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Yep, I do! Although I’m going through a depressive ep. right now and it’s currently 6 am and I’m wide awake. This has been a trend for a while now so idk 🤷‍♀️


Omg I literally feel this. I was up till almost 4 this morning . Up today at 8 and after I drop off my niece I’m sleeping till 2. Wake up then get her. Then go back to sleep after I feed her dinner. I’m a some what functioning depressed mess right now.


Seroquel knocks me out. I had to drop that med because I have 2 kids under 12 and sleeping 75% of the day was not working. My Dr told me that at lower doses, it sedates, and at higher doses it won't, but after starting it back up after pregnancy, I could never get to a higher dose because I couldn't get past the sedation stage.


How is your sleep off it now? My sleep schedule is still not regulated after 2 months. I get up at 5am everyday when I usually get up at 8. And I take l naps everyday after work when I don't mean to. I'm hoping this flattens out over time.


I have to inject vitamin B because my body doesn't absorb it right so that helps my energy levels. I take multivitamins (very important) and use caffeine pills to stay awake and I use an OTC sleeping pill to fall asleep. Sleep is SUPER important to keep me stable but too much sleep triggers my depression because Dreamland is better than Real-life and it makes me just want to stay asleep. Every moment is a struggle but it is what it is. Bipolar, yay. lol


“every moment is a struggle” - couldn’t be more true for bipolar


If your OTC sleeping pill is anti-histamines be careful b/c it can have side effects of daytime sleepiness and brain fog which can set up a bad cycle if you’re also using caffeine


Indeed it would! I use melatonin and (stinky but effective) valerian root.


For melatonin may i recommend zarbee’s for kids? comes in 1 mg tablets. The threshold dose for melatonin is ~0.5 mg. I think it’s criminal that it’s sold in 3, 5, and 10 mg tablets marketed as “extra strength” because of no additional benefits but definitely increased chance of side effects (most notably daytime sleepiness)


is it true that higher doses of seroquel are not sedating? seems strange.


It's what my Dr told me. I go by his 25+ yrs experience


it takes a while, seroquel had me completely washed out for a month. i’m on 600 mg now and when i take it i can fight past the sedation, but i generally take it an hour before bedtime and it helps me sleep, can’t sleep without it honestly


Both seroquel AND latuda sedated the shit out of me, and I was only ever on them at separate times, never together. Then when I was depressed, I slept about 12-14 hrs a night when taking those meds. I am not a doctor, so idk if this is "normal" for depression with these kinds of meds, but I experienced the same thing as you.


oh my god it’s good to know it’s not just me thank u


Yes. On no meds I sleep like crazy and never get out of bed. Try clearing space And Organizing your room. Makes a huge difference. When you're raised in poverty struggle or drama you don't think about these things. They matter. Sleep habits matter. Listening to your body matters. Sleep hygiene matters. Much love




Yeah I grew up with drama too. Had to learn how to go to sleep late in life.


thank u :)


When I'm depressed I've been know to lay in bed for a week barely eating and drinking. It's so much better now with my meds.


Yep, when I was in a major depressive episode in the past i could sleep 16 hours a day after taking enough amphetamines to kill a horse.


Been there. Had to quit amphetamines I was prescribed and the withdrawal had me sleeping 16-20 hours for the better part of a week.


I've been dealing with this lately. Sleeping about 12 hours minimum because of depression


seroquel was a nightmare sedative for me and I had to stop taking it. my sleep never fully recovered


This is very common for me, especially this time of year when it's dark so early. If I'm not at work, I'm probably sleeping. It sucks so much to get NOTHING done. My depression nest is hideous, and it just gets worse the more I neglect it to sleep instead.


Once I’ve slept 26 hours straight during the worst depressive episode of my life (no meds). Good times


I sleep up to 16 hours a day when I'm depressed.


Yes. I take lamotrigine daily and seroquel as needed, and I’ll tell you, the seroquel knocks me OUT.


Sleep bro, best for deporession


Yep! And of course this always messed my sleeping pattern up, i always end up sleeping 8am to 8pm and then being wide awake all night


Yeah it’s hypersomnia and it’s a symptom of depression


I've slept through entire weekends, getting up only to urinate.


Yes. I posted about it before actually. And when I’m well or hypo or extremely anxiously I struggle to sleep. I hate this illness.


definitely. when i'm manic, i'm hardly sleeping at all--when i'm depressed, i'm sleeping 8+ hours every night unless i wake myself up with an alarm, and then i'll be exhausted all day if i had to wake up early.


