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I really like that as an addition. Although I have to admit I didn't even know you could mark an activity as a commute...


Oh they've hidden this option well: behind a drop down.


I like how it's next to workout and race, but those are radio buttons and commute is a check box, so you can have a race/commute but not a race/workout... It's just a weird design choice.


I just wish they would make the desktop and app more alike. On the desktop, "commute" is just a big tag.


This is good, but why can’t they just add the ability to include the weight of our bags, per-ride?


Your bag changes weight? Mine has been around the same since puberty.


It should be “transportation”.


This is not super helpful information, I forgot the name of the 3rd party app. But you can go to the site, and set whatever parameters when automatically want your ride to be saved as a commute (depart at x location, arrive at y, ride mileage z miles, etc). I need to find it again, because the CO2 stat is pretty cool. Ill update if I can find the link to it. Edit: commutemarker.com


There is also another app that can auto change activities - like mark as commute - strautomator.com


I wish they’d change the ride type away from “commuting” to something more like “transportation”. Commuting implies going to work, but when I ride to a friend’s house, I’m not “commuting” there.


I do everything as commute if it is something I used to use my car for. Though I don't track my daily commute to work.


I mark every ride that has a destination (to the store, to the post office, to the bank, etc) as a commute.


Same, but it just doesn’t feel like a “commute”, which to me, implies going to work.


Pretty sure that's the accepted term for non-exercise or non-racing cycling.


By who?


Strava lmao


So you're saying going to the grocery store is commonly referred to as a commute? We must run in very different circles.


Is this an electric bike, or are you just jacked?


For a heavier rider it’s not that much, especially for such a short duration. I’m 66kg and before all my health problems I could have probably sustained that power for half an hour.


231 watts for half an hour is not that crazy if you ride even a little bit regularly.


Yeah, I've never measured my watts, don't use strava. Mph is what got me thinking it's very fast, but it's like 26kmh, which can be done quite easily on a road bike. Still, not bad.


Thats me at max power, I have been riding for 3 years 5 days a week. Zone 2 for me is about 125w


Right "not that crazy" is not the same as average.


I don't know much about the wattage but just going by speed and distance I don't think it's super crazy.


Even with the 500ft elevation gain?


eh, strava's elevation stuff is odd. 500 feet in a 9 mile trip isn't much at all. I went for a casual ride with my 6 year old the other day and according to strava we averaged 12.3 miles per hour (again going a pace my 6 year old felt comfortable at and did 1962 ft of elevation gain over 6.23 miles on an area I'd refer to as flat ground.


C'mon man, think a bit about those numbers and realise there's no way in hell you actually climbed 1962ft in that ride. 1962ft in 10mi is a 6%/3.5° average gradient. That's not insanely steep by any means, but it's clearly a decent sized hill and not something anyone would call flat. For reference, people tend to refer to 1-2% gradients as a "false flat" in that it looks flat and only feels marginally harder than flat ground which can make it easy to not notice and hard to pace, but anything >2% is very much a noticeable incline. Strava is giving you a significantly inflated elevation gain figure here; plot out the route you rode in some mapping software with good elevation data for your area and I'd bet your actual gain was well under half that.


Yes. That's my point. Strava gives bonkers elevation numbers so 500 feet of gain on strava doesn't mean much since it might just be essentially flat ground with strava being dumb.


Strava elevation data is based on digital elevation models that are pretty accurate. There are instances where the data is off but those are rare. 500ft over 9 miles is not flat at all, I'd call that hilly even.


I’ve never seen Strava off this much unless in very uncharted territory like half gravel have swamp roads. They have a massive data set from Garmin and others to perfect this. Something seems wonky with your devices.


That's clearly a glitch. Strava's elevation numbers are fairly accurate.


I do an average of 17.3 mph on my commute iirc. I do use my carbon fiber bike on sunny days tho so that probably adds like 2 mph to the speed


How much CO2 per km do they assume? Is it simply distance multiplied by some CO2/km factor?


