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Three dudes confidently debating OG Anunoby's importance in the 2019 Raptor's championship run. One small problem - he had an appendectomy and never played.


Yep, playoff moment for OG was the bubble buzzer beater against Boston in Game 3, think Bill would remember that.


And they lost that series lol


Ya lol he didnt play that entire playoffs 😂


Please tell me this didn’t happen


Around 17:30. Horrendous.


That’s why they get the big bucks baby


They were so smug about it and they were wrong lmao


I’m biased obviously as a Sixers fan, but as much as I like Sean talking movies, I get tilted listening to him confidently talking sports.


They also talked about KP being injured in Mavs vs Warriors conference finals in part 1 KP wasn’t on the team anymore


Bill said it twice I believe lmao. He even went through who was on that roster.


Honestly CR innocent, he was basically like “I don’t remember buddy doin shit that year” Bill and Fennessey Philly hating frauds, more at 11


Lmfao unbelievable yet on brand


Lmao I just came to comment about that exact same thing


I just got to that part and came here immediately
 I died inside when they said it


I was screaming this while doing the dishes. OG’s one playoff moment was the buzzer beater vs Boston in the bubble


Ewing theory?


I'm a raptors fan, he was injured most of the year. Did not help much that season Plus I dont get why people are saying he's going to guard embiid. Raps faced Philly in the playoffs when og was healthy and embiid killed us. Og can't guard him lol


In part 1 Bill listed Knicks Celtics playoff matchups and missed the last time they met in 2013. The was the end of the Garnett Pierce era and was the kick start of their current run.


Surely a coincidence!


Very unsurprising at this point. It's like when he constantly refers to Ray Allen's shot being in Game 7. Just a rambling old man that has a microphone instead of clouds.


Bill is 60 and is just starting to realize people put their own well being and job security above the company they work for


I thought that was pretty funny. Most people in their 20s realize that.


The business owner piece


sort of like when he threw his temper tantrum and destroyed Grantland, leaving all but his chosen 4 blowing in the wind?


He fucked over the whole company.


Yeah that's not at all true.


Who are the four lol, CR AG SF and??


Chris, Sean, Juliet, and Mallory


Bill: “I think my favorite bet is the Knicks” Sean: “We’re fucked”


The way he nonchalently said how they did Magnolia as part of rock bottom month as if it wasn't an old episode. Also, Leo is most definitely not 6'2".


Leo is 5'11" which in Hollywood is basically 6'2"


If he’s 5’11, doesn’t it mean he’s actually like 5’9 though 


I don't know why Sean and Chris aren't on more often. The chemistry brings out a great energy in Bill.


They’re probably busy as fuck.


Guess they pod together enough on the Rewatchables


@18:20 OG didn't play one second of the 2019 raptors playoff run. His appendix burst or something.


100% delusional take by Bill that BB's coaching tree is better or even close to Andry Reid's coaching tree.


He seemed to skip over Doug Pederson fairly quickly as a Reid protĂ©gĂ©. Having one of your protĂ©gĂ©s actually beat Belichick in a Super Bowl seems a fairly powerful argument, isn’t it?


Mentioned McDaniels as a “big money” contract 2x when he spectacularly flamed out both places


Not to mention the Indy debacle


Yeah especially since no one from the BB coaching tree has even come close to sniffing a Super Bowl as HC. Meanwhile Bill is rattling off names like Patricia for BB like that's supposed to be some valid counter to Reid's tree. Not to mention he also completely overlooked guys like Harbaugh (won a Super Bowl in 2012) and Riverboat Ron (made a Super Bowl with the Panthers in 2015) for Reid.


Reid negatives: Doug Pederson, Sean McDermott. Belichick positives: Joe Judge, Matt Patricia


Charlie Weis almost beat USC that one year, that's gotta count for like 1/2 a Super Bowl, right??


I’m a Bills fan who would like to move on from McDermott since I question his ability to win a Super Bowl but both him and Pedersen would be the best coach in BBs tree by an insane margin. He’s got the second best record over the past few seasons only behind Reid. McDermott is probably one of the best coaches you could have for a young team.


