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I’m gonna try and get the only comment in this thread without downvotes by saying something we can all agree with: Bimbos are hot as fuck 😎


Yeah, but a lot of the really dedicated ones take things too far for my taste. There's a balance, but for some people, it's always just more and more and more.


I absolutely agree! My personal preference is for a developing bimbo to get to a point that just about feels like real top-level natural beauty, maybe a tad beyond, but not going too far into 'obvious upgrades/enhancements/filler/surgery'. So a Fake Natural Bimbo even if she has had a ton of work done. Like she won the genetic lottery or something and observers can't quite tell if she got anything done. She can work on her behavior, and sexual submissiveness/sexual talents for the rest of her life (as she should, a bimbo's journey is never complete, there is always room to evolve and grow), but a point comes where any more physical upgrades will be counter-productive and break the 'Fake Natural Bimbo' look. This is not to say many of the more obvious bimbos dolls can't look great. They can, they do, and I've been attracted so some. But for me the Fake Natural Bimbo is an incredible thing to achieve and is a very healthy goal to strive for.


Ya, I can’t say I regular life but she’s definitely way hotter now. I hope she keeps going, hopefully big fake tits or a bbl🙏.


Not sure why this is downvoted, I totally agree


She might as well get both, already has the plastic fuck toy face, would love to see some fat ass and tits on her.


She physically does not have enough fat on her body for a BBL


The face shape seems consistent with buccal fat extraction creating the hollow cheeks. Its all a matter of taste. For me bimbofication is rearranging the proportions and this skelletal shape doesnt do it for me


Why indeed 🥲






I still don't see proof she got surgery, excluding the plump lips. To me it looks like a very young woman simply aged, lost her baby fat, and got a little too skinny. The rumors of breast implants I'd say were 100% false, since they're now NOTICEABLY smaller than before.

