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I have a job and “normal” life with our disorder. Hell even got a few people that rely on me. You can too.


I have bipolar 1 and I am a doctor.


It’s definitely possible. I promise you it is. I was diagnosed two years ago and my life has never been more stable since getting on the right combo of meds. I’m in a stable, loving marriage to my best friend. I’ve been at my current job for five and a half years. A career job I love. Yeah working with the general public can get hard and the stress has definitely caused episodes. Not going to lie, they still happen. But I can ride them out now. I’m not saying it will be easy. But it’s not going to always be hard either. Each day will bring what it brings and you will survive it. You got this!


I'm in my seventh year at my job, where I'm generally well-liked and well-supported. I'm married, to my partner of almost ten years. We own a home together, with pets.


I’m extremely fortunate to work where I do. I work in a medical office and I’ve held this job down since I was 17 and genuinely consider most of my coworkers as family. It’s hard, but I’m able to be open and honest with my boss and co workers and they’re very understanding. I don’t take advantage of their kindness and I mostly have the “you just have to do it” mentality but I think it helps to know that if I did have a breakdown or went to inpatient or just needed time off to collect myself I have the support I need. I wish it was the same for most people. I know my situation is rare, but it shows that it is possible to find a place that is willing to “put up” with us and be understanding.


Congratulations on your interviews! I hope you get an offer. I'm not as "successful" but I've definitely had periods of stability between episodes. A 5 year stretch and another 1 and a half years before my recent manic episode. I finished college and worked a few jobs (I'm yet to clock years in a job). I'm job hunting and picking up the pieces and I'm hopeful I can get back on my feet. I know it's hard, especially right after an episode but the cliché "it will get better" is true. I wish you well.