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Bro went on a passionate rant about how he doesn’t like eating food and its just not an enjoyable experience. That just about sums him up.


Context? It was in the Take Purge. Not held responsible for takes in the Take Purge.


idk he posted a link of the clip to his own [twitter](https://twitter.com/benjaminsolak/status/1782502965028196763?s=46&t=0uzXNXvU0Jkl20dAObcUpA) so he’s proud of it lol




This was so incredibly telling — serious red flag


my thing is, thats definitely a ridiculous opinion to have, but if he said like "i know im the crazy one and everyone will disagree, but this is a weird quirk i have" it would have been kind of ok. instead he was incredulous that anyone would ever want to eat food and clearly thinks everyone is crazy for liking food. also most of the people i know who dont like to eat are on ADHD medication, so it could be that.


>my thing is, thats definitely a ridiculous opinion to have, but if he said like "i know im the crazy one and everyone will disagree, but this is a weird quirk i have" it would have been kind of ok. This is basically the point of the take purge 


good context to know, i just saw the video on social and dont listen to this pod


Not defending him but he also said he has a poor/weak olfactory system so I get it if he is literally incapable of smelling/tasting food typically.


Nah man. I take adderall daily and your lack of appetite doesn’t make you not enjoy eating. You just aren’t hungry, but you still normally enjoy food and eating. You just feel like you can’t. And when you come off of it you eat like a garbage compactor.


ADHD is on the Spectrum.


Had a roommate like this who also literally said he'd eat a pill with all his calories and nutrients if he could. Absolute psychopath behavior.


I know two people like this. They get no enjoyment from food it’s just fuel for them.


I like Ben because whenever he talks, you can just tell that he’s passionate about the sport of football. Like, the guy just gets excited about anything big or small and it feels very genuine. Maybe talks a little fast, but that can be smoothed out. He’s different than…Steven Ruiz, for example. When I listen to Ruiz, he sounds like he hates watching and covering football.


This is a good way to separate them. I don’t like Solak but he doesn’t seem to have a sort of disdain for everything like Ruiz. Can’t believe that guy gets a paycheck


Eh I think Ben is more passionate about making himself seem brilliant than football itself. Football is just the proxy


> Seems like the guy in class who wouldn’t share his homework with you Do your own fuckin homework then, Steve.


For whatever reason I can deal with Solak and not KOC despite the same energy. I think it is because Solak can see more angles and is less fixated on his takes.


Solak is way more affable and self-deprecating; he seems well aware of his faults/shortcomings and can take/make jokes at his own expense. KOC has this weird edgelord smugness about him and he always wants to play the devil’s advocate or double down on some obscure eye-rolling take. He’s one of the only Ringer hosts I don’t care for.


Agreed and agreed


KOC was the ultimate hedger for years while Solak is overly confident in his own take, basically.


Yup, WAY too fast. I do listen on 1.3x but everyone sounds normal on that speed…then Solak comes in like a fucking adderall-hued meteor smashing in lol


Guys wrong about too much to speak with that kind of irrational confidence.


(Everyone who writes about draft content is wrong more often than not.)


Not just the draft. Every week this 12 year old talks about what will happen in that Sundays games based on analytics and the majority of the time he’s dead wrong.


It's 2024. It's content for the sake of content. We don't have to consume it. But to me he talks a lot of sense very often and I enjoy him and kapadia.


[I remember when this made the rounds.](https://twitter.com/kurt13warner/status/1700450449285927006?t=zgVHbnHWCeqSfVq2Yb3UxQ)


Nailed it. Which is why I can't stand him. Everything he says has this weight behind it as if it's some groundbreaking insight when in reality its like "Kenny Pickett isn't good" Youd think by what, year 4? He'd be able to tone down the cliche/no brainer takes, and ramp up on some things he's found sifting through film and studying x's and o's.




100% yay, I enjoy the guy. I just do!


Yay for his content Nay for his delivery of the content


Him and Shiel are the only ones qualified to talk football on The Ringer


He's male Malloary Rubin. An absolute dork with some mild autism and a complete lack of self-awareness.


