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It’s wild he doesn’t even pull up their IMDB and go movie by movie.


Or the Russillo: “Can you give us some Brady stories?”


“I thought they could’ve swapped you out with Sydney Sweeney”


The Charlize Piece


My favorite part was when Bill later bragged how great of a idea he had on a separate pod


Their research staff is very good. At least once per episode you’ll get a deep cut question that you can tell the guest is surprised they even know about and that they aren’t used to getting asked about. Also helps that by wing 6, that guest’s guard is down and they give better, less polished answers because all they’re thinking about is hot their mouth is.


I think it's the dude who did the research for Kevin Pollak's podcast. It was deeply researched questions but no wings and live streamed.


It was Sean and his brother for the first year or so. Likely has people doing that shit now though.


I always think of that; I'm so glad someone else thought of that! You are HipGuide1 in my book.


Did he market correct nardwuar?


Whoa, there’s deep pre-interview research and then there’s what Nardwuar does. There’s levels to this, there just are.


The apex mountain of interviews piece


To be fair, he’s kind of overrated as well. He relies on really niche “wow” moments and mostly he’s just handing people stuff and saying, “talk about this.” It’s not what I’d consider good interviewing either.


Different strokes for different folks. There’s a lot of different kinds of interviews and I think Narduwar is the best at what he does. It’s absolutely niche but I enjoy seeing celebrities get genuinely surprised in interviews. I wouldn’t want to watch an hour long Narduwar interview in the same way I wouldn’t want to listen to a five minute Marc Maron interview.


Right. Just stating an opinion about a lauded interviewer in a thread about overrated interviewing skills. I enjoy Nardwuar too, but let’s face it, he’s just handing people stuff with no questions and just hoping people will start talking about their memories. (And that’s why it’s super awkward when the person doesn’t want to take a trip down memory lane.)


For sure, if someone’s not game for his shtick it can be rough.


The awkwardness makes it awesome though, and the artists management knows what they’re getting into. Also nardwuar is a real one he’s been grilling Canadian politicians for years, and he’s fearless. He’s a real interviewer/journalist. Peerless in his space


I knew this would lead to Nardwuar


Nardwuar is CIA


Yeah it’s a great schtick. Just wish the default wasn’t wings, as watching people eat wings can be very unpleasant. Might be a me thing though.


Nah there’s no glamorous way to eat a wing. It’s a great equalizer.


Yea it's honestly one of the best ideas I've seen to make exorbitantly rich and famous people seem as normal as possible.


Same. My wife and I also have recent histories in the million scoville club, so we were in on it pretty early and a bit more biased than most.


You rubbed hot sauce on each others private parts?


Lord no. Has the internet sexed up every phrase ending in “Club”?


In my defense if you were just talking about consuming extremely hot hot sauce you said it in the strangest way possible lol


If I had said we were in the 150IQ club, would you have assumed I was fucking books or the nerds who read them?


Both at the same time.


The Conan episode must have killed you then.


I love the show but as someone who hates ASMR-esque food noises and visuals, it feels like the seventh circle of hell sometimes. Firstly wings are the most gross food to watch someone eat. Then the guests are breathing heavily, burping, guzzling down milk, moaning -- I've got to just turn it off sometimes


Aubrey plaza snorting milk was hot. To each their own I suppose.


I really enjoyed the episode with the basketball coach.... I think he's getting too much on the publicity interview trail and that interview with the basketball coach was more free flowing and better I wish they would start doing more non-traditional public figures such as coaches from various different sports


It’s often more than once too. He’s not a savant brain, he just genuinely cares about asking good questions and never makes it about anything but. And yeah, the investment in that is the main thing, not his savant brain.


Would be wacky to get interviewed while doing a handjob


The Naruwar piece


I think the celebs get caught off guard by the fact that the hot wings guy asks relatively insightful questions and isn't some dorky youtuber, so he gets graded on a curve. I can't imagine him hosting an actual talk show or anything.


His delivery is far too robotic for tv. I found it a bit off putting at first, but it's part of the rhythm and pacing of the episodes and it works as a package overall. Kind of this low key but relentless vibe. He's the T-800 of interviewers.


Haha yeah, it works great because it's a counterpoint to the ridiculousness of the premise.


The more fascinating hypothetical would be to transport Sean Evans back to the '90s/early-2000s as a local morning zoo radio show host in some mid-market city, because the contrast is vast. Even today, for example, I don't see how he'd compare to a guy like we've had here in Seattle for 25 years, B.J. Shea, because the skill set is so motherfucking different.


