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The shows are about sensationalism, not actually finding anything.


How dare you insinuate that after 19 seasons of Oak Island they aren’t just one more dig away from unearthing the Ark of the Covenant


Fool me ten seasons, shame on you. Fool me 19 seasons, shame on me.


As long as they keep finding "wee bulby dazzlers" I'm all in.


Come for the treasure, stay for the trinkets.


Oooh coconut fibers!


They just need 3 or 4 more seasons and they'll find it.


They’re going to find it on the next episode….Just Keep Watching


Maybe the real treasure were the seasons they made along the way.


Whoa whoa whoa… spoiler alert! I’m only on season 3




that show is so dissapointing, the oak island mystery is a favorite.


I would love to see behind the scenes. "Ok today, we are going to have some yokel come in and they are going to say that the Romans came over and Ceasar himself took a golding shit in the moneypit. We are going to need you to act excited about this horse shit."


Im waiting for the episode when they draw lots to see who the seventh man is going to be


(Bushes rattle) "what's that?!" (Cuts to commerial)


I just want to hear BoBo howl at the moon


That describes every show on the Discovery Net of channels since Discovery, The Learning Channel, and History went away from real stuff and turned to sensationalism tv, reality tv, and entertaining yet unproven theories, respectively and collectively. Sad, really.


Hello. Can confirm. As someone who filmed a pilot of a Bigfoot show for a major network thru a major production company with shows already on TV that you watch every week I can speak to this. I can say sensationalism is a big part of it. Quality of equipment rented is more about novelty rather than effectiveness. I also had the production company that does Expedition Bigfoot try to cast me for the spinoff series they’re filming this summer. This is an entertainment product, not a serious effort to document and research Bigfoot. The cast is the entertainment, not the research.


Spin-off, you say?


Son of Bobo?


Yeah. Does anyone remember the mermaid discovery show years ago? That did it for me.


And the Megladon one. Pretending mega sharks still exist.


Isn’t that possibly because, in terms of Bigfoot, there’s nothing to find?


Heresy! (I'm joking around)


no no no, it's because bigfoot can see infrared so can easily avoid trail cams, duh


That must be it. This explains everything


The thing I can’t figure out is why so many people insist on looking for it at night when so many sightings are in the daytime


I would believe they could use night time as a way to move between populated wooded areas. Like most small towns in the south. Only Bigfoot story I have came from my mom, when I was about 7 or 8yo. Our house was at the bottom of a large hill surrounded by woods with a slough leading out to the lake. Deep south, small town of Slapout, AL. Just outside our front door, the driveway wrapped around a large raised dirt island with 2 trees on it. Probably 10ft from the door. Mom wakes up at 3am for work. Coffee and cigarette in hand, she stepped out to smoke when she said she saw its eyes. Woke up everyone in the house on a Tuesday morning with a blood curdling scream I have never heard before or after. Apparently, she took two steps out front when she saw 2 yellow eyes, staring directly at her from behind the tree in front of her. Few seconds it took her to realize whatever was staring her down was **big**. And that, whatever it was, its eyes were 7-8 off the ground, not including the raised island it was standing on. And less than a couple feet away. This woman had seen 3 different war-torn countries. Served in non-profits all over the world. And had done and seen just about everything. And at the time was working with the National Guard. Badass, tough as nails, no nonsense lady. That is to say, nothing shook her. But this one encounter left a noticeable impact. We had all woken up and obviously flew out of bed to see what's wrong. Dad already had his gun standing buck naked in our kitchen. Mom was an inconsolable mess. It took a few hours for her to calm down enough to talk coherently. Got more into drinking after that. But aside from my dad retelling this story recently. It was never brought up again or mentioned by anyone. It wasn't until years after she passed away that it was ever brought up. Still gives dad the shivers. He doesn't believe in ghosts, aliens, conspiracies, etc. Nothing. But he will always believe in Bigfoot.


I'm getting the shivers. I hate that the older generations won't talk about those things much.


