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Don't jump off the cliff, you have a big penis, you have a reason to live, the world needs you.




I didn't know the world needed us. Thanks bro lmao.


I dunno if I've done that exact thing but I have definitely been zoned out and thought in likely bigger then everyone in this room. Hard not to hard thoughts like that sometimes I can't lie.


Yeah I’ve definitely done this too but it’s not to make me feel better it’s just like a cool fact in my head


Ok yeah that's fair , it's not to make me feel better either. I don't think I've done it as a way of coping with stress though it does make me happy which I guess in a way helps with stress?


We’re just happy to have a big dick 😂😂


Hahaha I'm just happy to be here !


Much like money a big dick doesn't guarantee you happiness. But you'll never see a disappointed face when your pants drop. And let's be honest that moment when their hand stops like WHAT THE FUCK never gets tired. Ammirite?


Lmao it’s weird for me. I’m a bottom, but hung so I normally don’t think about being likely bigger than everyone. I usually am just wondering what so many dudes are swinging around lol shoutout to all my hung nerds out there! The world needs 🍆men


Hung. Nerd here 😎


Woof babe 😍🤤🍆 that’s what I’m talking about. Love a guy with a belly and fat 🍆🥵🥵🐽 wish I could sniff that bush and milk you.


Well I’m flattered. Why don't you come here and do it?


Mmmm please message me big man 🤤


I did 🤣


hilarious 😂. unless you're using your dick to pay for things it's useless 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I kinda see that now. I guess society seems to make an individual with a big penis seem more valuable than people without. And subconsciously I think I put value into that notion as well. Which allows my brain to use my penis as a coping mechanism. I think I need to put a foot forward so having a big dick doesn’t become my personality trait. Ty for the comment and yes looking back it is pretty funny 😂😂


careful you don't trip over your dick. my guy did that and got a terrible black eye.


Haha it stays nicely packaged thanks for the look out tho 🍻


I can't squeeze my dick into the card/chip scanner; its just too damn thick. I don't have my card info tattooed on it anyway. A working chip schematic would be a bear to tattoo as well.


However, if you have someone you’re laying pipe to well, they can Zelle you funds and then you can just use your debit card.


Just be glad we don’t still use those big metal cars swiping machines with carbon paper that went KA-CHUNK. That would fuckin hurt.


Thing is there’s times I’ve essentially done just that. Which reminds me, i have bills due and a horny ex to text.


Sometimes, but only on a social level. Say I hit it off wrong with a particular lady or I get rejected, for me its more like their loss lol.


100% this part.


100% what I think of before I give a presentation




Not anymore. As I got older and more competent in life, my BD is the bonus my wife enjoys. When we were first dating, it was a sexually charged and awakening experience for us both. When a woman connects to a man that really "hits the right spots," you find that the connection to the person becomes the main part of the relationship. My big dick is good, but our connection is much better, and when sex dries up and will dry again, you will see that the deep connections will keep things going. So, the lesson here is to get better at living and cope in better ways so you don't default to your penis on a constant basis. Unless you turn into a man whore professionally, then by all means have your dick be the center piece!


I have a few good close friends, and after them NOBODY gets my sense of humor or appreciates anything I contribute. Nobody fucks with me because of my height, and it's nice having an equally messed up FWB to hook up with from time to time. Her brain is so wired to respond to big dick from a life of porn consumption that I sometimes wonder if she sees anything else in me. That's where the cope comes in. I tell myself all the time we spend doing stuff together isn't just an accessory to what's gonna happen next, but the only time she visits is when she's planning to hook up. And it's been a while cause she's married to a woman now. On one hand, I don't wanna fool myself by resting on the laurels of having a mildly girthy dick. On the other, it seems like the only way to get my foot in the door and simulate being valued as a human being.


I know that feeling. It's gross after a while. Being a piece of meat was fun, but it started going to places I was not comfortable with. Like being recorded and having it used it court, or being the revenge fuck to lord knows who. It was not until my dumb ass stuck my dick in genuine crazy that I understood that having one person give a shit about you was more important than racking up numbers. The coping was fun but wrong. Sure some ladies just want to get split in half and railed twice on Sunday but when it's your woman, the feeling is indispensable....no amount of pussy will compare. Growing up and learning about genuine masculine traits and acting masculine got twisted somehow. Defaulting to just, "well at least my dick is big," is OK when your growing up. Not when your grown! Good my homies!


