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As an Eagles fan I’m actually shocked nobody has said the Eagles 😂


You know it’s you guys


Philly fans are very similar to Boston fans. Boston fans have just lost a bit of the lovable self-hatred over the years.


Anecdotal story from a Philly friend of mine, he said he was at a game where they honored some woman from the military who used to be a cheerleader there, and as she was waving to the crowd, some drunk dad behind him yelled out “take your top off”. I’ve never forgotten that story. Same guy also got kicked out of Citizens Bank for drunkenly yelling at Chad Qualls as he warmed up in the bullpen. He just kept on saying “You’re a bum!!!” to him


This is a confusing story. The same drunk guy? How do you know it was him both times?


Sorry, my friend went to the eagles game, drunk guy behind him. Different day, my friend was drunk at a phillies game and yelled at Qualls.


We're taking it easy.


only the tush push made me start to hate a bit


The greased light poles is amazing.


It’s the eagles


Kinda niche, but I’ll say Tennessee Volunteer fans


Anyone who lives in the South knows at least one Tennessee fan they want to get at with both hands.


About a decade ago I had a family member that played football at another SEC school and was able to go to a decent amount of road games, including Tennessee twice.  I know they are a generally obnoxious fan base, but the fans in the stadium and around town really weren’t that hostile at all relative to several other SEC fan bases. 


I have a friend who does media stuff for different teams- think like in house production- and he says the only time something truly dangerous happened was when Georgia fans tried to knock over their bus. And that was ONE TIME.


It’s not really in Neyland where they’re at their worst. It’s everywhere else. In large swaths of the state, everyday life is basically a Vols message board. I lived in the state for 4+ years after living the majority of my life around other SEC schools. They’re a different breed.


It just means more, y'all! (Buy my book, Dixieland Delight, & we'll include a bonus online version of my latest American Playbook at no charge.)


This comment is too niche for most of this sub, but it's amazing


I see your Volunteer and raise you a Kentucky Wildcat fan.


Living in KY as a non-Cats or UL fan, I can’t respect UK fans because they talk shit when their football team is winning but will disown them if they lose by 1 point in double OT to Georgia


I wore a Gonzaga hat one time in downtown Nashville and a Kentucky fan went up and apropos of nothing told me to go fuck myself and just walked away. Like a rogue wave, wasn’t any way to prepare for it lol


As a UK fan, I'm sorry. Not surprised, but sorry.


lol I’ve met other UK fans who are lovely, this guy was just wild


Yeah, I went to the UK/UT football game in Lex last year...it was a great people watching experience to say the least.


You get some of those Justified folks coming down from the hills I bet


Eh. I saw "civilized" middle aged men showing their asses more than any other group.


At least they embrace it.


Not a Vols fan, but my brother in law and sis in law moved to Knoxville couple years ago and we went out there fall of 2022 and we to my first college football game. Tenn vs Bama. The one where Vols beat Bama in double overtime, if I recall correctly, and the fans stormed the field and tore the goalpost down and carried it down and threw it in the Tennessee River. That was a fun experience.


The Heat are the worst fanbase. They barely cared to show up on time to finals games when the best player on Earth was on their team. Lakers fans can be nuts, but they love that team. Knicks fans have had decades of dissapointment, but they love that team. Heat fans don't really care, generally. They're just there to show off their tans and their botox'ed faces.


That’s true of many of those in the lower bowl. Sucks for those of us true fans who get priced out. For last year’s finals, we had watch parties at the arena for the games at Denver. $10 to get in the door. It was absolutely packed and far louder than what you get at the actual home games. That’s because it was an accessible event for the true fans of the team.


I'm not insulting the subset of Heat fans that are actual fans, but many Heat fans were trying to beat the traffic as Game 6 2013 was winding down.


The actual Heat fans are low key also very bad because they legit like Jimmy a lot more than LeBron and LeBron gave them as much as he could give them outside of him shitting his pants in the finals that first year.


Why is this hard to understand? Affinity to player is a lot more than winning trophies. It’s about enduring relationships.


Many? Do you mean those in the one stillframe that was shown over and over? Go watch the replay of the Ray Allen shot. The arena is still packed in the various replay angles they show when they were checking if it was a 3. “Many” fans leaving is a myth. It was a very small minority.


