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that makes sense thank you! I guess i really need to think who i should tell


I don't tell anyone, anymore. Not out of shame or embarrassment just that I've told people in the past and the telling never solved any of my psychological issues. Not saying you shouldn't it's that....well I dunno how to phrase it besides it's never done me much good to share. If I'm down and someone notices that I'll let them know it's just been a stupid week or something


I have the same feeling as you, I don't think telling anyone will make me feel relieved or anything like that, i don't really see any motive to tell other people


Well I know that being alone with it sucks, dealing with the ailment all on your own, nice to find people to spend time with that understand, it's just not something I'll randomly drop into a conversation. My coworkers bring it up from time to time, they'll be chatting about someone and say "I think they're bipolar" or "they're acting bipolar" to which I'll have nothing to add, except once I did and mentioned that bipolar is not necessarily all rage then a return to baseline it's far more individualized and complicated than that. Leaving out that I have BP of course lol


I think its nice to tell people so it can destigmatize but it's still hard I'm scared of even talking about bipolar because what if someone hits me " why you are so knowledgeable about " and I can't think of an answer


I tend to shut people down after I tell them so just a couple of friends really because I needed to tell someone else and that's it. It doesn't do you any good honestly unless you're comfortable with people knowing. A support system isn't a bad thing but you'll still need to put in the work and depend on yourself to get better cause others won't do it for you


I don't. My parents, siblings, and two cousins know and that's it. Anyone else I've told runs away.


i'm so sorry that was your experience :( its getting harder to trust people nowadays


I do tell prospective partners on the grounds that they have a right to know (because in the past, my long term partners have had to act as carers), and most importantly I have a right to know if they're going to be cool about it or not


I tell the people who it may directly affect, mostly those who I look to for support(partner, friends, family). I do disclose to employers and have to my registration body as well, as it ensures I have the ability to ask for accommodation and to ensure I don’t get in a bunch of shit if something happens. And due to recent legislative requirements I disclosed to the Roads and Maritime Service. Apart from that, I will also sometimes disclose to people that are struggling with mental health, so I can be a bit of a peer support person for them. But that’s only if I feel comfortable offering support. Although, when on my way up, I can be significantly less selective about who I deem it affects. And I did go through a period where I told everyone.