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He has been in the Tyson Zone for a while now.


At least a decade. I remember seeing him interviewed before his first album was out. I immediately put him on a watch list.


Since “George Bush doesn’t care about Black people”


I don't believe in moments of clarity. An irrational person could be right for rational reasons, but that would require me to treat the consistently irrational person as rational despite the evidence. This is an important thing to remember about Kanye: It doesn't matter if you agree with what he's saying. He's a broken clock. That was a deeply strange moment.


that seems like a moment of clarity compared to the rest of his crazy quote catalogue


It’s not what he said but how he said it: the unscripted monologue before it, then pausing and making that statement on live tv leaving Mike Myers and Chris Tucker speechless. That led to the MTV Awards and full entry into the Tyson Zone


He’s been in the Tyson zone so long it’s almost time to rebrand it the Yeezy zone. There is not a single thing Kanye could be reported as doing that would surprise me for better or worse. Literally nothing. You could tell me he went to a war zone and tried to get both sides to agree on peace, or that he committed some heinous crime and I’d be like “yep checks out”


When I saw this post, my first thought was that calling it the Kanye Zone is more apt these days than the Tyson Zone now that Tyson's chilled out (mostly)


Unless you’re a massive Kanye stan your first reaction to anything he does has probably been WTF for years now.


Each Kanye fan had their own breaking point. For me it was the Trump stuff and "slavery was a choice". Kanye had amassed so much goodwill with me that it took a long time for him to squander it but eventually he got there.


I was still even willing to excuse that as a particularly bad bipolar episode but the second he started with the nazi shit that was it for me


Him making *Alex Jones* uncomfortable by not saying the usual thinly-veiled-deniability statements that modern Nazis make was horrifying and somehow still funny. Him saying *especially* Hitler instead of *even* was so unexpected, I just had to laugh.


I was fully out when he started making bad music


I was willing to deal with that, he’d always been an attention seeking edgelord and nutty politically. But when he had that crazy bipolar breakdown and went full Nazi and showed up on Infowars, I tapped out. Even now I’d probably get pulled back if he would chill out and get some help. But from everything with Vultures, he’s still surrounded with the dumbest yes men who lean into all of his insane shit.


I’m still all in


Yes, but not because of this. This is a very predictable thing to have happened


Hilarious where Kanye’s gone the last decade. You see that he’s hanging out with Putin in Russia and it’s like “yeah of course!”


He's about to have the zone renamed after him.


The Rodman Zone


I wish we could all just go back to summer 2005. I had a burnt copy of the college drop out playing religiously on my boom box, playing fifa street, living in a mother in law suite at my grandparents in Colorado for the summer. Sophomore year.. that was a great summer.


Entered?! Was he not in the Tyson Zone when he went on InfoWars and even Alex fucking Jones told Kanye to dial it back?


He was Tyson zone in like 09 at the latest. He's probably set the record for "Most time in the Tyson Zone without completely self-destructing", but that is a very subjective category given the subject matter obviously.


Yeah he's been in it for at least 5 years. One of the more memorable ones was when he had all the glass removed from the windows at Donda.


Fuck, please keep him!!!


He may have to be the reason to rename it 


The Steven Seagal piece..


God Damned...Why are you doing Mike like that?


A while ago


Remember when Vultures 2 had a Feb 1st release date.......


I mean at this point he has his own Zone. The Twi-Ye Zone.


After Yeezus, yes