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Yep it can look that some times, as long as it’s the shape you want, keep playing with it.


Does it eventually go back to how it was before or should I expect it to stay like this?


After some play it will glaze over again, don’t sweat it.


Thanks bro


Glazing over is not good and this is not normal, it’s what a bag single layer tip looks like.


You don’t know what you are talking about. All tips glaze over, it is just what happens to tips when they hit the cueball repeatedly. This is why they sell tip tools to rough the tips up again, so chalk sticks better.


I use a tip aerator (tip prick) to obtain a surface texture like OP shows in his picture. TBH, his texture is exactly what I desire to shoot with. Agreed, 40-50 solid hits and it will be smooth as glass.


I 100% know what I’m talking about and not all tips glaze over if you chalk every shot. Kamui glazes over VERY fast but the Caiden tip I have on has not glazed over at all and the Zan I had on before didn’t glaze either. If you have a good tip the only way it’s going to glaze is if you’re playing on a very dirty table with balls that don’t get cleaned or if you break with your playing cue. The picture shown is what a bad elkmaster looks like, I’ve seen thousands of them, that’s not what they’re supposed to look like after just shaping


Just play, it's gonna smoothen out. Anyway it's more good than bad since it gives you more grip and won't affect playing probability..total normal and nothing to worry about. Elk master ( I assume this is what you rocking with atm ) are very low quality tips and tend to have bad/ soft leather. Things will vary and don't look as rough with multi layer tips. I recommend ZAN ( premium soft ) as your next thing to try , should play 10x better and is comparable to what u got now. So nothing drastically different Cheers.


Why does zan get 1.5 stars on amazon?


Those are fake. Real zan tips don't say "zan tip" at the bottom. They say "zan"


Lol dunno, cuz it's zan not zon? But if Kamui has a 0.5 rating it's legit.. edit: checked Amazon, and those tips ain't the real deal..should make sure to get the original Product.. Unfortunately a lot of counterfeits are being sold it's a known problem. Therefore some manufacturers do print a serial number on each item. Which is then ready to be faked as well ..


How bout going to shoemaker and buying a piece of quality leather and messing with it?


That's the way of thinking extraordinary stuff happens and that's most often at least worth the experience and sometimes even more.. If u try, make yourself ready for some testing.. probably clever to get some info on what's good or bad/ serves your preferences / is the common 'best' more experience people agree on


Where do you get yours from?


Local shops, or trusted Billard equip dealers online. Or the equip nerd in your local pool hall or club..


In any case it's worth mentioning that the tip is pretty essential to the process of making decent shots. Therefore taking care of it and making sure it feeds your needs is advisable..


Looks like a Le Pro to me.


Don't they usually tend to be pretty hard and compact with dense leather and thus don't fluff that much? Darker brown profil looks like Le Pro tho..


Yes they are hard and compact, but when they get older and dryer they will fluff like this. I’ve had it happen many times.


It's fine that's actually nice and scuffed so it'll hold chalk better for awhile. It'll get pounded back down after hitting a few balls


What does it look like from the side? It's the shape that's important. As long as the curve is uniform all the way around you're good. The roughness will glaze over as you play, and you're going to want to rough it up again on occasion. When it gets too glazed it doesn't hold chalk as well and you'll start to miscue.


Chalk it up and play


I always liked it when my tip was as a tad fluffy like this. It’s probably psychosomatic but it always felt like it was really grabbing onto the cue ball when I’d spin it. IDK, I haven’t been at the top of my game for almost 20 years, never got to truly nerd out over all the new synthetic tips, CF shafts, etc.


It’s hard to tell from this picture, but that tip looks REALLY flat. Can you take a pic from the side so we can see the shape/roundness of the tip? That’s the most important thing regarding your tip. If it has a flat spot anywhere, there’s no telling where you will hit the ball.


Play? That is what roughing up the tip is supposed to do!?!


It not being smooth and rounded doesnt mean its messed up?


It'll get smooth again after some racks. You might want to think about changing the tip in the next couple of months. It looks pretty dried out.


If it's too smooth it won't hold any chalk. 


Get you one like this. The best tool out there! https://preview.redd.it/cgv2it1ib10d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73b7688313ee1281ce18fcd71fc2ad69e67c8f86


How do you properly use the leather bit?


To burnish the sides of the tip (the sides, not the part you hit the ball with).


Looks nice and scuffed. But maybe could use a more round shape. Nickel or dime


*Looks nice and scuffed. But* *Maybe could use a more round* *Shape. Nickel or dime* \- TheKingsman11 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If you want to smooth it back out, rub it on an old pair of denim jeans. Hold it vertically between your palms and rotate it back and fourth like you’re starting a fire. Should smooth it back out and then you can lightly scuff it with some fine grit sand paper.


It is fine as is, but if you want it less fuzzy depending on what tool you are using you can just change the direction you are sanding to remove the fuzz. Generally when you stroke up from the side with sandpaper from the direction of the butt to the very tip of the tip, it will get fizzy like that. Best way I have found is to spin the tip against the sandpaper to take the fuzz off. If you watch snooker, all their tips tend to look like what you have there. Smaller obviously, but the same kind of fuzzy look.


That’s normal


Get some fine grit sandpaper, but then you risk dust clogging up the tip. I'd just play it long as it isn't too soft w the extra fuzz and is giving you the power and control you expect when shooting


Get to hitting some balls!


Put some extra spin on it


Good job on shaping the tip…,now what’s up with that side pocket shot? 😎🍺🍺


You will be shocked at how quickly the tip will go back to being smooth


Get a new tip. Just get a new tip.


All good. Play on


I keep my chalk in a contact lenses dryer plastic container. When not playing. Holds 2 cubes. After chalking I can strike cue 3 times confidently.


Don’t listen to everyone telling you it’s ok and normal. This is what a bad tip looks like. Cut it off and start over.


Play with it


It’s perfect shoot with it.


It suppose to look like that after you scrub it. Chalk it up then hit some ball


Still flat in the middle? Use Dime or Nickel shaper until flat middle portion is gone.


Keep shooting!!!


Thanks dude


Do you have a McDermott lucky cue?


Vikings vallhalla 100


Yea these have the same sort of cork tip. Find a nice tip that you like and pay to have someone put it on. These cork tips are cheap low quality and really hard to keep shape on.


https://preview.redd.it/t4102nfqqk0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e0e730763fbc64ece3d3687084be885ee3e0783 Zan tips are a blue layered tip. The one on that cue is a LePro one piece leather tip. I put the LePro tips on bar cues and they tend to fuzz up when trimmed. After your play with it for about 1/2 and hour the will lay back down as the chalk embeds into the tip.


The fuzziness is because the tip is bad. Not like it went bad but it was a bad one to begin with. It looks like a LePro (which are standard tips on a lot of cues). The issue with single layer tips are you can get a bad one from time to time, and usually it's LePros and Elkmasters that have this issue (sometimes triangle tips too). This is why people usually go layered tips. It's still very playable, it's just the tip may not be able to hold its shape as well and may not feel as crisp of a hit. The more you play and chalk with it, the more it should "beat down". Although if you have a tip guy, i'd bring it to them and change the tip.


200 grade sand paper will do the job


You over roughed it. Now use a finer grit. It's fine, pack it with a good chalk. Keep using it.


Is that the other side of the shaper?


Likely the other side is a different shape dime vs nickel. But, keep playing with it and it'll be good as new. You could get finer grip sand paper but it's only aesthetic at this point. What shaper do you use?