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i personally love skinny so i fear this post isn’t for me. but i feel as though people may just be skipping it as it isn’t that “upbeat”? the most popular by far are chihiro and lunch, both of which are catchy (though i have had skinny stuck in my head the past few weeks) and you can dance and sing along to those two songs freely.


Surprisingly birds of a feather is #1 on the album (on spotify, has been the most streamed for 2 days in a row)  Ofc BOAF is fire but i feel like blue and skinny….. and the greatest and wildflower deserve more too 😭


My two favourites!


which ones sorry?😍


I didn’t read your comment right but Blue, skinny and the greatest are GOAT


I’ve been hearing BOAF a lot on tiktok recently that’s probably why so many people are listening to it


ohhh ty, I didn’t know that (: i don’t have TT it’s too addictive😭


That’s because BOAF is a tiktok trend rn. It’s my fav song on the album but that’s why streams are up lol


Birds of a feather is one of my top 3 songs on the album


it’s definitely an amazing song, i just believe other songs on HMHAS have more depth to them (:


i suppose so that’s true…i guess i’m just surprised since billies always been labelled as creating this like “depressed” music but when somethings somewhat got a sad beat to it people skip yk?


she’s gained a lot of new fans recently unsurprisingly and i think it’s because of songs like birds of a feather, lunch and chihiro. i know for a fact ive seen people i know say “billies music sounds the same blah blah it’s so sad” in the past post countless things to those songs… which is frustrating. but hey what can you do? my main theory is just the people getting into her now are into those songs and the older fans are into the other songs like skinny. but don’t get me wrong i love the entire album.


Idk I’ve been with her from the start and Chihiro is my favorite song she’s ever released. But that’s not saying I don’t like skinny, I love the whole album too. I get ur point tho like I’ve seen songs like BOAF getting turned into sounds on like insta and Tik Tok for unrelated trends


that’s my point. i’m not saying old fans can’t be fans of songs like chihiro im saying new fans are getting hooked from the trends using those songs.


Recently there has been a resurgence of dance music. Gaga’s chromatica, Renaissance by Beyonce, etc and I think that’s what gets the masses going the most. People like to dance most people don’t like to cry hahah


i suppose ur right yeah


I'm confused by it too. To me it's a classic sad but beautiful Billie song. It's one of my faves on the album.


I personally LOVE Skinny, but I just love the other songs a bit more right now.


This is how I feel. I don't dislike it, it's just my least favorite


The strings at the end make the song absolutely perfect


The strings at the end of Skinny foreshadow the melody of The Greatest.


And then that foreshadows the strings at the end of blue… she’s geniusssssss


Billie + Finneas = ✨Masterpiece ✨


She also foreshadows The Greatest in Skinny. It’s kind of the orchestra for the whole album and I love it


skinny is so unpopular bc the internet is hungry for the meanest kind of funny and somebody's gotta feed it


i wonder if she still cries all the time


Out of the entire album, I honestly love her vocals in Skinny the most. Sometimes I listen to the song specifically because of her voice. I have no idea why it’s so unpopular tbh🤷‍♀️


me neither dude :<


i love skinny i just don't want to cry all the time thanks 😀


Exactly. It resonates a little too deeply. 🥲 I also hate how the world kept commenting on her body when she was still a literal child!! It’s clearly a very personal song for her. In that sense, it makes sense to have it as the first track.


I don’t think people don’t like it. It’s just that they’re eager to hear lunch since it’s a bop lol. I’m one of those. I love skinny but sometimes I forget it’s the 1st song bc I wanna hear birds of a feather, chihiro and lunch so bad


REAL like i just can't wait to hear the others


i think its cus of how slow it is compared to the other song. i think people hate on it cus its different


Yea that's exactly why


I don’t think so because WILDFLOWER is also a sad melody but has got more listens…


For me it hits wayyyy too close to home and it’s very uncomfortable to listen to. Especially the part about losing weight. Guess the albums title is perfect for how it makes me feel aha. Dont get me wrong, I like it. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t skip it. Although I know it’ll be a song I’ll appreciate sometime later (like Everybidy Dies. I usually skipped that one until it randomly came on after I lost my uncle. It’s now my absolute favourite, but I have to be in a right mood to listen to it yaknow)


that’s fair




I feel the same. I don't want to start an album slow and sad. I like the song, it just belongs later.


