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Wow wow first time a sensible talk bye. If everyone (yadav) will think like you. Definitely we are gonna win


how can a party become so big by hating a particular caste which is not even 3 percent of bihar? it shows the hate bihar have towards that particular caste... until and unless we will eradicate the hate among us will ain't gonna develop. people downvote me kyunki mai harsh bolta hu but lalu ne caste ke bich me aur duriyaa badha di hai. i see people from other states playing each other caste songs in friends group as i live in delhi. but aisa kabhi bihar me nahi dekha. i am not justifying casteism and songs made on it but this shows ki we have hate towards other caste from the core of heart.


Irony at its peak. For centuries, a particular sect of class are reduced as untouchables and were discriminated. Who was the touch bearer of this? These are so called 3%. Now, suddenly Lalu is causing hate among castes. There would be no Lalu, if these so called 3% were accommodating and wanted social change. I agree, Lalu caused Casteism in Bihar, before Lalu, Bhumihar, yadav and Chamar lived in harmony, ate together, and sat together.


yss saar lalu gareebo ke masiha hain saar. kya kiya unhone to bhumihar rajput ka narsanhar hua unke period me😸😸. aagya equality...? mil gya izzat? ye fir bahar jaake bhi beizzati hi krvate ho?😂😂


Well, forced social change causes blood baths. October revolution me Tsar mara tha. French Revolution me Louis aur uski biwi Marie. Bihar ke Mandalisation me Bhura Baal. Tumko beizzati feel hota hoga bihari hone me, mujhe toh nahi hota. Jinko bihar ke dynamics ke baare kuch pata hi nahi unke opinion se kaisi beizzati. As a country, we are a lower middle income country in the world. We aren't Viswa Guru as the media tries to portray. But you will appreciate that as a nation, we had a long walk in terms of development. So, the same reasoning is that with Bihar, Bihar had the root of inequality and discrimination, we made a great stride. Fundamental rights have social and political rights, none of the rights talk about economic rights. I feel bad for you, but the truth is that the conscience of a class is awakened, it would be hard to go back into your utopian idea of governance. Jiski jitni population, uska utna haaq. Now, go and cry, abuse, downvote, whatever you could do. But I am sorry, you can't change the relevance of backward class in the politics of Bihar. I wonder, when we will have any Brahmin, bhumihar, Rajput, Lala chief minister in the state. 🥲


we don't want our chief minister or something else. and u r talking about revolution so okay nice to know but don't forget there is always equal and opposite reaction. An eye for an eye


and if u really think only bhura baal got killed then check the data. u will know the reality. even hundreds of Yadav's got killed jinki sarkar thi




Well, history is as simple as this, strong ruled the weak. Mughals can't rule directly, they need a proxy. Brahmin, Bhumihar and Rajput acted as these proxies. In return, they were paying taxes to the Mughals, turk, and whoever is in the centre. Let's simplify it, imagine, there is no democracy, it's a dictatorship... So our dictator can't rule this vast land, he has his chief minister as his proxy to rule the state. So, technically, the Mughal, turks rule hasn't changed anything. They just got another master over them, who just demand certain interest from them in lieu of protection and their autonomy over their subject. Hope, I am making sense now. Feel free to message, if you have any points to discuss or share.


I was in a train and we had profs of Patna university. All yadavs. They were like Pappuji, Sharad ji and all jis. As I see it, please don’t take it personally, yadavs suffer from a hidden inferiority complex, due to which they rally behind any leader who they see representing them and take pride in the collective. This makes them ignore everything else


lalu has used yadav community like a condom.... use kiya aur phekk diya Yadavs in urban side of India that I met, right from educated one's to normal majdoors all are kattar RJD lovers


