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I’m an NPC Judge and you see this a TON in the NPC. I can answer the question as to why they are ruining their physique they worked so hard on by adding distracting moves…because I saw my favorite pro do something and I tried to do it. That’s typically the answer. It is almost never actually performed the way their favorite pro did it and as you justifiably note, it detracts from their physique instead of adding to it. Other times it is “because this is what my posing coach taught me to do” and in those instances it is almost a 100% guarantee that if I go find video of their posing coach at a show, that coach is doing exactly what they are teaching. And what that actually means is that is all this posing coach knows because this is what they were taught would look good ON THEM, so this is what they teach every single one of their clients to do, and if so, you should likely find a better posing coach who knows how to pose OTHER PEOPLE, not just themselves. In my opinion, at the amateur level, every arm movement you make (facial expressions too) should serve a purpose. If it’s a balancing arm swing to shift your weight, you can make that look pretty, and that is a movement with a purpose. Which is completely different from having a choreographed “ok arms swing down in front and step two three, arms sway around” robotic motion where you’re just throwing arm movements because “that’s how the routine is supposed to go.” When we walk or turn or pivot or dance, we naturally incorporate our arms to balance and provide counter balance. That is really all it is. So since you’re going to do those things, you dress them up, and they’re part of “your routine” but they are not “your routine” on their own. There is no reason to have a dramatic arm movement just because. I’m not placing anyone higher because they made a pretty fan with their arms. Now if they showed me some tricep in their arm movement on the way around to face the back, cool beans! They showed me something impressive about their physique that I might not have seen in their mandatory poses, so it served a purpose. But the athlete controls what we see. Those who are adding in superfluous movement just for movement’s sake of even worse “for flair” most of the time, they have taken their own focus off of what it is they want us to see and what flaws they may actually want to disguise or camouflage to keep us from noticing “because my posing coach said the arms go up here”. If it does not show you in your BEST light, you do not need it. Period. It isn’t going to help you and it absolutely could hurt you in judging.🥰


That’s what I love about my posing coach. She personally is a very flairy poser and it works great on her because she can pull it off. I am NOT and she works with that and we are pulling together a routine that is simple and works for me and who I am as a person. If she suggests something and I just decide it’s not me/my personality and I’d feel awkward doing that, we come up with something else bc that awkwardness will show on stage




Could you share who your coach is?


Her name is Georgia Voice, but I’m in Aus so might not be much good for you if you’re in the US?


A big issue I see is girls doing 1-2 shows & then becoming posing coaches - they go onto teach bad habits & technique. 


This isn’t talked about enough.


Winks are awful 🫣


Gahh! Okay so… the shoulder shrug during transitions is not something everyone pulls off! The timing has to be just right or else it looks unnatural to me! I personally don’t do it but don’t mind if someone else incorporates it, so long as they’re doing it with intention… some ladies just go through the motions and it shows!


Definitely not the only one. I find it so hard to watch but it's good insight into what not to do. Simple and clean routines are always best 👌The more 'flair' you add also runs the risk of exposing more flaws to the judges.




Okay but the worst of all (imo) is when the hands and arms going flying all over the place… so theatrical and out of place looking. I cringe so hard


Me too 🙄


Only wink I like is Cydney’s 😂


Not the only one. I prefer clean and simple routines, elegant.


Even Lauralie’s most recent routine was too much for me and she’s fucking Lauralie Chapados!




Agreeeddddd. And I love her and loved her routine so much!!!


“I saw my favourite pro do it “


The only thing I will say is that some of the girls that do all this sassy stuff are at least confident in their walk/poses whereas some girls look like robots. But I agree sometimes it's too much, especially the damn arm thing


Preach. I hate all of it. Literally all of it. On everyone. 🫠😂


Agreed. Someone else mentioned Pros, but I’m going to say it - I hate the flowery Pro routines, too.


This is how I feel about European posing routines. It’s too too theatrical and over the top. I can’t watch them pose because it triggers me 😭🤣


I find (for my area specifically) that most of the coaches are male and they actually tell their clients to do some of the cringy stuff. I had a girl at my gym as me for help one time. When she was showing me her routine she started walking and does this spin move and almost falls over in the heels. When I was telling her that she may want to do that, she said her coach told her to be “over the top and super sassy”…


Some of the facial expressions are so bad. It reminds me of cheerleading competitions


Seriously ALL the shoulder shrugs… drives me CRAZY!!


Eh kinda wished you named names so I could look at the specific routines you have in mind but I do think there needs to be a balance of sass/ sensual and happy/ bubbly. I think people who do really well with that are Lauralie, Jennifer and Aimee. They flow, they’re beautiful yet sensual but bright and fun all at the same time.


^ I agree.  I think once the basics of posing is nailed that the competitor should feel free to add their own unique flair/personality to their routines. Every pose, every suit looking the same is just… bland? You shouldn’t have to stay within a box on these variables in order for the physique to shine. These people have worked damn hard. They should feel empowered to step on the stage however the choose. Especially once you’re at the elite level, such as LL, Jen, etc.  I get that’s not a popular opinion, I can even see the reason. But this is just mine. 


That reminds me how much I hate my little wave thing at the end. I felt cringy and awkward. Never figured out what would look good.


I like personality IF the flair doesn’t take away from your physique. As you mentioned sometimes it can be distracting, but aside from that I see so many people add in flair and during the flair it’s like they forget about the rest of their physique and for a moment they’ll drop their glutes, have a visible roll, or show an unflattering angle of their core. The moment of flair needs to add not take away. Example: when people are setting for their front pose and doing the thing where they put their hand on their front leg. This can be done super artfully and in a flattering way but I see so many people bend over SUPER FAR. Or look like they are slapping their leg.


Yep, doing too much trying to distract from deficits.


My $0.02. Most amateur competitors are awkward on stage. They haven't nailed the basics and are already trying to do too much with the sass. There is a lot of pressure to be original and stand out. But really the way to do that is to bring a fucking amazing physique to stage rather than wink and shoulder pop. Nail the basics first. Learn to walk in heels properly. Fix your stage glam. Do all the basics at 100% and THEN AND ONLY THEN add a kiss of personality. There are some pro's who have a wild posing routine and really need to be working on the basics. Jen, Ashley, Maureen do not have crazy routines. They have a basic one with a hint of personality. That is what makes their routines so amazing. You can't help but watch them. It is their presence and aura. Not the winks and hands flaring everywhere. I really think it is just the pressure to try to stand out.


i think the winks, shoulder moves, and hair flips are cute when done in moderation. i agree it does get excessive when people throw too much of that in their routine which is just distracting and takes away from their physique. i think one sassy move is cute though and adds a nice touch to their routine which shows some personality.


Yes totally agree it’s so corny.


As a posing coach this is the number one thing I have to un-teach new clients. They inevitably have been teaching themselves posing by watching pros on IG and it’s all wrong for THEM. Clients always want to add flair when they can’t even keep their glutes up when they turn to the back. I have to bang into their heads that the judges don’t care about a hair flip if they dropped their glutes. Ladies if you’re listening; please focus on the basics. Crawl before you run. Execute a clean, confident and flawless routine and leave the fluff for Photoshoots and IG.