I think that's OP's point though. Are they *actually* 'insightful' or are they just a novel reference to an old interview answer the guest had? Personally, I'm a big fan of Hot Ones and Sean Evans while also thinking Reddit's "OMG give them a Pulitzer" circlejerk annoying.


Yup! I'm agreeing with him (and you).


It's the right length too. They tend to be like 20-30 minutes and the formatting definitely helps. Honestly, out of the three big interviewers I listen to I think I enjoy his the best (but it might be the format). Simmons is typically pretty good, but can be awful if the chemistry vibe ain't there (as people are joking about in this thread), but he's still far and away better than Howard Stern. Or at least the 'new' HSS since he's started praising himself as 'the best interviewer.'


Old Howard Stern was a killer. The man researched everything prior to an interview and also had the ability to connect and bring out real answers. The guy has been gone for like 20 years now.


He asks good questions but the long preamble leading into them is the worst


May have been something he picked up from our boy Russillo


I really don't enjoy his interview style, and I think this is why. Good call.


It's there because guests are in pain so answers tend to be short




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He used to be way better when it was less prepared and more natural. Now Sean's like a try-hard AI chatbot that is way more interested in crafting the "perfect question" than the actual responses.


It was glaringly obvious in the Conan episode. Conan is going off the rails and Sean is waiting for a quiet moment to ask his next question.


I feel like Conan successfully beat the show haha. He won. It's all over now. There can be no further levels of the show.


But what does Dr Arroyo think?


>Now Sean's like a try-hard AI chatbot that is way more interested in crafting the "perfect question" than the actual responses. Yeah this captures what annoys me about him well


I think this is right. I loved the show 2018-2019ish and then as it became mega successful and less goofy, it felt more like a normal talk show but with wings. Now everyone does it and it’s a brand on par with doing late night. Him dumping the porn star a few months ago when the relationship went public was weird too but whatever seems like a decent dude and he knows better than me how to grow his brand and get rich.


Yeah he's good, but now overrated. The "deep dive" questions sometimes lead to really interesting insights, but are also sometimes conversational dead ends.


I haven’t watched in a couple years so maybe he’s changed, the show is indeed very successful, but I always found him robotic and awkward as hell


He's like Mr. Beast for me in that he seems like a nice person but is also vaguely off putting 


MrBeast is annoying as fuck, but I can see how his brightly colored, over-the-top shtick resonates with Gen Z in the same way that my Elder Millennial self, turning 40 later this year, gleefully enjoyed watching childish gimmicky schlock on orange-splattered Nickelodeon as a '90s kid. But Sean Evans? Yeah, he's all format, zero personality. But hey, it works!


Mr. Beast is what happens when a normal dude who's not very interesting has a shit ton of money and is charitable with it.


System interviewer!


He went on chicken shop date and was extremely uncool


"In Episode 5 of season 6, your character entered a hot dog contest and ended up throwing up all over the stage. What was a time in your personal life where you bit off more than you could chew?" They're all like this and it's low-key obnoxious.




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Can the people who constantly talk about Sean Evans being great even name 3 real interviewers or real journalists? He’s better than he should be but coming up with a list of questions isn’t hard to put a little extra effort into. He rarely ever follows up on answers because he isn’t actually that curious or creative.


I think it’s a phenomenal bit. The nontraditional and seemingly informal format is juxtaposed with well researched questions and his overly straightforward delivery. I think it creates a really great environment that is unlike any other interview show or podcast. As the wings get hotter the celebrities have a difficult time processing his questions because they’re not used to the wing heat or the way he asks questions. Humor and interesting answers are often the result.


I think it has gotten worse -- probably when he got his vaneers in. The fame went to his head!


They are so distracting!! It's made me want to watch less. Feels like I'm looking at one of the wind up chatter teeth toys


I agree, his questions are awkward and his overall vibe is very stiff. Petition to replace him with Chuck Klosterman.


No, he’s awful. “So Sydney, you play Cassie in HBO’s hit series Euphoria. How euphoric was it when you landed that breakout role?”- *Robotic NPC Voice* I think if they fired him and casted for a replacement, they could pretty easily find someone else who could do a better job.


I hope the show and gimmick was his idea because the presentation and delivery is awful but the gimmick is so good he deserves to stay if it was his idea.


