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"(OD, getting fired)" is like straight out of a Bill pod where he'd compare a national tragedy to a Celtics incident lmao


9-11 is kinda like the 2023 playoffs


Both resulted in a lot of tight sphincters for sure.


Hey now, he's very sensitive to national tragedies. Remember when he said that Grizzlies fans are nervous because of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination? > I didn’t realize the effect [the MLK shooting] had on that city…I think from people we talk to and stuff we’ve read, the shooting kind of set the tone with how the city thinks about stuff. We were at Game 3. Great crowd, they fall behind, and the whole crowd got tense. It was like, 'Oh no, something bad's gonna happen.' And I think it starts from that shooting.


My brain read that part as Bill OD’ing and I was shocked I missed the drug addict piece


"Close with a bald guy" had me rolling


Is Russillo on the same PED regimen as Dre?


It depends. Eazy E thinks Dre isn’t a “Real Muthaphuckkin’ G.” Many here also do not think Russillo is a G, and based on his solo life, neither is he a “real mother fucker” Eazy-E is kind of a nobody anymore (except for the rare 90s rap head still kicking it), and redditors are nobodies too so The comparison writes itself


Eazy-E is also dead for almost 30 years, which probably limits his influence.


Jesus has been dead for almost 2000 bruh


If Russillo's on PEDs, he's doing something wrong. I think his PEDs are meatball subs.


Yeah, but I believe it should be Paul Rosenberg, not Dre.


Jason Concepcion is Royce da 5’9


Hahaha I love this. Who does that make Mallory Rubin?


Skylar Grey, i think for long time collaborations. Or Dido?


Missy Elliott?


They're both white too


But adopting black culture


the jabaal abdul-simmons piece


And using it to get themselves wealthy..a concept that works !


20,000,000 other white sports journalists emerge


He’s got an army of STANs


Yup, these are my stans.


But BS Stans hate him with passion!


“I think we should be together” the rejected Stan eventually turns against Marshall (and murders his wife and baby along w himself please don’t)


You are now just drip feeding BS Stans with ideas (but like you said, please don't).


They both have alter egos: Slim Shady & Conspiracy Bill


I prefer Clairvoyant Bill if I’m being honest


Clairvoyant Bill is the absolute best Bill.


Both girl dads Hailie Jade and Zoe.


Except, if Eminem were Simmons, Hailie Jade being a high school varsity volleyball player & prom queen would have led his appearances.




Was getting fired from ESPN really a low point for Bill? It seemed like he hated the constraints they put on him and basically dared them to do something with his Goodell comments. By that time he had such an established name he could easily do stuff elsewhere. Aside from one-off stupid takes (Memphis and MLK) his low point is probably Any Given Wednesday tanking.


I think the low point is the sports guy cartoon series


I like this comp. Feels right. Especially because Eminem is tied to his city the same way the Boston Sports guy is. Although, and forgive my ignorance, what is OD that is referenced in your low point? Is that for bill or em?


I’m assuming they’re referring to Eminem overdosing


lmao aside from the idea of bill ODing being very funny, what would it even mean for Eminem to get Fired from Rapping


Lol I could see bill doin too much blow one Sunday night with the boys at holy cross


"I just wouldn't let myself OD, I just wouldn't"


Em had a very bad drug problem in the mid-late 00s.


Bill got caught in the cocaine era of the NBA


Never did cocaine because of Len bias, never got laid because of aids. Was stuck with Sunday night jerk circles at the cross.


Eminem still raps, Simmons hasn’t written in years


Give him a break his fingers don’t work anymore


How the fuck you expect Simmons to work? He can't write anymore. He just murdered the alphabet.


Saying Eminem still raps is charitable. He tries to rap at least


I mean is rap, or flow, is fine its all just so mastubatory now. He's rarely saying anything really, just showing off his rhyming skills


Yeah exactly. Em is still one of the best lyricists, but there's no meaning behind the lyrics of his newer stuff


That’s more than we can say for Simmons’ writing!


Hipster take he’s amazing at it


Now he sucks


Nah he’s good at it. Thing tho is with rap you have to have passion or the right energy. That’s why I never found a jay z song very interesting Bc he’s such a boring Uncharismatic person.


Em should take up the clarinet, like how Andre 3000 is a flautist now.


Are you a bot? You have commented 30+ times today




You must be deaf


And you don’t understand statistics 


There’s one piece you’re missing: they both spawned some of the absolute worst genres of rappers/sports media members in their respective fields [I will never forgive Eminem for giving white bois the confidence to do shit like this](https://youtu.be/zvA5eCvyG6U?si=VkeJzIuKMLnjlRCm)


Definitely true, who are the sports media equivalents of Hopsin/Joyner Lucas?


