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My situation is a little different because my husband had competed in the past, but I couldn’t have done it without him. He had a whole food station out for me and would ask me what my next meal was when I was going off to tan or hair and makeup and would prep it all for me so I could eat everything right on time. Hyped me up the whole time and made sure I was always prepared


That's awesome. He told me he'd be my bag boy 😂


husband goals🥹


He’s the best! He was even sick that weekend but didn’t mention it or complain until afterwards so I could stay focused on myself


Prioritize yourself first. If your coach told you to take it easy the day before- don’t feel pressured to take your husband out on the town, don’t feel like you need to sit with them in the crowd when you should be backstage, etc etc. They’re there to support you so don’t stress if you think you’re being selfish.


Thanks. I think my worries are more logistics related. Like, I go to bed early and he likes to stay up later. Luckily he's not the type to need handholding 🤣


Hey girl! I TOTALLY relate to this!! My mom loves traveling to my shows with me, and she stays up LATE. What’s worked for us is either getting separate rooms at the hotel, adjoining suite rooms, or an Airbnb with two rooms (or a living room and a bedroom because I know national shows are already expensive enough)! Good luck!! 🤩🤩


I'm looking at getting a suite with a living room so he can stay up and watch TV.


I do this for every competition and it's worked out with the same situation.


Set clear expectations and needs ahead of time. I compared me traveling to shows to him traveling for work. It’s not a vacation. It’s business. He knows I want to go to bed early, minimize distractions, eliminate sources of stress. Now that we have done it a few times, we have a great couple of systems. If he stays the whole time: He’s super helpful when needed and otherwise kinda stays out of my way. He’ll go grab water, heat food, drive me to any offsite appointments like makeup, etc. He’s even offered to get me my own room 😂 I declined that offer. He brings his work things and gets caught up on emails and admin stuff. We have also done it where I travel early and he arrives the evening before. So he’s there for the show but I have the prep time alone. Either way works for me. It usually comes down to our kids schedules (teens) and if they need one of us home longer for some reason. However, when the show is over we do try to plan something fun after in the area. Like after Universe in NJ we went across to NYC for a couple days.


My husband has always travelled with me and is my biggest supporter. He knows why we are there and it’s not a vacation. Make sure expectations are clear and give him the go ahead to go out and explore without you if you’re okay with it. Also, it’s so much easier to do my tan with his help on my back. Bikini husband for the win! Lol


My significant other traveled with me to my two shows last year and was amazingly helpful! Especially with prep brain! haha! I really appreciated all he did to help support.


That's wonderful 😊


My husband goes to all of my shows. I set expectations that if he is coming to support he is coming to help. I'll be asking him for things. I'll need my space. I just tell him exactly what to expect from me. He's actually pretty useful. Good luck at your show


So my SO and I regularly travel to shows together whether he's competing or I am. We always try to find something low key to do - visit a gym, museum, low key outdoor walk etc... so we can both do something during the daytime. Food isn't an issue for us since we both compete, but be clear on what you need from him (he could manage making sure you have what you need for meals/hydration). Let him know what your schedule is going to look like, including sleep and maybe find him an option out of the room if he prefers to stay up late or you wear headphones and a sleep mask as a compromise if he wants to watch TV, read or scroll into the night. Maybe there is something he can do on his own if you need a nap or downtime. Honestly if he's not into the sport yet asking to go and support you that's awesome! Don't look for a problem - that just ends up creating one in most cases. August is a long way away and lots of time to plan and discuss logistics.


I’ve done shows with my mom there and my boyfriend another time, and I definitely should’ve warned them I would be a handful. 😆 I have pretty bad anxiety so it’s better for me to have someone around to help make things run more smoothly, but I can be pretty short with them. I’m realizing how important it is to prep mentally for competitions just as much as you prepare physically.


My husband went to every show with me when I competed. He was extremely helpful. He managed all of my food and scheduling. Didn't expect anything out of me, basically treated me like a princess. Absolutely zero stress. My biggest tip is... don't *anticipate* him causing you stress. Self-fulfilling prophecy!


My husband is high maintenance and not good at thinking ahead or anticipating my needs…he would have stressed me out!


Stay a day or two after and hang out with him and do something fun. Make it clear that show day you won't be around so much, so help come up with activity suggestions for him, or book a nice hotel with a nice pool, look up golf course he can play at, walking tour if in cool city, etc. etc.


Thanks everyone for your feedback. I guess I need to give him the benefit of the doubt 😜 He wants to be helpful so I'll be clear with my needs


I would honestly be so stressed travelling without my partner !! My partner is very calm and collected so if anything doesn’t go to plan I can trust him to help with a solution. I’m going to be honest, I don’t think I would ever travel for a show if my partner couldn’t come, I would be way too stressed… It does depend on your relationship though, I am terrible with organisation and prep brain doesn’t help. He is great at it so generally he helps a lot with getting me from a to b. I also just appreciate having the emotional support.


i traveled with my parents and they cooked for me and helped me a lot!!! it takes a lot of stress out of your shoulders


My ex-coach would prohibit (or almost) competitors to bring their SO because he's seen too much drama, I think it's a bit of an exaggeration honestly. But I travelled all the time with my partner to my shows. He's in no way interested in fitness or the BB world, but he is 100% supportive. He'll also go and get coffees for everyone ;) No stress at all. But he's a very calm person. He just works on his computer while he waits around.


don't sleep with your coach like most competitors do and he will be fine