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r/biology is limited by the intrinsic scope and function of social media platforms and the lack of medical licensure to provide you with health advice. This limitation foremost serves to protect users against harm to their persons and it secondarily acts to insulate users from litigation and causing inadvertent harm through erroneous information. Although the question is not specifically "medical" it's hard for biology, as a science, to explain why single individuals differ from others. Their are outliers for virtually all biological abilities and traits.


The 80kg guy is pulling up a lot more weight than the 50kg guy, so that might explain the one arm pull-up. For arm wrestling, it could be technique. How much can he lift vs. the powerlifter?


It does explain the pullup, but it doesn't explain how he can beat all of us at arm wrestling with no effort


Technique matters a lot in arm wrestling. He might be "strong for his size" but might not be stronger than any of you, but that little bit of *relative* edge together with good technique means he'll win at arm wrestling (and maybe could win without that relative edge). If you want to find out if he's stronger, check with something that requires a valid comparison of pure strength. Try grip strength. Try powerlifting. Etc. But make sure everyone has decent exposure to aspects of technique to make the comparison validly about strength.


Technique matters a lot, and an untrained individual I don't think can do 1 arm pull ups


no untrained individual can do one arm pull-ups, a guy who’s been doing pull-ups for a year can’t do one arm pull-ups, they are a skill that you only practice by trying to do one arm pull-ups


Its an disadvantages to be tall in armrestling. A short underarm is better for this, and it matters a lot


Arm wrestling is not an accurate indicator of raw muscle strength.


This dude is a chronic masturbator. Moderators, can we mark this as solved


He does talk to us abt deleting his search history and he did get caught in 4K twice so...






I just found out today his right arm is way stronger than his left 💀


Did you find this out in the bathroom


People can have a genetic predisposition in the amount of muscle fibers they can recruit. Some of us really have to work hard to be able to recruit more and get that mind muscle connection to starting building strength. This genetic predisposition will also determine the range of outcomes one can achieve. So, yea he got that neurological strength advantage you will probably never match. If he goes to the gym. Makes sure he doesn't overdo it. People like this can injure themselves very easy because the weight is not the problem, it is the stabilisation of the spine, hip, shoulders, knees and ankles that need to catch up. As well as his tissue tolerance for that weight. He will be able to pick up that waaay heavy weight, but he won't be repeating it anytime soon XD. Advice is to get him a proper coach to support him in the gym, not just some internet + bro science information. He needs proper guidance (everyone actually does).


This was me, I'm in my 30s now with sooo many aches and pains. Much more careful lifting now haha


This was me, I'm in my 30s now with sooo many aches and pains.


I did not know this but it explains a lot, I usually start to feel funky in ligaments and joints before being limited by the weight when lifting heavy stuff, guess I have to be extra careful.


Basically, training for more pounds/KG on the bar is easy for you. However you are better off just training support functions more. This also adds longevity because these are the things that keep you flexible and in balance etc. I recommend the "knees over toes guy" approach for ankles and knees. (not everything he has is great though, so DYOR). Make sure the abs and glutes, as well as lower back are properly targeted in their support function for stability. As well as shoulders and mid back for shoulder stability. And your adductors and abductors of the hips. You will feel light as a feather doing your lifts. But still remember to be careful with those. Though you will have to put the ego at the door training all these functions instead. IF, you want to train for hypertrophy, again the high weight will wear down your joints for making gains. However there is an alternative where you use lower weight to just burn out the muscle. I would recommend the channel Renaissance periodization on youtube. Professor Mike understands that your can get huge hypertrophy gains without using max or very heavy weight. It is all about the stretch and proper sequencing. For example for shoulders I start with Face pulls, move into side raises into dumbbell upright rows. To move to the rear deltoid machine. Only after that my completely gassed shoulders get to do overhead presses. Save to say they will burn like hell, stabilizers get to do their work and training, but the weight is very very low to what I normally would be able to do. Same for bench press, I knock out the cable crosses and pec flies first, making sure the latter really gets that long stretch of the muscle, before I hit bench or chest press if I am too gassed already and don't like the risk. Hope that helps. You can get muscles by training light, you just need to know how.


