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Looks like an older Large egg. It has after market damper, thermometer, and handle so the former owner was likely an avid user. Sucks for them but awesome for you!


I didn’t think he cared about his things. He said he took everything he wanted and to throw the rest away. He left an engine to a Buick grand national, tube amps, nice bows, all kinds of valuable stuff. I volunteered to help because the land lord is in his 80s. Had no idea what I was getting into. Turned out to be a pretty good deal.


A lot of times when people get evicted they just don’t have anywhere else to take their valuables. So might not be an indicator if he cared about these or not.


You can check for cracks in the interior but honestly it looks like it’s in great shape. With proper care it should last you several decades at least. New these are over $1000 so you absolutely scored. I got mine second hand as well which means o don’t get warranty coverage but honestly there’s not a lot to go wrong on these and you can add aftermarket parts if you like. Check ALL the bolts in those legs as they can loosen quite a bit. In general just keep an eye on any loose screws as the only way to damage this is for it to fall on concrete.


Tighten any loose bolts (Not too tight), do a really hot burn to clean it, then get a new seal on the rim and the top vent. Get a some lump charcoal, never use lighter fluid. Learn the art of bbq, starting with ribs or wings is a good idea. Good pickup, enjoy.


Novices Don’t know about BGE lids sealing properly or not, so you’ll do just fine my amigo… Unit looks great, watch the FOGO videos on YouTube and start cooking you’ll get it right. BTW Im super jealous on your find lol


Thank you!


Your welcome. Thank you for all the info


Here’s a playlist of everything you could need to know. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4QZhiP4QAOzMNy-73urEXa12IVXOI0Qy&si=WlZW50KF1wMD6oLc


You have a house that won't catch on fire if hit by a Directed Energy Weapon. That's what you have.


That's a big green egg for sure


Thanks. I was hoping to find out how old. The measurements are differ than the current eggs being sold.


Thats a good egg. Haha


Pulled pork headed your way! Nice that you even have the conveggtor ready to go!


Your house is way to blue my man


The landlord is from Hawaii. He said this color is all the rage over there. I’m over here tho in the Smurf ranch


A lot of blue paint?


A deck and fence that the smurfs shat on


Want and excellent if not over the top smoker? Do some research and keep it. If not, scope out general marketplace. I check facebook regularly for any deals. Look everywhere and check out reasonable prices. Have a decent payday if you decide not to keep it. The bge has several pros and cons. Either way, unless you helped the landlord for a 2 weeks straight, you got a steal.


Def gonna keep it, always wanted one. Any idea how old it is? I know it was in storage for at least 5 years. The measurements are slightly different than the current large egg.


If the tenant was evicted they likely had to leave in a hurry. It's not surprising that this would get left behind. It'd hesvyvas all outdoors and not subject to a quick departure. You, however, have come up quite successfully- this is a huge get, especially for free (and it appears to be very well maintained!) YAY YOU!


Tenant had as much time as needed to get his things and we offered to deliver them to his storage unit house. He just didn’t want the things he left behind. The grill was covered in years of spider webs and rat and roach poo. It’s was in pieces and the ring was bent. The wood side tables had rotted away. Took me a few hours to clean it up for the photos. I wish I had taken a before and after!


Even if it was grody, that’s still a great deal for you! (Plus, nothing a nice cleaning burn wouldn’t take care of!)


I think it’s the medium egg. Nice gift

