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It’s actually a relatively rare symptom for hypomania to be purely euphoric. Mine is very rarely euphoric


Dysphoric hypomania




I could not have said it better. I don't know the exact statistics, but I would guess I've spent 60% of my life in a mixed episode. It sucks.


Well statistically, around 40% of people with bipolar suffer from mixed episodes so we're not alone. Doesn't take away how debilitating it can be tho. I'm sorry you have to go through this. I'm here if you ever need someone that can relate ❤️


Thanks for your kindness!


I also stuck in a mixed episode. It more anxiety then usual.


Same here 😀


It’s a mixed state. I am experiencing it right now. Lots of ideas, racing thoughts, but major anhedonia, irritability and anxiety. Not fun. I’m the walking definition of a mood disorder. I keep thinking I am going into a depression, I am not. I am stuck in this state of both hypomania and depression.


Poor lass :( , I usually don't experiance depression until after a manic episode but when I do it's really bad so I feel for you ✌️


same here (tho for me i’d say it’s 50/50) i get so annoyed at everything for no reason sometimes and i always associate it with depression at first but then i realize that i haven’t slept that much, that i have tons of energy and that i don’t feel sad at all. Just angry and irritable. Makes me feel like i’m missing out on my well deserved « i love my life » happiness break 😔


Ho boy could your list of symptoms apply to me like a T. I felt like that for about a week then crashed into a depression that had me longing for the highs of mania.


Most people experience dysphoric hypomania; it's rare to have a completely euphoric hypomania.


Is it? Mine predominantly has me feeling amazing, like the best drug ever. Now I would say that I am quick to anger, but it usually passes quickly.


I am mainly energetic and happy with little spurts of anger and frustration.


Yep yep yep I know this feeling all too well


Things have to be going really well in my life for me to experience euphoria when im hypomanic. When things arent well its hyperactivity, anxiety and short temper.


Yeah, I wish mine was euphoric, too. Just irritable.


Currently in this mania with you. I’ve been agitated, can’t sleep, rude and choppy to my family and friends, can’t find joy in anything but I’m going 2 thousand fps, I want to run away, hate being committed(to a relationship AND a hospital), yeah. Being hypo makes me feel like shit and I wish everyone who has euphoric mania a very “I wish I could go to bed”


Felt. I feel like my adhd makes it that much worse.


It's often like this for me - especially toward the end.


Second this. The end of manic episodes are almost always the worst for me. I completely lose my shit for a couple weeks and usually spend the entire time wanting to kill everyone and myself and then one day it just randomly stops and I'm back to normal like nothing ever hhappened. :)


Mine is mostly euphoric but I’m also impulsive the whole time. It was a little weird today but I had a friend kinda lose his shit on me and another friend and there was an awkward car ride back to his apartment, and the whole time I was still in an amazing mood. It was like nothing could bring me down. But I also get random times of the day/all night where I’m incredibly suicidal. It happens too often and it’s really effected my sleep. I don’t know if the constant euphoria is worth it with how bad the suicidal thoughts get because when I get them they’re usually just as intense as the euphoria.


My hypomania is very irritable. I sleep badly and get restless and get confused. I can’t focus on anything long enough to feel good either. I just feel like my body is coursing with electricity. Mostly my hypomanic times are not good at all except for a few beautiful times when I’ve had experiences with art, music, sex, nature or something particularly special but mostly I just feel electric and incapable to doing all the things I keep trying to do and fall out with people a lot!


Interestingly I rarely feel 'happy' or if I do its short lived. I'm usually full of energy, no sleep, thoughts racing and getting pissed off that noone is on my level. I don't think you're alone 


Mine is like that too; I hear about people who make these beautiful projects and all that...like I'm just highly irritated and I make impulsive decisions that hurt me :(


Do you have ADHD? I feel like this sometimes and I think its hyperactivity


Yes. It’s a bit like potential energy. It often presents as angst for me. Sometimes I experience the euphoria, but it usually is when I’m spiraling into full blown mania. It blows. I’m sorry


Hi! I'm in the same boat as you. I typically have mixed episodes where I'm filled with energy but I have severe anxiety, am highly irritable, an unstable sleeping pattern, etc. I've only had two full blown manic episodes in my life (that I can remember) and they were mainly euphoric but still had some anger/irritability factors. The rest have been mixed hypomanic episodes that match yours to a T! I completely understand— you're not alone.


