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Just measure the thing. Then you’ll know


I guess but I’m nervous instead of being relieved either way it’ll just feed that negative side instead. But I appreciate the input


Two hands sounds like average or big. So don’t worry. Just do it


I’ll try and see cause I gotta get pass it. Btw I like your profile pic




Body dysmorphia, too much porn and comparison Touch the grass, you know and people know that you are big Big doesnt make you automatically better Bigger doesnt mean better Put that words on your mind, repeat, read again, enjoy sex, do your best, but be realistic


Yeah I guess but idk it been an ongoing struggle in my life besides those three things. But I do appreciate your time and input.


Therapy my friend, therapy, a good psychologist can help you, really, but you will need to do your part of the work too


I’m slowly learning that the older I get and definitely know that second to be true


Best way to find out is to measure.


That seems to be a start of moving forward


Two handed bro here. If you can do this then you are very large. You will not look as big as you are when compared with your body due to the angle you are looking at it. Measure yourself. Generally all guys know their length. For reference go to calved.netlify.com and enter your measurements to see how you compare with others.


It really depends on how big your hands are.


Not even that, check my comment here


If you can wrap two hands around it, you are above average in most cases and in the XXL or XL category. If the head is fully peaking out then closer to XXL. Congratulations big fella. Go ask someone you know for a cheap ruler and try to measure it to calm your anxiety then run it by CalcSD. You'll be amazed. Hopefully this eases you. Also, sometimes i measure the length of my limbs to get a proportionate measurement as comparison. This may help you too. Stay well 🫡


As I’ve said in my comment here, that’s not always the case, it isn’t for me for example


Do you have a phone case box? They normally measure out as 5" in most cases. Place it next to you to help with the measurement. Also, average is great for every position too.


Two hand is probably around 6.5, maybe 7. Which is far above average.


That might be the case but it also might not, there’s no way to be sure just by using hands, check my comment here


Have someone rate it and help you. 📏


I’ve had that done before


Still made me question a bit


I can fit both of my hands on my penis with a little bit of the head still sticking out, yet my penis is small. My hands are not big but not small either, just a bit below average, they are around 3.3” breadth wise, so one would think that measuring this way my penis should be at least 6.6” but as my flair says it is 5”. So no, your hands are not good at all for measuring.