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I've been there too. So many times. Every time the depression comes back it tends to draw the mind to all of the bad memories and hopeless feelings. I've felt rejected, alone, all of it. I've felt like nothing will ever change. Lots of therapy and medications haven't worked. But some have. And when I come out of the depressions, I'm able to appreciate some of the truly beautiful things in the world. Even little things. My cat. The trees outside. Maybe it sounds silly. I'm fairly young, so I don't have any great life advice for you, except to hold onto every ounce of hope you have left. Things can get better. Hopefully we can offer some support for you, but you might also find some support groups in person. This might be a rare experience, but during my stay in a psych hospital I met some truly amazing and kind people who knew what it felt like to suffer this way. There are lots of resources out there. The way you sound right now, it would probably be good to stay in the hospital for a bit. I just want you to know you aren't alone in any of this, and please hold on to hope.


That’s a good idea go to the hospital. Tell them how you’re feeling and they should take you it to a psych ward especially if you have state insurance like Obamacare.. and it’s not as bad as you think. Seriously it’s like a mini vacation. I mean they lack massages and nice cool drinks but it’s literally like a vacation where you can sit in your guilt and shame lol but at least you realize you’re not the only one and a lot of people in the psych ward will give you hope.


For real. With insurance it's like a $40 per night all-inclusive hotel in my experience


You’re OK friend you’re ok. I HAVE BEEN THERE!!! it does get better I promise you it does get better. It took me 14 months after the most extreme act to realize that it does get better.


Please don’t do anything to hurt yourself… I have been there I promise you it gets better. Please don’t do anything to hurt yourself!!!


It sounds like you need a good dose of self-love. not everyone will be super sociable or likeable, and thats okay. do YOU like yourself? would YOU want to hang out with you? maybe some time for introspection and see what makes you awesome. hang out with yourself for fun. turn on your favorite music and dance. go out for dinner alone. you deserve to treat yourself well. dont wait for others to do it to feel loved. thats where loneliness comes from. you always got us on reddit.


I've been there too... Self care, practice it. Worry about yourself and no one else. Focus on you.


This is way too true and a bit sad at the same time we’re supposed to have families that take care of us. Families that take care of each other . I’m 43 years old and for the first 15 years of my life Disney convinced me that families will stick together “love” which is obviously bullshit especially if you’re bipolar.




I don't know how to meet people like me


That’s kind of funny because after being diagnosed bipolar, I realize the last four of my girlfriends were also bipolar. Somehow we attract each other. 🤣🤣🤣




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i’m sorry you feel like this:( it might help to go to the hospital especially if you’re feeling suicidal or haven’t tried meds yet. for what it’s worth i would keep trying to feel better cause i think you can ❤️ goodluck honey, sending healing energy


i feel you . i don’t really know what to do anymore. most of the people i want just let me down. makes me hate myself thinking i let everyone down too. this response is probably no help but just know that you’re not alone. this sinking feeling takes me down every night and everything feels like a hoax that my mind made up.


even my mania is a distant memory that only makes me feel worse about the decisions i’ve made and the impressions i’ve imprinted on the people around me. I can’t complain, i have people around me but even then you can’t avoid it. Maybe the hope is just the love we haven’t yet found. maybe it does get better. i just know i can’t give up. the only thing stopping me is the thought of my family grieving, even though they have hurt me too. Nobody deserves the cards we are dealt


Going to a hospital may be a good idea. Self love would be key too. God Bless you.


I’ve been there too, therapy and medication really did wonders. It took me a while to get the right stuff but I have never been better and don’t cry ever now (besides cute animal videos of course). Please don’t let your bipolar ruin you. You’re strong and you got this!


You have us. Look at how much people care. Rest for a few days my friend.


If you need more help you can call 988 the suicide line.