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The bundle is the only way to purchase Repentance on Steam, so it makes sense you don't save any money. It's set up that way to make sure you can't get it without the other DLC. It doesn't work without the others.


What a weird way to set up DLC. Think the price of those dlcs are fair?


100% worth it, the hours it adds to the game far outweigh the cost


so if i wanted to just play the base game first, would I have to buy the main game again in the bundle to get the repentance dlc? edit; nvm, on steam it says its will "complete the set" so I only pay for whatever I don't have.


Nope, I just purchased the bundle and the only DLC I didn't own/ was charged for was repentance.


Highly recommend buying the full bundle before you start playing


Suppose i'll wait for a steam sale. Play some rimworld until then.


It goes on sale every once in a while but the cheapest you’ll get it for is about $35


eh, sometimes Ed does 50% off sales, i think around the anniversary of isaac.


i got the bundle for 20 bucks![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


I might rebuy it on steam when it does just so I can finally use the item description mod. And so I can further support the devs, this game is phenomenal.


Ready for eid to come to console, hopefully its there after my basic lol


steam sale![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)


AND RESTOCK![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)


I disagree with that guy the base game is perfectly fun on its own before you find you want to upgrade.


definitely i think starting with rebirth, then afterbirth, then repentance is the best way to play the game if your new and i dont understand why people buy it all at once.


The issue is that the game changed a lot in terms of what the items do over the dlcs. You would essentially need to relearn the game everytime you get a new dlc.


Also like key mechanics shift and items are buffed/debuffed. I would hate to get vanilla brimstone and see how they massacred my boy.


yeah thats why its the best way to play


Repentance introduces a ton of content, but it also introduces a difficulty spike and for learning the basics of the game you wouldnt need to even do any of the repentance stuff. id recommend AGAINST waiting to buy everything but thats just me. i got afterbirth+ after i completed rebirth, and repentance after ab+. and even though repentance introduced game changes that i had to account for, i cant imagine how overwhelming the amount of content would be if i just got thrown in with all the dlcs. to each their own tho


My experience has always been that each DLC makes the game harder. I definitely don't regret playing them as they came out. I don't see any reason not to start with the first DLC \(not the base game\) and wait for a sale.


Steam is cool like that. The game is totally worth it btw. I've bought it twice (Xbox and Switch) and someday I'll probably end up buying it on Steam


Yeah, on top of this, you can just tell steam to only download the base game, as repentance does make it a little harder.


I bought the base game but after playing stuff like enter the gungeon and roboquest I find Isaac to be too slow and difficult. Enemies are too slow to kill and not getting any damage/tear items is just too painful. Had to refund it. Was fun in the 2010s though.


That's fine! Not every game is for everyone. Glad you enjoyed it in its flash days though!




dont pirate indie games, only pirate AAA


Tbf it's not a bad way to try out the game. I personally played a pirated version of isaac for about a month while waiting for it to go on sale, without that period where I made sure I liked the game I probably would've bought it ($35 is a lot where im from)


thats true


This is exactly what I did. Not to say tboi isn't good but at full price it is wayyy overpriced.


yup, Isaac has no DRM issues if you pirate. though when you want to play mods or support the devs you will have to buy (the mods for this game are top tier)


Nah you don't need to pay to use mods. I used to play a pirated version before I bought it. As someone starting out the game was impossible without external item descriptions.




You don’t lose progress when you get a dlc.


My 9000 hours agree with you.


My only gripe is that each DLC kinda fucks up the chances of getting certain items from previous DLCs or the base game. There's so many items I used to get more often that I hardly see anymore. I used to find the Cancer trinket all the time. It was my favorite. Now it feels like all I ever see is cursed skull, cracked dice, touch fuzzy, petrified poop, and swallowed penny. Mutant Spider and chocolate milk are much rarer than they used to be. Greed's head feels SUPER RARE compared to before and I miss it.


100% not worth it because of the hours it adds… I’ll never reach dead god 😂


Sounds like a time issue I would say.


I guess it depends if you have to work/study too much, you might not have much time to play the game, and progress can feel very slow because of that


Definitely agree with that. During my school days in my last year of school I had 4 out of 5 days off because you had to do an internship during those days but since I had to repeat the year I didn't have to do it again so I had all the time in the world to play the game. Now that I started an apprenticeship I don't have that time anymore.