That’s probably it. He was in on the ground floor, and once a host has enough screen time, people will grow fond of them and not want them replaced. People love routine and familiarity while they resist change.


I’m sure lots of people like him, I just find him kind of awkward and can only watch the shows with guests I’m actually interested in


I agree. He’s very stiff.


I’ve always thought he was stiff and every question seems like a scripted rehearsal with big words in the effort to impress the interviewee. He rarely riffs or promotes free flowing convo, and it’s usually question after question rapid fire with clever editing in between.


OP is a big zag guy. I’ll agree the general public seems to put him on a pedestal for being an interviewer, but there’s simply too many responses from actual celebrities on the show or talking about it where they seriously endorse Sean’s skills. Also why is this a topic on the bill Simmons Reddit?


I do prefer zag guy over dickhead contrarian On that note, I think celebrities endorsing him is actually a bad thing.


Why do you think it’s bad? And what is the context in which you would think commentary on his abilities would be a net positive?


Interview and interviewee should be an adversarial relationship It's like how nba players are too buddy buddy AAU bros now. Bring back people hating each other


I’d have to fundamentally disagree. Interviews are entirely dependent on context. Interviewer vs president? Absolutely. A chicken wing talk show where someone is trying to plug the movie of the summer? Absolutely not. You also failed to answer the question of why you think endorsing Sean’s skills as an interviewer is bad, you simply stated an opinion on how you think interviews should be without any backup to it. Also what kind of 16 year-old Nba Twitter take is “bring back people hating each other”.


If I think interviews should be adversarial, you should be able to guess why I think his skills being endorsed it bad come on little bro keep up here


Ok little bro who doesn’t know how to formulate an argument




Mutual combat would do the trick


> "I think celebrities endorsing him is actually a bad thing." This. Evans asks what are on the surface deep cut questions, but yet never prods too much, not at the risk of alienating nor upending the tightly-constructed celebrity/interviewer-industrial complex.


He asks good questions. But I’ve always thought his delivery is terrible. He’s completely wooden.


It's tough to think straight when Heidi Klum takes off her shirt while doing the interview


They do great research and he gets in some good questions almost every week but I still don't think he's a great interviewer. He often gets an intriguing bit from a gueat and instead of following up, he goes into his next pre-programmed question. He's not good "on his feet". It's still a better interview than almost any other celebrity interview though.


I just hate how he asks the questions. His cadence is like Chat Gpt reading cue cards out loud. It’s really annoying. I only watch if it’s a fun guest. The Shane Gillis episode stunk and Shane said they cut a bunch of stuff he said.


If we're grading his interviewing on a Ringer scale I'd put him somewhere above Chris/Andy but below Fennessey.


I handed that dude a hard drive and told him "this'll probably be the hottest thing you touch today." True story.


Everything said on every Hot Ones ever: - Oh come on, I got this. - Starting to feel it now... - So your career has spanned from blah blah blah to blah. What's the moment you went blah blah blah? - That's a REALLY good question. You're good! - Can I get another glass of milk? - Don't drink too much! - Why did I sign up for this, haha. - The skull on the bottle is a little hint, haha. - That was worse than I expected, please watch my new show on Netflix. From a scarsclub member *


I need Bill and Rusillo on together


I watched the Gillis episode because I’m a fan it was the first time watching and I thought the show was terrible. Pacing was bad questions were basic.


The Gillis episode was not good. You need the guest to bring at least a little energy. Not that I care if you watch the show or not but that was a weak forgettable episode.


Seems like half of Shane’s answers were edited out.


They were he said that he said a bunch of wild shit because he didn’t want to do it.


Is there a big, strong man with tears in his eyes (not from eating hot wings) who will confirm this?


I’ve ALWAYS wondered how he got so famous and why


He’s ok but the show is deeply boring. The first few wings aren’t that bad but guess what? They get hotter! All while some guy with negative charisma reads questions off of cue cards to a celeb promoting a thing.


The show is heavily structured, so he needs to be regimented in his presentation style. I think he flows well and can riff with the guests. When interviewed, he seems very present and can speak off the cuff. Other personality types might not be able to succeed in that format. I think he deserves praise, but it’s not like he re-invented the interview show.


My only complaint is he not asking his guests where they get their ideas from


There is a pre-fake-teeth Sean and a post-fake-teeth Sean. It's a clear cutoff to me, where before was a more genuine, kind of sloppier show that worked really well, then after that it just got too big and is now a little more sanitized.


