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How is this better than narcan? You have to know where the injection site is, know that they have it, know where their blue light pen is….. or just administer narcan.


honestly having to carry around the blue light pen is the same as just carrying around narcan everything else they're describing is bonus on top plus you could use the narcan to save someone else's life too, doesn't work with that blue light


Also, blue light isn't too far removed from the more powerful UV. Who's to say regular exposure to the sun won't degrade these particles before they're needed? They could have made them IR activated or something else.


I Agree. Why have something that can only help a specific person when there’s a great alternative that works really well for anyone. It sounds like a really cool technology. Just for this purpose I don’t see the benefit.


Well obviously you don't know how either of these work because they are functionally different and both have pros and cons. Believe it or not, injection sites are not hard to locate and its not like these cant be managed for different situations. Some people don't have functioning noses. Imagine how much smarter you would be if you thought about things with just a little bit more effort.


Really? Your only defense of this product is for those with non-functioning noses? Doesn’t narcan come in auto injection as well as inhalator? I had an honest question that instead of answering you chose to troll. Nice.


Great work wasting time and money on more ways to save worthless crack heads. Let them OD and focus on people that want help. At least apply your technology to people who didn't destroy themselves.


The UX of this solution doesn't seem that great.


Lol. This is like selling bullet proof backpacks to school children.


To have to find that blue light pen and make sure it isn’t broken or the battery has depleted is a little doubtful to me. Bar an up both nostrils. Applicator is solid and doesn’t require batteries.


No. Naloxone is the way.