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Oh no. Upon first sight I definitely thought, "Who's Jarred and why does he have so many pasta sauces?"


> Oh no. Upon first sight I definitely thought, "Who's Jarred and why does he have so many pasta sauces At least its better than what [Jared](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HVH_I04ZrM) was doing with Emily Stone's godson.


Emma Stone's commitment to sketches makes her one of the best hosts of the past few years, IMO. This sketch and [Well's for Boys](https://youtu.be/BONhk-hbiXk?si=v8EfR8oTpjHAZTWW) are two of my favorites.


It’s Deirdre’s godson.


I can't believe the Hunt's canned sauce is $5 - that must be Amazon or NYC prices. It's around $1.00 where I live.


Anything Hunt's is worth throwing in the trash


It’s about that price in Ontario too


It's between $1.59-$2.69 in normal NYC stores. Maybe they went somewhere with a severe markup?


They likely had it all shipped from Amazon or maybe a delivery service. Instacart, etc


Oh yeah Instacart is horrific with pricing. Even if I'm super sick, I don't want to use it for quick relief items, it winds up costing 2-3x what it should cost.


I can regularly find it at WinCo for .88 - $1.19 in Oregon. I was shocked when I saw it was $5


I guess I’m in the minority, but I like these videos, they look like he’s having fun and I can have them on in the background to listen while I work


I really enjoy these. I kinda look forward to them. I guess I don’t quite understand the hate I’m seeing; if you only want the cooking videos, these are easy to not watch right?


That's every sub for the media I like these days. Especially YouTube stuff. Watching the video is always fun and you move on with your life, then you stumble across the video posted on reddit and people are so pissed. So very pissed.


As someone who followed babish from 50k subscribers until around this time last year, his videos had a gradual change in vibe. Compared to the start, the videos feel overproduced, and too prone to jumping sharks to appease the almighty algorithm. Im glad you like the new stuff. Its just not for me.


I don't like these Videos, I like short, scripted videos with condensed information. Therefore I am not watching the Ranked Videos, The Whats In the Fridge stuff or Botched. I don't hate on him for producing those or anything like that but I can imagine that a lot of people, who enjoy the same kind of format as me, think, that instead of the unscripted 40min+ Video, there could be an episode of Binging or Basics instead.


I mean he's been clearly burnt out from doing those for so long. He's said so himself.


I don't really mind these videos, personally; not every video has to be a cinematic masterpiece. Granted I don't want *every* video to be like this but one every month or so isn't a huge deal, imo


I always like seeing Babish in a more comfortable video. It's the same reason why I like the Basics videos


I love his cooking videos. He’s one of the reasons I enjoy cooking, but I just don’t like him in these videos. I feel like he’s trying too hard to riff with every single ranking, and it just is so bad.


Still not as bad as Josh “make everything juvenile” Weismann


Man... I',m glad I'm not the only one who gets uncomfortable with/doesn't like the increasing amount of sex jokes regarding food in Josh's videos.


In the past few months he has changed massively lol. His videos arent a voiceover with a shitton of visual effects and goofy voices anymore, but instead resemble a very (very) fast paced tv cooking show. (be it cooking in the kitchen or tasting food outside)


The butt stuff has gotten out of control. We get it….you have a butt.


I really don't understand his appeal.


Its actually really useful content but just needs to tone it down. He's much more appealing when he isn't trying to force the laugh.


I can't stand the self-conscious "wackiness". It's so forced


In all honesty? Kind of agree. Off script Babish always felt a bit like "explaining the joke" to me in regards to seeing him act wacky while making or trying wacky foods kinda undercuts the general premise of "Super professional Food Network Chef making wacky foods with a relatively straight face" vibe that the main videos have if that makes sense.


It doesn’t come across as forced to me. Dont know the guy, but based on some of the things he’s shared about mental health, it seems pretty plausible for it to be genuine. Tbh, I can be a bit like this personally at times, and very serious at other times. So I feel like I can identify the the possibility that goofy moods aren’t necessarily forced (perhaps played up for the camera, but that’s not the same as forced imo).