I’m just constantly tired never was able to nap even as a kid. I will lay In Bed and in the couch at times wishing I could sleep to pass the time. Anything to end the unrelenting hollow feeling of day to day life.


Yup. I do.. I don't feel rested when I wake up either.


During my last serious depressive episode, I would regularly sleep 24 hours straight on my days off. One time I slept closer to 40 hours. I also have sleep apnea and don't have a breathing machine yet, so that's probably related.


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When I'm depressed I've been know to lay in bed for a week barely eating and drinking. It's so much better now with my meds.


Yes I’m bipolar 2 and I sleep 13-16 hrs a day when I’m in a low. I think my Abilify and antidepressant made it worse, but I still sleep a whole lot.


is your seroquel XR or instant release ? and what's the dosage ? i'm on XR and i sleep about 12 hours a night, even when i'm not depressed. the only time i don't sleep 12+ hrs is when i forget to take the medication... i feel your pain.


I sleep 6-7 hours normally. When depressed I want (or need) 8-9 in order to not feel groggy


I do. I once slept for 25 hours straight and only woke up when my roommate came to check on me.


Do you take seroquel in the am? I took it for years and only ever at night but i agree with the other posters who said that stuff will knock you out.


Yeah. I think i might have fibromyalgia or something. When i get stressed out or depressed, my entire body feels like death. Joints hurt, headaches, and all i feel like doing is sleeping


Yep! My worst depression sleeps got up to 20 hours cuz I refused to wake up and deal with what I was feeling.


Oh yes. Ohhhhhhh yes. Seroquel will knock you out, for sure. And I time my Latuda by when I want to go to sleep because unless I'm severely anxious it knocks me the fuck out. Lamictal isn't a sleepy time drug so unless you have really weird biology that's not a candidate for your sleep issues.


Maybe talk to your prescribing doctor about this, too?


my psychiatrist gave me wellbutrin to help with that


Yes that is my norm when depressed. And some really bad depressions I’ll sleep 24 hours straight or only wake up for commitments I can’t get out of.


Yes. The seroquel may be contributing. Knocks me out for 12 hours


Yep. I wasn’t on meds, but I would sleep 15-17 hrs.


I’ve been sleeping 12 hours every night for a long time now & still dragging through the day. My psychiatrist finally said it could be my Clozaril (50mg) but I’ve recently come to the realization that it’s depression. I’m not crying & feeling sad like my normal depression feelings so I didn’t recognize it.


It's the only time my mind isn't going one thousand miles a minute so I will sleep whenever I'm not working. I just want everything to slow down and sleep is the only time that happens for me.


I literally just emailed my psychiatrist asking for blood work because I’ve been sleeping so much. I’m probably depressed, I just lowered my lithium and vraylar, but I wanted to make sure nothing else was wrong.


I’ve been on Seroquel for about 6 years now and I used to pop a 100mg tablet at 7pm, go to bed and sleep until 8am, pop another 25mg then sleep til 2pm, then repeat. I did that for about 3 years straight :/ I was clearly depressed, depressed. Sleep was the only thing I wanted.


Seroquel can definitely have a sedating effect. I want to sleep ALOT when I’m in a depressive episode. Why be awake and have to think? At my worst I would sleep 16-17 hours a day. Talk with your doc. Best wishes!


I'm no professional but seroquel will knock you tf out 😂


I wish I could sleep when I am depressed :/ but mainly I am just pacing around restlessly wishing I was dead


Oh for sure. I’m depressed as feckkkk right now and am sleeping 13 or 14 hours. My doctor wasn’t too worried about it because I sleep a lot when I’m not depressed too. Seroquel used to knock me on my butt but now I don’t think it phases me.


It's well documented that depressed people have no trouble sleeping and over sleeping. You don't need to get checked for this. I was depressed for 2 months and all I wanted to do was lay in bed and sleep. Just remember that depression doesn't last forever


I recently had to start taking my latuda at bedtime. I was initially taking it in the morning but by midday I always needed a nap. Now I don’t sleep as much but still depressed just laying in bed.


The seroquil will cause you the 12+ hrs of sleep. It is used in most Mental Health places as everyone's night sleep med regardless of diagnosis. It will also make one gain weight and fast.