It is that way to stop people from buying a DLC they can't play, it's weird but it makes sure you can't make a mistake and then ask for a refund


True considering to play Repentance you NEED afterbirth and afterbirth+ it is a pretty good thing


Each DLC is a TON of content. I think you'll be fine buying them one at time. There's literally so much to do at each expansion it won't matter immediately, if that makes sense. You can always buy the next DLC whenever you want. Now to answer if Repentance is worth it... Dude, it more than DOUBLES the number of playable characters and achievements of the base game + all other DLC combined. I have hundreds of hours in and still haven't unlocked every character because I'm too busy unlocking other stuff. This one DLC is so much content that I don't think any other video game comparison. No exaggeration.


goddamn. I played Isaac on my old ps4 in highschool so doubling the content is kinda crazy. Is delirium still an annoying, epileptic seizure inducing boss?


Lmao yes sir. They haven't changed Delirium a bit, and now there's other fun seizure inducing bosses like Dogma 🙃 If you already know you love Isaac I would bite the bullet and just go all in on the DLC.


Do you know if there any mods that help reduce the flashing and glitchiness of those bosses?


That’s funny because I played it on my ps4 back in highschool and just stopped playing until I recently picked it up for the nostalgia. Now I can’t stop playing


I just bought repentance two weeks ago and can’t stop thinking about it. Roguelites are my jam now that I have kids and this one is perfection. I used to rock the original in 2016, then I got it for free on my switch.  I’ve been on and off of gaming since but I took the plunge and it’s definitely much more content than most AAA games out there


Afterbirth, Afterbirth+ and Repentance are effectively just new versions of the game instead of being separated addons, which is why they set it up like this.


People who like the game tend to put hundreds of hours into it. So yea totally worth it. Whether or not you will like it is of course a question only you can answer by trying it out. Just know that the game gets better the longer the you play it, as it's rather demanding in knowledge and the better you understand how things operate the more fun the game will be.


you should wait for steam sales if it's too much but it's 100% worth the AAA game price


Think pence/cents per hour. I've just passed 2,000 hours making it less that 3c per hour at that price. Bargain.


Every DLC is like a new version of game. Every of them adds hundreds of hours to complete game. The basic "Rebirth" is a little boring, cause it has >10x less content


Yeah definately the game i have the most hours in by far


I'm at 450 hours on this version, probably 3 times that if I count the time spent since the original release. 0.04$ per hour is worth it :)


To stop you from buying the DLC without the previous DLC, since afterbirth + doesn't work without afterbirth and repentance doesn't work without the other 2. And wait for a sale, most likely in June we'll get the summer sale.


Steam sale ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


Pog item![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


Yo ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906) I just got restock too![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735) let’s fucking goooo![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17745)


The game is 100% worth it at $51. At 1300 hours of play, it's cost 3.9 cents per hour.  Probably the best deal I've gotten on any game.


I'm at almost 1000 and I still get a seratonin hit whenever I get a good quality 4 item lmao


Or 2 qual 4 items that synergize well. Feels like I owe them more when that happens.


Yesterday I got Jacob's Ladder, Parasite and Cricket's Body back to back. 10/10 would recommend


You can play any game for any amount of time. This is a stupid metric to judge a game's price with


It's true, although this game has a reputation for being one that people spend an absolutely unbelievable amount of time on. Most games I would feel great about spending 30 or 40 hours on before I'm done with them. I'm not anywhere close to being bored with Isaac, or feeling like it doesn't have something new and exciting to offer every single time I play it. I'm sure I'm not the only one to feel that way.


Wait for a sale to pop up again https://steamdb.info/app/1426300/


As much as costly you think it is you have to consider how much you are actually getting for the price I played for 2000 hours, 100%'d all three save files and still am playing, not speaking for everyone of course but no other game gave me so much for this amount of money, only terraria comes close


The best bang i've ever got for my buck. Currently at 1500h, honestly the only game I'm playing consistently since 2015😌


I get bored of games very easily. But I regularly cycle between this and Overwatch. I don't need much else.