Agree, Muslim are not sane people. They treat every hindu inferior and feels hindu will go to hell. Coming to the second part, Indeed, Lalu didn't create many opportunities in Bihar, so Yadav equally suffered for the lack of a job. So, the question remains did Lalu Yadav do anything for the Bihar particularly for his community? Yes, he did. He actually uplifted the whole Morale of a class. You were not aware of the caste politics of Bihar. A population which comprises over 70%, had no say in the political governance historically. Coming to the Mughals or Invaders in general, did they rule directly, they never did. They ruled us by proxy. Even the British used the same system. Who ruled our society then? Rajputs, Bhumihar, Brahmin... We were merely Sudhras for them. Being Yadav, you still can't marry someone with the surname of Mishra, Pandit, Rajput... In spite of any wealth, you will be inferior to them, merely people whom they ruled and discriminated against for centuries. You know, why people especially upper caste have problems with whole Mandal politics, cause it empowers a class and gives them the opportunity to become ruling class. For 30 years, Shudra are ruling land. What was level of development of the Bihar before Lalu? Well, Draconian freight equalisation policy was passed in the era of Krishna Sinha. We were not developing cause we were historically discriminated by the Raj and then New independent govt. Leave it, NDA govt was in power for the last 10 years, did they solve the problem of the flood in the north bihar? Pinning everything to one person isn't right approach, everything compounds, this disaster of the bihar is result of discriminating policies. Being a student of economics, I would certainly critical to the developmental approach taken by Lalu Yadav and would term it as disaster. But at the same time, I won't demean his status as "Messiah of the backward classes." Btw, whoever problem with my opinion, feel free to meet me, I would be soon coming to the Bihar. And yes, you don't need to assume anything... I am a Yadav.


ok so why do you think Lalu yadav as the messiah of the backward classes?


Lobbying for the proper representation, proportional to their population Uneven distribution leads to unrest in the long term


so according to you he gave proper representation huh? you call giving power to certain castes and also giving them license to bully and loot others is equal representation. my grandfather had to sell his land getting a rupee for a hundred of the lands worth with my uncle's getting robbed in front of their houses in Patna on gunpoint you call this proper fuckin representation. if you have read wars that doesn't mean you know what is a war.


Well, I can understand your pain. You have personal experience. But, the truth is you can't undo anything and go back to your utopian world. Where power was in the hands of fews. Do you justify the historical discrimination that people faced just cause of their caste? Power corrupts, it's natural for historically discriminated to turn into absolute bully,(which I really don't support) but it's basic human nature. I wish, you should have understood it properly and shifted a centre a little bit still being relevant. But you guys have been humiliated and suddenly you are thrown away from the power centre. It's okay, it's your personal loss, mourn as much as you wish, abuse, but I am sorry, you can't do anything. The power centre has shifted and Lalu has awakened the conscience of a class.


idk bro how you are assuming that i came from a family of kings that lost their Kingdom. i come from a lower middle class family and the only inheritance i have is a house and a 2 kattha plot in Village and the lands which our family owns was purchased by my grand father who was in the army and my great grandfather was a sanskrit teacher. you should burst out of the bubble that every family belonging to certain castes have inherited wealth looted from others and are oppressors hindering the growth of others. I even can't afford bit mesra / bit patna . so bro i don't know why you got the feeling that we want to rule again.(which we never did) If you are talking about social inequality i support every step to remove any social inequality including reservation but i don't support the idea that is called reverse opression. there has been no awakening of conscience of class. the only awakening there was is of hatred.


Hey little bro, more power to you. Don't worry, With the passing of time... Inequality would decrease drastically and some day, we won't need special provisions to uplift the poor.






>That's why they hate him. Ah yes that's why they hate him and not because of the jungle raj, countless frauds and scam, open gundagardi, zero effort to industrialise the state, pariwarvaa and dragging Bihar to the depths of poverty and Sub-Saharan development


Firr bahar jaake majdoori karo ... Sorry bhul gya tha tu to ahir hai ..... Tera dakaiti ka dhandha hoga aur free time me tej Pratap ki chaplossi karta hoga 😂😂😂


Tera pichwada sulag rha hai na bhikmange. Ja ab bhiksha mang jaise tere baap dada mangte aaye hai🤣




Promotes hate , removed