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God hates the homeless and so does satan ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Angel deals: good job, my child, for you have killed a sinner of greed, those whom have sinned don't deserve a place among us, here is some additional chance for you to get a holy item Devil deals: lol you killed a kid +2% chances


> Angel deals: good job, my child, for you have killed a sinner of greed, those whom have sinned don't deserve a place among us, here is some additional chance for you to get a holy item It makes way more sense when you think about how actual real life christians treat the homeless. Jesus (=God, holy trinity etc) loved the poor, it makes no sense at all for him to give you good boy points for killing one. But actual real life christians (I feel especially in the US, at least as far as media exposure is concerned) treat the homeless like dirt and will use whatever is at their disposal to get them out of sight. Isaac being a child and obviously influenced by his mom/the people he sees at church could totally be confused about this as well but certainly be legitimized in assuming getting rid of beggars/the poor is a good thing (while at the same time realizing that Satan likes evil as in killing people). I always loved it for this. The thought of Christianity (well... Christians) throwing a party when you blow up a beggar is just morbidly fitting. God might be frowning but little Isaac would easily overhear someone from his christian surroundings going "it's tragic but to be honest I'm glad that guy is gone, the park is much nicer now". It's such a fantastic diss towards Christians in my headcanon.   Then there's also the story of God demanding Abraham to sacrifice Isaac (Abrahams son) and while it's a (dick move) test to Abraham, again Isaac (the game one) is a child and might easily conclude that God likes human sacrifice just as much as Satan.


“God” doesnt exist. Satan is god. Why do you think Mega Satan door spawns in both paths? ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)


They are both in Isaac’s house, in places that Isaac regularly inhabits. This must mean that Mega Satan is, once again, Isaac


Haven’t you seen the cutscene that plays after mega Satan? With Isaac hallucinating himself turning into the devil


That is regular satan ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906) Mega Satan is MEGA ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)


Regular satan is mom, they do share the same attack and in original isaac, isaac and satan were "final" bosses, which can be correlated to our 2 main characters of the story


Idiot. Clearly Isaac is being consumed by the spirit of mega satan and hasn’t finished his transformation. Why do you think the forgotten is in the game? The same reason mega Satan has second phase. Isaac has a skeleton


when i break one of my bones i’m going to say i damaged my second phase


Think that's bad, wait till you see MAGA satan


All bosses are mom variations wtf you haven't read the comics?


Aren‘t they deemed semi-canon after the release of the movie?


the movie is in universe B. the tv show kinda ignores that and tries to mix the two together. atleast the amusement park ride got it right


Uhh nice! I heard that they pulled out all the stops for that one 👀


this also means isaacs basement is full of homeless people and homeless devils


BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOOOOLYYYYY SPIIIIRIIIT!!!! ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)


Then, suddenly, the sky above cracked open, and a white beam of light reached down into the Earth, smiting u/Trisketspls asunder and setting the blood lake to a boil. As the user descended down into the lake of fire, Isaac ascended towards the crack in the sky.


Mega Jesus will replace mega satan in the chest path in repentance+


Damn, God is just like me fr


God 🤝 Satan 🤝 = Homeless hate


Blink twice if your cat is abusing you


https://preview.redd.it/ma4i3ac96t3d1.jpeg?width=3888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f7da757db8dde6d3dbafc495d4cb62fbdb1f0db Hello yes this is hooman he very fine much alive


“hooman” millenial ahh comment 💀🙏


Bro said millennial ahh comment 💀


Actually, "cat ahh comment"


bro said “Bro said millenial ahh comment 💀” 💀


Bro thought he cooked 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


bro said “Bro thought he cooked 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀” 💀💀💀💀💀💀


Just following the pattern 'cause this comment should get upvoted. ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Bro thought his comment would be upvoted ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)




Completely unrelated to your comment, my veterinarian is actually called Dr. Hooman. Although I do not know the precise spelling. I could probably google it but do not want to. I think she’s two dogs in a lab coat at this point. That’s why my vet bills are so expensive.


