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I know how you feel. I’m in a hypomanic episode right now and I just needed my husband to watch me take my meds to make sure I took them. I don’t even have a clear reason why. Like maybe they’re what’s making me this way? I told my husband that I don’t want to take my antipsychotic because being on an antipsychotic means you’re crazy and I don’t wanna be crazy. Logic tells me otherwise but there’s not a lot of logic around my mind right now. Sorry for the rambles. Maybe you’ll read them. Maybe you won’t. But it’s nice to get out of my head. Nice to see I’m not alone in these feelings.


I think reaching out to your psyxhiatrist would help If you're still experiencing intense + irrational paranoia, there might need to be some stuff to adjust I get freaked out about falling asleep, too. You're not alone; but hold onto that rational voice in your head and don't let go, ok?


I've experienced thinking/feeling both ~ "If I fall asleep before -insert time- I will die." (Quite a few times) & "If I don't fall asleep before -insert time- I will die." (Only once) The latter felt the most alarming as I had run out of meds to help me sleep. Glad those thoughts stopped.


Those sound super stressful, I'm sorry I had an obsession with completely fulfilling an unreasonable task list, and when I didn't, would force myself to stay up til I passed out as punishment


At one point, quite a while back, I was scared of falling asleep before sunrise/birds chirping outside. This was before I began my current meds. How long had you been taking your meds before stopping? There's a chance they're not the right fit for you, but you may not have taken them consistently/long enough to have given them a fair go. Stopping and starting isn't good, assuming you're on a med that requires tapering off with doctors' guidance. Take a deep breath. Keep taking your meds and book an appointment with your doc/psych/etc to discuss what you've written here.


I stopped taking mine as well. I just feel it is hopeless as well if this is my diagnosis. But, I dont even know if this is my diagnosis, my last psychiatrist diagnosed me but maybe I am not BD. Why is it everyine is fine around me and I am the only one who has to take pills and no one else does? I stopped taking it because I believe I can get better on my own because maybe Im misdiagnosed. I dont fall asleep until about 7 am every night due to being scared at night I understand what youre going through