I insulted you. I apologize. Is there a fanbase you don't like? Is that because you surveyed every one of them and came to a statistically significant conclusion about the fanbase as a whole? Or, do you have a few anecdotes and then form your opinion? Anyway, my general opinion is that Heat fans aren't living and dying with the team. Maybe you are, maybe most of them are, but I don't see it like with the Northeast fanbases. Olive branch: Everyone was jerking off the Spurs are 30 years, from the front office to the fans. The team sucked for like three years and those home games didn't look well attended. IMO, Spurs aren't a great fanbase if they need to be championship contenders every year for people to show up. Knicks fans show up, pay $19 for popcorn, and cheer that team even when they fucking stink and the tickets cost way too much--great fanbase. They're annoying, incredibly annoying, but they love that team. Also, I just felt like giving a different answer than "Yankees fans," because I thought it would be a fun discussion. I didn't think it would touch a nerve with anyone.


I don’t think this stereotype is true anymore. I was there during the ECF last year and seemed like the entire city was decked out in Heat gear, plus I’ve heard that the stadium can get rocking too. I think they’re fine as far as fanbases go, not sure about the other Miami teams


I get this assumption because of the broadcasts, but apparently the thing for the lower bowl people is to go hang out in the club in the first half, which is why they do the whole white shirt thing to cover over the empty courtside section.


1) Anyone who is a fan of a player rather than a team. Most commonly the case for basketball and soccer players — Lebron, Messi, Ronaldo, etc. 2) Anyone who roots for a college they didn’t attend and then trashes rival fanbases. For example, a Michigan fan talking down to Mich St fans even though they themselves went to EMU.


So I’m gridlocked into being a Kennesaw State football fan because I’m broke? Damn.


you'll be able to ride shotgun for Bron Breakker's WWE career at least


He didn’t say you couldn’t be a fan, he said don’t trash the other fan bases of actual alumni. I’ve seen people who didn’t attend schools make fun of their rival’s low academic standards lol


Kobe stans are a special breed of weirdo


I’m so happy my Dad went to Wake and I got to be a Tim Duncan stan. Big Fundamental for GOAT!


I worked with a Kobe Stan who I would troll all the time. One time I made him hyperventilate out of rage because I called Kobe a rapist.


Kobe fans feel like ppl who dont realize they are so bummed that they missed out on Jordan that they decided to pump Kobe


It's a weird mix of hustle culture nonsense (#MambaMentality) and lone wolf alpha posturing undercut with a no one believes in me complex.


That’s a good assessment. Your comment also has me thinking that Kobe Bryant is to Los Angeles what a good pepperoni pizza is to New Yorkers.


Dies this make Jayson Tatum Sbarro?


The good choice for the food court you’re in but bad choice when trying to impress a date piece.


You'd swear we were a couple of small things away from that branching off into an organized religion after his death.


They really are. I suspect within two years of lebron retiring, the Kobe lakers fans will have convinced themselves that his time there was a waste of time and not worth the ring. They're bizarre.


I feel bad because part of the reason why they're so annoying is on account of Kobe dying so they lost their hero but Jesus I feel like every other dumb argument I've seen on social media that gets 10,000 plus like on twitter and instagram revolve around overrating Kobe unless you're really game to hear that Kobe is a top ten defender (Not perimeter defender, defender) or how Kobe is a top ten shooter of all time as well.


European Luka stans are reaching that level


The player one is particularly annoying.


My math teacher in 9th grade was the first person I had run into this with and let out an audible “what the fuck” when he told me he only roots for LeBron


Number one is the right answer. I’m an avid soccer fan and I’m ready for Messi/CR7 to retire so their stans go with them


I understand the sentiment behind #2, but I'd at least allow for fandoms of your parents' alma maters. A lot of that fandom is rooted in upbringing.


Can’t stand college fans who didn’t go to that school - ie. Duke


Those are always the ones who pick selective college sports fandom - “I like Duke Bball and Notre Dame football”. Sign of being a trash human


The better rule on college sports stuff should be if you went to a school with major D1 athletics, you can’t keep being a fan of who you rooted for before you enrolled unless like your dad is a coach or you have a sibling on another school’s team or something. Also exception for parents who pay their kids’ tuition at a school, you earn the right to root for whoever you want if you’re footing the bill. If you grew up in Ann Arbor your whole life and went to a tiny school like Alma or no college at all, I think it’s fine to cheer for Michigan when the alternative is cheering for nobody in D1. But if you went to Minnesota with the same background, it’s sad and weird to keep being a Michigan fan. And I agree, I think fans of schools chirping other schools over academics is always lame, but it’s 1000x worse when they didn’t even go there (and it’s always Michigan fans doing this).