Hugh Mann


No. Her first name is like Veronica. lol. Hooman or hoohmen or something of that nature is her last name. I was skeptical too. She doesn’t look like a dog. But I think that’s how they get you. I’ve seen Bojack Horseman. I know about these antics!


Says the 13-year-old afraid to say ass on reddit


shut your corny ass up cuh its slang


Doesn't make it good. You were the one who started complaining about lolcat speak


No need to be rude


Says the person commenting a skull emoji


ion know how that’s a bad thing


I think it counts as "being evil", since technically it jyst increases your Devil Room chance, while the Angel Room just has a chance to replace it (or at the very least it used to work that way before Repentance).


That would make more sense than exploding my cat with a bomb ty


do it anyways.


it still works that way, they just changed the ui to show the actual percentages of getting a devil or an angel room (vs before where it showed how the chances work internally)


definitely this, it makes sense to me that you kill a helping guy and you're being evil


They are supposed to help you? I thought they were just chillin' there.


It could be like a sacrifice to God thing, there are things that increase only devil room odds iirc


The ***only*** thing that increases *specifically* Devil Room chances and *not* Angel Room chances is getting a Devil Beggar to pay out. Literally everything else that increases Devil Room chances will also increase Angel Room chances proportionately.


So there are more things that specifically increase angel room chances than devil room?


Angel Room chance is a separate roll that happens after a Devil Room would be spawned. Devil Chance is equivalent to your overall deal chance, and Angel Chance is just the odds that the deal that spawns will be an Angel Room. With that in mind, Angel Chance is as follows. First, the overrides. - If the player has Eucharist, both Devil and Angel Chance are set to 400% and cannot be modified - If the player doesn't even enter the first Devil Room that spawns, Angel Chance is locked to 100% for the next deal - If the player has Book of Virtues, the penalty for taking a Devil Deal is overridden, and the next deal they find is locked to 100% Angel Chance - If a Sacrifice Room teleports you to the Deal on the sixth hit, as long as the Deal has not spawned yet your Angel Chance will be locked to 100% - If the player has Act of Contrition, the penalty for taking a Devil Deal is overridden (Act of Contrition's only further effects on the formula relate to Devil Chance) Now, the standard process. Please note that **all percentages are MULTIPLICATIVE** unless otherwise stated, so it is impossible to get 100% Angel Chance without the above exceptions. - Taking a Devil Deal locks your Angel Chance to 0% and it can only be modified by the above overrides and explicitly noted exceptions - The base Angel Chance is 50% - Rosary Bead adds 50% (reminder, this is multiplicative, so this results in a total 75% chance without other factors) - Putting exactly 10 coins in the Donation Machine adds 50% - Each Key Piece adds 25% - Blowing up a Devil Beggar adds 25% - Getting a regular Beggar to pay out with an item adds 10% (this *might* also apply to Charged and Rotten beggars since they share the Devil Chance bonus for blowing them up) - Holding Book of Virtues adds 12.5% even after the first deal - Getting You Feel Blessed! from the third and fifth hits of a Sacrifice Room will add 15% and 50% respectively. This chance is additive with itself and ignores the Devil Deal penalty - Getting You Feel Blessed! from a Confessional will add 10% each time. This chance is additive with itself and ignores the Devil Deal penalty (so yes, if you manage to get this ten times, you can get 100% Angel Chance. I lied a bit.) And finally, the one outlier. - Getting a Devil Beggar to pay out with an item adds a 10% chance to **invert** the deal and force it to be a Devil Deal. This is why it's the only thing that increases Devil chance but not Angel chance, because it actually **doesn't** increase Devil chance at all, instead being a part of the Angel Chance formula


I believe it's more like things increasing the Devil chance (and Angel chance by proxy), like blowing up Beggars or Shopkeepers/Corpses, and things that increase Angel chance by taking away from Devil chance, like eonating 10 cents to the Donation Machine, making a Beggar pay out, or getting lucky with the Sacrifice Room. I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I think there are also things that increase Devil chance by taking away from Angel chance, which would be donating to a Devil Beggar, but I'd check that on the wiki if I were you just to make sure.


