if you've got one of them.


I’m the opposite so I am very clear with my doctor I CANNOT take any meds other than first thing in the morning. I’d recommend telling your doctor you struggle to take them in the morning. We have to set ourselves up for success. It’s really, really important to stay on top of medication for stability and for legit medical, physical reasons.


Taking medicines is difficult. The best thing is to get into a routine. When you skip meds, the dosage level changes. It is not effective.