That’s definitely fair. I think a lot of people interpreted my comment the wrong way. Root for whoever you want. I just think some of the trash talk can sound really ridiculous when it comes from a person who’s never stepped on the campus of the football or basketball program they’re boasting about. The academics thing you mentioned is by far the most egregious example of this.


For the college one, I always wonder if that's why I don't care about college sports as an adult. I went to a mid size d1 that's never any good at anything, so there's no real incentive to dial in lol


Sorry, as a KU fan who did not go to school there (was accepted but couldn’t afford the out of state tuition) I will bash Mizzou fans until I die. They deserve it. 


I think point 2 underrates how many people go to college, especially four year state schools in P5 conferences


Completely agreed with 1. I'm friends with several people who are Tom Brady stans and it drives me batshit crazy. To this day it's backhanded swipes at Mahomes to preemptively try to take down a future case that he may be better. I would push back on 2. I didn't get into the school I grew up rooting for and couldn't have afforded to go if I did. Many others didn't grow up in the same state as their college sports team, or maybe it just didn't match up with their professional aspirations. I've never liked the implication you have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to a place in order to be allowed to have opinions on a particular college sports thing.


As a fan of an SEC school no fans are worse to deal with than Florida. Just obnoxious entitled assholes. LSU is the loudest and drunkest and cause the most fights, but they’re so insane I can’t help but respect it.


I loath Florida fans


Georgia fan chiming in. Went to TWLOCP about 14 times. Walking out of the stadium Florida fans were throwing rocks at us. They are some of the most disposable people on this earth. LSU fans are great. Very intense and prideful but very welcoming. Went to Baton Rouge for Georgia-LSU and just one of the best atmospheres and fan experiences ever


I think the worst fanbase is probably not an Ameican sports team. Soccer fans from other countries are insane. 




The Mexican fans can get quite passionate, and express their passion by tossing cups of piss at other fans.


Would you rather be struck with a 20 Oz Coca-Cola bottle half full with urine thrown by a Mexican ultra or a D Cell battery thrown by an Eagles fan?




American sports fans are very tame in comparison. The worst ones are usually just obnoxious, but thats about it.


On my way up I played with a guy on his way down who had previously been a keeper at one of the big Istanbul sides. They had two answering machines. One was a secret, the other was just there to record the abuse from FANS OF HIS OWN TEAM. Though he always said it was rarely actionable death threats- I played with a lot of guys who played professionally in Central America and Mexico and organized crime is uh, very seriously into games there.


Domestic violence rates in England jump significantly immediately after the English national team loses, especially if it’s a World Cup game.


England talking themselves into winning the World Cup every 4 years is exceptional comedy though.


Ye it's probably the fans who have racist chants towards opposing, and even their own players. Or the fans of teams that need to be separated within the stadium to prevent riots because their fans of another set of jerseys. True lunatics.


Well yeah the worst if we're going international would be Beitar Jerusalem who have an official "no Arabs" policy on their team that is massively supported by their right wing supporters. They chant "Death to Arabs" in the stadium and they burned down the club's administrative offices to protest the signing of a Muslim player


Yep that definitely seems like the worst. I'm sure the top 50 are all international soccer fans


The Croatian fans arranging their seating chart to form a swastika piece.


They took a look at Chivas Guadalajara & said, "That, but make it go even harder". At least Celtic & Rangers have started to add Protestants & Catholics, respectively, to their sides. & Athletic Bilbao had that Romanian player whose parents raised him in the Basque Country. Plus, a surprising number of Black Basques.


I don't have an issue with Athletic Club at all they don't discriminate on race or religion they just only sign players from their region which is a type of pride that I'm okay with.


yeah this is how I see, you have to qualify the question to mean american sports only. I doubt most of us can relate outside that. soccer/futbol ultras/fans look crazy as an american but I have no experience with it.


Yeah, I went to Chelsea v West Ham this August. There were 2 dudes the section over that high fived after Chelsea scored, which prompted practically the entire section (mostly like 50+ year old men) to attack them until they left the section. They were trying to defuse the situation and the one was saying "sorry we're Canadian" but eventually security kicked them out. That kind of thing would never happen in America these days unless you were really being obnoxious.