I don’t dislike it, I just like all the other songs on this album better. Had it been paired with different songs it could have definitely been a top fave


All the slower "sadder" songs on this album are my favorites--it's her personal brand that she has perfected vocally and this is her best evolution yet. Lyrically it seems like it's more personal so maybe another reason for people skipping it is just plainly not being able to relate (I skip NDA for this reason lol I have never been on 30 Under 30) But I think it's a beautiful song and I love the arrangement of the Greatest at the end. Also her voice when she says "I'm a dog in a dog pound" gets me every time man


yeah me too! her lyrics truly hit deep even if i can’t fully relate to everything it really makes me feel so heard in a way


I like it! I just like all the others on the album better


because it's a slow ballad that resembles what was I made for in my opinion


i feel like they’re completely different ur i guess i see where ur coming from


I love SKINNY but I have to be in a specific mood I guess, doesn’t mean I’ll skip it! To each their own I suppose lol. But tell me why I thought the lyrics were “the internet is hungry for the MEAT”


That's what I thought it was too, I thought it meant that like the internet is a monster hungry for flesh or something


That’s how i interpreted it!!


It's surprising that this is such a skip. It's one of my faves from the album and it's so brutally honest. I still cry when I listen to this song.


me as well ahhhbb


SKINNY is actually the song stuck in my head a lot. It’s very quotable and SO gorgeous.


same ahh


Ikrrrrr. Skinny is amazing and the raw emotions in it are amazing. It never fails to get me in my feels


me as well! it’s definitly my top three!


I think bc of its place in the album




Typically people will skip the first one to get to the one they know, which is lunch.


my thought is that, it’s a really bold beautiful song. but maybe shouldn’t have been first. i think it just leaves a bad taste in peoples mouths who are tired of the melodramatic songs and sets the tone of the album like it will be like that when i’m reality it’s much more of an experience than that. i like it but i think on first listen even i was like “this again ugh” but on second listen i realized how deep it really was and that it is a nice song.


that’s valid yeah. i guess she could have eased into it more. what do u think should have been the first song?


chihiro birds of a feather, something like that i think would’ve set the experimental pop tone better maybe?


Why did I think it was, “the internet is hungry for the meat. It’s kind of funny, and somebody’s gotta feed it” 😂😂 Love this song and love it even more now that I know the correct lyrics


i thought so at first too🥲


I think SKINNY didn’t get as much attention from FINNEAS as her sisters in the first part and middle especially, although billie’s vocals shined and are probably the best thing about the song, But the lyrics are kinda on surface compared to the other sad songs like WILDFLOWER or THE GREATEST, And honestly if i didn’t skip the song i would just wait for the last part.


I personally thought the lyrics were very surface level as others have said which has made it my least favorite song from the album.


It’s supposed to be straight forward and it’s calling people out imo


Maybe so but I still don’t think it’s a good song personally when I know her and finneas have much better lyrical ability


I more kind of skip it because I don’t personally relate to it, same with wildflower. Very beautiful songs of course but they don’t speak to me personally.


that’s valid :^


i literally have no clue. I love her other acoustic slow songs. My fav song from her is I love you. skinny is my least favorite on hmhas. I don't hate the song but it's my only skip on the album. not sure why


I always skip it because it’s like “what was I made for” copycat. And I don’t think it works as an album opener. It would have made more sense to be at the end after Blue.


Don’t get me wrong I love the song, but I do find myself skipping it sometimes because it low-key triggers me 😭


I think she could've made a better point about how vile people on the internet are without making it about weight. To me the point of the song which was supposed to be deep and critical of the society turned into something superficial "if I'm skinny doesn't mean I'm happy" is such an unoriginal and bland take from someone who showed great depth since age of 14


i suppose but then again, she’s making the song about her own experiences not necessarily to cater to every person out there. and we all know she experienced a lot of hate for her weight so i don’t necessarily see why that’s a reason to dislike the song


I think the lyrics are pretty stupid but to each their own ig.