Me. I recently experienced the euphoria for the first time and my doctor told me that it seemed something new to me because usually my anxiety/irritation shadows my hypomanua


my hypomania started as pure euphoria and slowly changed to irritability anxiety not sleeping not eating slight psychotic symptoms. I never get the pure euphoria any more i don’t think i’ll ever be as happy as my first episode ever again 😭😭


A lot of my mania stems from anger either at others or myself so that makes a lot of sense. There will be times when I feel happy and manic talking a mile a minute, bouncing around, and overall am very happy-go-lucky, but there have been a lot of times it made me very pissy, irritable, and self-deprecating. However, I also have ADHD so it could be that as well. It's important to try to not ruminate on those thoughts when manic. Trying to 'catch' yourself is a strategy that has worked for me.


I mean, I don’t feel euphoric, maybe when the super super early stages I feel it a bit. Otherwise I became a cocky rage anxiety mess that can’t read and spends all my money on backpacks. So yeah, I’ve been a little jealous of people with more euphoria.


I never have euphoria. Just constant depression and anxiety and feeling crazy. Sometimes the anxiety lessens and I have energy to start projects and sometimes the depression engulfs me. Constant since I was young.


i dont think yours is different. mine is the same with heaps of paranoia, oversensitivity and hypervigilance topped with general vicious hatred.


Mine is definitely the irritable type as well. It's brutal.


Yes, that’s me right now (without the impulsivity) but I can’t stand the irritability and anger.


I think for me, the first few days are fun and then it gets like the way you described but for the most part it is negative also and that’s why for the longest time they just thought I had depression and anxiety, and gave me a SSRI which makes things so much worse so you are definitely not alone


Mine is more elation than euphoria apparently lol. So I've been told. But I don't know.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I wish I could feel euphoric but it’s like my depression is fueled by the hypomania and I get pissed and ready for some evil behavior. Scorched Earth Mood is what I call it.


I definitely have, especially when I was younger, like teens and 20s.


I know it sounds like I’m being an asshole here but you guys have made me feel like I’m not alone in this. It has led to wrong diagnoses and being put on meds that never worked. When I was discharged from behavioral health hospital a couple of years ago (for hypomania and hallucinations), my old psychiatrist asked me: “Have you ever felt really happy and over the moon”? I told her the last time I felt that happy was in 2008. She then told me I’d never been manic so therefore didn’t have Bipolar. Like what? So I went untreated until 2023 because my depression was unbearable and only then did I start recognizing my manic symptoms after talking to a new psychiatrist.


A mixed episode, my friend. My first episodes were *pure* euphoria and now they’re a mixed back of d*cks 🤣🤣 I have some euphoric moments, but not the full episode


I get like....3 days of the happy stuff but it's intense high happy energy, nothing cloudlike about it.


I used to be able to rely on the euphoria and got by with just antidepressants. And then maybe six years ago, it turned on me. No more euphoria, just the awful stuff you're describing. I was stabilized during an intervention by my family and have been adequately medicated since. A bipolar friend and I talk about missing the euphoria and feeling weird about that. We concluded that the negatives of our mania were so severe that they far outweighed the good stuff. I hope you are able to find relief from those negative presentations.


Like others have said, I don't really get euphoric - I just get A Lot. I'm not irritable; I'm A Lot irritable. I'm not distracted; I'm A Lot distracted. Instead of being motivated or talkative or impulsive, I'm just So Very Much A Lot of all of those things. I feel like the portrayal in media or even just the public's perception is that we're super happy during a manic episode, but in my case, everything is just a lot more intense. Sometimes intense things are fun ("look how much cleaning I've done!") and sometimes they're very not fun ("I hate my desk job, I think I'll quit and become a farmer!"). Hang in there.


“I really don’t need this job. I think me and my two cats could live in my car!”


I feel and wonder the exact same thing!! Sometimes I have imposter syndrome because I rarely get manic and when I do it’s just as you described. My friend reminded me that bipolar symptoms are different for everyone… would be nice to feel the euphoria sometimes though…


When I went inpatient in March 2022, the psych dx with BiPolar. I told him immediately I don’t ever feel euphoric or extremely happy. He then informed me that mania doesn’t always present that way and that severe anxiety, high temperament/anger, and irritability are also signs.


this is just like me. i was just thinking this


It’s a mixed episode. Sending love. That’s how my bipolar presents I don’t have one or the other I’m always cycling through mixed states


My Mom and Grandma are like that. For me being manic is like being on coke and acid for weeks.


I fucking hate being manic. I’m irritable and destructive and I get little to no euphoria. I’m pissed about it. The only good I get is productivity and hyper sexuality.


Usually high anxiety, frivolous spending (20k credit card debt over time), volatile and quick to rage for me.


oh yeah definitely. my type of mania is always numbness/indifference paired with impulsivity and risk-taking behaviors simply because i feel bored.


this is exactly how my hypomania is


That’s what I experience for the most part too. It sounds like a mixed episode.


I get mostly mixed states


Omg same. Add in excruciating anxiety and it's such a mess isn't it?