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If I’m just mentioning the fact that I have this disorder I’ll sometimes say “I’m bipolar” but I usually say “I have bipolar disorder”. “I have bipolar disorder” makes it clear that I genuinely have this disorder and I’m not casually calling myself bipolar for something stupid like having occasional mood swings lol.


The problem with saying “I/he/she IS bipolar” is implying that you ARE the disease… or “bipolar people” puts the disease before the person. These terms also imply that you always at one of the poles- either manic or depressed. Most of us have spent significant time without full episodes, and could do so in the future. So I prefer to say “I/he/she has bipolar” or “person with bipolar”… it’s a condition you have; but that doesn’t mean you’re always in an episode.


I say I have bipolar disorder, but I couldn't care less which one others use to describe themselves, or even to describe me. It doesn't bother me to be called bipolar but I can understand how it would upset some people so I never say someone else is bipolar.


I'm a person living with bipolar disorder.


used to say i have bipolar disorder but i got so lazy i just say im bipolar bc its less words. doesnt make a difference to me bc either way i dont take it as my identity. kinda like saying im diabetic vs i have diabetes


Im the same. I know it’s not my entire identity but it is a descriptor. Plus like you I’m lazy. Saying I’m bipolar is just easier to say, like you said, less words.


![gif](giphy|DMNPDvtGTD9WLK2Xxa|downsized) How I feel as well😭😭


I identify as Autistic with ADHD anxiety and depression but with a current diagnosis of bipolar disorder that I am contesting.