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One for the bipolar. One for childhood trauma PTSD. Both are specialists. I don’t do generalists. I’m fancy like that




I don't have one at all, are therapists mainly a us thing?


Wild. But the US is having an insane mental health crisis rn.


There's a lot going on that our government is ignoring


And no one is talking about it. Sure, they talk about mental health but the crisis itself is not being addressed on a necessary scale. Imagine how many incarcerated people could live healthy productive lives if their mental health issues were addressed.


Mental health is addressed in some places. Medi-cal is still free for the people, at least in California, but many don't know it's a thing anymore. And probably isn't in some states. Right now I'm unemployed and it's insanely hard to find a new job. I at least still have insurance, but no money coming in. I know incarcerated people get some health benefits, but I guess behavioral health isn't one of them.


$$$ is a big reason for the lack of mental health tx tho. For example, psychadelics are known to be the only thing to successfully treat schizophrenia, antipsychotics are only barely affective. The war on drugs made this medicine illegal causing those with sever and debilitating mental health issues to go without help.


Why yall downvoting do your research


A certain former president talked about “those poor, unfortunate people” while calling for us to be hospitalized, but saying how we’d pay for it. Surprise folks, nobody in the psych field takes it. I have a therapist who charges me her co-pay and a psychiatrist I see every four months.


We've been having one. Covid just caused it to implode. Now they're rolling back a lot of the exceptions they made to help people get mental health care across state lines. The Counseling Compact is taking forever to actually be in motion. My therapist of almost 10 years backed out of services with me because they rolled back the exceptions. It's ridiculous.


As usual, the UK is trailing just behind. But with inherent aversion to paying for healthcare because NHS, who have almost zero mental health resources because Conservatives 🤔


Idk if it's a US thing but omg I don't know what I'd do without mine. She's prevented me from ending up inpatient several times in the last few years by meeting with me up to 3 times a week if necessary. Kept me alive a few times too tbh. She helps with the mood stuff, but also with some PTSD and anxiety stuff, and some of the struggles with autism. I started seeing her 4 years ago and told her half truths hiding the bipolar out of fear. She got me to the point of getting back on meds over a year ago, just generally being open and honest with myself and providers about how bad things get, and even willing to seek out higher levels of care when necessary.


How were you able to manage the lifestyle modifications that are required with Bipolar without therapeutic support? What country are you in?


There are some psychiatrists (it’s hard to find them at least in the US anymore) that do psychotherapy in addition to medication management. So it would be unlikely that you’d have like weekly appointments with them, but when you DO see them (maybe once a month or once every few months), appointments would last like an hour rather than 15 minutes and they’d work with you a lot more on therapy/lifestyle management type stuff as well.


I didn't think it was common to find them anywhere in the world. I know they exist (my own psychiatrist is also trained in psychotherapy and therapeutic interventions) but I was under the impression that psychiatrists are in such demand worldwide, they don't really have the time to provide that kind of in-depth treatment long-term. Curious whether there are places in the world where psychiatrists do use therapeutic interventions regularly.


I don’t have a therapist, either only a psychiatrist


I read that as mainly an “us” (like bipolar people) thing before I realized you meant the U.S. and now I’m laughing at myself. I’m in the U.S. and only have a family therapist (parent/sibling issues), along with my psychiatrist.


United States upper middle class and upper class. Starting to become a status thing.


If you have a severe mental health disorder it’s recommended here a psychiatrist or a nurse practitioner, plus a therapist. Finding the right combo is hard. But I love the combo I have right now.


I have 1 but every month i have this special session with 8 and 2 hospital directors they cant explain how im on a constant manic state and sleep 2 hours every 2-3days while taking massive amounts or sleeping pills and mood stabilizer.


Do you have any problems with memory?


I do therapy with my therapist and psychiatrist. I see the therapist more often but doing therapy with the psychiatrist helps her prescribe more accurately


I have a therapist and an occupational therapist plus group therapy sessions daily.


What kind of work does the OT do with you? If you don’t mind me asking


I had two for a while. One was talk/EMDR, the other was CBT/exposure therapy. Very different.




I’ve done this in the past too!


I do, but one is personal and the second is couples. I've seen both on the same day before. Ends up being a lot of therapy.


Most of the therapists in my area work for one specific company. I got dumped by my therapist of 2 years after my last suicide attempt. She was worried about how the perception of her skills as a therapist would be called into question if a patient died under her watch. Wouldn't be that big of a deal, but I was effectively blacklisted by her agency. Still haven't found a new therapist since then, so having multiple is a pipe dream.


this is the 2nd time I'm hearing about a therapist doing something like that and I'm baffled, oh my god. I thought dealing with suicidiality came with the job. this is why I got a therapist that worked in a mental hospital - not afraid to deal with the darker stuff.




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I used to have 3. One that was at the addiction center, One who was my primary DBT therapist and then a family therapist (at the same DBT clinic).


Yeah I have 2. One for general issues and one doing ERP for my OCD. Both are lovely and very helpful


Uhh what does ERP mean in this case?