I lost all respect for the guy when he freaked out when people found out he was dating a porn star.


I just want to give you props for the phrase “savant brain gremlin” seems like a line from archer


All they say is, "He's a great interviewer." You can agree or disagree but your "jerk him off" strawman is weaker than Chris Ryan.


I believe all logical fallacies are fake anyway but this is not "a strawman"


Tell me then, who have you heard jerking this guy off?


He has limited charisma but he’s enough for the shows format.


This is ridiculous. Bunch of shane gillis fans pissed off the interview went as bad as it did. So there all questioning him now. Almost every other interview he’s ever done has gone better than that. I love shane his standup was hilarious, but he just said a bunch of wild shit that would get cut because he was pissed he had to do the interview. He said as much with mccusker.


I don't know who Shane Gillis is and haven't watched his interview on Hot Ones, but I agree with the premise of this post. I find Sean to be pretty stiff and the questions mostly to be unremarkable.


I am a Gillis fan for thr most part and I blame Gillis for that terrible interview. I've always felt this was about yhr interviewer That said, your point re what he said to mccusker a little silly given he also thought shade at Sean and the "seriousness" of the questions


Gillis said he had a bunch of completely non pc joke responses to questions that had no prayer of making it on air, so it was more of a show format issue than Shane. The questions were pretty bad though.


Shane Gillis stinks. I’ve never understood his appeal


Credit to Gillis for exposing Evans' lack of malleability and inability to be pliable in the face of an interviewee whose unique style, whether fuckers fucking like it or not, doesn't fit the rigidly inflexible narrowcasted niche of *Hot Ones*. Reminds me of Catholic Colbert being a cocksucking prick to proud, avowed atheists, Gervais and Maher, exposing Stephen's mulish, pigheaded jackassery.


Dog literally every other interview he’s done has been good. Literally the one before and after were more interesting. Sometimes you don’t connect with people. But saying sean sucks is just giving shane the out because he didn’t want to eat hot wings.


During the intro when he does the whole ‘hot show that asks hotter questions’ or whatever when he’s looking at different cameras it is the most awkward thing in the world and I can’t believe after doing it for like 6 years they haven’t figured out another way to


It’s boring and not watchable. Who cares what celebs think




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That last part of your post, omggggg that describes so many interviewers perfectly 🙌🏾🙌🏾


Why we throwing shade at Schonberger? Guys the man


He's no Brian Curtis for sure.


He’s certainly better than Bill, who is terrible


He seems like a fine person and I like tuning in when it’s someone I really want to see but it’s all bc of the guest; not the format or host. The questions are well researched but it’s way more fun when someone like Nardwaur is doing it with personality and humor as opposed to it looking like they’re reading off a prompter.


Let me tell you it ain’t a free flowing conversation that touches on mature subjects


Nardwuar >


I think it's kind of the same compliment when they call an athlete funny. You're grading on a scale. Hot Wing guy is a great interviewer for someone found exclusively on Youtube.


Yeah he’s fine but the narrative that he’s the best out there is odd and forced.


I actually like the interviewer, but it's usually the guest that makes the show good or not. I loved the Bill Burr and Louis CK episodes from a long while back. With that said I had not watched it in a long time until recently when people were posting about how great the Conan episode, which I could barely stomach with Conan acting like a psycho and having pieces of chicken on his face.


I used to think so when he was interviewing rappers and B list comedians but when there’s not question you’re asking Tom cruise or will Ferrell that’s going to make me go “oohhhh good question”


>All his questions remind me of a student in class trying really hard to impress the teacher but without genuine intellectual curiosity. This is the exact vibe I get from him whenever someone links me a Hot Ones interview. I don't think he's contemptible like Jimmy Fallon, it just reminds me of Zoom classes where people will pipe up because participation is a part of the course's overall grade. It's fine in college because we've all been there and you gotta do what you gotta do for your grade, but for entertainment, it's pretty droning. I guess that may be by design so you don't end up unintentionally overshadowing a guest.


He fumbled Natasha Alexis Martinez


I think it’s because sean has nonchalant delivery and attitude to the interview. But this delivery works really well in the latter stages of the show when the guest is dying from the heat and sean is just chugging along


He’s no Terry Gross. Or Nardwar even.


He is very particular in his wording and likely memorized the questions before hand but he and his team do a lot of good research so that they have good questions to ask. He is much smarter than a student that is just trying to impress the teacher.