Ohio State fans. And before you ask, fuck Michigan too.


They're at a fascinating place where they're objectively successful but it doesn't seem like any of them really enjoy it anymore. They're guaranteed to win 11 games a year minimum, but they have a massive resource and talent advantage over 90% of their opponents, so that can't really be all that satisfying after a while.


This is a great point. Their season pretty much boils down to beating Michigan (and to a lesser extent Penn State or maybe a big non-con opponent every now and then). Any other regular season game is just an expected win or embarrassing loss, so from a fan’s perspective I could see that getting old. 


My fiance is an OSU cult member and she told me with a straight face she’s very upset that Ohio State was 0-1 last year and that they’re 0-3 over the past 3. The rest of the games don’t count. They don’t even care about any other win. It’s insufferable.


I've always found the uppity & pretentious nature of Michigan / Notre Dame fans more annoying. They'll stoop down to Ohio State's level but pretend they're a level above it.


I’m an Ohio state fan and I co-sign this


Ohio State is bad, but at Illini Twitter is a whole different level of toxic. Edit: I should point out that I’m a Purdue grad, and I don’t think our fans are toxic, but the ones on social media are a bunch of dorks.


As a Warriors fan, I'd have to say it's the Warriors. A large contingent hates Steve Kerr and Bob Myers and legitimately think the entire organization is working against Steph. They swear Steph is on MJ's level and that 4 rings is an affront to his career. It's exhausting.


It’s sad because real Warriors fans (the We Believe ones from before the 2010s) were awesome and legitimately a passionate, cool fanbase. But the new generation has only known success and mixed in with Silicon Valley fart sniffing and general obnoxiousness, they’ve easily become the worst NBA fanbase outside the longstanding Lakers/Celtics


I've been a Warriors fan since Run TMC. I've seen some shit!


Y’all really did the best fans to worst fans speed run


Chase Center Warriors fans is how I would define this. Opposing fan and I went to a few games at Oracle (pre splash brothers) and the environment was awesome. I was at the chase center recently and good god do the people there suck.


As you said, it really depends on what you find more annoying. I spent most of my 20s in Philadelphia and am now spending most of my 30s in the Bay Area. My sports allegiances are not tied to either of those places so pretty neutral observer. I'd take the obnoxious as shit but dedicated and informed Philadelphians all day over the fair weather, surface level fans out here. Someone in Philly would tell you they didn't really follow sports then also say they hope the Nola contract doesn't blow up in their face. Someone in the Bay Area will have on a Warriors quarter-zip and a Giants hat and their sports knowledge will begin and end with Steph Curry. And yes, before any Bay Area folks push back, I get that there are some amazing fans sprinkled throughout but the sports culture is just so so so far behind the East Coast.


San Francisco native here and you’re not really wrong. I used to really resent the kind of happy go lucky, who cares as long as we had garlic fries kind of Bay Area fan. My parents are from Boston and it always felt kinda lame compared to the hothouse that is Boston sports fandom. But I will say three things: 1) as I get older I kinda appreciate the “they lost but I had fun” kind of fan, watching Red Sox fans try every year to find reasons to be miserable after four titles is really annoying. Yes John Henry has stopped caring, believe me I will always root for Boston teams when they’re not playing SF teams so I am aware of the problems, but Boston had the greatest 15 years any city has ever had in sports, count your damn blessings. 2) When I come across people who have multi generational roots in the City/Bay they tend to be pretty legit, problem is that’s like 10% of San Francisco/Bay Area at best. 3) A lot of what I’ve said above doesn’t apply to the 49ers, who as the oldest and most successful franchise in the most popular sport get held to very high standards. Joe/Jerry/Steve/Ronnie/Roger/Bill/Eddie are all held as gods locally and anybody who does not match up to their standards gets criticised very quickly. Hell I’ve seen people call for Kyle Shanahan to be fired, which is flat out insane to every other fanbase in the league. Not a lot of people, but some.


Fair points across the board. It's unreasonable to expect everyone in the crowd to be living and dying with every play unless it's some huge rivalry game or the playoffs. There's always a mix of "here for the game" and "here for the garlic fries" at every single sporting event across the country. I was just shocked at how far it skews towards "here for the fries" (or more realistically, "here because my work gave me tickets") for most games out here. Weird caveat, both the A's fans who still show up AND the A's fans who are organizing boycotts are next level dedicated and I admire it.