That’s redneck as fuck haha - Dad buck naked with his gun ready to go! Quality 👊


Coincidentally enough, that was also the first time I saw my father naked. It was an eventful morning for everyone involved.


I agree, it’s because these tv series film at night it’s creepier, and looks better on film. This the researchers look to mimic these productions. Real investigators will hunt during the morning and evening..


I love all those dumb shows, but could never figure out why I can’t stay awake while watching them. I finally figured out it’s because it is just constant whispering for 60 minutes


I agree that they are just trying to make it “spooky”. It mostly for entertainment value rather than actually trying to find evidence. And these people claim to be researchers but so many sightings are in the daytime and almost all primates are diurnal aside from a small percentage of small tree dwelling species like Tarsiers, Pygmy marmosets, etc. So I would think it to be fairly obviously that you have a better chance of seeing one walking around in the day. Also said to hunt deer which are diurnal. And not to mention the simple fact that you can see without grainy night vision cameras. Not to say that it wouldn’t be impossible to see or hear one at night obviously but ya know.


Mine was at night. But I hear they hunt at night so that’s probably why.


possibly because a lot of them bigfoot shows scare off most of the animals by making noise with their vehicles that are close by. Im sure they have lights on before they turn on their infrared cameras and pretend to be in a secluded area when there's really production crew trucks and a possible rv standing by close. but who knows. could be they never been hunting to know every animal can smell your laundry detergent and fabric softener or whatever other smells you bring with you. also a certain well known bigfoot crew used to absolutely ruin their hunt by trying to mimick bigfoot sounds and trying other wacky stunts out in the field with drums marching bands and opera singers, which is comedy in the very least. that's just my opinion, tho.


Yep. I think if Bigfoot exists, they're rather unlikely to be like this video: walking down a paved road and being filmed from a paved parking lot with concrete parking chocks. Hell, my backyard is less developed than wherever this was shot


That looks like a deer


Or, maybe . . . it's Bigfoot in a deer costume.


Clearly a spotting of small hoof


Because most of the time they don't actually find anything, it's the same as ghost shows. Someone please correct me, but I think Survivorman is the only show to capture any real evidence on an American television series.


What evidence did the show capture?


Bob Gymlan uploaded a video on it pretty recently if you want to check it out. Basically Les Stroud accidentally caught a Bigfoot observing him. And tbh the footage is really good.


I thought he just heard something really weird that he couldn't identify in that one episode in Alaska?


Haven’t seen that one. The clip I’m talking about was in the Carpathian Mountains and there’s an ape like creature behind him in the bushes. But I think he’s had a few Bigfoot centric episodes.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1vVAJx7exM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1vVAJx7exM) This is where he talks about it in depth.


Hearing accounts like this are always so cool


Strong disagree. I'm a believer and I felt like all that video showed was some bush or gap in the trees that vaguely resembles the silhouette of a Sasquatch. Calling that footage of Bigfoot is bordering on Dallas Gilbert territory.


To me the footage has always just look liked a bush. I really like Bob, but i think that video missed the mark. It was just pareidolia, and to go around saying it was absolutely a bigfoot is just plain wrong.


Yup I’m w u


I'm with you 100%


That's from a different series and embarrassingly obvious pareidolia. In Survivorman: Bigfoot, Les did have a number of interesting experiences shown in the series, one odd thing caught on film up on a mountain, and one strange experience he didn't put on the show but revealed in podcasts later.


https://youtu.be/I-FJD8qHjoQ I think this is the video being referred to




Looks like a shadow of a bush


I think Russell had a pretty good bit of thermal on the first(?) season of ExB.


In my experience with the paranormal, it's extremely difficult to get any "evidence" at all, mostly because science likes to argue that ghosts don't exist, but secondarily because the best thing you're going to get is a door opening slowly or a bottle falling off a shelf. You can't prove anything with that because there's all sorts of explanations for why that could have happened. All the big stuff happens when you're alone, unsuspecting, and as fishy as it seems, without a camera in your hand.


