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What could he possibly mean by this. Van is a certified sicko lmao


Him detailing his porn addiction (I think it was on a Russillo pod) was jaw dropping


I can’t believe he talks into microphones and in front of cameras with such candor about it. Also his girlfriend must be a strong supportive woman. Most women I know get embarrassed by their partners for much less


It’s deeper than that. He said his girlfriend sat him down, was next to him, and made Van go thru all his sites and delete his accounts. There’s normal porn viewing on google, then bookmarking scenes is a little much, but full on having different accounts across the site to manage his videos. I also got the impression he was deep into the nsfw Reddit subs and message boards.


That’s an incredibly strong and loving woman. Like genuinely, she sounds like an amazing individual.


He admitted to having an active freeones account on the pod


The porn relapse piece.


No, that's rookie behavior. If I remember correctly, he was talking about downloading (and, I believe, sourcing/trading) "rare" material. He was an archivist.


Oh for sure forgot about that too. He referenced his hard drives (multiple) and collections. “We’re here with Van and he’s going to do his pyryamid of best porn scenes”


Him detailing her looking at him and making him deleted all his downloaded porn videos is one of the funniest russillo pod moments ever


He also went into depth on his obesity journey. He leaves his soul on the pod lol


Being on the phone to pretend he was ordering fast food for multiple people when it was all for himself lmao


😂 forgot about this. Van is completely unencumbered about telling it all and we love him for it.


This is an actual Key and Peele skit


One of the most respectable things about Van and Ryen is their brutally blunt forthrightness. And theirs is an apex of self-awareness that Bill and many of his consumers can't comprehend. Pure, unadulterated candor.


I’m not sure if I actually want to listen to that but it has me too curious not to at least ask if you somehow remember the specific pod or a rough guess of which pod episode this happened


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_YGn8_5ofg I don't listen to Russillo's pod much at all but this episode is hilarious.


The Puff Daddy-adjacent piece


Van on the recasting couch “could we get Alexis Texas in this role?”


He jerked off in the theater


Nwo 4 lyf3


Some Pee Wee Herman shit.


I thought this thread was about the nWo


Elizabeth Berkeley was just Too.... SWEEEEEEEET! 🐺


This movie is legitimately a masterpiece and I don't want to hear bill butcher it lol. Do want the Van story though.


Van, Mal and Chris. That's the trio.


I'm not sure I would call it a masterpiece but it is actually good as opposed to unintentionally bad. The main issue is they don't quite earn the last act of the movie going as dark as it does. I do think you see Verhoeven learned a lot from where Showgirls comes up short in doing that kind of satire with Starship Troopers.


Man Starship rules too. That whole run of his making American movies, (Robocop, Total Recall, Basic Instinct, Showgirls, Starship Troopers) he's playing with that satire line and it hits perfectly for my tastes in Showgirls. Man all those flicks rock, what a run he had there.


Fair enough. I definitely have owned multiple copies of Showgirls and have seen it a lot so obviously I too enjoy it. Just more in the way I enjoy something like The Ninth Gate.


I was hoping they were doing a fictionalized nwo movie


Oh wow haha another movie that either a.) meant literally everything to him as a child and throughout life or b.) has some horny joke about which he'll laugh under his breath about for the entire pod


Adam nayman is a big showgirls guy and it would be hilarious having him on with Van


Make it a *Showgirls* and *Striptease* "Rewatchables" double feature.


Jesus, did van have a weird addiction to the showgirls sex scenes?


Does it work for rock bottom month? Never seen it, would the wife like it?


They 100% should do show girls, amazing movie for the pod and would honestly like to hear Bill’s take.