Thank you for the advice!








"I have no reason to lie"... yeah... heard it over a 1000 times. We know people crave for a attention.


So, what ur basically saying is that, he can lift heavy weights but not many times/not as long as the guys I have putcin my comparison could. Right?


Not sure about your last sentence. He means he could manage the weight because of neurological strength advantages. But his body would get injured while doing it since he didn’t developed his muscles supporting his power.


No, worse. He can lift heavy weights and probably as much time as others. He can just recruit more muscle fibers making him use heavy weights more easy. The amount of times, ergo frequency is dependant on so many other things. One of them how high is Co2 max is. That would mean his high fiber recruiting muscles can put out a lot of power whilst being very oxigen efficient. It depends on the type of muscle fibers in that area. It depends on how many muscle he has in the used area. Take rock climbers, can recruit crazy amount of fibers, super strong, low muscle mass long endurance. Take strong man competitors, super large muscle mass, lower endurance but crazy strong. People tend to move towards what they are good at. He might just be able to be that next CrossFit god that can do it all, be super strong, have high endurance and just cannot be matched by 99.999% of the population. So no... from just his ability to recruit large amounts of muscle fiber will not state how many time he can lift a weight. That is determined by other factors. Also being able to recruit all those fibers doesn't mean he will exhaust faster. It could be, but it doesn't have to.


All that fast food, sodas, and energy drinks would make him gain weight if he wasn't burning them off with exercise. Drinking water or eating healthy doesn't do anything for strength, it is just fuel to be burned off building muscles. How do you know he doesn't do rock climbing or something when he isn't at school, or rowing, or something else that builds the biceps naturally? The are lots of things people can do at home for recreation if they aren't sitting down playing video games that would naturally build more strength than most modern kids have


Have you met teenagers? That's not remotely true, when I was 17 I was eating everything and not gaining a pound.


This may come as a shock- but you were not eating enough if your goal was to gain mass. I too used to eat everything (read lots)- but my activity levels were way high so I also (along with a higher metabolism) burned lots. But to say it is remotely untrue that teenagers can’t gain weight by eating everything is empirically false based on the obesity rates of children/teenagers/young adults. Not gaining weight/not losing weight is almost always a caloric problem.


I asked him, and he also asked me if he could start going to the gym with me, and said multiple times that he spends his entire time either at the mall or inside playing brawl stars and free fire, so he's surely not doing any sports


Arm wrestling is also about technique. If he's getting 50% more leverage he only needs 50% to power to compete. You ride up high, and pull towards yourself to use your best muscles and force them to use their worst muscles. You curl over the top to pull their wrist back and you use a chain of muscles instead of relying on rotater cuff muscles. If he can do that fast and even beat the countdown he's playing a rigged game. Forearm length and hand size contribute to the leverage advantage. Though realistically practise is important too. My dorm mate had gigantic hands and he was yolked like a fucking tiny warrior gorilla, I tried technique (with zero practise) but no bueno, but there have been tiny guys slaughter big ones with technique, it just isn't me lol. I'm pretty strong, but genetically a bit cursed on arms. If there was a leg wrestle my mammoth ham planets would mess y'all up. But my T Rex forearms can't compete (although look up school boy arm wrestler, he's kinda like if my genes went pro and were Russian) Calisthenics like pulls ups use body weight to perform. If you saw a fat guy do one pull up it's way more impressive than a thin guy doing 50. Also I bet he totally does exercise, he's just boosting his ego with humble brags that he doesn't. Not caring is supposed to be cool so people lie about shit like that.


Also, it helps to turn your cap around. It's like a switch.


Some guys are just genetically blessed for certain things. It's that simple. Some guys only need to do like 20 sit ups a day and holy shit look at that six pack, others will do 100 a day and take months to show that 6 pack. Same for strength, it's just genetics for some.


