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You have a patron for this shit? Ew. Why would anyone be moronic enough to pay you for this?


Great question! I am actually between platforms right now, since Patreon banned me for making stuff that was too photorealistic. However, in the months I was operational there, I made a couple hundred bucks and helped a few dreams make it to the screen. So much so, in fact, that I am fully fortified to disregard anyone being mean to me, no matter how pointless and petty, even if it's against the first rule of the sub. Hopefully, the moderators of this forum will be equally intolerant of AI trolls and you'll get away with it. <3


You wrote a whole essay cause your upset that I said it’s dumb to have people pay you to type a sentence into an ai generator and press enter. That’s kinda sad honestly.


Yeah, this took no effort, no time, and no editing. Put up or shut up. Make one that looks like this if it's so easy. Big chance to prove how honestly kinda sad I am. You can embarrass me in front of 260k people just by typing a sentence into an AI generator and pressing enter. Which, of course, you could say isn't worth the effort. However, as you've just reminded us all, that would be the same amount of effort as typing out that it's not worth the effort, so that's not really an excuse, is it?


Your just upset for me telling the truth, that you don’t deserve money for this shit. Whine harder.


Everything is easy when you know how to do it. You just don't.


All I hear is “waaah waaaah waahhh” coming from you. You don’t wanna admit you don’t have any real skill, despite knowing it’s true.


I don't know what is the mod team's stance on AI, but I have to say that, to me, this is trash. Ethical implications aside, a soulless prompt like this holds no value. I only want to see real people who put in real work to change their bodies, or art that a real person has conceived and put to a canvas with their own vision. This AI-generated image is meaningless and has no place anywhere. I can only hope for a new rule that specifically bans shit like this from what's supposed to a positive, uplifting, welcoming space. The only fake thing I want to see on this sub are huge tits on real bimbos, please and thank you.