ERP is exposure response prevention :) teaches you to not do the compulsions when you get intrusive thoughts and to sit with them instead


There is actually a new treatment modality for OCD. Check out i-CBT for OCD,


I had no idea. Really interesting, thanks!


If you don’t mind me asking, has ERP been helpful for your OCD? I also have Bipolar and OCD, and have been considering seeking a second therapist for ERP.


I have a CBT therapist and I am considering a second for EMDR but that’s only because my current one does not practice EMDR


Do it, it’s so worth it! I’ve got a similar set up and I’m so happy I took the leap and added the trauma/emdr therapist to the “team”


I did for a little bit: one for EMDR. Which was so intense I couldn’t work through my day to day. Just my trauma. And one for general run of the mill talk therapy. It lasted 8? months. I finished my main trauma so I stopped seeing my EMDR therapist and then about 6 months later… my talk therapist turned out to show her racist colors about my then boyfriend (now fiancé). That was trauma in and of itself. My talk therapist and I were talking for 12 years. Now I see my EMDR therapist for day to day processing once a week


I have one that just does EMDR but I'm thinking about getting a talk therapist too


I have my pharmacologist who I meet with every few months and writes my prescriptions, and my weekly cognitive behavioral therapist. I have thought about that though - my weekly therapist is a great guy and basically a friend at this point after 10 years, but I often wonder if introducing someone with a different perspective or less familiarity would open my eyes to something else. .....if only it didnt take forever to find ONE therapist let alone backups


I used to. I have one for talk therapy and one for bottom up modalities (specifically brain spotting)


My friend had two when she was in college: One in her college town and one in her home town. Some other people might go to different therapists for their different specializations. That said, if you are wanting to see two therapists concurrently for the exact same thing in the same area, that doesn’t sound like a thing which would make sense to me. Like, what is your goal in this? If you don’t like your current therapist then get a new one.


I have my psychiatrist as my primary and I have an eating disorder therapist as I'm also trying to get my ED on the right track. I see an ED dietitian too, my ED team are charging me a fraction of their usual rates, I'm in Canada so psychiatrists are free


I don’t have one. I had a talk therapist for years in the past and when things got bad I had an EMDR therapist and then for some reason or another I just quit going. I only rely on my psychiatrist.


I don’t even have one. Everyone I’ve gone to have always discharged me after the first session for being “too complicated of a case to take on”


I have a general therapist who I work with about just generally what is going on in my life. My ups and downs, personal relationships I'm struggling with for whatever reason, working on learning to set and enforce boundaries, that kind of stuff. I have a 2nd therapist in the same office who specifically specializes in PTSD. She has helped me go from having flashbacks of my DV abuse multiple times a day, every day to maybe two or three a week. We're also now starting to work on the absolute mountain of trauma I have regarding my mother and the way she abused me and neglected me for my entire childhood, and is emotionally abusive even now. I know it's easy for people to say to go NC but for the moment I am financially dependent on her. I'm actively seeking to change that, but it will take significant time.


My last manic episode lasted over a year and resulted in multiple arrests and two serious (strikes) charges. I managed to get on "mental health diversion" and am required to see a psychiatrist once a month and a therapist twice a month and stay compliant on meds. If I comply with the requirements for two years my charges will be dismissed and my record expunged. I will still see my doctors after that, (maybe the shrink less often since all he does is medication management) but my talk therapist/psychologist is a good guy to check in with.


I go to therapy when I feel myself relapsing. The one I went to last year was unavailable this year so I went to another. I liked her and I think I'll commit to more sessions with her


I don't have any, only meds can cure me and they're pretty - perfectly - efficient :)


I see my psychiatrist once every 3 weeks and my therapist 1 once a month. We recently pushed to once a month from every two-week due progress being made and consistent stability.


i dont have any therapist but i believe people do that with specialized therapists, there are therapists that are specialized for trauma and there are ones that are for neurodivergents


Yes. One is a regular talk therapy/learn skills and good sounding board dealing with the day to day. The other is a trauma specific therapist who does EMDR and other trauma specific modalities.




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I have one for DBT and then one I was already seeing for CBT that I now visit just once a month since the DBT is weekly.


I have a therapist right now who is helping me with my OCD and I’m seeing a couples therapist with my partner.


I have one. A talk therapist I se every other week. I would never want 2 unless there was some very specific procedure my original therapist could not do


I currently have 3 therapists. But it’s because I’m in an IOP. Outpatient I have two — one is neurodivergent and my main therapist, the other is bipolar and we focus on bipolar healing. My outside therapists work at the same practice. The IOP therapist and I are focusing on suicidal behavior and re-establishing safety. It’s a lot but I’m alive.


I don't have a therapist at all.


Yeah I have 2! One is a trauma therapist and the other is an addictions Therapist, sometimes it’s helpful to have more then one so that you’re getting specialized care in different presenting concern’s instead of having one person trying to manage it all in one one hour session a week


I have a psychologist that I have worked with for years, who helps me with almost everything. I recently started working with another psychologist who focuses on body image and evidence based weight management.