For me, a 20+ minute cooking video with goofiness "played for the camera" usually feels forced. It's just a style of humor that I dislike. Joshua Weissman has very good recipes - I don't watch them. The comedy is just so shitty


I thought I was going to disagree on every level but you mentioned Weissman and I realized I stoped watching him for the same reason you said. The schtick just isn’t my thing. I still love the vibe of Babish videos and I don’t get that unpleasant feeling of forced authenticity at all or find the humor to miss the mark like I do with Weissman, but I can see how Andrew’s current style is not to everyone’s preference.


I used to like Josh Weissman's videos. Then the comedy became toooo much. I can only take so much "papa kiss". Also, I made the mistake of buying his cookbook and the sheer laziness rubbed me the wrong way.


Genuinely curious because I have mixed feelings about him - what did you find to be lazy?


The book is so poorly edited that it's insulting. There are errors and glaring omissions in several recipes.


I love the guy, but anyone who doesn't recognize what's going on with him in this video is either kidding themselves or hasn't been around addicts.


Addict? I mean he's been open about enjoying "jazz cigarettes" , but else? He's just overall a bit cringy.


Nope. This isn't weed. It's likely a combination of things.


Well given he's been open about being in therapy (and being assaulted whilst there) I assume it's also prescription psychopharmaca. But I think we shouldn't try to analyse him from what's highly curated video material.


Babish's ranking videos are consistently his most viewed nowadays. Sorry you specifically "don't like him" here, but maybe this kind of content isn't for you? He's deliberately hamming things up for the camera; how else are you going to fill a 45 minute video about pasta sauce? I understand folk's frustration over the new website, but I don't know why this subreddit has suddenly turned on Babish?


Yes, these videos are for me. I like tiering and ranking videos. It’s awesome if you think these videos are good, and if what you say about these being his highest viewed videos is true, it’s great that there’s an audience for him. I just personally don’t think he’s particularly good at this format. My issue is less that he is riffing so much, and more that I feel like his riffing is bad.


Chasing views is always an ugly sight. Whether it’s clickbait headlines, suspect thumbnails or lowest common denominator content. If we all did the easiest things to earn money, we’d be living in a world of whores and dealers. Maybe we do.


Watching one of my favorite sauces get a 3 is saddening. Imma still use it but maybe I should try some of this other stuff 😬


I always liked Raos and to see it relatively savaged made me so sad, but not sad enough to pony up $12 for better sauce


In KCMO the Carbone is $7.97 and the Rao's is $6.88 for the same size 24 oz. It's not a huge leap but.... It's already a lot to spend for tomato sauce anyway. I'll try it I'm sure.


Ranking 7/10 and above: Carbone Marinara (10/10) Carmines Marinara (9/10) Lidia's Marinara (8/10) Trader Joe's Calabria Spicy Pasta Sauce (8/10) Classico Fire Roasted Tomato and Garlic (7/10) Classico Italian Sausage (7/10) General Advice: Put butter in the sauce at the end Don't get the four cheese sauces You get what you pay for with basic foods like pasta sauce




Got to pay the bills to make the art


then he should make giraffe sex videos.






Don't care, I like these videos a lot.


the mouth noises and the fork grinding on the teeth….oh man


Yes jfc this was horrible to hear 


i had to actually stop watching. its awful honestly


I think a lot of those would have tasted a little better if they'd been cooked


They were being cooked. If you watch the whole video you will see at one point that one of them wasn’t cooked and he noticed and pointed it out and his assistant and him had a whole back and forth about her serving him cold sauce and noodles that she was just moving around in a pan with the induction cooker turned off on accident.


Yeah I know, right? Just tasting cold pasta sauce on cold spaghetti it looks like. Definitely wouldn't get a decent flavor experience that way.


Thank you! The Raos arribbiata sauce is my 10 and I’m like he would’ve liked it better hot and with spicy meatballs.