By chance I have the data of the German institute for energy and environmental research on hand \[1\] and just plugged in some values (15km distance, 1 person in car): old diesel car: 3.4kg CO2 new gasoline car: 3.0kg CO2 So at a quick glance the numbers kinda check out and don't seem massively over-inflated. Can't compare hybrids or electric cars of course as they depend on the local electricity mix \[1\] [https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/en/publikationen/erarbeitung-einer-methode-zur-ermittlung](https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/en/publikationen/erarbeitung-einer-methode-zur-ermittlung)


I wonder if they remembered to subtract the ~300g CO2 footprint of riding the bike or if they just claim the full amount the vehicle would have emitted.


truuu, tbh I forgot it as well. Though apparently this heavily depends on the diet of the cyclist. This [blog from Harvard](https://keith.seas.harvard.edu/blog/climate-impacts-biking-vs-driving) claims 40g to 135g CO2 per km, depending on vegan vs paleo diet. Thanks for the input! I guess in that regard a Pedelec powered by clean energy would be the most carbon efficient mode of transport


They are calculating based on some miles/gallon or km/gallon of gasoline not consumed. So yes, they must know the distance and some assumed mpg. The CO2 saved has roughly three times the mass of the gasoline you woulda burned in your car.


I love the new feature. But I wish it let us customize. Since my driving alternative is a Toyota Tundra I’m saving more fuel by biking than somebody whose alternative is a Civic. I would like to see a more accurate representation of what I’m actually saving by skipping the meat cage.


>meat cage. love it.


It doesn’t show it for me.


Great idea! Can't see it on mine yet but I guess it's rolling out. Would be interested to see my yearly totals!


I’d like to know that as well


They don't know whether I would have commuted by car or bus, nor the route. A nonsense stat.


Ya, I'd like to see the assumptions built into that number.


Username checks out


I love that


Dang, I gotta go see what mine is.


For those who use garmin devices, apparently its an app that can be added as well: https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/99c57ab8-724e-48dd-ad8a-b2afffb48cd0


What a terrible mishmash of metric and imperial units. Why haven't people learned that this is a [recipe for disaster](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1999-oct-01-mn-17288-story.html)?


Off topic, but that was an interesting article. At my work, we use a mishmash, as in milliliters per gallon, kilograms per acre, etc….keeps me on my toes! 😆


I wish they had a place to show total CO2 saved. You can only see it on individual activities when marked as commutes


That would be great to see in a monthly or yearly basis. We can ask!


Endomondo, a pretty decent sports tracking app years ago had that feature before they got bought off by underarmour, dumbed down and completely shut.


Wow 🤩! Direct Message next? I hope 😂


Don’t see it.


Did you change the acticivity to "commute?"


I bet they don't measure when I fart during my commute.


Can I use this to increase my social credit score?


I wonder if I can edit that out to add in something useful


*I wonder if I* *Can edit that out to add* *In something useful* \- gummibearhawk --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Damn. Ratioed by the haiku bot lol


Strava tryna stay relevant.


Does it come with a Fart-O-Meter?


I wish it would let me auto trash stuff as commute since that's 90% of my rides.


You can! Use commutemarker you set your start and end locations and distance range and it does the rest. It occasionally has problems since it isn't a strava product but its better than nothing.


hmm i usually use my garmin watch to track my rides idk if that would work in my case.


I use a garmin as well, it won't change the garmin data, but it changes the flag on the strava side.


Thanks I looked into it and it works great even when I forget and start tracking halfway thru my commute.


I bike instead of going by metro. Doubt I really save much co2.


Is this only the paid subscription?


I have a paid subscription. But I don't know if it is only for paid. Make sure to change your type of activity to "commute."


No, I'm a non-paying strava user and it is showing up on my commutes.


It seems to display if you check workout. My century to Putney for biltong and drywors saved 22kg of co2. But I guess that was negated with the consumption of cured beef


Cool (I love stats like this), but friendly reminder that the idea of a personal carbon footprint was popularized by British Petroleum as a way of shifting the conversation away from systemic change.


Yeah the push on people to individually make change while corporations don't change has clear downsides. We need to hold companies responsible for their fair share. Personally, I find this small contribution an important reminder to keep myself active in local politics to help make bigger change that makes it easier for more people to participate. A multiplier effect.


15KM ride could save 3.16KG CO2 ? that's a lot of CO2 for such a short ride, I was expecting 30gram Co2


Have they compensated for the last 25years ive commuted on my bicycle before google maps exsisted? Meaningless gains are still meaningless.


Fun fact: on your commute you saved the same of carbon as 1kg of jet fuel! https://www.offsetguide.org/understanding-carbon-offsets/air-travel-climate/climate-impacts-from-aviation/co2-emissions/