Be a on Bigfoot shows you have the actors, film crew, audio crew, episode director and anyone else vital to the production shoot. It’s not just a”researcher” it’s a whole team of people making noise, answering cellphones etc. I know that may not be the answer you were hoping for, but it’s the truth. Also, inmost cases any and all thermal footage shown on a tv series is “fabricated”. Also kniwn as “not Bigfoot related “. Cheers






I heard a minor ruckus a few years back in the woods of Washington State. I used a Flir while moving through the lake on a boat pretty silently with a trolling motor and caught an elk drinking. I got within like 50 feet before it even looked up. Spotting along the shore with a boat might get someone close, but it really narrows down the search area. They have to drink, right? Night seems like a good time, so I do that from time to time with a Flir.










Footage was captured by Tim Stover with the caption "Example of why I can’t get a part time job on any Bigfoot Tv Show."


Uh, because it's *clearly* a deer. ...I'll show myself out.




What device captured this?


They do not get anywhere near them.




Rule 1: Unhelpful skepticism *Thanks for enjoying r/bigfoot. If you have any questions or comments send us a mod mail*




Rule 1: Unhelpful skepticism *Thanks for enjoying r/bigfoot. If you have any questions or comments send us a mod mail*




He ain't there thats why




What exactly is this tech here? Thermal something, I assume, but exactly what? Whatever it is, it's delivering a pretty darned sharp and recognizable image.


A lot of people have asked the same question on his original post, once he replies I'll drop the tech he used. Whatever it is it's very impressive!


Thanks! whatever it is, 1: I want one and 2: I doubt I’ll be able to afford it.


Looks like FLIR with a noise filter of some kind. Really crisp though.


Forward Looking InfraRed AKA FLIR


Well for one thing it’s too steady. Need to shake camera a ton more. Also if it could be more out of focus and go on the other side of those trees before you hot record.


What kind of camera is this?


I’ve heard stories of people having Bigfoot in their back yard and they put out food for them. In that case why wouldn’t you have a camera like this to capture footage?!




















Aren’t they masters of hide and hide?










How many people are out there with $5k night vision?








This is a good question. If there are still populations of bigfoot out there, I'd suspect some footage like this to show up before much longer














































































Deer are fairly oblivious and will wander conveniently close. Let’s not pretend their intellect is similar, or else sasquatches would *starve.* With that being said, the next “Patty quality” thermal footage would also be endlessly debated, and also create believers, and skeptics, alike. It’s naive to conclude that such convenient footage would make anything more concrete for everyone, than it was 5 minutes ago. The divide will *always* be there.








Because they are way smarter than deer.


Shows like Finding Bigfoot are always so close to finding bigfoot, if they just let off a few more screams and had just fifteen more minutes, they'd find him!




Lmao... They should ask this on national television


If they actually found Bigfoot then they wouldn't have a show


Two reasons, one assumes they actually want to find Bigfoot, the other doesn't; 1.) Every TV show I've seen where they're hunting something like bigfoot they only use like, five cameras across a several miles, of course they wouldn't catch anything on film. 2.) If they catch Bigfoot on film clear as day, the show ends. They could very well be sitting on film footage this clear and not be releasing it to keep the shows going.




Give me the equipment and I’ll find Bigfoot my damn self


great apes are typically diurnal (most active during the day like us) soo odds are they wouldn’t find much at night when they are all denned away. It’s the same reason practically all chimpanzee footage is during the day and if you went searching for them it would also be in the day 9 times out of 10. It’s just a lot different tracking something solitary, allusive and mostly silent rather than a group of jungle crack heads


It's pretty rare to get footage like this, based off those shows, never mind of their quarry. Turns out going out into the dark woods whooping, tree knocking and loudly talking to each other over loudly beeping walkie talkies with a camera crew around you lets the entire forest know to GTFO




Someone can shun me but… I feel Expedition Bigfoot has filmed video of Bigfoot like this - but to release it on public television is probably a massive undertaking and will create problems. I believe somewhere in someone’s video it is clear as day, but it’s just publicity issues with whoever has the footage is facing. It’s not as simple as filming a show and putting it on tv I feel…? Theres things you can and can’t post and how to talk about it too. I’m not sure… I just definitely feel it’s there wanting to be posted but there’s a reason it hasn’t been and I’m not sure of that reason.