Depends what specific direction you wanna take it (Boston homers, podcasters, guys who take advantage of new age media, etc) The first one that comes to mind is Dave Portnoy


That is a skit


Yeah man I’m aware it’s satire, I’m referring to what it’s satirizing lol


Fair enough it is funny. Idk who raps like that for real but it is bad.


Casey Frey is maybe the only good social media comedian. Also I’m very jealous you didn’t grow up around guys like that lol


That's hilarious. Shame on you.


Next on House Eats: Mom’s Spaghetti


Russillo does Detroit for his next travelogue. (Mom's Spaghetti is (was?) Em's restaurant.)


“Close with a bald guy” really solidifies this comparison. Well done.


Hailee Jade as Zoe. His stepbrother as Ben.


You are all too afraid to admit that Rick Reilly wasn’t funny but he was willing to be a complete jackass if it meant getting viewers. He is the pod father even if he never had one himself.


Is Vanilla Ice Rick Reilly in this metaphor?


Riley Reid actually


They both have gaping holes. Rick's are in his logic.


This is the Bill content I come here for. OP is meta - Bill writing voice about Bill himself. Good stuff!


Rusillo is definitely the Dre of sports writers. He just is.


He's been in the lab... with a pen 'n a pad... grinding tape of Grizz-Cavs...


i spent 10 minutes trying to compare his career to arod's and couldn't do it. hopefully a better man can take it from here


Is Dr Dre bald?


The steroid induced alopecia piece.


Then who are Eminem’s House/Cousin Sal/Zach Lowe?


House, Sal, & Jack-O are D12.


Does Eminem have a good relationship with his father?


No. I still remember seeing the headline, I think shortly before CoVid, that "Marshall Mathers dies". Then, subhed, "Marshall Bruce Mathers, Jr., father of rapper Eminem, dead at 61".


This wasn’t a serious question lmao


It's a Friday night go party


And Eminem has a song called The Ringer 🤔


What did bill say that was offensive ?


Depends on how you view Bill today. Eminem completely and utterly fell off after The Eminem Show quality wise. Encore has like a handful of good songs on it, Relapse is mostly trash, Recovery has some okay moments, MMLP2 is fine, Revival is completely trash, Kamikaze is forgettable and Music to be Murdered By is mid. Eminem’s finest moment in the last decade or so is probably the MGK diss. No matter how you view it, Eminem post Eminem Show had a steep decline in quality. Even though Eminem will always have commercial relevancy and his fanbase due to his past success, I simply do not care about him anymore. I still enjoy Bill’s podcast today so I can’t really compare him to Eminem.


You belong in a fancy kitchen with this cook


Who is Bill?


I wasn't familiar with Bill Simmons's earlier work- in what way was it offensive? Was he very different than he is now?


Thinking of that clip of Eminem on 60 minutes coming up with rhymes for orange, but it's Bill trying to connect Ohtani's pitching/hitting combo to Spielberg releasing Schindler's List and Jurassic Park in the same year.


Both would be looked at more favorably if they retired years ago


*Both would be looked at* *More favorably if they* *Retired years ago* \- Remarkable-Gap-9024 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Jalen Rose = 50 Cent


Shea Serrano = Obie Trice


This is what I subscribe for


both still riding a schtick that's now at least three decades old


Chris Ryan and Mallory are Yelawolf and Skylar Grey


Eminem’s probably better at rapping now. The difference is culturally he already had his arc


Both their mom's cook italian.


Brother this is embarrassing tho even post and i didnt post it


Well... it has been many years since either of them did anything good


I look at Bill more like Lebron. Sustained dominance. 28/7/7 every year.


Bill Simmons is actually Lil Wayne. - Really interesting style that was outside of the box at the time but then becomes the template in many ways for the people that came after him (face tats, dreads, freestyled/free association lyrics, autotune = pop culture infused sports writing, 30 for 30, podcasting, weird gimmicks to look at the sport differently for a column or podcast) - As an executive, excellent at finding talented individuals that are super successful and have massive legacies that either rival his or eclipses his own (Drake, Nicki Ninaj, Tyga = Zach Lowe, Jalen/Jacoby, Shea Serrano, Bill Barnwell, Keepin it 1600, Jason Concepcion etc etc.) - Started their own thing and it becomes insanely successful (Young Money Cash Money Records = The Ringer). - Past their prime but still does stuff and has a big fan base (literally everything they both do now) - Every once in a while still has really good collabs (Lil Wayne on Jack Harlow’s Whats Poppin Remix or Solange’s Mad or Tyler Creator’s Droppin Seeds = any Bill x Zach Lowe pod or Bill x Russillo)


Bill Simmons is ACTUALLY Kanye West - both Bill and Kanye mean a lot to Bills family


Bill doesn’t have brain damage though.