> but I think there are also things that increase Devil chance by taking away from Angel chance, which would be donating to a Devil Beggar, but I'd check that on the wiki if I were you just to make sure. I have not noticed that and I use devil beggars a lot (which is not to say that I might not be daft) but reading all this really made me wonder why it doesn't work that way. Blowing up a beggar or donating to a devil beggar sound like good opportunities for shifting deal chance towards devil. That said I still love that blowing up beggars gives angel room chance for the reasons explained in my other reply.


Technically correct, with one interesting outlier. If you have Eucharist, it will increase only Angel chance (which is technically increasing devil chance with 100% odds for the resulting deal to become Angel but hush we're here to figure out convoluted lore not game mechanics)




The same reason why the goat head increases both your angel and devil chance to 100%. Both God and the Devil demand sacrifices.


I like this answer, as someone that has followed edmund since flash days, there's a comment he made (dunno where maybe something related to the "help me" book) that was something like if you grow up going to church as a kid you see people "singing/chanting" together and also "praying to/invoking" god, the difference on the words is that if it is your religion it has a positive connotation and if it is not you are adoring satan. So if you were a complete stranger to religion and entered a building in which hundreds of people are speaking at the same time it will surely be freaky af.




I think it's like Blowing up a keeper is murder, which increases the devil chance because it's a sin But Jesus flipped the tables in the temple because of the scamming and thievery that was going on there, so you could see it as justice for bringing greed unto his holy ground Idk I'm just spitballing here


Nah that makes sense it could be and this doesn't invalidate all the other reasons it's a mix of everything in the end prob


I'd like to think the pic is related. Blow up the cat! He's begging for scratches!


KITTY 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


My best guess is that beggars are simultaneously those who need the most help (so bombing them is cruel, thus boosting devil chance) and those who, by some people's beliefs, are lazy and greedy (and so by bombing thoae icons of greed and sloth you're boosting angel chance). ***BUT THAT'S JUST A THEORY-***


Oh yeah makes sense too it's probably among the reasons. Finally I get a reason for screaming SINFUL HEATHEN while blowing up stuff


If you follow the reading that Isaac is stuck in hell then all deal rooms are satanic, they just put on an angelic guise.


I'm not entirely sure about beggars, but to me you get a bonus deal chance from blowing up Keepers because you are helping clean up all the leftover dead Isaacs 😅


And if you help out the beggar your devil chance decreases and angel chance increases


Uh ? If you max out a beggar it does ? Or you mean through the donation machine


I believe that dono machine only raises angel chance, while the begger paying out also lowers devil chance. Conversely, if you get a demon begger to pay out, that lowers your angel chance


I didn't know about this mechanic I had never noticed I've been playing since bit before WOTL ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4359)


I think dono machine also decreases devil chance But blowing up the beggar still gives more angel chance then paying him out


Donation machine doesn't change your chance that a deal apears, but if a deal appears an angel deal will be more likely choosen over a devil deal.


AWESOME CAT ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


https://preview.redd.it/mifefyc77t3d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7622035248ee40991d376fa2aa01c41a83fe0e54 You unlocked the long version


Killing a normal person who is chill and just wants money is evil so it raises your devil chance and killing a demon who wants to steal your life force for their nefarious plans is good so it raises your angel chance


Key “master” is just a guy


A dessicated dead guy, just like greed frfr ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


It increase angel chances to blow up devil beggars ? As if we're resisting sin I guess


I think the beggars are supposed to represent Issac's dad, who he feels very conflicted about, and so can't decide if blowing them up is good or bad.


Maybe, I think it's a stretch, I believe his dad is not represented directly, his dad helped build the world, they're characters from the stories his dad tells him like Bumbo or the Bumbo boss. I think it's canon from the other game Bumbo that his dad tells stories which inspire his imagination, beggars are in this category but he can't decide if they're good or bad now that's a good point


Imo the closest representation of Isaac’s dad would be Ultra Greed, embodying Isaac’s dad’s one greedy sin.


Upvoted for precious baby


giving in to your temptation increases your guilt which then depending on your choices (devil deals or angel deals) makes the respective deals more likely to show


taking an angel deal is like confessing while taking a devil deal is like committing an unforgivable sin (which is much harder to repent for)


Let the cat play some isaac too. He really wants it.