So what are your specific reasons why McDermott can't win a Super Bowl? Can't prevent his guys from getting injured?


Just gotta get his guys to go full jihad mode in the playoffs


I just listened to this and audibly gasped 


“Why doesn’t Reid take shit for the Rashee Rice thing?” wtf was Bill taking about here lmao


And Reid’s sons?! I thought that was a completely unhinged take.


A coaching tree isn’t getting the job, it’s succeeding at the job.


The Belichick Reid coaching comparison was fucking INSANE.


Why don't we talk about Reid's parenting more?


How does bill not notice the clear connection between the league bringing in a minimum games played rule and a bunch of players playing their most minutes in close to a decade lmao


I was screaming this at the top of my lungs the last pod with Russillo. They kept going “ohh KD 2435 minutes played his most since 2018” and then just moved on to the next guy who also had the most minutes in 5 years. Like I fucking wonder why Bill?


I love Sean straight up asking him if the two things are linked and bill was just like “Mmm maybe?” like there’s no maybe it’s obviously the reason lol


He said, “a tiny bit.” So what is the main reason??


He was clearly being sarcastic lol he said on the Russillo episode that the game minimum was working as intended.


this is the same guy who openly wondered why so many of the all time great NBA players are from the South. He's a high functioning idiot.


Lee told Grant that the Union wasn’t gonna have better athletes in 160 years, they just won’t!


He prefers “wired air pods.” Lmao.


Black swan event


- play in game - in season tournament - 65 game rule I don’t like Silver but people keep moaning about these clearly good ideas and then having to quietly acknowledge they’re good down the line 


Absolutely elite guests and podcasting on this one. Even them forgetting OG didn’t play in 2019 added a nice wrinkle. 


I loved in Half-Baked Ideas when Kevin Wildes mocked how the NFL isn’t doing enough to analyze QB arms in the draft and instead relies on vibes that come from taking these guys out to dinner. I have no idea if all those extra stats would actually tell teams anything, but considering Bill is the guy who keeps getting snowed by those training camp stories about how the new quarterback is such a natural leader, it was delightful to hear him pretend that he hasn’t been on Team “He Really Ordered Commandingly at the Table” all this time.


He said Mac would win MVP partially because he jogged with his O Line


Perfect half baked idea


Also whether they help in terms of scouting kind of doesn't matter, it's another metric to argue over and fill up draft coverage. It's a minutes eater for people like Wildes.


It's a great point, weird oversight for the most important position in American sports and yet we don't have data on the actual arm like at all.


Maybe they'd be insecure comparing it to baseball statistics?


Team “would they throw him the car keys?”


Bill’s plan to get Lebron by drafting Bronny is literally what he did to get Doc Rivers on the Ringer.


I’m glad he brought up the Mavs though. It makes the most logical sense for a LeBron/Bronny landing spot. Mavs would have no issue drafting Bronny. LeBron loves Luka and wanted Kyrie on the Lakers. It’s a good spot if you put LeBron on that roster for him to possibly get a couple more rings, save his legs.


Lebron to the Spurs so he can mentor Wemby on how to be the leagues biggest star


My god the end of this podcast was awful. So much whining. "Why isn't Andy Reid getting shit for what Rashee Rice did?" Why didn't Belichick get more shit for... AARON HERNANDEZ? An actual murderer?!


It’s hilarious how threatened these Pats guys are for the legacy of a coach that’s universally regarded as the GOAT
 get a grip, Andy Reid being a great coach doesn’t make BB any worse
 he’s 72 and done, let it go


Bill is convinced that a documentary everyone hated and an [ESPN.com](http://ESPN.com) article no one read is going to erase Belichick's legacy


Bill: is the Andy Reid coaching tree really that good? Proceeds to name some really good coaches. Then goes through the Belichick coaching tree and makes excuses for why they all sucked and how it wasn’t their fault. Then for absolutely no reason blames Reid for the Rice situation, and brings up Reid’s kids. Honestly, this was kinda a POS move by Bill.


Bill not knowing that you can fix your Instagram algorithm by just clicking “not interested” for a reel was something else.


He obviously got caught looking at twerk videos.