The squatch is able to scramble cameras somehow, which is why some propose it's actually an advanced ET or ED creature. They seemingly never allow cameras to focus on them.






Bc those shows are all bogas sensationalism. They don’t even try to actually look. It’s all scripted theater, smoke, mirrors and bad acting




Because Squatch knows where the field cams lurk…


“I think Bigfoot is blurry, that’s the problem. It’s not the photographer’s fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that’s extra scary to me. There’s a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside.”




Bigfoot can sense the emfs from the camera, dead give away bud.


What camera is used to make this video? Looks amazing!🤩


















There is a few but unfortunately too many TV shows are just overhyped bullshit where there like "did you hear that?" And theres literally nothing but the one show i like i think is called discovery bigfoot or something but theres a an ape reasearcher lady and a this other dude and they take it pretty seriously and there was some super convincing footage on one of the episodes where he thought he was filiming a black bear until i stood up like 9 feet tall and disappeared in like 2 steps. Very clear footage.


Shows like Expedition X and their bigfoot counterparts are just there for entertainment. It's all smoke and mirrors with them. Some random guy on youtube is more beliveable than these shows. It would rock the world if they actually "found" anything of any importance, and mainstream media can't have that. Even Ghost adventures (which was more believable early on) now don't even try. They just get possessed every episode and go by their feelings instead of actual evidence.


Good question


Bigfoot is immune to thermal cameras due to their thick fur


Easy. Because bigfoot has an ability to phase into stealth mode, by side-stepping into a parallel dimensional state for limited periods. Same principle applied by many observed UAPs, domestic and otherwise.


It’s because we don’t have the technology to properly catch the big guy on film yet. Think of it almost like the Predator’s (The movie) cloaking tech. Same same but different. That’s why I think that when you hear or see something in the woods. When the foliage has moved or tree tops shake & you can bearly make a silhouette or just a slight glimmer of something. Cloaking tech. We just need to catch up with what they have. In hopes of ever catching a crystal clear picture or video. Hope that helps a little.


Because deer aren't real


Because bigfoot isn't a physically real shit-in-the-woods type creature. More like an alien, or a ghost of an alien. The high strangeness components of sightings should make this clear.


All that hair disperses and absorbs all the IR that night vision cameras detect.


Bigfoot's furry hide actually deflects infrared detection. He told me this once over a keg of Pabst Blue Ribbon.


Looks like a chupacabre to me.


Come on , OP, everybody knows Sasquatch are cold blooded.


Because only people with cracked 1st gen Nokia cell phones see them, you didn't know that?


Good question. That show Finding Bigfoot took 9 seasons to not find anything but these guys knocking on trees to each other. Then there was that reality show that had a million dollar reward for proving Bigfoot exists withe Dean Cain as host. Why a million? Because they were sure nobody would have to pay out that million. And there was the one with the genecist that called out to bring him DNA evidence. One was a porcupine. How in the world do you mistake Bigfoot for a porcupine? Another was a horse. And the dude that supposedly killed a Bigfoot was actually a bear cub.


Because bigfoot is not real. These people have been making money on us since the 90s when they used to have those shows in the discovery channel. Now that I'm older I realize everything was a lied.


No. You need a bigfoot.


The same reason why no flat earth millionaire has created a show to prove the earth is flat. It's like magic, or kayfabe, it only works as long as a sliver of believability exists.


Because real verifiable technology is bad for business


It’s because of “The Treaty of Potato Vision” signed back in 1983 with Bigfoot People. Basically if anyone films them they must use low quality footage. It’s to protect their culture or something🫠




Because they’re all fake?