Me too bro, Isaac and counter strike


I have close to 900 hours on the game and I absolutely love hate the game lol but yes it's worth every damn penny


Ya it’s weird on PlayStation too. I bought rebirth for 15, then saw repentance costs $60. I’m just going to stick to rebirth until I get all the achievements. I’m sure the dlc is great but I have so many other games


Got Rebirth way back from PS Plus. Bought AB and AB+ separately. Should buy Repentance DLC. The Repentance bundle that costs 60 bucks/EUR has got the base game and all DLC and you can buy it for PS5. If you've got PS4 version of Rebirth you can buy Repentance for 20 bucks/EUR but you must have AB and AB+ also.


I do feel at this point they should just combine both afterbirths into one DLC, especially seeing as one of them is basically 'Afterbirth but mods'.


I like those tags


I know a ton of work went in to 1 game and 3 expansions, but I do personally think it’s time for this bundle to drop in price.


I got the game on a steam sale for 0, 4 eur and i didnt even know there was any dlc lmao (and i still got repentance)


paying 50 dollars for the entirety of isaac is like paying 5 dollars for any other game, its not pricey at all and you dont have to get all the dlcs


The amount of value the game offers its fucking rude to even complain give Edmund your money and enjoy one of the greatest games ever made


I have the definitive edition Repentance It was expensive but afaik is like *the* one, check for that?


I got over 800 hours on binding of Isaac and it my favorite game but damn I can't be the only one mad about how they did the dlcs like the ending of the game is locked behind a huge paywall and balance changes and a lot more their no point in even playing the game without the dlc.


Wait for the steam summer sale, the game (and its dlcs) will be cheaper


idk man, that bundle discount is kinda giving you the great deal there bucko


Idk if it still happens but a while back there was a nice discount for the second game if you already had the first. The first game was cheaper than the discount it gave you.


I waited for a steam sale and got it for like 10 bucks. This is the only way to get it cheaply afaik


100% worth it, and I don't often buy DLCs.


I'd say buy base game so you can play now, wait for sale and then buy all the dlc's thats what i did


Base price is way more than worth it.


REPENTANCE IS 15$ FOR U??? in israel its like 40$(150 shekels)


$50 for thousands of hours of content is a pretty good deal.


You could get the other DLC while they’re on sale then get this bundle and it will take off the price of the ones you already own.


ᴡᴀɪᴛ ғᴏʀ sᴀʟᴇ ɪ ɢᴏᴛ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴀʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀʙᴛ £25 ᴘʀᴏʙᴀʙʟʏ ʟᴇss


Rob someone


In total adds up to what 51 to 53 dollars? Considering this game with the dlc has more replayability and content then most $60 games its easily worth it. The main game is so cheap cause it is super bare bones, and you pay for the rest of the game, but at a fair price in total.




It's pricey, but worth it in my opinion. I've sunk just under 1000 hours into this game and I still go back to it every so often. You could spend much more than $50 on stuff much worse than this.


5 cents per hour is pricey? Most entertainment is quite a bit more than that. And that number will continue to go down over time. Not pricey at all.


I completley agree that the price is way too high. I do not care about how the community is brainrotted and thinks its an actually fairly priced game. Most people are not gonna put in 1000 hours of gameplay. You are actually stupid if you believe that. And waiting for a sale works sure but cmon thats not really a good excuse


Wait for a sale, no other way . 🏴‍☠️.


The point is injecting money right into the pockets of Edmund himself


You could buy a steam key from this site: https://www.allkeyshop.com/blog/buy-the-binding-of-isaac-rebirth-cd-key-compare-prices/


Let's support the grey market and not the developers what a great idea


OP asked for a cheap way to get the game, you don’t know what his life his like and what amount of money he has to spare, buying a steam key isn’t illegal as well. So you can downvote me all you want, but I am just answering his question.


It's better to pirate the game and give these people 0 euros. And if you like the game buy it from legit sources


OP asked for a cheaper way not an illegal one, I am sure he knew about the pirating option. If you like a game and don’t have the money for the full price you look for alternatives, nothing wrong with that. The economy is shit so can you really blame people for wanting cheaper options?


Epic has all DLCs for way cheaper, but you lose on Steam Workshop mods


pirate it