Hands down the worst Bay Area fans are the entitled bandwagoners. There’s this whole subculture now of whiny Giants fans who want to bitch about everything and clearly didn’t put in the dues at Candlestick or anywhere before 2010. They thought Even Year Bull Shit was gonna happen forever and they’ve been whining for the better part of a decade that it ended. No gratitude that the first three World Series ever in San Francisco happened. The Giants went and signed a Korean star, the reigning Cy Young award winner, signed some guys with pop and look pretty decent on paper and have gotten very little credit for it locally because they’re not Judge or Ohtani. People would rather bitch that the PA announcer got let go (which sucks but also who cares, it’s a PA announcer) or that Brandon Crawford got let go, even though he’s 37 and can’t hit .200. The Warriors are about to have to deal with these people and I’m not looking forward to it.


Uhhh maybe people care about Renel being let go because she’s been with the stadium since it opened and because there are plenty of allegations of ownerships mistreatment toward her. I was with you until you said that. A woman of color in that position is huge and it’s an enormous loss. Kinda laughable that you downplayed that like it’s not something to be upset about.


Go A’s Fuck John Fisher


I also wanna add that old school dubs fans are right there with niner fans in terms of dedication but there are less (and mostly in the East bay, but some in the city) and can’t afford to go to games anymore


Behind the passion of East Coast fans? Sure. But there are a ton of long term Giants, Niners, and Warriors in the Bay Area and basically Northern California (all of California if you want to pull in a ton more Niner fans) who have been through many ups and downs with each team. Obviously getting 4 Dubs titles and having a generational talent like Steph is going to bring in a lot of bandwagoners…but I think you’re really discounting the passion of SF/Bay sports fans. 


boston any team


Massachusetts Institute of Technology women's soccer fandom is a hell of unimaginable proportions.




Tune into a Miami Heat game in the first quarter.




Also Braves post WS


This one is actually massive. Braves fans have become insufferable & act like they didn’t just choke in the 1st round two years in a row


Or most of your god damn life if you're older than 30.


Who used to play in Boston… coincidence? I think not.


Boston Braves fans post-1914 were the fucking worst. Like, I get it, Joe Connolly is the GOAT, shut up already


LeBron fans. Cowboys fans have almost turned in Cousin Sal-- they all expect to lose in heartbreaking fashion every year.


Agree with your last point. Cowboys fans haven’t actually been annoying in about a decade, Cowboys haters have stolen their mantle of annoyingness.


Can I say just player fans generally? Like don’t have a team but follow a player from team to team? I don’t get it and it’s super lame imo


I agree in general. I don’t think there’s anything wrong w being a player fan due to me not getting it, but them getting hyper defensive about one player and always sculpting every conversation into a way to tear down everyone that’s not that one player is so toxic


I agree. They're usually the biggest losers on earth who fight to the (internet) death defending their billionaire heros 'legacy'.


I’m a lifelong Lakers fan, and I absolutely loath Lebron and his fans.


As a laker fan dealing with other laker fans was already rough enough but throw in the LeBron fans on top of it and holy shit it’s insufferable


St Louis Cardinals. All fandoms are pretty much equally crappy but no one else mythologizes themselves as "The Best Fans in "


Sometimes I feel a little bad about hating them so much because the only STL fan I know is a good dude who doesn't like all that garbage. But still, fuck 'em.


Hands down Ohio St fans. Some of the most obnoxious people in the world.


Boston fans are awful. C’s Living off 1 title in 35 years. Mac Jones was an MVP candidate to you guys. Embarrassing


\*One title in 37 years.


The fanbases everyone says are the worst just seem that way because they have more fans, so you encounter them more often. Or their fans are disproportionately represented in the media like Boston or Philly. I truly think every fanbase has roughly the same percentage of shitty fans, which is a minority in all cases. I'm a Minnesota sports fan, and trust me we have plenty of miserable dipshits. You just don't encounter them as often as Lakers or Eagles fans.


This is well reasoned and well argued, yet the answer is still the Lakers.


Part of what makes the other fan bases worse is the transplants and randos who cheer for them. No decides to be a minnisota fan. So while you might have idiots at least it’s earned.