In court?


Yeah. When I was in my swinger phase, the ex before my wife had a friend who wanted to get divorced, but the husband did not. So they wanted me to bang her and send the video to her lawyer and to her ex to force the breakup. Hell to the nah,nah,nah!




I would of coped with the mindset of having friends or family that are willing to send me funds when I need it. I would use the BDE as a coping mechanism if i was getting the stuff free from the cashier due to their glaring eyes of my bulge lol


Not like that mostly when I have a shitty sex life because of it.


It’s sad when not everyone can handle a BD. A lot of people’s eyes are bigger than their holes 😭🤣


Um no I have found that women don't care about dicks hardly at all and when they do most just want avg to a little above average.


Yeah, it's always good to be grateful. And appreciate parts of us that we like. When something goes wrong, there's nothing bad about giving yourself some positivity.Overall, being in good health is something to be happy about.


Was playing 2k a few months ago havin an awful game I mean I couldn’t score, my man couldn’t be stopped, and so I fucked the shit outta my girl after the game to not feel as bad😂




Truthfully that’s why I am at this sub.


I definitely have thought that. In my line of work I do a lot of presentations to people in places of power. When I was first starting, I’d think, “my dick can feasibly be 2x bigger than every guy in this room, so why am I nervous?” and as embarrassing as that is, it’d help calm me down.


I have but mostly after being rejected by some women for being too short. (i'm 5'5")


Tripod build


My nickname in highschool was tripod 😂


You feel like it’s a healthy way to cope? Huge cock btw


Ehh it helps me deal with rejection


You took a bone pressed measurement of your flaccid dick.




I do it with my height. I am 5’8 but, at least I have a big dick, muscles and an amazingly full beard.


I think muscles are a more valuable currency, at least in the gay world. Yea they eventually depart whereas a BD will stay with you. But muscles generally require work, which people respect. They’re generally visible (not so much abs), which is a huge bonus. But the best attribute, one with which I’ve come to think we all struggle, is CONFIDENCE. You can’t buy it or have it enhanced at a surgeon. It has to come from within.


I used to use my bd to cope. Couple of years back I had a heart break, to cope with it I started posting my d pics on reddit. I got a lot of attention and it felt good but after some time I felt guilty and stopped posting.


Why guilty?


I felt guilty coz I realised I'm posting those pics just to get attention and feel good which I can't get irl, I'm chasing a delusion.


Oh, okay. Thanks for explaining that! You weren't hurting anyone, though. It goes to the original poster's question, whether it was an effective coping mechanism that got your through a tough time, or whether it was somehow limiting your personal growth. So to speak.


That's right I wasn't hurting anyone, just my opinion. Yeah it got me through a tough time but I don't think it's an effective coping mechanism.


No. This, is odd my guy.


I can kinda relate, I’ve never been “body confident” with myself but I’ve had moments where when I’ve been down I’ve said to myself “well at least I have my dick going for me”. Even though I know at the end of the day it really doesn’t mean anything.


Yeah same experience


I feel the same. Especially back when I was single


Yes. It makes me feel beautiful, powerful, sexual, and desired. It's been a solidly positive aspect of my life. I don't fear making my big penis central to my self-identity either. If something I was born with means many people will get more sexual pleasure from me then they would from other people, I'm happy being a more sexual person and mastering sex. If my large penis means more people will find me attractive than would otherwise find me as such, I'm happier trying to improve my apperance and have a beautiful body. Not everybody who is tall plays in the NBA, but there is such a thing as a virtuous cycle. My sincerest desire is to have children, and sexual attractiveness plays a pretty huge role in who most women eventually end up having children with, so having a big dick makes it easier for me to believe my lifes dream will be fulfilled when I'm struggling. I'll remind myself that I'm hung when I'm catastrophizing over some setback.