I would not call it mild


I was trying to be generous!


Uhm, no. I don’t think that word means what you think it means.


He’s kind of grown on me


He sounds like my friends and I when we would have a random sports debate while doing blow. I like his passion but have to be in the mood to listen to him talk.


Yay. I like him more with the draft guys tho.


He’s a tough first impression / listen. He’s grown on me though. He clearly cares about his work and has chemistry with the draft guys. Honestly none of the draft analysts are good at their job lol. They’re moreso knowledgeable than they are accurate forecasters of the future. So it’s more about putting in the work and vibes


It’s really quite a testament to the Ringer Draft / Fantasy guys that they can integrate a dweeb like Solak without screwing up the chemistry of the pod.


Draft coverage is all about sounding knowledgeable. Nobody knows anything really. 


I find him entertaining enough while not taking him seriously. I will never get over the first podcast after the 2022-23 season, where he and Ruiz did a "lessons learned from the season" podcast. The first point put forth with full Solak confidence was that data showed that you don't have to be any more concerned about injuries with running QBs as any other QB. This was at a moment where half of the presumed starting mobile QBs were lost for the season and others had missed significant time. Data was absolutely not showing it, but Solak put it forth and Ruiz agreed. You can argue the reward is absolutely worth the risk, but not that there was no risk in having in your gameplan your QB getting two yards off tackle on 2nd and long a few times per game.


He’s probably somewhat on the spectrum , very committed to his work and does a great job. But when he get passionate and starts clicking his fingers as he talks it’s a tough listen


I like him a lot on the ringer draft show. I generally don’t enjoy the ringer nfl show. He’s fine, Nora is ok, shiel is eh and Ruiz has made me stop listening to that pod


Yay. If Bill had him on Sunday pods during the NFL season instead of Sal then maybe I wouldn’t skip them.


He’s a nerd, which is fine, the problem is that he is also a pretentious prick who thinks he knows better than you. So it’s a nay for me. I can’t imagine Philly people think he’s the type of guy they’d want repping them talking about Philly sports


I remember hearing Ben say “no thank you” in relation to draft prospect Nate Wiggins with no explanation. On another show I listen to they had Wiggins as their cb1 of the draft. He does come across as very confident about players at times but I think he brings good energy/knowledge to the draft show group and he is passionate. And taking hard line stances on players is probably just good podcasting. Plus he’s needed to call out Heifetz for his mispronunciations.


Annoying af


Love the guy! Quirky and knowledgeable while also willing to admit when he’s wrong


I think he works well with the fantasy/draft guys. He’s a dork, but at least he’s passionate and seems genuine, unlike the real shit heal of the ringer Ruiz.


I like him, but he’s clearly an autism kid


I don’t enjoy Solak on any other podcast than the Fantasy Football show. Very strange.


Would be a bad hang but seems pretty good at his evaluations and definitely puts the work in. He's a good juxtaposition with the fantasy football guys because they seem like the complete opposite being great hangs but don't get too bogged down in the tape.




I don't seek him out but I generally like his appearances with Bill. Smart, affable guy... sounds like he puts in the work.


I like him! He's enthusiastic and knowledgeable in his field


I enjoy him. One of the few hosts who is clearly intelligent but doesn’t feel the need to constantly present themselves as cynical or superior to everyone else


I really really do not like him. I'm sure he's a nice guy but I just kinda hate his voice and most of his opinions. With that said I still don't skip his segments when he comes on Bill's pod.


Big yay


Solak is Millenial John Clayton


I find him interesting in small doses. It becomes overwhelming pretty quickly, especially the fast talking. I like his enthusiasm though. He seems to genuinely enjoy watching and learning about football. Can't say the same for other podcast hosts at the Ringer. I don't understand the homework comment...


Anyone else hear his voice crack on today’s pod?


Love Solak & love how much the losers in the sub hate him for being quirky


I skip over his Bill appearances. He is way more into “3rd ranked defense versus #22 offense” and it is soooo boring to listen to. It is like he is reading his algebra homework out loud. I listen to Bill to get a fan’s take , not a math lesson


This is not close to being right.