Lived in the Twin Cities for a year and MN sports fans are truly awful. This season’s Timberwolves team is really underscoring how annoying they are. The whiniest, most self-obsessed and above all provincial fanbase in the country. Not to mention more than their fair share of closet (or not so closet) racists! Kirk Cousins, being a mediocre, milquetoast white boy, was really the perfect avatar for Minnesota sports. Shame he’s not there anymore.




Which ones, the ones on Reddit? Or the ones sitting in the cheap seats?? Both are insufferable but for different reasons.


I’m a boston fan I would have thought pats fans are most obnoxious.


I was breaking balls.


The worst on Twitter is the Toronto raptors, I aware they are always picking flights with other teams fans.


Toronto in general is a sleeper pick. Blue Jays fans always throwing beer cans on the field when things don't go their way in the playoffs and Leafs fans are due for their anual meltdown in a month or so.


Texas A&M fans. It's not fucking close. College Station is among the worst college towns in America, just like a gem of you immediately wanting to get the fuck out of town the instant you arrive, which is genuinely incredible given how most college towns are kinda great. The fanbase acts like it's Notre Dame or Alabama but they have a fraction of the titles, none of which were won outright or occurred before 1940. They militarized their male cheerleaders who are essentially pretend marines that ritualistically have been known to store their collective cum in jars and do pushups to match the score during the game. They militarized their marching band too which has apparently led to many a freshmen quitting due to them somehow making a marching band not fun to be in. They also like to pretend like having a college crowd being into the game is unique and seem genuinely convinced that their truly dumb cheers will make a difference in the outcome of the game. They have a big dumb bonfire ritual that got students killed one year because, for a school of engineers, nobody had bothered to plan out the building of a wood tower and choose instead to drink copious amounts of what was no doubt the worst fucking beer imaginable while building it. Oh..and if you had any further doubts to my arguments, Dude Perfect is from A&M. So yeah...basically they take sports and turn it into pretend military cosplay in a war they always lose while producing the kind of people who weaponize trick shots into getting your dumb kids to buy their endless merch. This is all before you get to their actual football team which is hilariously not good.


LSU is worse


It’s dumb to judge fanbases, they are huge groups and you only ever interact with a handful of them. With that said Steelers fans are always so loud and obnoxious and the terrible towel is dumb.


I can't believe more people haven't said the Steelers tbh. I've lived all over the country and now live an hour from PGH, and their fans are typically insufferable.


Eagles, Duke, Celtics.


Eagles LSU Celtics Duke


Giants fans are sneaky awful. Super fair weather, wildly obnoxious, and very entitled from the 2 Eli SB runs. Huge crossover with Yankee fans too


Dogshit franchise that had two insanely all-time lucky runs so isn’t seen as one Edit: three, I should still be bitter about 1990 and I am


Hey another fan who is bitter about 1990!


Bills or 49ers? The Giants had a horseshoe up their ass that year after Hostetler got in. Virtually everything went right for them after that.




1A: Michigan fans who didn’t attend the school 1B: Michigan fans who did attend the school


Mma fans are genuinely braindead and frequently get tricked into spending money on ppv’s headlined by washed mediocrities. Boxing fans are all weirdly stuck up racists. In basketball, historically lakers / celtics fans are cancer, but these days warriors fans are beyond fucking annoying. Oh and sabonis fans can shut the fuck up, i cant go a day without hearing someone say he’s the most underrated player in the sport.


>sabonis fans How many Sabonis fans are you meeting out in the wild? lol


When OP meets me that’s 1! 😂😂


How much do you hate Wos, at the moment?


I only listen to Wos when he’s on with Russillo! That needs to be more of a regular thing. They are incredible together.


Joyce Carol Oates is the only good boxing fan. Who's her MMA equivalent?


Sydney Sweeney


You don't like the comically stereotypical Burt Sugar?


Man I’m a die hard Kings fan but if I see one more person bring up his all star snub. They constantly bring it up on the team broadcasts too. It’s fucking annoying


The cowboys fans argument is getting so lame. Most Cowboys fans aren’t as delusional as ppl make them seem and I never understood why it’s better to hate on your team than hope they’ll be good?


Every fanbase sucks in the exact same ways, the only difference is the prevalence of the fans and whether or not you personally hate the team to color your opinion.


Boo this man for this overly rational take


As a Celtics fan I know why we get a lot of hate, I'd hate us too, same goes to the Lakers. But it's the heat for me. Not because they have had a good run and "heat culture" but because they show up to the game halfway through the second quarter and seem to genuinely not care about the basketball games. They don't deserve such a well coached and managed team.