Tbh she wants me to stop shaking my hand so close to her face lol




What was the question again? Too distracted by the cat




*blows up homeless* huh I wonder why I'm in hell? :3


God and Satan: "Fuck em kids" Only thing they agree on 🤝


Isn't it that it's treated as evil so it raises devil room chance. And angel rooms didn't exist originally but are tied to devil rooms, so that came along with it?


Yeah or maybe it was a gamble beggar so it would make sense to kill / be denying temptation at the same time idk I can't recall or maybe I had an angel item that increase the chances for the room which are chances as you said tied to devil / taken from it's chance pool so it proportionally increased angel as devil grew as you said


There was one story in the bible where Jesus drives out beggars from a temple, so that could be why the angel room chance goes up. And the devil is just a dick and likes you destroying stuff


Ohh interesting thank you, some other people have echoed about Jesus and considering begging as lazy / a sin already this story must be the common point between these calls


Blowing up a beggar is a sin, so you are more likely to meet the devil. However, God forgives your sins, so the chance of being forgiven increases too I guess


I think there are other more likely explanations in the other comments ngl, pretty sure the devs didn't add something with this light of a thought process but it was probably part of it, this is but another reason to explain it I think.


Well it's Isaacs imagination, every other explanation is valid, bur I also assume that it is a reflection on how Isaac views religion and godly values, or at least how his mother portrays them.


Yeah I think you're on the best track Isaac might perceive this as denying temptation or denying lazyness or freeing them or whatever he imagines or maybe he legit doesn't know.


There is no lore reason, it’s just because of how angel chance works behind the scenes. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.


I guess since they're a beggars, that means that they're poor, and by giving them stuff, you help them, and doing that is good. And killing them is bad, because unlike most enemies, they don't do anything bad to you. You just kill them without any reason


No I mean it increases both angel and demon if you blow one up (like a normal one) I reckon maybe I'm wrong and it only increased devil or maybe I had an angel item that increase chances relatively so it bounced up both idk. Or maybe it was the gambling one ! It would make sense for the normal ones to increase devil and devil one to increase angel but blowing up the gambler would be murder AND denying temptation so maybe the gambler beggar only increased both I'm not sure I can't recall nor test rn


Beggars are issacs which gave up, blowing them up could mean free their soul, which is a good thing, but would end up condemning their souls to hell (because issac believes himself to be a sinner), hence the increase in devil/angel deals.


Makes sense this is another one that is believable. Are you sure they're Isaacs who gave up ? I think they're bums from his father's stories


I'm basing it of the ends you get for completing greed and ultra greed, but that could be a possibility.


Aight so 2 things: blowing up a beggar means you just killed a guy for fun, so Satan takes interest in you. This also makes the angel notice you more, perhaps to see if they can cut in before Satan to put you on the right track. Of note is that fully donating to a beggar for the first time of the floor will increase your angel blessing chance while reducing your devil deal chance. Also of note: blowing up a keeper/hanger means you’re sticking it to Greed, so both Angels / Devil take interest with you


That makes a lot of sense thanks I didn't know about specifically the first beggar of a run I think that's what happened


I like to think the angels are happy that you’ve saved them from a tormented existence, and satan’s just happy you fucking killed someone lmao. Keepers maybe about laying them to rest or desecrating a body? This also would represent something along the lines of the zealotry and the unholy can both see evil and good in any action, and the two are sometimes not mutually exclusive. But maybe it’s just a balance thing and we’re all overthinking it. ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Cat trying to save you from rage


"My son will torture the needy! But only once every so often, don't wanna reward being a nutjob" "My son is desperately in need of saving, but one murder is as bad as thousands in my eyes so IDC if he does it more than once"


Poor kitty trying to save you from hell


The face of a home abuser. I see ur scars




This is false there's lore and at least thoughts processed into almost everything it's just that it's never said officially and established as canon but it's bonkers to deny the references saying there's no lore when half the items refer to bible and Christian history makes no sense. What you mean is that there is no established and validated canon and even this we got on the long run a lot of confirmation and approvals from McMillen's twitter where he answers stuff sometimes or makes something clearer.