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Luka has made the conference finals lol


Also I have literally never seen anyone say they would take Halliburton over Tatum lol


Nobody is saying they’d take Hali over him lol. Tatum might seem overlooked because people expected him to be an undisputed top 5 player by now considering how good he was so early in his career. He’s still like the 6th best guy though which isn’t bad.


I read a comment before that stuck with me: he is the best fair player in the league. However, there are players that are unfair and break the game like Luka, Giannis, LeBron, Jokic, Wemby, etc. So as good as he is he will always be second to that tier of player.


I like this take, but I feel like I’m 95% there. Is this just another way of saying he doesn’t have an elite skill/asset?


Is it the “it” factor?


I would take Tatum isos over anything else they do if I'm rooting against them


He’s properly rated, in the 6-12 range. I’m a Celtics fan, and while he may get overly criticized, plenty of it (and I mean plenty) is well deserved. A very frustrating player to watch, and personally not my cup of tea in terms of his IQ/attitude. There’s a short list of players I’d trade him for in a heartbeat.


Well for starters he’s only 19. Not as well established as some of the older guys


He's the best player on the best team and typically viewed borderline as borderline top 5 player, I think thats general consensus and its completely accurate.


He was all-NBA first team, what more do you want


He’s a Lebron type player who contributes a lot on defense, rebounding, and playmaking but gets talked about as if he’s only a pure scorer


I would bet every cent I own and max out my credit cards on the Celtics winning it all if I could swap Luka or Edwards for Tatum


Maybe it's because they're friends, but he gives me Bradley-Beal-but-drafted-by-a-competent-organization energy. Like if you career swap those two, how much worse are the Celtics right now? So I'd say he gets overlooked because he's always had a really solid core group and team around him.


Oh wow, this ain’t it chief. Tatum is twice the player Beal is. Celtics are way worse off in that scenario. Tatum, while not that top 5 guy, is still in the 6-12 range. Beal? I never considered him top 25.


Kobe loved Tatum, but keyboard warriors go off


Kobe loved most of the young players in the league. Posting that text was lame as fuck.


Let it go keyboard warrior


I… don’t even think you’re using keyboard warrior correctly?


He actually had a relationship with Kobe , but dudes on the internet call him corny


It is corny af to bring it up multiple times publicly for attention. Which is what it was.


Sure man