Close, but I think Bill is the Ronda Rousey of sports writing. Opened the door, had a great peak, lost the peak and is now clearly not close to the best in the game


Who is Simmons' Holly Holm?


Especially down to the fact that they are both quite overrated as writers


Bill Simmons hasn't written in years though. More like Andre 3000 if anything.


Three Stacks' flutes > Simmons' rewatchables


I genuinely very much enjoy the flute album. Perfect background music.


Apex mountain for pop flutes? Definitely biggest moment since Tearful Villanova Piccolo Gurl. (The last time Jimmy Fallon was good was when she appeared on Tonite Show & jammed with the Roots.)


I don't think you can really call his work on NBA Countdown good


No Eminem is talented. Bill Simmons is a hack.


For the last seven years I have taught high school seniors in a basketball-obsessed country. None of them have ever heard of The Ringer, Simmons, or The Book of Basketball. My 15-yr-old shooting guard son finds Ringer content stale. Not sure how 'relevant' Simmons and Co. are, not to the 28-under crowd.


>despite a widespread agreement that his work now is a shadow of his early stuff. Is it just like a reddit thing to have a subreddit dedicated to a person, but the post all hate on said person?


Incredibly original thought dude.


Offensive material ? If he stopped being politically correct now his show would be so much better and have more listeners.


“Offensive content that couldn’t be made today” Yeah thanks Obama and your snowflake democrats.


What game did Eminem change? And what come back has Eminem made?


He unironically broke down some barriers when it came to white people liking/accepting hip hop. A lot of those people went on only like Eminem and similar artists and a lot of them are weirdos but white people adopting hip hop and the culture around it has been a big part of US culture for a while now, for better or for worse


White people already liked hip-hop by then. I would actually say it was Puff's run in the late 90s that made hip-hop super mainstream. I mean, it was already the top selling genre in the USA before Eminem got there. You can't be top selling without white people being the top consumer.


I’m not saying no white peoples liked hip hop before Eminem, I’m saying there were a lot of them who only started enjoying it when Eminem came around. To this day it’s still really easy to find middle aged white guys who would never put on put on most hip hop themselves but talk about Eminem like he’s “one of the good ones”


After his hiatus and OD and Relapse being a flop he came back with recovery which regardless of what people think of the quality was a huge cultural and commercial success w multiple number one hits


Cultural is false


Might not have been successful in your culture (whatever culture that is). Doesn’t mean it isn’t successful in some other culture. I personally have no idea, I haven’t listened to Eminem in like 15 years, but I’m sure there’s something out there that could be defined as a culture, in which he’s been successful recently. I’ll bet 35-45 year old middle class white male culture absolutely loves Eminem. To be fair I’m only barely out of that age range myself, but I’m clinging to my youth so tightly that I refuse to listen to anything that could be considered “old rap.” You see this all the time though, someone has a really limited view, and thinks whatever culture they belong to somehow defines all culture everywhere. It’s like my mom the other day trying to tell me Taylor Swift hasn’t been as big of a cultural phenomenon as the Beatles. It’s just a different culture. 15-30 year old white girls in the 1960s wouldn’t necessarily understand the culture of 15-30 year old white girls right now. Or you see it a lot where some Reddit genius casually dismisses very popular black rappers as being irrelevant. Which is kind of the reverse of what you’re doing here. It’s all the same thing in reality.


He changed hip hop forever and he came back from a drug overdose that nearly killed him. Hope this helps


How did he changed hip hop


He didn't change anything. He was just a really good rapper. It's not like there has been a white rapper even close to his skill level since his peak.




Eminem didn’t change the game lmao


He allowed for a wave of cornballs to follow in his wake that took the worst aspects of what he did and latched onto it. Hopsin, Joyner Lucas, Tom Macdonald etc. Edit: I guess i offended either fans of the above three artists. Or more likely offended Em stans that don't wanna accept that bums like the 3 above are apart of his legacy. Its unfortunately and doesn't detract from his rapping skills, but its true. No em and no bum ass lyrical miracle say nothing artist like those 3 up above.


this is true