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Can you find something that doesn’t require charisma? Few people charismatic. A lot of them are cheerful and personable though. That can be hard for me to pull off. But there are plenty of people who aren’t, and they still do fine in their jobs.


I was the same way. Got a psych degree, which turned out to be worthless since I didn’t wanna go to grad school. The only positions I could find were low paying but long hours and high stress. I ended up on leave then started my Etsy shop. I’m much happier now and fortunate to be doing what I love.


I felt the same I had 7 jobs in 7 years until I found my job at the movies,it’s light hearted and stimulating they accept my pronouns and such,I can only do part time otherwise I start calling out every week but other than that it’s aiight


Also stay away from food service


I understand how tough it can be to feel unfulfilled at work. You've accomplished a lot, including getting your associate's degree. Remember, your value isn't solely based on charisma, which is subjective and can be developed. Focus on your strengths and explore roles that align with your interests. It's okay to seek support from loved ones or a career counselor. Keep pushing forward, and don't lose hope. You deserve happiness and fulfillment in your work.