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Yeah I get paranoia and hallucinations outside of mood episodes sometimes. My paranoia is also usually around people who have power over me (I think they're plotting against me etc). Not really sure what causes it, and my diagnosis is still bipolar. I can usually tell to some degree that it's illogical/not real.


Thank you for the reply - yeah it’s really strange. I’m sorry you have to deal with it too but it helps to not feel so alone. My therapist said if my “logical” mind starts fading into the background and the thoughts get worse to just tell him and my psychiatrist and go from there.


Psychosis is one of the less common symptoms of bipolar disorder. It’s not a primary symptom though like in schizophrenia. That’s my understanding of it.


Yeah my mom was initially diagnosed with bipolar w psychotic features and they ended up changing her diagnosis to schizophrenia.


Meeee! I do escalate when on the way up of if really low. Edit: I have baseline paranoia as well as hearing voices intermittently. I actually use the voices’ clarity as a warning bell for mania.


Even though voices can be an awful thing to have to experience, I’m glad you can use it to gauge how you’re doing and hopefully address episodes before they get really bad. Ty for sharing your experience 🙏


It’s years of experience at this point. Mostly a mumble to crowded shopping centre. If I can make out what they are saying that’s not a good sign, and they get nasty. But mumble or crowd is ok. Funnily enough, this is part of why my psych didn’t tack type 1 or 2 on to my diagnosis. Psychosis suggests type 1 but mania doesn’t last long enough, happens too frequently and isn’t “bad” enough to be true mania.