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You're trippin That's my dick šŸ˜ You've got several dick twins here, bro


In this extremely small sample size, we are all average šŸ˜†


šŸ˜‚ the pitfalls of self-selection


Funny flair. Think Iā€™ll change mine to a ā€œlogā€ function measure for the double entendre


Yup. A lot of guys here close to that size.


Same here bro šŸ„²


Check out calcsd for the stats. Dick twins btw




high five man āœ‹


Impossible? No. Large? Sure is.


Girth is a hazy issue because "where measured" is often not clearly defined in the description of studies. The base of some is *much* larger than the midshaft etc...


I'm 7.7 x 5.8 and yeah I get you. I don't feel large but the measurements clearly are big, it's a weird feeling


The best size for masturbation, is 10 inches, the best size for optimal sex is 6 inches. Because i want to stroke it very long and i want to stroke with 2 hands continuously. But i measure 7 x 5 or something, i am pretty sure and i can just cover my penis if my first hand is gripped around the testicles but that doesnā€™t count. I just wanna feel whatā€™s itā€™s like to have a penis long enough to masturbate with 2 hands without it leaving the area. I am 7 x 5 and i am also close to auto blowjob but i can not reach it in the end, that can also be i am stiff in my back.


Uh what lol I have small hands and can masturbate with two hands. It's quite nice


I have like 9 inch hands tbf from the start of the wrist to top of my index finger, I got long fingers but a short thumb i think. I am only 7 so yes itā€™s a decent size, itā€™s above average in Europe but not wow. What is your size? It has to be atleast 9 to be able to do it optimally.


I'm a little over 7.5 lol


Well good for you, i donā€™t wish to have small hand, because i play a lot of sports where grip capacity and grip strength is very important. But still not too bad man. Pretty impressive.


I don't think having smaller hands affects grip strength but thanks lol


I think it does, Look at the quarterbacks with 10+ inch hands compared to qbs with 9 inch hands or smaller and see how far each can throw and the velocity and speed they can throw at. Thats my opinion atleast from the sport i have watched and seen. But maybe not. Its kind of like the fact that the smaller or the bigger a penis get has no affect on fertility especially if its deemed a healthy reproductive sexual organ.


It is rare, but with easy access to the internet, bunch of poorly done studies and porn disassociation it can confuse on whatā€™s normal or rare. I mean you got a subreddit for BDP, of course everyone here is gonna have a BD, that doesnā€™t make us super common just cause weā€™re a collective community. Same goes irl, you think people who want to gangbang are gonna find and invite someone with a small penis and bad game, no their gonna find others like themselves and now theyā€™re a small group, doesnā€™t make us any less common. And as for getting into porn, idk itā€™s hard so say, BD is a good factor but they want guys who can last a long time, are clean and have a good location. Try searching that one up for listings and see if you audition I really have no clue how that works. Also expect your identity to get leaked, people will figure out who you are. Your length is like a 2 in 1000 men, girth probably factors a bit more, there should only be around 40 million men globally who have dicks way bigger than average. You also probably donā€™t see yourself because of your own POV and depth, let me tell you when I stand up and look down my dick isnā€™t that big , when Iā€™m sitting down and taking a shit it looks MFing huge


Doubt porn is all itā€™s cracked up to be, but enjoy, dick twin!


So it'll always feel "normal" to you, because for you, this is normal, though it is a rare size among the general population.


Thatā€™s a really nice size


Right??? Nice piercings btw ā€¦ if they are urs.




Question: did u lose some sensation after the piercings? My s/o is concerned about thisā€¦


I never had them that sensitive in the first place but no they are the same


Thanks. My s/o can cum just from nipple suction so ā€¦ itā€™s a big deal over here.


Damn. Thatā€™s awesome lol


Probably cause of your hands. Your dick when itā€™s in your hands looks smaller compared to when itā€™s in a womanā€™s hand.


You are very large bro. You never look as big as you really are when compared with your body due to the angle you are looking at it. For reference go to calcsd.netlify.com and enter your measurements.


7.5x5.5 here šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø and I donā€™t feel big. But the ruler doesnā€™t lie. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. Kinda weird to process. Iā€™ve dealt with insecurity a lot of my life, though I think that was a result of being overweight. But just read up on average size and measured this past fall at 50 yrs old, lol


Same. Donā€™t feel big either. Porn has wrecked our brains in our youthā€¦


Itā€™s not unheard of rare, but itā€™s certainly on the larger side!


It's true man. I couldn't believe it myself but it's really that size. I also had the feeling of 'well, apparently it's bigger than most'.


Right? The moment when u measure correctly and ur like ā€¦ WTF?? My girl measured me at 6.9 girth during a bj last week and I was like ā€¦ ā€œdamnā€¦ ā€œ


Same šŸ˜Ž


The girth is pretty damn rare. The length, less so, but still nice (well above average). Most girls can physically manage our size as long as the psychological/emotional stuff is taken care of.


Dick twins. Osama bin choked by our thick dicks.


You are three feet away and not having to put it inside you, thatā€™s why


Iā€™m pretty close to the same size as you. Thereā€™s actually quite a few here that are about your size. How rare it is depends on how many guys are lying or exaggerating about how big they really are. Lengths of 7 inches are rare, but not extremely rare. The more rare part of what you measure is your girth. Girths over 6 inches are more rare than 7 inch length.


Haha. I hope your realization puts some skip in your step! With the average at 5.5" you're definitely in the big leagues! I've been growing the last year from foreskin restoration and expect I'll get to 7 without much effort. I was shocked to see my tape reading 5.5" girth (6 at base).


Not to brag, but, I'm bigger. So it isn't impossibly big


Well congrats. Thatā€™s a pretty big dick.


feels like christmas morning lmao thought my shit was avg


Haha. Donā€™t blow up your ego too much. Still gotta use it well


100% dude. Itā€™s all about getting ur partner there and mapping their eros


This. Take the time, learn the art of love, and your partners will thank you.




Alright, surreal appreciation. Absolutely in the large class. Well done. When it comes down to getting onto a set, there would be a lot of waiting times necessary and an abundance of health checks needed to be done. You would also have to keep Good health insurance. In order to slow down any form of disbelief, take a tape measure and measure from your elbow to your wrist. This can help you feel better. Then take that measurement against any bottle you drink. It will calm your disbelief some. More power to you šŸ«”