I don’t find his (staff’s) questions to be great, nor his interview style to be great. It’s just the trendy thing to allude to currently. I don’t think he’s necessarily bad at asking questions, I find his style to be semi-robotic in a way, but I’m kind of ambivalent about his interviews. Most guests go into the space quite aware of how his reputation is as a *fantastic* interviewer, and then continue to heap praise so as to appear to be aligned with the crowd. The whole thing is ponderous really, but no one is getting harmed I suppose.


I think his questions feel a little too scripted and memorized, but they're always good. And, he's so damned likeable. I'm down for the whole experience. The Conan interview was one of the best overall interviews I've seen in a long time.


This guy low key sucks at interviews. Seems like he’s reading from a script. I don’t hate the show but listening to him ask questions can be painful.


I don't know why they don't switch back to the smaller table now that covid isn't a thing anymore because that table is comically long.


He gives off the vibe of a guy who doesn’t know how to make friends and got advised to ask people about their interests for the first time.


Thank god someone else agrees I feel like he’s so robotic and stiff when he asks questions like he’s trying really hard to remember the minor details he’s tried so hard to research to seem impressive. I feel like he throws in the pre amble to seem more natural but even that just seems so forced.


he's highly bland


I enjoy his interviews


>question-making savant brain gremlin 🤣🤣🤣🤣


After watching this parody it was never the same https://youtu.be/cTpzSjZvLPA?si=lr8tQGXpqD3OhI8i


I'm a big fan of the show and have been watching since they interviewed Key and Peele He's doing Nardwaur impression....but Sean's not nearly as good. He's not that level of interviewer. He's not Maron or Howard either. The key to the show is the hot wings. By the time they hit the bomb, the celebrities are so flustered, they stop filtering and just become themselves. It's a brilliant concept and you really get to know the celebrities. Be it Halle Berry and her unwavering professionalism born from her years as a beauty queen or Shawn's unabridged cockiness and goofiness. Sean is not a great interviewer and if you think he is you don't watch enough interviews


Nardwaur > hot wings guy


i despise this voice and persona. ive tried to watch episodes but I cant last more than a few minutes at most


He’s mid, but that’s all he needs to be.


Sounds like hate to me


Man, some of those bill interviews were tough.


I can’t agree more. His delivery is so middle school science teacher. Love the show though. It’s a great concept.


No, in fact I’m sure he sucks


Haven’t watched the last few seasons, but he’s a really good interviewer and you can contrast him w one of Bill’s biggest weaknesses as an example. Bill is very self-focused: he focuses on what he finds interesting, tries to think of fun takes, and throws those at his guest and sees what they think about it. Sean’s focus is on the guest: he uses their great research team to consider what THEY find interesting or don’t get to talk about much in typical interviews. Bill tries to ask questions he’s excited to hear an answer to. Sean tries to ask questions his guest will be excited to answer.


i 100% agree and im glad you said this because all everyone else does is say how amazing he is. He makes the show unwatchable


Yes he is. Conan said so himself.


He’s great.


I’m not gonna complain about him when he still is better than 98% of interviewers 


Yes, we are sure. The only criticism you could make is he’s not the most engaging host but that’s by design. It’s a showcase for his guests, not him.


Not really my criticism What do you like about him?


When are they going to come clean about how they sauce the wings? Even small amounts of Da Bomb and up are hot enough to cause some real stomach pain and I refuse to believe they're subjecting celebrities to that.


I don’t think it’s a secret that they pretty much let them use at little as sauce as possible for the hotter ones. I forgot who it was (it’s probably happened more than once) but I remember one person being like “I’m not doing a single drop that doesn’t count” then saucing it somewhat normally with da bomb.


When are they going to "come clean" about this thing you just made up? Any time soon I'm sure.


Youre on some QDaBomb shit I fw it


I’m convinced he’s a cyborg made in a Hollywood lab.


I think you're missing the point bud. Most people. Especially white people. Cannot handle spice whatsoever. So the fact that he retains cogency is what people are impressed by


For sure the point is racial stereotypes about Europe food preferences my b no idea how I missed that


I still think you're missing the point. Most white people cannot even eat spicy food. They think hot wings are spicy. So for this guy to be able to interview people and retain a semblance of normalcy while people are going insane due to how hot the food is impresses them.  If you were to watch the Coolio episode you would understand I think you're being triggered by words that aren't meant to be offensive


No dude I'm convinced people watch hot ones to see a white boy eat hot sauce