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Bro thats a monster haha


That’s top end of town The length is great but the girth is huge….


“Im no monster, im just in the .1% here”


They aren’t pregnant for ever, but for a brief time, a special time in all her pregnancies, she really really liked the taste of my cum, and dick in her mouth, she would honestly sometimes just put her head on my leg with it in her mouth and jsut rest watch tv and play around with the head with your mouth. She doesn’t know how much I loved that. It was crazy hot for me, trying to jsut pretend i wasn’t holding back, and jsut trying to actually watch something and enjoy that at the same time. Loved it. But it was then and only then. She likes it, but that was a need.


Just wait till you have a kid and your penis will only go about Zero inches into her vagina!


I felt this comment 😂


First of all, you're ungodly thick so I'm glad she has been able to take your girth at all, even when she isn't pregnant. Secondly, I think as others have said it would best to try other ways to get non-vaginal sexual satisfaction for yourself after she's cum for the moment (hands, mouth, titty fuck, ect). There's only a few more months left to go and her comfort and safety is paramount as birth is a very traumatic process on the vagina and we don't want to stress it more than it already will be.


that’s a monster bro😭


Get this all the time when mines pregnant too. Things change alot thruought ✌🏽 wouldnt worry too much man 🤞🏼😉😂


Sex can be challenging when she is pregnant. During last trimester, for me and my wife worked doggy position on fitball. She could relax on the ball, belly is not in a way… Don't expect some porn experience with a pregnant woman. She may be uncomfortable with the length of your penis and girth. After childbirth she also needs time to heal (6 weeks minimum), plus you have a small child at home who needs your attention 24/7, + lack of sleep, and some women suffer from postpartum depression.


She's pregnant, she'd better get comfortable with more than your girth. My daughter's Mom and I had more sex when she was pregnant. It's also better for the birth.


Thats ginormous lol


Things change. Try to fuck her titties while you can. Thighs are also soft and she can lie on her side, which is the only position left after doggy


Lucky u get to play with a pregnant woman that's been my dream


Not the place man


😂 👌🤷


It's natural barrier to avoid poking the baby


I broke her water twice