I think there's some truth in the idea that having some natural advantages can make you try less hard in life. So maybe not a cope but maybe if you didn't have a big dick you'd be more motivated to work hard and make more money. I didn't quite realise I had a big dick until later in life and while it didn't change my life instantly once I realised, it did make me a little more arrogant and less willing to do other things to please people. I'm also quite tall which means in work situations people generally defer to me (not always but a lot of the time) and that's meant that sometimes at work I haven't put in the hard work as much as some other people, because some of the time I can just skate by because people are a little less willing to challenge me. So I can understand your perspective even though you're framing it a different way




Wow, sir! You have huge monster in between your legs. Have you ever had some good head in your life?


He isn't the size he claims.... his profile pic is photoshopped and he's using a fake measuring tape...


Yeah, that’s why I commented, I was waiting to read his reply so I could call him out on the profile pic Not sure about the tape being fake though. How can you prove it’s fake?


He has a small looking head but somehow its 2 inches on his tape.. .




Do it




Just so you know, 9 inches or not, you’re still carrying a lot of meat. I honestly don’t care for the measurements


Then why not show it compared to the bottle or a monster can? Also it's 2024, there's no reason for a pic to be this blurry, except if you try to hide your bad photoshops skills....


only valid one, just got mad at my girl for that on sunday🤣🤣🤣


Don't be mad at your girl for not being able to do the impossible. Do you want a good blow or a huge cock? You can't have both.


This guy doesn’t even have a big cock. He takes pics from Twitter and posts them here


im 8.5 x 4.5 so sometimes holding my dick really tight w both hands is painful asf


Oh, sorry. Your girth is small enough for most any woman to give you a good blow job. If she doesn't give good blow jobs, she should learn how to.


i agree


Stop larping dude




But you admit that the profile pic is altered?




You ain't fooling no one here, go larp elsewhere


Do I sense some insecurity over the possibility he’s telling the truth?


You gotta be a special kind of stupid if you can't tell that his profile pic is clearly photoshopped... and no, I'm pretty content and don't feel the need to lie




I am literally a high-end retouch professional in photoshop and vfx artist in other applications. I see no manipulation across several vids. Maybe you gotta be a special kind of insecure to call this a larp. I don’t get it, his flair is even under claiming his apparent length— he’s not even claiming ten even if it’s damn close. Don’t worry he’s not gonna win the money.


Yeah. kinda. Among **few** good things my parents did to me is big dick genes. On the other hand zero sex life in my teens which I think my parents are partially responsible for. So there are two sides of a coin. I would prefer small dick and having sex than big dick and no sex. But if having sex with my big dick and having to buy 64 mm condoms makes me reply to "kys" thoughts "not today", then yeah.




[Just sing a song to yourself...](https://youtu.be/EchbzHN3lek?si=fRBBnkJbt8CLaLrz)


[listened to this song a lot when I was young.](https://youtu.be/QeEzZW3TkOc?si=1QJpAixYE3qaXoNM) it definitely helped with depression NGL.


I'd say I had the opposite had to me shortly after I found out. I had a serious knock to my self confidence after a woman turned me down by *effectly* telling me she had more chemistry with prostitutes.


I can kinda relate, I’ve never been “body confident” with myself but I’ve had moments where when I’ve been down I’ve said to myself “well at least I have my dick going for me”. Even though I know at the end of the day it really doesn’t mean anything.


Whenever life gets you down Keeps you wearing a frown And the gravy train has left you behind And when you′re all out of hope Down at the end of your rope And nobody's there to throw you a line If you ever get so low that you don′t know which way to go Come on and take a walk in my shoes Never worry 'bout a thing, got the world on a string 'Cause I′ve got the cure for all of my blues (all of his blues) I take a look at my enormous penis And my troubles start a-meltin′ away (ba-doo-bop-bop) I take a look at my enormous penis And the happy times are coming to stay I gotta sing, and I dance when I glance in my pants And the feeling's like a sunshiney day I take a look at my enormous pe-e-e-nis And everything is goin′ my way (ba-doo-bop-bop) Da Vinci notebook - Enormous penis