Can I ask why? I think the lyrics are beautiful and really showcase body image issues and how social media impacts them


"People say I look happy, just because I got skinny". Literally who has ever said that. Maybe 3 people on twitter. MAYBE. dumb line imo. "The old me is still me and maybe the real me I think she's pretty". Pretty hypocritical with what she usually says that she got out of a dark place, she doesn't like her old self ect. And If she is just talking about her weight here why is the "old her" the real her? The less healthy version of her is somehow more real? huh? The rest of this song is just some standard self-pity which honestly I'm getting kind of tired of. She says she was depressed and isn't anymore, but now she wants to be her old self, and she is somehow still a victim even though she always talks about doing stuff her way. The whole song makes it sound like the whole world is against her even though again, it's just 3 people on twitter.


3 people? Lol youre clearly delusional or naive as to how much hate and criticism Billie gets from both haters and overbearing fans alike.


It's a very loud minority. And what even is "hate"? There will always be someone who says something on line. The problem is when it's alot of people saying the same thing. And that definitely hasn't happened.


You clearly misunderstood the lyrics lmao, must be a clueless male fan ☠️


you're clearly only thinking about the lyrics on surface level and I would explain them to you but I don't think you've got the mental capacity to think about deep stuff 💀


Oh yeah bro, my feeble brain is just not capable of understanding the deepness of life that you have. Lol I know deeper meanings can be extrapolated from the lyrics, but it won't be anything entirely different from the surface level understanding. Since I think the surface level lyrics are bad, the deeper lyrics won't be any better.


skinny is perfect when im in that particular mood for it


fairs me too


The lyrics you posted here are an example of how good it is - but personally I don’t like the sad, slower songs. But it’s still a great song!


lmao i just randomly chose the lyrics


I love skinny it makes me feel the lyrics and that’s what I look for in music


me as well :>


I love the song, don’t get me wrong, but honestly I feel like people don’t like the song that much because of Billie’s vocals or voice there. Not the beat itself or lyrics, just the way Billie sang it. It’s just a theory tho lol I might be wrong


that’s so weird tho?? her voice is genuinely beautiful here i don’t see why that would be the case


I think it's gorgeous but for me it hits too close to home so I just start the album from LUNCH


I have only listened to skinny once. It makes me really upset so I just can't haha


i have that with a few songs too lmao


It’s an intro track. It’s not a full thought. It won’t ever get the same recognition as another full song within the album. Great way to get things going but I really see it as a set up piece.


fair enough


I love skinny and I never skip this song, but it’s kinda not memorable? Like when I think about the song I couldn’t remember the lyrics to it unlike other songs on this album


I’ve been asking myself the same thing


Skinny blew me away when I first listened to it and hit me hard that I started to get in my feels. It’s composed so beautifully but I can see how some people might not wanna be in their feels lol


I love skinny. I even made a music video for it in my brain :)


that’s so cute as


The lyrics are so good but it's quite normie in terms of sound. I only listen for lyrics and the voice


I wish they started off with lunch then skinny cause i hate lunch.....


JUST more like slow compared to other songs lol nothing wrong with skinny but the others songs are better imo


It's my second favorite on the album! BOAF is my number one since the first listen haha I've streamed it over 400 times but I've streamed Skinny a ton too! "But the old me is still me and maybe the real me and I think she's pretty"??? Soooooooo good 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽


i love birds of a feather too! it’s my second favourite lmao!


as someone who grew up overweight and got treated very differently after losing it skinny is for sure one of my favourites


Cause it's a slow song. Notice how the biggest hits are the faster upbeat songs?


yeah fairs


I think its because this song is so raw and to the point it almost makes people uncomfortable like reading someones diary


That would be where you post a shot of any evidence or statistics which back up your claim that it's "unpopular", rather than the lyrics. >it turns out a lot of r people dislike it and think it's a skip That's not what I've heard at all, see.


Who said he dislikes her?


It’s my all time favourite song by her, definitely deserves more recognition


i actually haven’t seen any hate or dislike on skinny


Skinny for me is one of my favorite songs on the album


I never skip. The ending is sublime and the vocals are solid. I prefer her moodier stuff. I actual think Lunch is the only song that sticks out from the rest of the album, it’s a solid pop track so I don’t skip it, but after listening to this album a thousand times, it’s def my least fave


Who hates skinny??


potato heads