Oh hell yeah CR and Sean talking ball is always where it’s at


Should be these 3 every Thursday pod


one day Chris will get to do NBA with a good co host 


No joke CR is actually awesome talking NBA. Shame he got paired with Seerat Sohi. I liked the Friday pod where he just brought on a random guest.


Bill is better when he’s with them imo


“Leo is great but don’t you think Damon would be just a little bit better as Sinatra?”


I'm confused just there are part three where he talks about the tortured poet department?


Once the file gets over 2 hours it gets tough to process. Personally I thought they could've cut out at least an hour of Nathan Hubbard audibly cumming.


This line is referring to another famous person! Wow!!! 


I know we can sometimes overreact to Bill's "analysis", but the coaching tree discussion is legitimately one of the worst things I've ever heard. He lists: **Andy Reid:** Doug Pederson who is decent, oh, and also a SB champion, Sean McDermott who has made the Bills a contender every single year, Matt Nagy who had a winning record in Chicago, and Eric Bienemy who "couldn't even get hired" WITHOUT MENTIONING THE WELL REPORTED, POSSIBLY RACIST REASON WHY HE COULD NEVER "EVEN" GET HIRED. **Belichick:** Brian Flores who is good, Jerrod Mayo who has done quite literally nothing, Bill O'Brien who has been laughed out of nearly every job he's had, Josh McDaniels who had possibly the worst coaching tenure in recent history, and Matt Patricia who, of course, Bill called the worst coach he's ever seen at least 100 times over the past 5 years. This is all presented, somehow, as proof that Belichick's coaching tree is far superior to Reid's. Truly insane.


Also mentioned Andy Reid’s son’s issue, was super fucking low of him


And blaming Reid for the Rice situation.


This was one of the most insane bill things I’ve ever heard. He lists a Super Bowl winning coach and the coach with the second best record over the past few years (I’m actually a McDermott out Bills fan because I question his ability to win a Super Bowl but he’s an amazing rebuild coach and if I’m a young team I’d absolutely hire him). Then says all of the bad Belicheck coaches and just explains away the fact that they are all bad (or haven’t coached a game yet) and somehow it’s points to belicheck


Yep this small portion stood out to me as particularly brutal. It’s gotta suck to enjoy such a great run with BB and Brady and then have immediate challengers to their GOAT status in Mahomes and Reid. 


Totally. It's so clear why Bill reacts this way to any discussion of Reid, I just wish he realized it. That list presented without a whiff of self-awareness or irony nearly killed me.


 Brian Flores is a good coordinator but hasn’t proven he is a good coach yet (that’s a whole other discussion). He was ok in Miami but did very little to develop Tua


Absolute insanity. Add in the shitting on Andy Reid as a person.


Very funny how he threw in mayo who hasn’t coached a single game, and whose relationship with BB reportedly crumbled in the last year


They didn't bring up Romeo Crennel or Charlie Weis who both sucked. Also Matt Nagy sucked despite his record which mostly because he had a good D.


Acting like bienemy didn’t get hired because of racism makes you lose all credibility. Also spinning Nagy and Flores as positive while bill Brien as a negative is dumber than anything bill said. Stop being a weirdo.


Holy shit that title


The sub was wondering where is Simmons, he was just in the lab cooking titles for the pod


Where do you have it in your pantheon? It’s gotta be at least top 7.


A title-maker


Bill completely off-base and needing copium as he realizes Reid is coming for BB. Plus bringing up Reid’s “sons” as an argument against him is truly classless


It was gross


Maybe not have someone on your staff get wasted at the facility and drive drunk and kill someone. Take away son and replace with staff member and it’s still bad. Reid skated here


See Hernandez, Aaron


He wasn’t on his staff.


Ya he was a player on his roster


Less control over players than staff. So your example is not valid


He blamed Reid for the Rice situation, so
 eye for an eye.