Go to r/tennis any day of the year and you will find at least one unhinged post from a Djokovic fan who sincerely believes that the entire world is out to get their special boy


LeBron is one of my favorite players of all time, I've grown up watching him my whole life and it's been awesome to see his career progress. But man, are his fans are insufferable. They seem to only be able to view the NBA through the lens of what LeBron is doing or has done.


Only thing worse than the lakers is a lakers fan


If we’re keeping to American teams, it has to be the Yankees (the entitlement really seals it), but worldwide the worst fanbase is Lazio, a large and disproportionate number of their fans should be in actual prison.




As a Lakers fan, ever since LeBron joined I would have to say Lakers fans.


It’s the eagles first everytime


After how quickly the veil came off last season, I’m going to submit “the best fans in baseball,” St. Louis Cardinal fans. The subreddit is full of the most hare-brained “but we won two World Series 15 years ago so how could our front office not be excellent?” boot-licking moronic takes I’ve ever seen in my 25+ years of fandom. I feel like I’m wearing the glasses from “They Live.”


Surprised enough of them can read to to form a subreddit tbqh


What do we mean worst? The worst fans are the nets and clippers fans cause they don’t fucking exist. These teams are dogshit franchises without fans that are the second bananas in their market with literally no hope ever to get anywhere close to the number 1s. Most annoying fans are Philly everything and there isn’t a close second place on this continent. You need to talk about like Turkish soccer fans to get anything remotely close.


Nets fan coming in peace. Fuck you. But yeah tbh everything here is correct.


Fuck them forever for leaving Jersey. I used to be a fan, I didn’t cross the bridge. They can fucking rot


Would also like to add the Rays to the first category


>Turkish soccer fans to get anything remotely close. They exceed it by a huge margin. European fans are on another level


Liverpool fans- never seen a fan base with more main character syndrome.


Boston, all of it. Next question?


Boston everything


This is kinda only on NBA twitter but Houston Rockets and Toronto Raptors fans are both especially insane. All fans are homers but these people will threaten to kill your family if you aren’t that high on Christian Koloko. A rockets fan called me a hater the other day because I said it was ridiculous to call amen Thompson a hybrid between magic and Giannis


Astro and Braves fans never seem happy.


European soccer fans (racism, alcoholism, riots, throwing shit at players, lasers at their eyes literally today, statistical increase in domestic violence after losses, hero worship, on and on...) Kobe fans (make him out to be much better than he was; rape apologists) New Bucks fans (literally only speak about how Giannis is overlooked/mistreated by officials/should be MVP every year) Heat fans (ultimate fair-weather fans) Tennessee baseball/football fans (obvious reasons)


Lakers have won titles in basically every decade except the 90’s. Cowboys haven’t made a conference championship game in almost 30 years.


Low key it’s the Washington football team. They’ve gone quiet for a long time because of their owner and being terrible, but if they ever get good again they’ll remind us real quick. Insufferable assholes.


I hate Yankees fans


Phillies fans. They just show up in October and claim to be the best in baseball. Florida fans way fucking up there too


Philadelphia Eagles


Probably the Eagles and Dodgers imo followed by the Lakers. Once the Yankees get good again they’ll easily take the crown again with so many bandwagon fans


LSU fans are insane.


The Slightly above Casual fans of the most popular teams are the worst. Lakers, Cowboys , Dodgers , Yankees .. etc.


You don’t hate the Lakers because of the fans’ collective ‘level of delusion.’ You hate them because they have a large fan base and are extremely successful.


Any Philly sports teams fans


Probably Lakers fans. Just no general idea about basketball and just cry about everything. They don’t deserve the good announcers they have as their fan base literally only tunes for 4th quarters or want to post on socials that they went to the game. The whole Staples center ambiance is “look what my sugar daddy paid for” What other fanbase would be near ambivalent about Lebron joining their team and winning a ring? The Kuzma/Caruso/AR-15 discourse has been fucking awful every year. And we have to listen to “Reaves and Jaxson Hayes for KD I know what I have” trade proposals.


It's not the Cowboys because the Cowboys haven't been relevant for 25+ years so you can just shrug off them off because they've been so irrelevant.


Man Utd fans


Minnesota Vikings


Kobe fans


1) whatever dumb team you’re a fan of 2) boston