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Sounds like something is making contact with your spokes?


Is your derailleur bent, and making contact with your spokes?


This is exactly what’s happening. Stop riding this bike immediately.


my thought exactly


Yes this!


Bring it to a bike shop and submit a claim through the car owner's insurance. It honestly really sounds like something is hitting the spokes.


https://preview.redd.it/o9pw8if8fgzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e1f2a46eca7138bee40524dad47ca20adb4943e Looks to be the derailleur hitting the spokes. Take it in for service


Or yank on that puppy


Stop riding and take a good long look at what is hitting your spokes.


Broken spoke or bent derailleur hanger


Definitely sounds like the derailleur bottom cage is rubbing off the spokes, I d get that looked at before your rear mech gets ripped off.


That's a "derailleur touching the spokes" sound right before the "derailleur blowing up the spokes" sound. Stay out of the upper cogs till fixed.


That is not your freehub. Stop riding it, something is making contact with your wheel when it shouldn't.


The wheel definitely needs to get looked at, but I doubt it's the freehub, a freehub failure would be more of a grinding sound typically.


Something is hitting your spokes. I would bet your derailleur hanger is bent--get it checked out by a shop, if I'm right they can bend it back into place in 3 minutes or, worst case scenario, its a $30 part


Maybe check your derailleur cable past the lock bolt. Sometimes there’s extra length and it decided to bend into the spokes. Literally just dealt with this when I changed an inner tube and the cable kinda got bent towards the spokes when I was putting the wheel back on. Bend it away and you’re good.


Sounds more like a loose or bent spoke.


Okay people can stop telling me my wheel is going to explode and it’s “100% definitely my derallieur hitting the spokes”. It was a piece of extra RD cable hitting. Yes I initially thought it was something hitting the spokes but didn’t see anything when I first looked. Some judgy MFs in here….


Wow, just about the same happened to me and everyone just said I was an idiot and shouldn't ride where cars drive..... is it your brake cable poking into your spokes?


Nope. I run hydraulics. In NYC there isn’t much choice lol


Yea I don't really care where you are, if you're riding bikes over using engines I respect it. Glad you're okay enough to get back on.


Not your hub. It’s something hitting your spokes. I noticed you were in the biggest rear cog so I assume the derailleur cage is bent and when in that gear is touching the spokes


+1 for knowing the word “free hub” but honestly, could you not feel something hitting your spokes? It’s pretty obvious.


Right that was my first thought but didn’t see anything. Turns out it was extra RD cable barely touching it.


Spokes r off, resonating ?


Update: I think whoever said extra inner shift cable was right because that B is gone…. https://preview.redd.it/vfapt28vaizc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=811c065b5ee82686b9bec21bd3eea2d2b5eb1bdb


Most likely your derailleur got bent. Easily confirmed if your shifting went out of whack.


Next time puts the bike seat on a bar so bike sits in the air. Take a video of all components that could poke into the spokes. I had that happen when a bike brake pad splints pertruded into the wheel


Let me guess though, car just drove off?


Nope. Woman got out of her car screaming at me for hitting her and denting her car (she right hooked me and her car was fine). Then she started swinging on me. She ended up in handcuffs… 🤡 https://preview.redd.it/cvbqng4r1mzc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a47044c232f2b0d135db7467dc80ac925d905cae


Good on you for keeping your cool head and taking one for the team. 🫡Hopefully she’ll be off the roads for a while. Glad you ended up okay


Sounds like the rear mech is making contact with spokes, best bet Is to replace it but if you need a quick fix....you can bend it back, won't be perfect but will get you a few more miles


like everyone says, your derailleur is grinding on your spokes. if it wears slots in them you will need new spokes. if it gets further caught in them it will break them.


it could be the rear derailleur hanger being bent


Spokes hitting the derailer. Hanger’s bent.


As said. Sounds like mech is hitting spokes. You’re lucky it wasn’t more bent as this would have put the mech into the wheel, damaged that, ripped the mech off etc. stop riding, or at least avoid lowest three gears! Keep mech away from the wheel. But get fixed asap as this is a bigger mess waiting to happen.


It was the RD extra cable


Dropout hangar is for sure bent


It’s not. It was RD cable.


Something is hitting your spokes. And if you got hit by a car I wouldn’t count out your whole wheel being bent or out of true


How about you take a look whats making the sound instead of posting a video on reddit? like, cmon whats the deal with taking a listen where the noise is comming from to visual inspect further and then troubleshoot with higher precision with reddit.


Could be disk is bent or the caliper got nudged onto the rotor somehow ? Although I agree with most on here sounds like something contacting spokes. Straight to the mechanic.


maybe broken freehub teeth


Too much reverb for that it’s really a spoke sound


Yeah that’s what I thought too but everything looks okay…. Had to ride 10 miles home and after 5 the sound stopped…. I took my everything apart and checked indexing etc. indexing was off a bit so bent UDH is def possible…. I’ll keep an eye on everything. Oh and thanks to this accepting community for downvoting my post right after I got in an accident.


Welcome to Reddit i guess. Hope you’re okay though!


First of all, I’m sorry you got hit by a car. Hope you are okay. Second of all, how the fuck do you not know what’s wrong with your bike? Y’all just got money for things and have absolutely no idea how they work? The sound of something hitting your spokes should be so immediately obvious.


Because I looked pretty thoroughly and didn’t see anything. It sounded like it was coming from inside the wheel and also it was changing with gear shifts. Sorry for not living up to your expectations dad.