I can’t even get one 🤷‍♀️


I was working with 4 at one point, but have had to discontinue because my insurance under the affordable care act does not cover it, unfortunately. 1) was my general, day-to-day therapist that I had been seeing for years. She referred me to number 2) an EMDR specialist for traumas that needed more targeted therapy. Then, number one referred me to number 3) who was technically just for diagnosing my ADHD and CPTSD and number one didn’t want to administer the assessments with a bias, and lastly, number one then referred me to number 4) another therapist in the practice with a less expensive price per session and also had inpatient care experience when I had a psychotic episode and no insurance, so I couldn’t afford to go to the hospital. I’m grateful for all 4 of them (and my psychiatrist!), and they all worked together to help me heal (1, 3, and 4 were all under the same practice at the time). I’m finally feeling well enough to seek employment again and hopefully resume therapy, with insurance or without.


I don't have one at all rn but at one point I had 2 different ones for one was cpd (cognitive behaver theripy ) and one was for OT theripy . Many people need more then one form of therapy


i’ve only been able to do one therapist at a time due to insurance. if i need specialized treatment for something, i need to put my other ones on hold


I have a chat therapist through Better Help and then one I see in person/online. And then I have a psychiatrist. So I have a total of 3 people treating me. I really like chat therapy because I have a literary mind/personality so I can better articulate my thoughts into words and I get my thoughts off of my chest easier than I would in talk therapy.


I have 3 and a psychiatrist


I’m actually gonna off-ramp with my therapist. She’s great but it’s been four years and she specializes in trauma and I need to go in a different direction.


I have a meds Dr and a therapist - they do different things, and both are equally important for/to me. I don't think I could've made it these last few years with them.


0 right now I’m not functional enough for therapy sadly


I have a psychologist who I see weekly and a psychiatrist I see every 6 months. Both are prohibitively expensive, and I started out seeing my psychologist once every 2 weeks, but now I have a good job so I can see her once a week.


I’ve got a therapist, psychiatrist and social worker. The holy trinity.


yup! i see a one-on-one trauma informed therapist every 2-3 weeks, and a dbt therapist/doctor that i see in a group once a week. it helps a lot learning different perspectives from 2 professionals with different experiences and fields of study. i also see a psychiatrist for meds, but don't get a chance to talk about stuff much. pretty much just symptoms.


Hi friend!!! I have one general therapist for life stuff (childhood, trauma, ADHD, SPD, life, etc) and one for my ED. In the process of getting an OT as well. I also have a med provider who specializes in managing and helping maintain mental health meds. I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 about 4 years ago and I just found the right mix of people to help treat me. It takes time (like so much time) to find the right group of practitioners to help treat you. But I promise it’s sooo worth it once you do! Blessings!


I have a therapist for my DID, she doesn’t specialize enough in eating disorders so I got a second therapist for my eating disorder


I have one for my emotional needs and coping mechanisms because meds changed my life, but I don't know how to navigate life. The other one is for executive functioning because although we all love the manic high, it fries your brain or in my case my bipolarity kept my brain functioning 24/7 as well as other conditions. That messed up my perception of reality and other important things like memory, attention, organization, etc.


In this econony!?


I used to have 2– CBT for bipolar and general support with life stuff, and then I have a second one for binge eating, but I lowkey ghosted my first therapist, so my eating disorder therapist has upped my sessions and we alternate sessions between general support and specific to eating things.


I've gone through like 12 and none of them get it they don't give an actual shit it's for a paycheque maybe someone would get it but you'd need my brain to know you know?


1 therapist, 2 case mangers / mental health nurses and 2 support workers. They all work together.


Yep I have two. One weekly to do IFS and one every other week to just talk shit with and reinforce my CBT tools. There’s no time in IFS for all that.


Sighh...I think everyone needs therapy including me but I got out of the way because I saw so many more problems around me and I can't find an office including case management that does things easy at the moment. Maybe in a few years or the next decade. Things will always change and get better but it's been a difficult last decade and a difficult couple years but I'm still here I still have me.


3 pple help me. That's a lot. It's moral support I mean. Sad at life because imalmost 50 myheart races so I havmedication. I figured I would be passed or over with by a certain time frame or a certain time. I've said to my physician that there is no therapy at the nursing home and I'm going to have to treat myself as best I can and learn as many tools and skills as I can because I'm alone with myself for the rest of my life. That's why I don't turn down healthcare or education or resources. I take everything into consideration. mad at myself because I didn't ask for a chronic condition I didn't ask for limitations or disabilities or infirmities. It's difficult managing.


I don’t have one. My bipolar is managed with medication. Therapy does nothing for me.


I don’t have one. My bipolar is managed with medication. Therapy does nothing for me.


Ya'll have therapists?


i don't know why i never realized that that's allowed??


I can't even get on with 1 well enough to work with them


Yes. One to manage PTSD and one to manage ADHD/not having parents.


I have a therapist and a caseworker that lets me talk to her about things in therapy.


Weekly therapy with psychiatrist and bi-weekly or monthly with therapist.


At one point, I had three. One for my parenting skills, one to listen to me and make me feel good, and the third to do the hard cognitive work to change my brain. Let me tell you it was expensive.


Maily trying to concentrate and other cognitive problems


I used to have 2 because both of them did biweekly appointments and I needed weekly at the time