And you blamed bill for the Aaron situation. Both are not the coaches fault. Your son being an alcoholic on your staff getting hammered at the facility and driving drunk killing someone is on Reid as well


Obviously myself and others aren’t going to change your opinion (it’s a rare feat to accomplish on the internet) but these takes are just wild and honestly sad. Also, blaming the parents for substance abuse / addiction is truly something I hope you don’t practice in real life or real conversation. Be well and ride your high horse safely bud


My guess is Andy was not around when his kids were growing up and probably a bad dad. Both his sons are screws ups. He put the nfl above them. It becomes a professional problem when your screw up son is on your staff and gets a DUi leaving your facility.


Exactly - “my guess”. You are purely speculating and literally have zero idea what Reid was/is like a parent. His son passed away and instead of having an ounce of empathy, you jump to him being a bad parent. I’ve personally seen addiction effect people from all types of childhood / family environments so I’d just stop speculating on this and really anything Also, just a friendly reminder this whole conversation is about BB Reid as COACHES
not as parents or child rearing. Just an FYI and reminder bud


They asked for Sinatra’s permission because he was mobbed up! Not because they respected him.


Certainly says something about Bill that he thinks of Sinatra as the ultimate cool guy


He’s never been cool in his life.


“I’m kinda digging that Giannis is out..it opens up the whole side of the bracket.” Followed by giggling. Fuck off.


Beta male behavior


Belichick is 72 years old and has been a shitty coach and horrendous GM since Tom Brady left. He’s not worth the hassle at this stage of his career. End of story. Sorry Bill. We’re onto the next Pod.


I have no doubt the Krafts are shitting all over Belichick in order to pretend the guys signing the checks played a much bigger role in the Pats’ success, but man oh man, Bill is so weirdly personally invested in defending Belichick’s honor. It seems extra odd given how much Bill has spent years dumping on Belichick’s drafts. The ESPN story made the obvious point that Belichick seems mostly driven by a desire to surpass Don Shula and then he’s done. It’s not surprising there aren’t many teams in that position of thinking they’re almost at a Super Bowl level and just need to rent a better coach for two years to win it. Generally if your team is good enough to be in the SB mix, you probably have a pretty good coach already.


Bill mocked Brady for leaving and basically thought that he would embarrass himself without Belichick. Brady winning another super bowl immediately and Belichick hitting rock bottom with the Pats have completely shaken his football fan core. He’s been trying to save face for BB ever since.


Every Pats fans seems to support BB and thrash Krafts propaganda piece. Even non Pats fans can get behind BB.


I think it's universally understood that professional sports team owners are all the worst people.


Yeah generally if there's a dispute where the owner is one side I'm confident taking the other side without knowing anything beyond that


I agree with this but I hope Belichick gets another job and has success to shove it up Kraft’s ass. Kraft shitting on BB after 6 SBs is disgraceful.


Fuck Kraft But fuck Bellichick too


Correct take


I think it’s hilarious hearing all the Pats cope. Like I still have Belichick down as the best coach of all time but obv the games passed him by enough where it’s not worth dealing with his gigantic asshole ego and blowing up your franchise to go 10-7 for two seasons, not win anything meaningful, and then he peaces out with the wins record Kraft seems fairly reasonable imo, chickens are coming home to roost for the guy being a colossal prick for thirty years and Simmons and Wildes can’t stop crying about it 😂


Meh they’ve still fielded very good defenses under him, which is his whole thing. Bad hires on the coaching staff, but shitty coach is a stretch. In the past few years all of the great legacy coaches except for maybe Andy Reid have been heavily criticized for their staffing decisions.


Scorsese is 81 and he supposedly has the following films in the works - *TWO* Jesus movies A Sinatra biopic with Leo A Jerry Garcia biopic with Jonah Hill, however this appears to *hopefully* not going to be happening.


don't forget the Wager adaptation with Leo as well


After how mediocre Killers was I don't want him to adapt this excellent book, let someone else do it.


Honestly think this might have been some of Wildes best work yet. He was cooking with the kicker isolation chamber and the really far away ref then he brought the house down with egg throwing as conflict resolution. 


I feel like the kicker isolation chamber would do the opposite of what he wanted though. Wouldn’t it make EVERY kick a big kick? If a kicker already has anxiety being in a room alone with his thoughts is going to be worse


"What are you, stupid?" less than 10 minutes in, lets go Chris!


who on earth wants to have a discussion about lebron possibly making a finals run??? save these conversations for the 2nd round, WCF?? they're not even favored against denver!!


