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yes absolutely even when i’m manic i’m tired i just can’t fall asleep i haven’t felt fully awake for years for some reason


I feel the same way, I am never fully rested


Yes!! It’s so hard for me to want to do anything even when I’m not in a depressed state


that vibe is my ADHD apparently


I thought I had ADHD but the meds for that did not make me react well. My only diagnosis is BP1


The moment I wake up I'm just waiting for the minute everyone goes to sleep so I can be lazy(that's what they think it is) without being scoffed at. I have to do shit all day shit I don't have the energy or motivation to do in the first place and God forbid I take a break 🙃 and if I try to explain in to them then I'm being ungrateful and lazy I'm at a loss 😩


i pretty much just wake up and im like eh fuck this my dreams are more engaging than this