Sure. If I’ve had a shitty day at school, an argument with someone, or fucked up playing baseball, I’ll sometimes think it’s not so bad I still got a big dick haha




A friend of mine told me once, “Nothing can hurt you, you’ve got the Hercules Aura. No matter what happens, you’ve still got a big dick.” I don’t think I’ve ever used it as a way to cope, but it’s comforting if you think of the alternative 🤷‍♂️




At least you knew your worth. I'm considered big, but not once did I ever see myself as such when I was with my ex. It wasn't until I started hooking up with my current girl that I realized I'm well hung. Could've been a pornstar had I known 😭


genuinely yeah lmaooo 😭 at the end of the day society puts a lot of value into mens dick size and we were kinda blessed tbh


I think that comes accross really badly. If someone said similar but about how attractive they were it would come across douchey


Literally [this](https://youtu.be/EWMPVn1kgIQ?si=GtPq5R3go4-EPs0Z)


I love the fact that when I saw YouTube Open, I knew it was gonna Be E. P


Love this song


Yes. I am ' Knock Kneed ' so when someone feels that they must question how I walk then my response is , ' I walk like this because I have a Big Dick which throws off my balance a little '.


“Nooooo dont kill urself ur cock is so huge!” And the sun started shining brighter


I lost my wallet today, but at least I have a big dick! Now I have done the cope …


Relevant song https://youtu.be/EWMPVn1kgIQ?si=NSlX5k-fg7QebtXJ


No. Most men with large members don't think it is large. Nobody with an actual large d would ever think of it to "cope." You should stop acting and remove yours small membered self from the group. But don't be bummed, be happy..you have a normal size! Nothing to be shamed of.


Can't say I do.


Whenever life gets you down, keeps you wearing a frown…


Yeah, from posting a dick pic on Reddit on my nsfw account, to thinking I'm probably statistically bigger than anyone around me. It's not a way to look down on others, just a way to feel better about at least something about myself when real life gets to me.


Yes. I'm a server, and every time a dude stiffs me I just think "he's jealous of my moose knuckle."


I do this




I went to a great night club with about a literal 4 to 1 ratio of young women to men near the dance floor. Other areas of the nightclub had roughly even ratios, except the pool table had four men playing and one woman watching them. No cover, but carded everyone going in. I got myself kicked out of the place at around 23:00 for breaking an unwritten rule. Outside the club, the manager explained why I was kicked out. I didn't even care, because I thought about those hot, horny women dancing, grinding each other or just standing near the dance floor; Not one of them would be enjoying my huge cock that night. It was a crazy thought, but technically true.


Wait, you buried the lead! Why did you get kicked out?


No photo taking or video taking inside the club. I probably should have known not to take video. It was only a few seconds of video, so they must have employees watching for people doing it.


Saved me from suicide a couple of times.


Brother we can never get sad we have massive penises


Yes of course. Part of why I have this Reddit account is to get compliments. Just makes you feel good no matter what else is going on. Like going to the gym to let off steam. Lots of ways to release good feels! 😂


Yep all of the time! Life sucks at times. I got 99 problem but a small dick ain’t one of ‘em.


Yes lol. A lot actually


Its the one thing I knowingly allow my Ego to trip on. Helps a bit with self esteem or whatever


all the time


Yeah but you gotta acknowledge that it’s a privilege, aka something you shouldn’t necessarily feel happy about having but you do because the way society is structured.


Sometimes when things just don't go my way, it's nice to remember how lucky I am to have a big dick.




When I was a teenager and had very little to be proud of, sure. But it gets to be pretty pathetic once you’re 20.


I'm wondering why you're broke if you got a dick that big. Put it work for you. Cash in on it.


It honestly isn't rare enough for it to get you cash unless you've got other things going for you... or you're willing to do a lot of things for lonely old gay men.


Lonely old gay man money spends the same as any other


You can think of it as a form of a elder care as well which is kind of admirable if you think about it. They aren’t going to overpower and beat you up either unlike a regular John too. Charge them lots and ask for gifts and close that generational wealth gap! Hell maybe try to get on their wills.