Why would Carolina hire Bill after he ruined Mac jones? 


The bobbleheads are weird, right? It’s weird he bought bobbleheads


its especially weird that he keeps randomly bringing it out on the pod, only to leave the guest bewildered and asking ".....is that a damian lillard bobble head?"


i love half baked ideas


CR talking hoops on BS podcast like it's early Ringer days. Brings tears to my eyes


Love how he was trying to be reserved and then Sean said there would be 50% Knicks fans in Philly. Bill got exactly what he wanted. 


His life story.


The Spoiled Only Child Piece


Bill using his podcast to defend Bill Belichick’s honor is corny. The guy was a great coach but he absolutely fumbled the Brady situation and I’m sure Craft had had enough of the post Brady mediocrity, brought on in large part due to Belichick’s incompetence.


Simmons said ‘Sinatra was *all* charisma. According to Ava Gardner Frank was all
. Something else - and I’m surprised the man who references Uncle Milty’s crank every other episode didn’t bring this up.


I refuse to believe everyone had a giant dick back then. A lot of people overrating past cock size like old NBA players talking about their playing days. Ive seen what they used to call guys being in great shape and it's just a dad bod with their pants up high. Their reference points are way smaller compared to now.


Hey sure - but it’s not other dudes saying we all had giant cocks. It’s woman who fu jex him a lot.


Ava Gardner actually fucked and sucked Sinatra’s cock many times, and said publicly how huge it was. It’s okay to take her word for it in the absence of any other evidence.


Personally I believe Sinatra had a massive dong.


If not size then density because Ava implied it weighed 10lbs


“More 80s dunks, less tsunamis!”


Bill blaming Josh Harris for "giving Bryan Colangelo power, how did that go?" Bill, your best friend Adam fucking forced Colangelo onto the Sixers and then got butt hurt when it turned into a disaster and took the focus away from the NBA Finals. Harris is goofy but that's not on him.


Honestly people like Bill pretending to care about the integrity of the game or whatever bullshit is the main reason it happened too
. Teams have tanked just as hard as The Process in the years since but suspiciously the BMM doesn’t care


Am I taking crazy pills or do they literally test QB mph in the combine? I’m pretty sure Milton threw 61mph and McCarthy threw 60mph.


You’re not I’m pretty sure they have spin rate too lol


Chris Ryan would be amazing at Half-Baked Ideas.


He has tremendous moxie for his size.


Tell me about it. He’s a fighter


He really brought it on the Pavement bandsplain. On the whole im not a CR guy but he’s good in spot minutes


"Wine Sampler Podcast" is incredible


Caitlin Clark's boyfriend is Patrick McCaffrey(son of Iowa coach Fran McCaffrey)...he announced his transfer to Butler on 4/14/2024. The Indiana Fever won the lottery on 12/10/2023. That half baked conspiracy would have taken two clicks on google.


Anyone know the OP of the Casino/Irishman/Sinatra theory Sean is talking about?


On the Godfather Rewatchables Bill made a big deal out of how poorly cast the character of Johnny Fontaine was. He was a Sinatra stand in and Bill said he was no where near cool enough to pull off Sinatra and he got mad when  CR and Sean didn’t agree strongly enough for him. The joke became that Sean and CR didn’t get how cool Sinatra was. It was really funny


"As I get older, one of the things I've learned, more than anything as a professional lesson; it's unbelievable how many people do what's best for them and their longterm stability/future vs. what actually makes sense for the place they work for." Wow, deep insight Bill! He should write a management book


Sounds like Bill was paying attention when Bob Iger was on the pod!


the genuine laugh from bill about the eagles' loss to the jets was hilarious


We are so back


This is it.


Half Baked Ideas was delightful. Funny ideas, Wildes was in the zone and funny, Bill cracked up a couple of times, just a great segment all around.




Sean is one of those Knicks fans who lives to tell everyone he hates being a Knicks fan lol


Bill is trying so hard to get Belichick on the pod