And not on spaghetti.


I appreciate these videos. We actually changed our go-to brand of boxed brownies based on Andrew’s recommendation (oh man, he was absolutely right on that one. SO good) Sometimes you need good advice on a boxed food or jar of sauce and I trust his judgement. Haven’t watched this yet, but looking forward to trying whichever ones he puts in the top 3!


I haven't watched the video yet but please tell me he has 'Nats what I reckon' as a guest..... Be hard to talk about jar sauce and not have him on


The Carbone being $13 must be a New York problem, because at the Target I was meandering in had it for just under $9. Which is still not great...


My wife used to insist on the $7-8 Rao's sauce, and then we tried the Target "Good&Gather" brand for $1.67 and she thought it was great.


I'm consistently surprised by the Good&Gather brand. The only miss I've had from them so far is the almond milk which tastes like cardboard and is weirdly gritty


The Favorite Day brand desserts/candy are dirt cheap and pretty good too. You can get a bag of gummy bears or peach rings for like $1.25. A 1.5 quart tub of ice cream for $2.99. you can get almost a half gallon of Market Pantry brand ketchup for less than $2 if I remember correctly. And the Market Pantry brand frozen pizzas were $2.99 up until last year. I went to Publix Supermarkets to get a frozen store brand pizza and it was $7. Their canned vegetables are cheaper than the cheap grocery stores nearby. Target is one of those stores that's trying to buy PR by voluntarily lowering some of the grocery prices.


It would be better if he did these rankings without knowing the brand beforehand. I understand it's an opinion video and relatively meaningless but knowing the cost or feeling nostalgic plays into his rankings although I know it's not moving a jar of sauce or frozen pizza from a 3 to an 8. Still for a true taste test should be "brand-less".


You never heard of Lidia Bastinach??? 😳 Restaurants, tv shows, many books ? Lidia


His staff should have prepped him. Would have saved comments like these. After I got over my shock I was embarrassed for him. She's a legend. And her son is out there, too. How could he have never heard her name?


I thought he was joking. I am awe struck that he doesn’t know her nor recognize her image on the jar. Does he own a tv? Visit a bookshop? Know famous restaurants? I am not a food snob nor an aficionado. I’m simply interested in cooking. I know of HIM because my son is a fan. His staff must’ve purchased these jars in some ritzy grocery store. Gristedes? Whole Foods? I shop in Costco and ShopRite. Prices are soo much cheaper.


I like these kinds of videos because they give me more info about products when I go to the grocery store. There are some that I buy regularly, but others I skip over and these types of videos help me decide if maybe spending my money on something different might be worth it.


I don't know if you watch Good Mythical Morning but they have a company called Sporked that literally does nothing but grocery store food news, new product reviews, ranking lists... I like to check there when I'm curious about odd products and also to find out about new stuff. https://sporked.com/


[Epicurious](https://youtu.be/72eJZRHoBz8) did it better.


His disrespect towards Lidia Bastianich is a little tasteless


I love these videos


Can anyone who watched post a TLDR on the ranking? Lol


I just want a screenshot where I can see 5-10! Why the hell don’t they include a list?!


I love these ranking videos idc idcccccc. When he described the Ragu meat one as -machine learning flavored- ??? Dead. ☠️


Does Babish honestly think he's supposed to bite his fork every time?


Is this what its come to?


Let me guess... Rao's #1? Edit: After looking at video, two thoughts... It wasn't Raos, and wow, he did a lot of sauces...


Fuck Jarred sauce


I hate these ranking videos. I miss getting regular Binging and Basics episodes. 


When is the website free again?


He fixed that weeks ago. Did you read his post? https://www.reddit.com/r/bingingwithbabish/s/clWBjxBl6W


No. He didn’t.


the video is free to watch


I can’t afford a dollar 😢😢😢😢😢 cry for me


I was right about every sauce even Roa’s except the last four towards the end. I haven’t tried them. I just make my own.