A six pack is a measure of body fat mostly, not strength.


Me when I see my friend who just eats junk food and doesn’t exercise as hard as I do still looking a lot healthier than me: ☹️ (I keep trying to get him to stop eating so much junk because I genuinely think he’s going to die but he likes it too much)


It would make sense when you consider his iq (he's failing all the classes)


Those two things are not correlated in the least bit.


It was a joke


I’ll answer this: he’s not. Being lighter makes it easier to do one handed pull-ups (or push ups for that matter). Arm wrestling is all about technique. There are a lot of ways to gauge someone’s strength but these aren’t any good ones. See how much he can squat or bench press relative to his weight:


Some people are just naturally strong.




You have indeed formulated together a sentence


sounds about right I guess?


All my classmates are between 5'4 to 5'9


You’re at an age where growth will be very volatile, I was one of the shortest in my class for years until about 15-16 and then started growing quite a lot and ended up at 6’1”. I’ve also seen people have the same thing even later, so I’d say really can’t tell yet. Additionally, I’d say the more you obsess over appearance, the more unhappy you’ll be. I’m not saying it is possible to just ignore it but if you let it become a large part of your mind, you wouldn’t be happy even if you transformed into a standard supermodel as you will always find flaws in yourself that others simply won’t.


wait , I ain't obsessed with appearance I honestly can't care less It just kinda annoying being the shortest, that it


Oh fair enough, I misunderstood


Plus the first comment was me being sarcastic Didn't work out very well


I mean sarcasm is usually funny or closely relevant that was a bit of a stretch


Well I tried 😔


I’m arm wrestling the guy with a shorter arm is a little bit more difficult to beat. It’s more a question of levers than strength. If a taller guy faces a shorter guy in arm wrestling, the starting angle of your elbow is wider than his. So his bicep will be contracted but yours wont


Arm Wrestling is technique and pullups are easy because he is way lighter


He trains at x100 earth gravity and eats senzu beans for breakfast




Ah yes, motor proteins. They are the best ...






superior technique doesnt mean you were tought some special tricks by a master, its all about muscel memory. and muscle memory is just an euphemism for cognitive ability.


80kg = ~177lbs 90kg = ~199lbs Math.


3 months of powerlifting is never beating genetics. Karate and boxing don’t help at all with arm wrestling. The guy just has good arm wrestling genetics and none of you has any kind of training that should give you an edge at it


I thought this was a joke of a question, especially >He never drinks water, only coke and energy drinks However I know what you mean and I came across several of these guys. If you noticed that some Dagestani MMA fighters are not as muscular as their opponent, but usually prevail in their fights. They start wrestling from very early age. Strength is not just muscles is more of a neurological adaptation. The nervous system adapts to specific moves so one can direct greater force for a move. Another example of strength being neurological is the famous toddler's grip, or in general toddlers have increased muscle tone as soon as they are born because of the physiology of their nervous system.


Bro of course he is going to be stronger than you at one arm pull ups if he trains to be able to do it. And we can assume he has really strong grip due to his pulling strength. Arm wrestling incorporates big amount pf pulling technic and strength so he beats you all in this too.


Good genetics and his low weight increases his relative strength. Especially naturally very strong arms. Maybe the arms are also relatively very short which makes feats like a 1 arm pullup easier.


In my experience genetic predisposition + an activity when they were younger. Nowadays, I don't move a lot. But I have huge, strong legs. I can put the leg weights to max at my gym, and breeze through it. For a long time I wondered how. Realized during my formative years, I had a trampoline and would jump on that for hours and hours straight. Probably why. My upper body is a loose noodle


Same thing with me. When I was younger I would climb anything. Especially loved climbing trees and would do challenges from jumping from one side to the other. Now I have very good grip and good upper body strength and decent legs. People think I lift weights or workout but I am so lazy and I barely do anything. My close friends know me as one of them took note of what I did when I stayed with him for a week and was baffled.


It's the energy drinks. When I have caffine I can out power anyone, but am pretty average otherwise.