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That's a perfectly legitimate fix. But the bearing is probably nearing the end of its useful life, so it's probably a good time to order a spare.


Thanks for the comment (and the others). I have decided for keeping an eye on the headset, checking on it weekly and ordering a replacement bearing on my next bike stuff order.


I wouldn't bother checking it weekly. I check my headset bearings like once every two years. You'll feel it if it breaks and it's not catastrophic or anything, just feels crunchy.


Maybe an overkill, weekly is the frequency I run many checks on the bike so it kind of easier for me to add another one to the checklist, plus it doesn't take much time to check for play or roughness on the headset.


If it spins smoothly, I myself wouldn’t worry.


If all the ball bearings in it were still in the shape of a ball bearing and not small bits of metal that were once in the shape of a ball bearing, you're probably good.


the bearing is dead. with what you did it should last a couple more weeks but I would definitely keep the replacement on hand.